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Cold Caps Users Past and Present, to Save Hair



  • leeann56
    leeann56 Member Posts: 51
    edited May 2011

    Good Morning,

    3 days out from treatment #3. Depression has kicked in and I'm ready to call it good. My next treatment falls right at my daughters graduation ceremony and open house.  Tonight is her prom and I am depressed and really feeling yucky!!! I feel really bad I am sucking the life out of her senior year.

    Thanks for letting me vent, now it's time to SUCK IT UP.

    As far as my hair, there is no way the top and sides can handle two more sheddings, so my mullet picture will be coming soon.        STOP THIS RIDE I WANT TO GET OFF!

  • mdg
    mdg Member Posts: 1,468
    edited May 2011

    Arlene:  I too am sorry about the herceptin.  You are doing everything you can and that your body can handle.....that is all you can do.  As far as food - I have read the Anti Cancer:  A New Way Of Life.  It is a great book to empower you on foods that will help fight cancer.  I also like the book Foods That Fight Cancer.  Both really help you understand which foods work against cancer.  I am trying to eat that way - again doing all I can. 

    Leanne:  I am so sorry that things are not going well and hitting you hard.  It's OK to be depressed and upset...this just sucks!  I am sending a HUGE cyber HUG right now :) 

    My latest update:  As you know I finished my last TC treatment Wednesday.  I just did my weekly wash.  The usual shedding...nothing too different than before.  I just hope the shedding stops that I am done I can't imagine it continuing to shed like this for weeks or months.  Oh well.  I am going to style my hair today and post a photo so you can see my PFC look. 

    To all you gals just starting or in the middle of chemo - you will get through it!  You will be done soon - so hang in there!

  • sebm9
    sebm9 Member Posts: 488
    edited May 2011

    leeann56: Hang in there. You have good reason to feel depressed, and you're right, it's not fair that this is happening at a time when you should be doing nothing but celebrating. It's not fair that it's happening at all!

    I don't know what I can offer, but as your daughter goes through these rites of passage, try to remember that in very large part her success is due to your strength, love, and friendship. And she is there for you in your time of need!

    When I got my dx and went through treatment, I spent a not insignificant amount of time wondering if I had made a difference. As you celebrate with your daughter, your answer will be before your eyes.



  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150
    edited May 2011

    Hi LeeAnn:  Stay as strong as you can and you'll get through this.  You are 50% complete.  While the hair is important, it is NOT the most important thing here and in many ways I really think sometimes it is just easier to lose it and have it come back normally.  I have friends who are complete chemo and their hair is already 2-3" long (yes short, I know) and they didn't have to deal with what we deal with the caps.  If you can, continue with the caps though as they do stimulate new hair growth.

    I too know about timing, my daughter is due to have her first baby and trying to arrange her shower and everything around my chemo schedule and a trip between chemo and radiation.  I so want to be there for the delivery but sure doesn't look like that will happen though.

     We are all here for each other so VENT all you need.


  • cmksocal
    cmksocal Member Posts: 163
    edited May 2011

    For all of you with shedding on the sides -- I also had that.  In fact more than I realized.  However it was easy to style my hair for a couple of months because the sides were flat.  Once the hair started growing back in I had a Bozo the Clown effect first thing in the morning -- got a good laugh with thatLaughing.   Luckily a little hair spray on the sides makes it all look smooth.

    FWIW--My last chemo was early September and at my hair appointment last week my hair dresser said the scalp has really filled in and is very thick.  In another couple of months it will back to way it was 12 months ago.  Love those penguins!



  • mdg
    mdg Member Posts: 1,468
    edited May 2011

    Hi all - I just wanted to post a PFC photo.  This is me after 4 rounds of taxotere and cytoxan.  I did put in one small set of hair extensions in this photo to thicken it up a bit at the bottom.  There are no hair extensions at the front or top - that's all mine!  Thanks to PCC's I have finished chemo with hair and dignity.  My son does not even know what chemo is or that I had it........Thanks PCC's!  Oh and thanks to all of you wonderful, beautiful, amazing women that walked the chemo/PCC road before me.  You all helped me do this!!!!


    Happy Mother's Day!

  • LivCar
    LivCar Member Posts: 153
    edited May 2011

    mdg ...oh my ... that's amazing!!  I would be thrilled to have that kind of success.  You look incredible!! Thanks for the inspiration.  My son knows I'm' taking a preventative medicine.  He's 11 Since i've had no SE's (only one AC treatment so far) he thinks life is normal.  If my hair stays, that won't change. This really is an inspiration.  I'm going to go back and read all of your tips - i'll do whatever you did!!  i'm always worrying i'm not gentle enough! thanks for sharing. Happy Mother's day!

