Anyone let their hair go gray?



  • jpann39
    jpann39 Member Posts: 92

    Ive been letting my go for about 3 months now and have the "ledge" look....havent found anything that would take it out...

    Im not sure I can do this ladies!!!! Im at work right now but will post a pic later that was taken with in the last month or so....maybe you all will have some ideas to help get me through this stage.....

    If not, Im going back to coloring as I think I look way older with the gray/white in my naturally dark, dark brown hair.


  • swimangel72
    swimangel72 Member Posts: 142

    I'm in the same boat as you Jule..............already my "ledge" is reappearing! And my hair is much thinner on top because of the the dark brown hair color (which keeps turning a brassy auburn) is not the best solution. Still I'm afraid to go for highlights because I know bleach will be necessary to lighten the strands - and my hair is frizzy and dry enough already. Sigh..........

  • pattybelle
    pattybelle Member Posts: 10

    Hello Jule! Get some Bumble and Bumble Brown Hair Powder Spray. I've used it, and it masks that "skunk" line well. It is really pricey, but I justify it as an anti-anxiety product :). Here's a link to their website, just search for that particular item.

    Also read about this but haven't tried it.

    Hang in there! Patty

  • mrschilicook
    mrschilicook Member Posts: 7

    After losing my hair to chemo, it's growing it not only curly, but grey.  White on top and then shading down to DARK grey at the nape of the neck.  I have had to have the back cut 3 times in the past few months and the top/sides not at all.  My hair dresser said it was common that the back and above the ears grow in faster than the top when you start from bald.  I have to admit that it's more like a pixie cut of old and I get tons of compliments on the "style" and the color.  I think my skin tone has changed for the hair...but I'm still torn between staying grey or getting back on the bottle....It is still a shock to see grey hair in the mirror.

  • kane744
    kane744 Member Posts: 52

    Going for my 2nd hair cut tomorrow.  Still love the silver, though.  I don't care if it makes me look old, I AM OLD (65).  Hey, how come men with gray hair are "distinguished" while we are "grandmas"??  Funny thing, that.  Anyway, staying natural is saving me vast amounts of money every month.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I still find women with silver hair to be so sophisticated! Don't you dare think grandma! Kiss

    I have earned every wrinkle and gray hair. I only colour now as there isn't enough silver to make a difference. I tried on a silver wig once and my husband swooned. He can't wait! I'm thinking of getting my hair cut short now that my son's wedding is next week. Then I can let the silver come in gracefully.... He is 28 and I WANT to be a grandma! My daughter who got married in May is only 26, but promised they were going to have a child soon. I'm hoping for an ultrasound picture for Christmas. Don't care which child, just let me hold one of my grandkids in my arms before I die. That is number one on my bucket list.

  • geebung
    geebung Member Posts: 17

    I've been admiring women with grey hair for years while colouring mine dark brown. I noticed my first white hairs in my late 20s and I'm 52 now. Finally, about 3 months ago, the concern over the chemicals in the hair dye, the expense of going to the salon every 4 weeks and the realisation that dark hair just didn't suit me any more made me get all of the remaining colour cut out. The day before, I went into the city and bought a long wig - just in case I hated myself with short grey hair. When I arrived at the salon to have my hair cut, the hairdresser was worried that I would leave in tears. I didn't really look at myself much in the salon but when I arrived home and looked in the mirror I loved it! It was very short and grey all over - almost white at the front. It has grown a lot since then and has lost its edgy look so I'm thinking of having it cut again. It feels fabulous short and I have had lots of compliments. It's so quick and easy to wash.

    Has anyone here read Ann Kreamer's Going Grey? It's a great book!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Good for you! That's the way to do it...did you return the wig?

  • geebung
    geebung Member Posts: 17

    Oh, and I'm afraid I may have wasted my money on the wig because I never wear it. It will probably come in handy though when I visit my mother in the next few months. She is 92 and would be shocked if she saw my hair as she is used to seeing me with long dark hair.

  • geebung
    geebung Member Posts: 17

    Hi Barbe!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    Hahaha, we were posting at the same time...HI!!!!! Laughing
  • lvtwoqlt
    lvtwoqlt Member Posts: 765

    Glad to see this back in the active area. I saw something this past weekend, I don't normally look at the hair color section since I am natural dark brown with metalic highlights, that looked promising for those trying to allow the grey to grow out. I think it was made by Clarol and it was a colored mouse product that will color the grey for 8 to 12 washings. Repeated usage may help hide the 'skunk' lines while you grow out the white/silver. I was looking at it for my sister since I get the job of coloring her roots in between her trips to the salon. I may go back and get a box to try on her hair.


