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One step implant procedure with Alloderm - Anyone?



  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,330
    edited October 2011

    We are getting bit off topic but I belonged to a CSA up until my surgery. Our deliveries are year round in California . The CSA that I belong to has many choices on the size of ones box and whether you want mostly fruit, mostly veggies or mixed. They also offer an exclusion option so you never have to get something you hate. I suspended it because I am getting so many wonderful meals delivered by my school community. BTW, looks like my left implant will come out next Thursday when the nipple is removed. My ps thinks he will probably need to put a te in because there won't be enough skin. I'm having a bad day today because it seems as if procedures and treatment for bc will never end. Caryn

  • momof3brca
    momof3brca Member Posts: 16
    edited October 2011

    Hi Ladies!!  Its been a while since I've, have we been busy!! My daughter who had the one step in June is fully recovered.  It was touch and go with the nipples, but they survived and she looks great and has had no further complications.  Got to enjoy a week at the beach in August.  My youngest daughter had her PBM Sept 14 and is doing great!  She wanted expanders but during surgery her PS decided the one step would be best for her.  She has one nipple that darkened and is now peeling but it is very minor.  Her pathology came back NO CANCER!!!!!  Thats the best news of all!!  A week after her surgery my dad passed away.....will miss him so much but if any of you have watched a loved one decline with Alzheimers you will understand that we are so happy for him...  My oldest daughter who is 4 years out had to have a MRI of brain yesterday due to headaches she has been having for 6 weeks.  Believe me, its been a very stressfull time but the MRI came back clear!!!  She has some sinus stuff going on for which we are very   So, hopefully life will slow down a bit now.  Just wanted to check in.....hope you are all doing well.

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited October 2011

    Wow, Mom, you've had quite the time, haven't you?  Your family must feel such relief now that the cancer bags are out of the question!

    I'm sorry about your father.  I hope memories of happy times give you blessings.  

    I'm going back in for an exchange.  I thought I was going to be one-step with my post-surgical inflatable implants, but they have migrated to my pits and are happy there, so they have to be evicted in November.  I also learned from the PS that the reason I didn't get a true one step implant was because of the size of my natural girls.  He had to expand since I was a 34 DD.  However, I'da been happy with a C and am not going to get replaced with enormous hooters, so it all seems like a waste of time, IMO.  I'm frustrated!  

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,310
    edited October 2011

    Caryn, that would be wonderful to have CSA year-round.  I'm really looking forward to seeing what I get!  I shopped at a big produce store today and bought all kinds of veggies.  My first CSA week is a couple of weeks from now.

    Momof3, it's good to hear from you.  My sympathy for the loss of your dad.  Parents are so special.  I spent tday with my mom, who will be 89 in Dec.  She still lives by herself but requires a lot of help.  I take her to get her hair done on Thursdays.  I'm so glad your daughters are doing well.  You've been through a lot being a mom.

    Eema, when is your exchange?  I hope that procedure goes very well and your recovery is fast.  I can't imagine what it's like to be 34 D!  Before my BMX/Recon, I was "almost A"!  Now I'm between an A and a B cup.

    We always get off subject on this thread.  Feel free to share.

    Tomorrow's my Fri. golf day.  We have an 8 am tee time so I'll have to get up at 6:30.  That's early for me.

    Hope everyone has a good evening.

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited October 2011

    Caroleh, it is Nov .15.  First I have to have an ooph/hyst, so the new boobies are a present for being a good girl during that surgery:).

  • momof3brca
    momof3brca Member Posts: 16
    edited October 2011

    Eema- Thanks for the condolences.....and yes, I have a lifetime of happy memories.....he was the best daddy in the world!  I had to chuckle at your use of words describing your implant your exchange next month brings you closer to being done with it all.  My two youngest daughters have hysterectomies in their near future also...they are BRCA 1 pos.

    Carolehalston-Also thanks for the condolences....I dont feel like I have got to grieve with so much going on with my girls.....I miss him so much...  Today my middle daughter has her 3 mth check up with her oncologist.......sure want a good report!! 

     Take care!! 

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,310
    edited October 2011

    Hi, bc sisters.  I had a very enjoyable round of golf this morning.  My front 9 was deplorable but I played better on the back.  For some reason, my game tanked after bc.  But the morning was nice and I enjoyed being outside with women friends.  Afterwards I went to Walmart to do shopping for my mother and for myself. 

    Happy Friday evening!

  • Unknown
    edited October 2011

    Ladies - this forum's not so active lately, but I hope someone will reply here & talk me off my ledge. I had my SS/NS BMX with saline implants and Alloderm 9/19. All went smoothly surgically. Since last Wed. night, I've had swelling in a band that goes around my upper torso - extends from just beneath my breats to up into my armpits. It's worse at night. Called my PS's office Thurs. a.m. to check in on it (f/u not 'til this coming Wed.) and NP said it was probably normal and due to increased activity (I did bend over a few times Wed. and really hadn't done that before). But it's not let up since then - better in the a.m. (so I didn't call Fri. and ask to be seen), so bad in the p.m. that need to take my bra off and even then, can feel pressure and pain.

    Anyone else had this? Am freaking out about truncal lymphedema, etc. - of course have no idea what's "normal" for this surgery and I'm sure there is a wide range of post-op effects. Just wanted to pick your brains.