  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150
    edited May 2011

    Happy Mother's Day to all the Mommies here.

    Congrats Maria and great picture.  I think you did better than most.  I already need extensions and I'm only at TX#2 (3 next week).  Beautiful picture.


  • DebRox
    DebRox Member Posts: 141
    edited May 2011

    Wow you look great Maria!! Congrats on finishing with great hair.

    I'm a little worried about all the shedding while on Pcc. I have thin hair to begin with and am already shedding due to stress.. Especially in the temple and sides. Did anyone notice a lot of shedding in this region?

    I'm starting tc in a few weeks and am preparing. Had my hair colored to match my natural color yesterday and a little length taken off. I could actually start this week, but I can't prepare for cold caps that soon so am delaying a week.

    Would like to hear about shedding while on Pcc. Thanks

  • Sashette
    Sashette Member Posts: 75
    edited May 2011

    Beautiful picture mdg. If I could figure out how to post a picture I would.

    Leeann56. You will get through this. It is ok to cry, ok to feel all the feelings that come up. It is hard and not fair and scary. With that said the truth is despite what you are temporarily feeling you are a strong powerful woman, you can handle this and you can trust yourself to balance being there for your daughter her senior year and being there for yourself in an important time of your life. You are a blessing to your daughter no matter what.

    Debrox. I am approx 9-10 weeks out PFC. I had never noticed how much hair I shed each brushing pre diagnosis. I did read 40 - 100 strands hair shedding a day is considered normal. The
    was a time as I was saving every little hair shed in plastic baggies during treatment I considered counting .. Now I just throw the hair away. I shed a lot over the ears. Bald strips it ended up being. We had the straps so tight my face looked like a cabbage patch doll. I have long hair and the top 'bangs' go past my shoulders so it covers the over ear area. I look normal. What am I saying I look good...: ). My hair continued growing during treatment, over 2 inches... Not so in the over ear area. But now it is covered with downy new hair growth.

    My friend said I should own it. Shave the sides more dramatically like Rosie or Will Smiths daughter Willow. Story is as i heard it - Willow wanted short hair like her brother.. Mom said no but compromised and let her shave the sides so when her hair was worn certain ways it looked short..

    I saw the Crazy Sexy Cancer author on Dr Oz and Oprah.. I am finally reading her books. Nice to read something with some zaniness on the subject.

    I really just came by to wish everyone a huge HAPPY MOTHERS DAY... You are all an inspiration... Hugs

  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150
    edited May 2011

    Morning Ladies:

    Hoping all the mommies had a great day yesterday. 

    More shedding today but I am now 18 days post Chemo #2.  Hoping things settle down now too.


  • Anniemomofthree
    Anniemomofthree Member Posts: 370
    edited May 2011

    Great picture Maria - you look radiant!  We are so lucky to have cold caps/EGs.  What a gift to have treatment, feel good, and really MOVE ON! 

    Happy Mother's Day!


  • Lucky60
    Lucky60 Member Posts: 59
    edited May 2011

    Leanne, Arlene and others in that horrid shedding stage: I saw a great quote by Winston Churchill recently, so apropos for chemo:

    If you're going through Hell, keep going!

    There is an other side to Hell, and I'm in it (4.5 mo PFC). Keep on going and it will get better!


  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150
    edited May 2011

    Thanks Lucky!  I'll definitely keep going.  Glad you made it on through!  The hair isn't the most important thing either!

  • leeann56
    leeann56 Member Posts: 51
    edited May 2011

    Having a ton more shedding today and it is not even my 17 day post shedding time. I don't get it.  Just have to get through it, I am wasting way to much time obsessing whether or not I will have my hair in the end (which at this rate I will not). You are all right, there is more to life than hair at this point. Can't wait until I make it to the other side.

    Just a side bar here, If I do not have success it is not because cold caps do not work, it is a combination of a few thing, caps coming off to warm the first treatment, frostbite on top where it was to cold and bleached hair that is to weak.

    I am grateful for all you who truly know the fear of the treaded sheds.

  • Sashette
    Sashette Member Posts: 75
    edited May 2011

    Hi ladies..

    Yes Leann56 knowing the fear of the dreaded sheds is a bonding experience.