  •   My hair is GROWING!! I am so thrilled as it seems to be coming back fast. It was 8 wks yesterday since my last chemo.  I have eyebrows now and short eyelashes, but they are there.  It does not seem to be curly as I was anticipating.  To me it looks like it is going to be the same color it was before it came out which was mostly gray, but darker in the back and also with some darker streaks mixed in.  My beautician used to tell me people paid to get the color it was.  I am almost 60 yrs old and got to the point where I thought this is ridiculous, my hair is old just as I am old so who am I kidding.  I really liked my gray hair, but there were always those (ones who were coloring theirs) that would make little comments like uumm, you like it like that?  or I used to really like it  when you had it frosted...I got tired of messing with it and also saved some money.  When and if we ever figure out  how to use photobucket I will post a pic of my new gray/white growth.  It is strange, but I just can't keep my hands off of my head (when I am not wearing a wig, which I do when I go to work).'s just so soft. 

  • Texas357
    Texas357 Member Posts: 332

    I had been coloring my hair for years before BC. When it first grew in, it was totally gray. Now that it's about 1-1/2" long, I'm seeing it's mostly pepper with quite a bit of salt. My husband says gray hair with a nice cut looks sexy. Since I've always thought coloring was a pain in the neck, and I hate how brunette color always turns brassy, his comment was all I needed to decide to stop coloring.

    Now I can't wait for my hair to grow long enough to style it. If it needs some ooomph, I may try a clear gloss or highlights. But I'll never again use a permanent color to try to cover the gray. Life's too short to be tied to a dye bottle!

  • jpann39
    jpann39 Member Posts: 92

    Well ladies in the couple of months since this thread started my hair has grown faster than it ever has before in my life!!!!!!

    I know this is silly but I measured the grown out and it is 4 1/2 inchs!!!!!   My ledge line is now close to the top of my ears if you were to try to judge it....

    So far I obviously havent broken and headed down the dye isle but it has been close a couple of times!!!!!

    I wear it pulled back alot with barretts and to me it doesnt look so funny...

    I have had comments on the grow out looking nice so hopefully they arent just telling me that so that I dont run screaming for the dye bottle!!!!!!!

    Hows everyone else doing with this??????

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I coloured my hair for my daughters wedding in May and my sons wedding in August and that's it. I'm going to see how long I will last. I did it in the red tones which fade fairly quickly and I'm getting the shots of silver already. I'll keep ya posted! Keep up the good work!

  • lvtwoqlt
    lvtwoqlt Member Posts: 765

    Jule glad to see you have made it this far, not much longer yet and you will be bottle free!

    Barbe, I guess you got a free pass for the weddings.

    Haven't been back to the store where I saw the mouse product, my sister said that she will need a touch up before the Komen Luncheon next week. I don't usually pay much attention to my color since I let my hair dry naturally most of the time, but Sunday I decided to blow-dry my hair and I didn't realize how much gray/silver I have in the top and front in my hair where it really shows the most. It really showed up when I was using the brush to lift it while drying it.


  • jpann39
    jpann39 Member Posts: 92

    Thanks Barb and Sheila....

    Hopefully it continues to grow quickly since I wear my hair is currently at about my bra strap down the back right now so Im thinking it is gonna take awhile for it to completely grow out.


  • Shedua
    Shedua Member Posts: 5

    If coloring one's hair makes someone feel good, do it.

    I did color my hair briefly. My hair grayed early. I am fortunate my hair is mostly white. Now I am trying to decide should I cut my hair. For years I wore my hair short, then let it grow not quite to chin.  I like it but don't like it. I know that sounds kooky. Parts of my hair are wavy & other parts straight. So not sure what I want to do.

    Just after my mastectomy my sister-in-laws both said,"Why don't you color your hair, you would look younger." Heck I was happy to be alive, coloring my hair wasn't important to me.

    1953 Amputation below knee.  1995 Intraductial Carcinoma Biopsy (in-situ).  8.95 to 10.95 Radiation.  6.00 Rt breast Mastectomy.  6.26.00 to 9.14.00 Expansion injections.  9.00 Saline Implant.  12.28.00 Rt nipple & left lift. 1.01 Tattoo. 2002 Hasimoto's Thyroiditis.  7.02 Ablation for palpitations.  4.03 Osteoporsis. 2008 Cataracts.  

  • lvtwoqlt
    lvtwoqlt Member Posts: 765

    Shedua, we are not advocating not coloring, we have discussed what to do if you decide to stop coloring to allow the white/silver to grow out until you are 'bottle free'.

