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natural girls



  • luv_gardening
    luv_gardening Member Posts: 362
    edited April 2010

    PAP,  Thanks for the info but it was for MakMak3030 - Marina who posted on the 16th, she will be needing it as she is stage IV and will be getting a lot of chemo.  Hopefully I won't be needing any more chemo ever again.

     Painterly, thanks for the compliment. It seems from what you read I should have been eating a lot more fibre all my life.   I'm getting plenty now though.

  • seaotter
    seaotter Member Posts: 642
    edited April 2010

    Painterly - I was fascinated by the constipation Yell info. Since I have added fiber to my diet I'm not that way anymore!!! The way I ate bc was not good. What info did you find out about the Myomin? I keep going back and forth with Myomin and Dim. I can't decide which one to stick with. I would appreciate and thoughts.

    Love to all, Patty

  • painterly
    painterly Member Posts: 266
    edited April 2010

    Hi Patty,

    I am still researching, but one website points out that Myomin is more for the menopausal to post-meno woman, because it is not as strong as DIM. It's been almost a month since I stopped taking Arimidex,and I am planning to have my hormones tested before I make any decisions. The website also points out that Myomin and DIM are made up of cruciferous veges, so until I decide, I will stuff myself with the veges.Cool

  • turtlehen
    turtlehen Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2010

    Hello ladies.  I'm new here but I'm so impressed with your viewpoints that I plan to be a regular.  I'm going to read as much as possible to try get up to speed. 

     Here's where I am right now.  Two years ago both my sister and I were diagnosed with early stage breast cancer.  We both did as we were told, had surgery, and radiation and were both put on Arimedex.  Fast forward to about a month ago when I went for a 6 month check up.  I complained that the tablets made me feel like crawling out of my skin so the Dr suggested I try Aromasin and gave me a months worth of samples.  From day 1 I was sick and had all the classic symptims--extreme joint pain, extreme muscle pain, head aches, nausea, insomnia depression.  My left knee hurt so badly that I could barely walk. 

     It took 3 weeks, amazingly for me to put it all together and stop taking them.  Both of us have done online research and that's how I found you lovely ladies.  It's clear that I've alot to learn.  I will never put that poison into my body again but I want to learn how this estrogen problem can be controlled in a new way.  I believe you are on the right track.  This is too complicated for already time strapped Doctors to teach us individually, hence the one size fits all ( or most ) Arimedes/Aromasin/Tomoifin fix.  I'm so scared of the future but no where near as scared as facing a future with the pain I was experiencing.  I'm not taking this to my Dr because I know she won't get it.  I will educate myself, my sisters, my daughters, neices and friends.  

    Thank you thank you thank you !

  • vivre
    vivre Member Posts: 881
    edited April 2010

    Hi Everyone,

    Just got back from Disneyworld with no kids. The one thing I noticed is how many kids there are in this world! It was fun going to the parks without the little whiners. LOL   Lots of Euros there, stranded from the volcano. They did not seem too disappointed though. I feel guilty being so judgemental now, but it always amazes me at how unhealthy the world seems to be getting and how many of these people seem to be at Disneyworld. I was especially upset to see so many young girls who are obviously estrogen dominant. I know there were not that many overweight girls in my day. They wear those skimpy tops that they are bulging out of. It just saddens me so much, because they will be at even higher risk of getting cancer and diabetes that my generation was. We have to do something about this! Seeing so many obese people in scooters and all those fat babies, just made me more determined to help to educate others that prevention is the key. We have been changing some things on our website, but are up and running again. We still have a lot of content to add, but we are very happy at the direction we are going. Those of you who are already members, let me know what you think about the changes. And those of you who would like to join, send me a pm and I will send you the link. Also, join our private natural girls group. I just had all my tests done, and I will let you know of the results of everything there.

    Glad to see newbies joining in here- hope you will find it helpful. God bless you all!

  • seaotter
    seaotter Member Posts: 642
    edited April 2010

    vivre - so great to see a post from you. I think I can speak for all of us oldies here, we have missed you tremendously!!! I have not been back on your website for quite sometime but will be checking it out soon!