    I colored my hair for the first time. I am PFC 9 weeks. Clairol quit making loving care so I used Clairol beautiful collection. No peroxide no ammonia. I was pretty nervous. I still lose hair daily and am trying to determine if that is just normal shedding. I do know I shed more on hair wash days. So washing my hair then coloring was a double whammy to my pampered barely touched hair. It went fine until we started rinsing and then when the hair started spewing out with the die...that was scary. Cool heads prevailed and finished the job. After I got a little spray in alterna conditioner on it and let it dry it looked very good. A real boost to have hair all one color that looks rich and shiny. So I will see how it wears. I could only find it in a beauty hair supply store. I had to use 2 bottles because of my length - I ended up mixing the colors. I don't see a problem waiting a full 6 months for permanent color if this works out well.

    Shedding and the unknown with what will happen to your hair is hard. Once you get through chemo and accept your hairs 'new norm' you will find ways to wear it that work for you. There were times when going through chemo I quit caring if I had hair because there was so much to deal with. I am glad I stuck to it. It is wonderful to have hair now for my own sense of well being.

    Hang in there ladies

    Soon you will be through this...

  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150
    edited May 2011

    Hi Sashette:  Are you noticing new hair coming in now too?  Just curious when you start seeing the new hair.  I have a LONG way to go but still curious.

  • Sashette
    Sashette Member Posts: 75
    edited May 2011

    Hi ArleneA

    Yes I am seeing new hair coming in. It just seems to be sprouting everywhere all at once. My eyebrows seem to be filling in over night (just when I was mourning there demise), the bald spots over ears are completely covered with new hair. Quite remarkable. Still have the willies when I comb my hair and more comes out than I think it should..... But I think it may be 'normal' hair loss. you will be here very soon and you can tell me all about how thrilled you are to see all your new hair..

  • leeann56
    leeann56 Member Posts: 51
    edited May 2011

    Good Morning Everyone,

    Depression has lifted, it is amazing how down I get, I have a great understanding of people who are clinically depressed, It is something you can not just snap out of and it really takes over.

    I only have one more treatment left YEAAAA!!!!   May 25th I will be officially done. Just in time for my daughter's graduation June 5th. Open House June 12th,

    Maria, your hair looks awesome!!!

  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150
    edited May 2011

    LeeAnn:  Glad the depression has lifted.  I have little bouts of it and imagine by the end, I'll have more.  YEAH, only one treatment very exciting.  This week I'll be half way unless she decides to drop me down to 4 TXs verus 6.  Doubtful but I can hope.

    Congrats again for almost being there.


  • michcon
    michcon Member Posts: 121
    edited May 2011

    Trying to post pics here and having no luck, so here's a link to my photos. Before and after Chemo. I'm 5 months out of chemo now and my hair is feeling normal. Hope the pics give newbies hope and faith that the Cold Caps work! 

  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150
    edited May 2011

    Michcon:  Beautiful pictures.  Wow, you did wonderfully.  Which caps did you use?  Amazing success. 


  • DebRox
    DebRox Member Posts: 141
    edited May 2011

    Well I have scheduled my chemo date May 24 - TC x 4.  I had my hair trimmed and colored closed to my natural color on weekend - this was before I started reading this entire thread from beginning to end - I am only on page 50.  At least my hairdresser used gentle products on my hair, no amonia or peroxide etc so hopefully this cut and color does not affect my use of the caps.

    I am in the process of shopping for my chemo items - electric throw, moleskin etc.  I have quit using deodorant 2 weeks ago.  Tomorrow I place my order for my cold caps. 

    Throughout this whole ordeal, at which I felt I completely lost control of my life, being able to use cold caps and attempting to save my hair empowers me throughout this bump in life.

    I have been able to find a few women throughout these threads with hair on the thinner/finer side and cold caps helped them, so I truly believe they will help me.  At least I won't be permanently bald due to tax.

    Sounds like the chemo diminishes old production so my hair shouldnt be so oily.  I am a daily washer and blow drier, so I know that will be a thing of the past for a while.  My hair will most likely look stringy, but who cares, at least it will still be attached to my head.   I will try latisse on my brows and lashes.  Not sure if it is worth it during chemo, any comments from anyone would be appreciated.

    Thanks to all who post here.  You are all very encouraging and pioneers! 

  • michcon
    michcon Member Posts: 121
    edited May 2011

    Arlene A - I used Penguin Cold Caps. Yes, great success! A woman I work with did them too after finding out about them from me. She looks great too. Keep it up, you can get through it. 

    DebRox - Good luck. You can do it! 

