Abbreviations for newbies - updated
If the offer is still on I'd love a hot chocolate!!
Well good night again!!
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Hot chocolate it is. Want any marshmallows?
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Oh, I'd love some hot chocolate but yesterday eating dairy (cheese) did me in - such pain that actually sits in my shoulders. Nothing helps except burping it out over a period of several hours. I was not a happy camper. Better today but didn't sleep well so turning in early tonight.
Sweet dreams Ainm (I watch CSI re-runs also, along with Law & Order, SVU and House). Night JOJO. Night Seyla. Night JO. Night Meece. Night Eph3_12. Garfield already ditched me and is probably upstairs sleeping on my DS's bed.
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Be sure to tuck Garfield in. I tiptoed in to bring Ainm her cocoa and she was already asleep.
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So who tucked her in?
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I guess she tucked herself in, I was bringing her cocoa and when I got there...
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Unless one of our men from the Middles thread found his way to her.
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Who's gonna tuck me in?
Sweet Dreams and Good Night!
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Sorry, I had to go eat dinner. I hope someone tucked you in, Seyla.
Ainm, your hot cocoa is in the fridge.
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Aaah!! Meece that hot cocoa is really cold!!!! and the marshmallows have gone all gloopy.
I was wondering what all the shuffling around and giggling was, while I was trying to sleep - was that you Meece and I reckon you railroaded that male from the middles thread!!!!!!
I'm going to have to zap the cocoa and I'm heading to bed - again!!
Night Jo
Night Seyla,
Night Patoo
Night Eph
Night Meece
Meow Garfield!!
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I was only giggling while restraining myself from playing some practical joke on an unsuspecting sleeping friend. I didn't do a thing. Good Night Ainm.
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No, they can't be shells because that would make them too heavy for Meece to carry. I guess they can be shells though, just not attached to her and her wings are tucked in behind her. Maybe she's sitting on them for comfort.
Ainm, you're in bed again? Hmmm, we are gonna have to start getting here earlier so we can catch you awake. (and Meece was giggling because you had the most impish expression on your face while you slept and she was wondering what you were dreaming about)
Sleep well Ainm. JOJO, are you still awake? Still early but I'll wish you a goodnight Seyla. Goodnight JO. Goodnight Meece. Goodnight Eph3_12. Garfield is lurking waiting for my lap to be free of this laptop so he can pounce.
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I am sure I am not the first person to sit in front of those shells and pose with wings. They are displayed outside a seafood store at the coast. To my left was a vat of boiling water if you were in the mood for fresh crab or lobster. That picture is special, DH and I were dating and I was finishing chemo, needed to sit and rest, and DH took the pic. He has used it on my birthday cards and pasted to paper to wrap presents. He it really likes it.
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Somewhere I have a more recent one, one with hair not a bandana. But, i couldn't figure out where it was. When I do, I will probably post it.
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Isn't that sweet of him!
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I have to watch Wednesday nights Law and Order.
My DVR is calling me.
I say Good Night patoo, JO, Meece.
Sweet Dreams Ainm.
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Just watched Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon or whatever that movie is -for the 1st time! Weird flick.
Night everyone & morning to those of you getting up soon.
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Good morning, everyone!
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Hello I'm awake and won't be going to bed for ages yet - it's just past 4.30pm!! Aren't weekends nice!!! Hope everyone is enjoying theirs. Spring is trying to get a foothold here - very cold (by our standards!), but dry and lovely blue skies. Dragged my mum out for a walk yesterday and again today but it's sooooo frustrating, she walks so slowly and won't go far - but I guess the fresh air is good for her and any exercise is better than sitting in front of the fire all day!!
DS rang me to tell me his backpack was stolen last Thursday night - all his notes and two work presentations, his raingear etc, etc Really, I thought at his age he would realise you cannot take your eyes off your bag!!! And this is the guy who is suppose to be going to New Jersey for the summer - guess whose luggage will end up elsewhere!! LOL and mommy won't be nearby to help with all those nasty claim forms!!!
I'm putting on the kettle who's for tea, coffee, herbals etc - now is the time to shout!!
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Ainm...So glad to catch you today. We always missing each other.
Oh you are funny with your sons backpack.
Its a beautiful day today, I should be taking my beauty walk LOL
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Hi Ainm. Hi Seyla. Morning JO. Meece, you up yet?
Ainm, I'll have a cup of that coffee. Need it to keep me going. Just back from the gym and have to drop DS off at mall to meet friens. Then lunch with my friends, pick him back up and back home. I'm in NJ so tell your DS that he has to keep an eye on his things here as well. For the most part it will be okay but you never know - thieves lurk where you least expect.
It's nice out today. Hope it lasts into spring. Have a great day all.
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Well I've made a thermos pot of tea and one of coffee so just take what you want - sorry no biscuits (cookies) but I'm watching my weight!!! So if anyone brings them hide them from me please!!!
Patoo - how warm does it get in NJ during the summer?? I must find out where DS is staying and you can tell me if it's an okay place - or do I really want to know!!
I'll check in again later and I'll wash the cups before I go to bed but keep those dam biscuits out of my sight - I have zero will power.
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Okay Ainm. Coffee was delicious - you have a special touch! I only had the coffee, didn't give in to the biscuits.
Summer's can be anywhere from 65 - 98 degrees F depending on the mood of the weather! There are only a few places where you may worry but, for the most part, NJ is quite safe, or like any other place things happen. But do let me know.
Okay, off to dinner with friends - now I really will need the willpower. Night Ainm.
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No sleeping in for me, we were up at 5:00 as usual. That would have been about 1:p.m. for you Ainm.
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Sorry - never dropped by to wash the cups and tidy up last night but I see it was all done this morning - must have been you Meece. Do you always get up at 5 am - what time do you go to bed??
I use to be good, bed about 10.30 or 11pm and then up about 7.30am but since dx I am so bad - sleeping pattern all over the place!!
Well it's just coming up to 10 AM here so I'm going to do some Wii FIt and then some tidy up before I go bring Mom her dinner.
Hope everyone is enjoying - will enjoy their Sunday!!
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Hellooooooo, anyone home?????
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Yep, 5:00 am or earlier. Sleeping in means 5:30. I don't sleep well since DX and that was 6 years ago!
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Is that a picture of where you live, Ainm? It is beautiful!
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Yes - the picture is of a little ruined cottage on our land - we live in something a little less disheveled!!! I am so lucky to live in a beautiful area in the countryside but within driving distance (about 40 miles) from the city.
I have become so lazy in the mornings - I really find it hard to get up!!!
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I wish I could sleep in. I usually pop wide awake between 4:30 and 5, no matter what day. It may have something to do with DH not wanting an alarm clock, so I fear sleeping in too late to get to work.