    Love, Patty

  • painterly
    painterly Member Posts: 266
    edited April 2010

    Thanks for your post VIVRE,

    So true about your comment concerning "estrogen dominant" chubbies. I saw an article that said if we are 35inches and more around the waist, we are considered "overweight."  And being overweight = estrogen dominance.

    I was never overweight before Arimidex. So that powerful pill creates estrogen as well as blocking it.

     Now that I am off the drug,,,my weight is back to normal.

    I look forward to seeing your website.

  • painterly
    painterly Member Posts: 266
    edited April 2010

    Hi Vivre,

    Nice to see your post. I look forward to seeing your website.

  • Nan
    Nan Member Posts: 49
    edited April 2010

    Dear turtlehen,

    You might want to check out the Vitamin D3 thread and the Bio-Identical threads. I will bump them forward for you.

    It is not I who was dx with bc, but my dear daughter at age 45, and with TNBC...Triple Negative Breast Cancer in June of 2007. As Dr. Love so eloquently daughter was "slashed, poisoned and burned". Now she does everything natural, including BHRT. Had she known then what she knows now, she would have been able to make more informed decisions.

    I would recommend that you read the book.."What Your Doctrors May (not) Tell You About Breast Cancer", by Dr. John Lee. It is a real eye opener. Another excellent book is "Anticancer A New Way Of Life", by David Servan-Schreiber. One other book..."Natural Hormone Balance for Women", by Uzzi Reiss, M.D./O.B. GYN.

  • Luna5
    Luna5 Member Posts: 532
    edited April 2010

    Vivre...missed you here even though I have joined your site.  You were here at just the right time for me as were many others.  I miss all who have been absent and the info and comments you/they provide/provided.

  • tamgam
    tamgam Member Posts: 83
    edited April 2010

    HI there,  Brand new to this thread.  I have been dealing with bc only since Jan 2010 and had a BMX on 3/26. I found LCIS 2 yrs ago and then my current dx of tubular carcinoma aside a small DCSI.  I am current in process of filing TE for an exhchange to silicone implant within a few months. 

    Met with onc yesterday and he did not feel I would gain enough by taking tamoxifen. YAY! I was truly terrifed of having to take that insipid little pill.  I was inclined to decline it but onc wasn't even for it.  (My BS thought it was a given).  So here I am left wondering what to do to protect myself now.  I have been ok about exercise and keep my wieght down- that is until the surgery 4 weeks ago.  I went hog wild and have gained a lot of weight.  I know I can get it off but what is the best way to begin incorporating supplements and what "evil" foods to eliminate first.  I am not a big on going cold turkey.  I want to make permanent lifestyle changes not just temporary changes.

    I admire the strenght and commitment it takes to live well with or after a bc dx.  Any suggestions or words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated. 



  • makingway
    makingway Member Posts: 465
    edited April 2010

    Tracie- welcome to the group. There is so much to read about on the various subjects. It's sometimes easier to ask questions or send a private message to someone in the group. In the last year I have done a complete 180 degrees in my thinking about food, diet, the medical establishment and humankind for that matter. My first suggestion to you is to watch a few videos. It's easier than reading a long book. If you have netflix, look for "The Future of Food", "The Beautiful Truth", "King Corn" and "Food Inc". They are real eye openers. A great book is the one done by David Servan-Schreiber M.D. PhD. titled, "Anticancer". He is a doctor, as well as a cancer survivor.

    There are supplements some take to help with the hormones. 13C, DIMM, Myomin are the ones I read most about. Some women use a progesterone cream. A good one, which I use is manufatured by KoKoRoo. A good start is to have your hormones tested by a doctor who specializes in bioidentical hormone replacement. There are different testing methods, some better than others. I think I've read that the saliva tests are more accurate for some results.

    Stay away from sugar as much as possible in all forms-especially high fructose corn syrup. You also want to do what you can to reduce inflammation. Here is a link to an article concerning cancer induced metastasis:

    I hope I didn't overload you with TMI.