  • mdg
    mdg Member Posts: 1,468
    edited May 2011

    Debrox:  Glad to hear you have figured things out.  That's great.  I started using Lattisse around week 3 or 4 into chemo when I thought brows were starting to thin.  I used it for a few weeks then I just got lazy and stopped.  Brows have continued to thin a bit but are still there - nothing that a eyeliner can't fix.  My husband has not even noticed them thinning.   Lashes have been fine.  I plan to start using lastisse again in a week or two.  I just finished my chemo last week.  I did also switch to organic, all natural, aluminum free mascara and make up too.  I don't know if that made a difference.  I know they suggest you change to aluminum free deodorant because of underarm hair so I thought why would I put aluminum on my eylashses????  I have no idea if this helps.  My sister was with me on a chemo day and marveled at how long my lashes were..she said he had lash envy.  I have not noticed a change in them yet but many women lose their lashes post chemo too....crossing fingers I won't be one of them!  I can't wait to hear how the caps work for you. Remember...9 weeks and you are done! 

  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150
    edited May 2011

    Thanks Michon.  You PCC girls lose less hair than we EG girls(or at least me) but my hair is still here, thin but here and the last few days have been shed days.  I think I'll make it through with hair, different hair, but hair.  Treatment #3 Thursday!

    Good Luck'll do just fine. 

    Hi Maria.  I plan to ask my oncologist this week about the Latisse and get a prescription.  Fortunately, I've pretty much always used Tom's products so didn't have to switch deodorants and use their toothpaste too. Once I started chemo, I bought all organic make up and have just eliminated mascara as I think it might be hard on the lashes but I'll sure look for the organic when I start wearing it again.

    Off to do a couple of hours of caps.


  • Lmflynn
    Lmflynn Member Posts: 273
    edited May 2011

    mdg~  Wonder if there is something to the aluminum powder in mascara..... I did not use mascara the whole time thorughout chemo and then only use it now for special work and personal meetings /parties... kept all my lashes -- one side did thin a little but noone notices and they are all back now.. Brows are fine too -- they thinnned but boy do they, arms, legs and "down there" grow back QUICK!  My sister lost most of hers and she used mascara throughout chemo. hmmm you do wonder. 

    michon~  YOU LOOK awesome! And I want you to know you helped me sooo much when I was freaking out and on the ledge!  I'm so happy for you -- you have such great hair!

    Mine was pretty thin to begin with, but below is ~15 weeks PFC -- Easter weekend.  I had colored my hair with clariol no-ammonia, no-peroxide reddish coloring -- it's thinner but ALL there. Going for my first real color/cut tomorrow -- wish me luck -- still seem to shed a bit.

    April 25, 2011"

  • Anniemomofthree
    Anniemomofthree Member Posts: 370
    edited May 2011

    Debrox - I cut, colored my hair lighter, and even got foils 5 days prior to chemo.  Now I am on day 16 post my final chemo.  I have all my hair...grayer, yes, but it is there!  I also have had major re-growth where I lost it on chemo #1.  We got smarter as the chemos  went on and learned to cover the back of the head where the CC were too small.  

    I also started using Latisse about two weeks prior to my last chemo (about 4 weeks ago).  My brows are really filling in like crazy, I have had to pluck the crazy hairs.  My eyelashes - I have allergies and noticed that I was rubbing my eyes alot.  I ended up losing more lower lashes on one side than the other.  A couple on the top.  My husband just noticed about two days ago.  The latisse has seemed to fill in the top (there was about a 2mm space on the same eye).  That is filled in.  However, the bottom eye is not.   I dot eyeliner there and it seems to work.  

    I got a little trim last week.  Made a huge difference.  I am going for a vegetable dye color at 4-5 weeks post my final chemo...which is just two and a half weeks away!  Can't wait!

    Yeah, it is sunny here, too.  Almost 80 degrees.  Finally!!!! 

    Good luck everyone! 

  • mdg
    mdg Member Posts: 1,468
    edited May 2011

    For mascara I use the Physician's Formula Organic Wear.  YOu can get it at CVS, Walmart, Rite Aid, Target, etc...normally I would not use this mascara because it comes off as soon as it gets wet but for this situation that's perfect!  I just wet it with some cool water on my finger tips (again try to use cool water on my face to protect lashes/brows like I would on my head) and it comes off.  I don't even really have to rub or use soap.  Once I am past all of this I will invest in some better quality organic/chemical free type mascara but it was perfect for my delicate chemo lashes.  Give it a try.  I have worn it every day since starting chemo. 

  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150
    edited May 2011

    Annie:  How did you secure your caps where they didn't fit properly.  I'm having trouble getting mine tight enough around the sides and back.  Velcro doesn't seem to be doing it.

    Lynn you look awesome.