    My mom (silver haired person in my avitar) has changed her hair style! For so many years she wore it close cut and short, even before her cancer diagnosis in 2001. This summer she has let it grow out and is wearing it more in a page boy style and she looks good with it. After her chemo curls came off her hair became fine and straight so the page boy style does well. My thick hair doesn't like to change styles very well. This week I was blow drying my hair (I don't do it often, just let it dry naturally) and I didn't believe that I had that much silver in my hair. Although my stylist said that women would pay big bucks if she could get frosting put in like I have naturally. One time, after getting my hair cut, my husband made a comment, Did you get it frosted as well as cut? and I slapped him. I didn't realize how nice the 'frosting' looks.


  •     I took my father to the airport today and was helping him get checked in and this woman in line behind me says "I love your haircut."  I was so surprised, but it really made me happy because I hate wearing a wig and only started venturing out in public with no hair about 1 1/2 wks ago.  I said, Well, really it is just growing back in, but thank you so much.  I went around smiling for hours after that.  Maybe she knew and was feeling sorry for me, or maybe she had been there before herself at one time, or maybe she really meant it.....whatever, it made my day. I don't know if it is going to change or not, but still not a sign of a curl. 

  • Shedua
    Shedua Member Posts: 5

    Hi Shiela, I think whatever makes you feel good is great. I did wind up cutting it, with optional bangs. For me it's easy and works. You are lucky the grey is not the yellow gray. 


  • yosemite
    yosemite Member Posts: 1

    I am over 60  and have had dyed my hair various shades of auburn and brown for the 15 years since I had breast cancer. . I now have bladder cancer.I don't know if hair dye contributed to it. However, I decided to go gray. I too had a dream .I dreamed that I had various colors, black, white ,like a pinto I saw in movie earlier in the day. I also decided that I might have a wig to play with on days my grey does not match my moood.

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251

    by the time I was 30 other women were asking "who forsts your hair" The Mother Nature answer stumpped some thinking it was the brand name LOL- I have never colored my hair- if they say I need chemo I will go directly to the wig store and get a BIG HAIR number 56 (my natural color of silver) - it is funny what bothers, concerns or just gets our attention- I don't mind the color but always wanted curls like my sisters. BTW my husband has almost caught up with me hair color wise- I think he is so handsome with the silver highlights and the white temples- not only a heart throb but STILL a heart throb!

  • jpann39
    jpann39 Member Posts: 92

    Just checking in for an update....

    I now have about 5 inches of salt/pepper, then the ledge and the rest of it is the dyed color....silly stuff faded dramatically when I didnt want it to and now that I want it wont :(

    Any suggestions on how to get the two so that they blend even a little???

    Hope all is well for everyone and they are enjoying their hair!!!!!


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Jule, I've cut my hair short and had it highlighted so as it grays in, it won't be so noticeable. I plan to colour with a soft pale brown/deep straw colour when it gets obvious. That should blend it all in, and it will fade as time goes on. Good luck!

  • aprilgirl1
    aprilgirl1 Member Posts: 806

    Jule - I have the same kind of grow out -except it looks like you are red in the picture - I was a dark brunette.  Anyway, I am having my stylist foil in dark to my salt and pepper to help blend it into the bottom 4 inches of my hair.  It works - and looks less obvious.

    Hope that makes sense! As soon as it is grown out I will stop the foiling in of the dark - kind of reverse highlights!


  • jpann39
    jpann39 Member Posts: 92

    Hi Barb

    I thought about cutting it short but it is down to my bra strap in the back and I really enjoy it alot so pitched the short cut idea.

    April-I thought about going to a salon and seeing what they can do...I was just telling my other 1/2 that last night and he said he loves it the way it is....I tried to explain that we see it differently and feel differently than men do about it but I dont think he truely understands. And yes, you are is more dark red than dark brown.

    Hope we all can get through this without pulling it all out!!!!

  • debisongbird
    debisongbird Member Posts: 26

    I'm thinking of coloring my hair. I am 56 and have natural brown hair, but kinda dull looking, and now after treatment, it's like a squirrel is living up there. It's fly-away and thin and curly and.....??? So, I'd like to color it. But I also am waryof the chemicals. Does anyone know if they do cause breast cancer. Have there been people who colored their hair after treatment with no ill effects? Love to hear your opinions. Thanks, Debi

  • lvtwoqlt
    lvtwoqlt Member Posts: 765

    Jule, what ever you decide to do will look great! My sister still has me doing her roots every 4 - 6 weeks, when ever she is tired of seeing too much grey in her part. I am trying to figure out what to do with my hair for Halloween. I am doing a dancing girl outfit (almost like Jeannie) in periwinkle blue satin and crystelette with the hat similar to Jeannie and the pony tail out the top. I have purchased a 'hank' of dark brown hair (normally used to do weaves) to make my pony tail but would like to cover the grey in the front of my hair to match the fake pony tail. (I will have veils over the back to cover my short hair)