  • smallworld123
    smallworld123 Member Posts: 33
    edited April 2010

    Hello all my sisters, I have been reading your post and thinking of all of you. The post from Makingway, got to me, why did she have to show the link to the article on metastasis,most of us all have had a mx and we sure don't need to worry about it coming back because we had surgery. I have known women who lived a full life after having a mx and no recurrance. We do not need to scare each other with all the news articles, we all  have the same chance of it coming back no matter what the treatment was. I wish you all well, and God Bless"

  • tamgam
    tamgam Member Posts: 83
    edited April 2010

    Makingway- thanks for all the info.  I appreciate it and can use that as my starting point for gathering information.

    Smallworld- I think we are all responsible for gathering our own info and being informed.  I also think most women are certainly capable of sifting through positve and negative information.  We all have to be realistic about what is possible and probable in our situation with our individual dx.  I have not checked out the link makingway suggested but even if it gives some scary info it is up to us to check the facts and be realistic.  I appreciate your concern for all of us.  I agree we really can't get caught up in the negative.  Positive attitude plays a large role in our recovery and remaining healthy. I just think we need to be well informed.

    I welcome any other ideas to invetigat and look forward to being part of a group of women who are actively pursing a full, healthy life beyond bc.

    Hugs 2 all ♥

  • Luna5
    Luna5 Member Posts: 532
    edited April 2010

    Re the cancer metastasis article.

    I have read it several times and think it is good that suggestions are offered for what can be done to minimize the "release" of cells.  I was going to give a copy to my surgeon at next appt.

    Question I have that I want to ask surgeon....Do Mastectomies disturb the tumor?  I would assume that unless the tumor is near the incisions, that it would stay encased in whatever it is in.  I want clarification as to whether the entire breast is cut off in one piece or whether it is sliced up somehow.  Based on the LE article, I think if I were having the Bi-Lat again I would ask that the surgeon stay as far from the tumor site as possible when cutting.

    I agree that we don't want to intentionally scare each other but I have researched until my brain is about to explode and I think once we have joined this club we have that scare in the back of our minds forever about something we never really dwelled on before.

    Just as I think I have figured out my health and supplement plan, I read something that questions it.  The research and conclusions about what is right or wrong to do changes all the time.

    My surgery is done whatever was done was done...but I do think it is good if that LE article spurs others to question BEFORE their surgeries how the surgery will be done and how close to the tumor will they go and will the tumor be disturbed.  Whether the article is right or not, it probably does make sense for pre-surgical women to insist that the tumor be as undisturbed as possible until it goes to the lab.  I never discussed margins because I went all out and lopped everything I guess I will be pretty peeved if I find that they decided to slice right through the middle of the tumor instead of going waaaay around it.  But, I didn't even know to ask the question.  And look at we are only a year later....informing people that they may want to ask some basic questions that we never considered before making their personal decisions.

    These kinds of discussions and sharing of information is why this wonderful thread with all you wonderful women has gotten me through this in a way that only similarly involved people can do.

    Thank you to all who research and share with the rest of us.  There are so many who volunteer countless hours to help others here and on other threads.  Thank you!

  • cs7777
    cs7777 Member Posts: 303
    edited April 2010

    Can anyone here answer: is the main "vitamin D" thread the one "help with vitamin D levels" or something else I'm not seeing?  Thanks in advance!

