Ive honored bc.org with a donation

In the past, I have made donations to bc.org in the name of dear friends I've met here over the years--cyberly and in person at get-togethers.  bc.org provided me a sanctuary to ask questions, receive support, and share my experiences with others--and, the feedback I've received has enriched my life.

I appreciate bc.org and am grateful for the opportunity to learn and share at their web site...

gentle huggggsssss to all!!!


  • flash
    flash Posts: 129
    edited May 2009

    I second your thoughts and actions junie.

    Hugs to all

  • flash
    flash Posts: 129
    edited December 2009

    *bump*(so we don't look at the spam post.)

    Happy Holidays to all.

  • beesie.is.out-of-office
    edited January 2010

    Another "bump" in order to get the spam post off the top of the list.