Abbreviations for newbies - updated
Ainm..So glad i caught you awake. i stay up late and sleep late.
I was never a morning person even when I was working and I hade to make the children ready for school.
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My problem is I don't sleep so well during the night but once the alarm goes off it's like my blood turns to lead and I just find it so hard to get out of bed!!! I wouldn't be sleeping. I end up staying there just long enough to constantly be trying to play catch up for the rest of the day!!!
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If I keep my mind active, I can stay awake late. But sit down to a movie and I am asleep.
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I, also, can't tolerate a movie. I can go to the movies but at home don't have the attention span to keep up. I usually wake about 5:30 every morning, get up, go to the bathroom, back to bed and then sleep until the alarm goes off for work/church or on a Saturday until about 8 a.m.
I want to make it to bed at 10pm weeknights but, like tonight, here I sit at 10:30 and I'll be dragging myself out of bed tomorrow morning.
So, sleep well Ainm. Night Seyla. Night JO. Night Meece.
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Sweet Dreams Ainm
Good Night patoo
Good Night JO
Good Night Meece
Meow Garfield
Good Night Joni
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Sleep well, Ainm. Goodnight Patoo, Good Night Sheila, Good Night Jo, Good Night Ladies....and kitties.
Edited to add Good night, Joni
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Another day done!! DD arrived home this evening to surprise me for my birthday tomorrow!!!
Sweet Dreams Meece, Jo, Joni, Sheila, Patoo and Garfield!! I'll be a whole year older when I next log on!!!
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Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday, dear Ainm
Happy Birthday to you!!!
(And many more)
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Have a great day Ainm! You may have answered this previously but how do you pronounce your name and is that name your name or just a screen name?
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I hear those Z's Ainm. Hope the dreams are sweet!
Night JOJO. Night Seyla. Night JO5. Night Meece. Night Eph3_12.
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Almost Good Morning Ainm.
For East Coast Friends Good Night.
For West coast could also be a Good Night or Good Evening.
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Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday, Dear Ainm,
Happy Birthday to you!
(and many more - hope you are enjoying it)
Morning everyone. Just had to sign on at work to send birthday wishes to Ainm. Everyone have a wonderful day.
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I am traveling right now, so I thought I'd check in and see if Ainm is having a good birthday. Are you going out to dinner?
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Breithla shona dhuit, Ainm
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Well thank you all for your lovely wishes and pictures - Go raibh maith agat, Meece!!! DD arrived home unexpectedly last night as a surprise, so today she and I went to Killarney shopping, got a lovely pants and top (and in a much smaller size than the last time I shopped!!), then DH and I drove her back to the city this evening and after dropping her we went to the cinema - Alice in Wonderland in 3D!! It's Mother's Day here on Sunday so DD and DS are both coming home for the weekend so we'll have a birthday cake then - DD says she is making KeyLime Pie (but with ordinary limes!!) - but I'll just have a tiny slice.
Only down side was I had a really nagging pain in my back since last night - but it is easing now so maybe it was just a 24 hour ache to remind me that I'm getting older!!!!
A good nights rest to all of you.
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Ainm - so glad you had a fun time for your birthday. Sleep tight now.
Night Seyla. Night JO. Night Meece. Night Eph3_12. Garfield is with DS so guess he's been sleep as long as Ainm has. Night Garfield. (I'm up late tonight; will be grumpy tomorrow morning but that usually doesn't last too long).
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Tá fáilte romhat,Ainm.
Good night to all. It has been a long day.
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Good Night
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sleep tight all! Joni
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Good Morning!
Has any of you ever played the computer program called "The Simms"?
Sometimes I feel like that is us, here With our goodnights and goodmornings. I enjoy it though, looking forward to connecting each day with my friends.
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Good Morning
Meece...Little things in life make a big difference how we feel and live our life.
I also enjoy the way we connect every day.
God Bless You All♥
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He has.
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Meece - An bhfuil Gaeilge agat?
My DS use to play The Simms, it looked like fun!! I look forward to our international chat.
Patoo - so are you a morning grouch - my DD is, it takes a while for her to settle into the day. And when they were little my DS (who is a cheery morning person) always knew exactly how to aggravate her.
Well it's CSI time! Good Night All!!!
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Actually no, I'm not a grouch at all. Life is too short. I raised a son with cerebral palsy who has had the most beautiful smile his entire life. He's always been upbeat and sweet. So much unhappiness in his life (he's now 26) and he just took it all in stride. I developed real impatience for people who complained about things so insignificant and just learned to realize that life is short and we have to enjoy our blessings. So I was being facetious when I mentioned being grumpy - it's just not my nature. That's not to say that people don't have issues and they have their own crosses to bear but it's when someone gets all bent out of shape, say because it's raining and they have to change plans, that I want to go ballistic (but I won't because I'm such an immensely sweet person - okay, facetious again!)
Sweet dreams Ainm. Night Seyla. Night JO. Night Meece. Night Joni.
And, it is nice to come here, morning or night to greet my sisters.
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JO..... patoo..... Meece ......Joni....
Sweet Dreams Ainm
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Nil, Ainm, Tá brón orm.
Slán leat!
Did I do okay though?
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good Morning.
Meece....What language is
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It is a secret code language that people with Celtic names use.