  • chelev
    chelev Member Posts: 417
    edited April 2010

    Hi, ladies.  Haven't been on this discussion for a while, actually since last summer when I decided to try the tamoxifen - well, fast forward - 6 months on that and I broke out in horrible hives that lasted for 6 weeks.  Yup - completely allergic to it - we even tried from 2 different manufacturers.  My doc then had me take a break (it was a 2 week heaven!) and then put me on fareston.  After 1 month, I am stopping it myself - too many bad se's (and not the "normal" ones, of course) - thinning hair, severe insomnia, dizziness, nausea, headaches and the start of hives on the back of my head again.  So, I don't think I am going to do any of the remedies my onc offers, I have tried the AI's too and 2 weeks on femara were hell.  I went to my health food supermarket yesterday and the guy who runs the vitamins/supplements department, he's really knowledgeable, gave me a pamphlet and recommend a new product, Brevail.  Have any of you heard of or tried this?  It is natural, with VitD3 (which I am taking already, so more doesn't hurt), and the Brevail, which is a lignan extract from flaxseed.  The info on this says it is for proactive breast health, and is the first natural product to proactively address the maintenance of orderly cellular division in the preservation of breast health.  says that our bodies use the natural plant lignans, now sparse in the diet, to buffer and balance potentially adverse effects of estrogens.  He recommended it over DIM.  Anyone have any info on this?

  • seaotter
    seaotter Member Posts: 642
    edited April 2010

    Hi clelev! So good to see you again! I researched a little on Brevail. It does have soy in it Yell but Dim does too, so I don't know!!! Why all the soy???? I'm so tired of trying to find food and supplements without it. Sometimes it is just impossible!

    I'm so sorry you have had such a rough time with trying all the different meds. I think your body is telling you something. Welcome back to the natural girls. I hope and pray that you feel better soon!!!!!

    I'm hoping the others girls will have some knowledge about Brevail.

    Your picture is darling!!!!!

    Love to all, Patty

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,957
    edited April 2010

    I'm pretty sure I saw a thread on Brevail somewhere here on the boards--have you tried a search?

  • dlb823
    dlb823 Member Posts: 2,701
    edited April 2010

    Here's a link to the Brevail website:  

    I'm not familiar with it, chelev, but I think it looks pretty interesting.  I'll ask a few docs about it this week and see if I can come up with anything about it specifically for our situation.  The website wisely (from an FDA standpoint) promotes it for use after Tamoxifen.     Deanna

  • chelev
    chelev Member Posts: 417
    edited April 2010

    Thanks, ladies!  It would be interesting to hear what they say about it . . .and yes, it is very difficult finding anything soy free.  I do think my body is trying to tell me something - stay away from the weird, toxic drugs!

  • sheridangirl
    sheridangirl Member Posts: 75
    edited April 2010

    Hi All,

    I am new to the site and need some help.

    I was DX with phyllodes tumor BC 08/09 and underwent BIMX with TE's 10/09. No chemo or radiation.

    On 03/10 I had exchange and silicone implants placed. I developed an infection and was in hospital for 5 days getting daptomycin AB. Continued them at home but infection came back and my left implant was removed 04/01/10. Infection finally abated but my right side with the implant continues to have fluid build up and the muscle is contracting around the implant. (I have a big rubber ball on my chest) and I am also having fluid issues on the left side . So here is the problem. I am allergic to many things, tape, AB's painkillers, and my body is very reactive to silly stuff like jewelry and metal buttons. I don't think my body likes the silicone implant either.

    I am looking at doing DIEP in New Orleans at a later date but I want to make sure I am in the best health possible and I really want to get my immune system built up. I am not really sure what to do. We grow our own meat and eggs and I eat fairly healthy. I take Vit B, C and E and drink green tea. Do any of you have any other suggestions as to what I might add?

  • makingway
    makingway Member Posts: 465
    edited April 2010

    smallworld-I'm sorry you were upset by the article, and glad at the same time. My intention was not to 'scare' you. My intention was to inform you. You say that you don't want to worry about a recurrence. I believe that we all should have such a concern. Each one of us must be proactive to find out how to prevent a recurrence. YOUR health is in YOUR hands. A doctor will advise you, but they only have so much knowledge, and little time. They also have a bias in you getting 'treatment'. Afterall, as the article notes, all of this information has been previously published in journals etc.We don't ALL have the same chance of it coming back. You are right, in that it's a crapshoot, but there are things you can do to reduce your chances for recurrence. After surgery inflammation can last a year! We can reduce this by taking an antiflammatory ie., ibuprofen. We can take vit D3, among other supplements. Incidently, I asked my oncologist about the vit D3 study done in 2007. He dismissed it and said there is no proof that having low vit D3 levels and cancer are associated. Believe what you will-I've taken my head out of the sand.

    Luna-Yeah, it kinda sucks we learn all this stuff after the fact...

  • lucy88
    lucy88 Member Posts: 100
    edited April 2010

    smallworld, I appreciate learning the facts. I want everyone to share what they uncover in their research whatever it is.

    I did several things wrong because I did not know a patient could research these things. I thought the doctors had some secret place they learned information. Hah!

     I think we should help others who can use the information such as an alternative to morphine, or restricting lymph node dissection when they already know from the tumor pathology report you will have chemo recommended. They risk lymphedema for life just for an outdated staging procedure. We can tell our friends and family these things.

  • smallworld123
    smallworld123 Member Posts: 33
    edited April 2010

    All my sisters, You got me wrong. It is good to know all information, but after having a mx and knowing that their are others that are still alive after years of surgery and no spread of the cancer, then that tells me not everyones cancer cells spread when you have surgery. My daughter is a nurse and said that you would be surprised at all the older women like in their 80's had a mx in the 70's and are alive and well now, and I pray that all of us that had the surgery will prove this study is not always right. I'm due for my 1 year check-up Tuesday, and will asked my doctor who did the surgery, I just had my mammogram on the other breast and all is okay, and I plan on going in for the tissue expanders this summer.  I don't wake up everyday and say, I have to worry today about a recurrance someday, I pray that it will not happen to any of us. We need to be postive. Don't worry, Be happy.

  • ReRe1957
    ReRe1957 Member Posts: 2
    edited April 2010
    Hello ladies, well I was diagnosed with DCIS bk in Nov 09 had surgurey Jan 3, 2010...went thru the surgurey with no problems, thank the will be the start of my third week in taking Tamoxifen and Clondine...the first two weeks kicked my butt felt tired and sleepy but this past week seems to be getting better other than the discharge(hate that) I was very reluctant in taking the Tamoxifen but my surgeon & oncologist really felt like it would be very beneficial...Prior to my surgurey I had a good month to get my diet in a different road...I bought a juicer and started juicing still do it, love it...I also do the Barley Max from Helliugiah Acres...I started taking 1200 mg fish oil daily, flaxseed capsules, flaxseed ground up and put into my foods, juice etc. Tumeric which I have read tons about, Calicum with Vit D3, Vit E, Cinnomon caps, Brocoo capsules(get these from GNC), garlic capsules, selinium capsules...I feel great but still hate the fact that I am taking the tamoxifen I really didn't want to..I do know that my juicing has become a daily routine and when I am away from home I can tell when I miss it...I also have become a huge fan of
    Whole Foods, I buy almost everything orgainic....I took Premarin 1.25 mg from 1993 to 2004 after my complete hysterectomy I wish now I had not taken them after reading so much about them...I took myself off of them thank goodness....I just joined this site tonight so I am new to all of this...hope all has a wonderful & blessed week.....~Smiles~
  • olivia218
    olivia218 Member Posts: 50
    edited April 2010

    has anyone heard of Pliva as a Vitamin D manufacturer? I am assuming this is D2 not D3 - is that the correct assumption?

  • Nan
    Nan Member Posts: 49
    edited April 2010

    Olivia, is the is ergocalciferol..D2...not cholecalciferol which is vitamin D3

    other link..all the way down under the V

    and another

  • seaotter
    seaotter Member Posts: 642
    edited April 2010

    Hi "natural girls"! I went to my second therm yesterday. My girls are still blue!!!! The lady that did the scan was very informative. She gave me two websites that I thought you might like. They are: and

    Love to all, Patty

  • anondenet
    anondenet Member Posts: 261
    edited April 2010

    Hello Natural Girls!

    It looks like many of our oldies have moved elsewhere. I miss you guys.

    Yeah, Patty! Blue girls!  We must celebrate. I'm sending you some cyber Champagne.

    xoxox A.