    Many thanks,


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,310
    edited October 2011

    Sarah, I'm sorry that I have no wise words about your condition, but please come off the ledge!  I was very swollen in the chest for some weeks, but I was very careful not to be too active.  Since I'm retired and had a husband/nurse taking care of me, I just took it easy.  Maybe someone else can speak up with more knowledge.  Upcreek is a nurse.  Let us know how this works out.

    I had a pap smear procedure today that was almost painful enough to call excruciating.  The lack of estrogen does not make for a happy situation. 

  • alliesmom15
    alliesmom15 Member Posts: 66
    edited October 2011

    I had my surgery in May and had the same tightness and felt like my skin was chafing all of the time.  It was so unbearable.  I feel much better but still have tightness when I dont stretch even without doing much.  I went to a new PS and she showed me stretches that I need to be doing, they hurt like hell but have made it a lot better.

    I do not wear a bra at all, it makes it feel worse I think.

  • Unknown
    edited October 2011

    Thanks Carole & Jen - Carole - I would have to be lying down like a corpse to be less active! I have only taken short, very slow walks around the block (I went into this in awesome shape - 7/day/week exerciser, hard stuff to boot) and my MIL has been here ('til yesterday) waiting on me hand and foot. No meal prep, no laundry, no cleaning, no gardening. Playing by the rules 'cause I really don't want to mess this up! It's so odd. 

    Jen - I have been wondering if stretching would help - I am quite tight in addition to the swelling and my body is just used to moving and stretching every day. I'm restricted significantly by the implants for now - will obviously ask PS about this, but I have to think that if I could move my arms around, this would be much better (not to mention my ribs, back, etc.!) 

    The update is my f/u w/PS is tomorrow at 3, so she'll let me know what she thinks, and then I got an email back from an old LE therapist who I saw in '01 (proactive, have never had LE, thankfully) and I'm going to call to book w/her ASAP this a.m. 

    Thanks, ladies - and if anyone else has insight, I'm all ears!


  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,330
    edited October 2011

    Hope you get the go ahead to start some stretching and other light exercises. It has really helped me. I am officially 5 weeks postnop and yesterday was the first daybthat long periods of time went by when I did not notice my foobs. Sadly, since the nipple on lefty is going on Thurs. And probably the implant too. Then, I get to have the TE experience!


  • Unknown
    edited October 2011

    Thanks, Caryn, we'll see what PS says. I really think it's exercise I need more than anything. But DO NOT want to mess up this reconstruction!

    Yes! to not thinking about your foobs for a while. Cannot wait for that. Must feel so liberating.

    I'm sad Lefty's getting messed with on Thurs. The TE experience can be not so bad, from what I hear. I hope it's not so bad for you. This all sucks, but I'm happy you're in good hands and we'll try to keep eyes on the prize while you go through this and your subsequent treatment. Some days will be easier than others, but we're all here for you!



  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,310
    edited October 2011

    Hi everyone.  What's happening with all of you?  This thread has become too quiet! 

    I had a very nice day. Played golf and then had lunch at the club.  Tomorrow is the day I take my mom to have her hair done.

    Only bad health news has to do with dentistry.  It looks like dental implants is in my immediate future. Very expensive. 

    I was down a lb. this morning!

  • ninaslcpa
    ninaslcpa Member Posts: 8
    edited October 2011

    Hi ladies - I haven't been in touch for a long time - not sure why - maybe just needed not to think about it all for awhile - It's been 20 months since my bilateral mastectomy - I opted for tatoos, no nipple reconstruction.  I went to a medical doctor for the tatoos - they are ok - but already fading and it hasn't even been a year - I wonder if I would have been better off going to an artist and would appreciate any feedback from you - If I have a touchup done, I think that's the route I would take.  I still have tightness (the old "iron bra" feeling) but as someone said, you just get used to it.  I still am comfortable with my decision - I don't worry about breast cancer taking my life anymore.  I want to be around for a long time to hug my 4 grandbabies (and twins coming in Feb!) - Hugs to all

  • Jen42
    Jen42 Member Posts: 71
    edited October 2011

    Hi ninaslcpa:  I'm not on these boards as much either...going back to work cuts into my computer time ! I'm almost 5 months out from surgery. I will probably get just nipple tattoos, too, eventually. My PS recommended a tattoo artist here in my area who has a great reputation for nipple tattooing.

    I still sometimes can't believe I had a BMX but don't regret the decision...I have peace of mind with chance for recurrence so low now.

  • Crescent5
    Crescent5 Member Posts: 64
    edited October 2011

    Hi Ladies.

    I've been reading your thread and appreciating your stories. I'm sorry you've had to go through all of this. I am in the deciding stages and am gathering info. I just ran across something which I find to be familiar unfortunately in these threads. I don't know where else to put it, so I'll put it here if it's OK. I can't think of anyone who would understand better than you ladies.

    Considering PBM, I've been consulting w/some PS's about recon, and have gotten wise enough to start my discussion with the consult coordinator first (I have a really, really high insurance deductible). I just spoke with one and was asking about one-step and/or micro-fat grafting. She was not the least bit understanding or concerned about what I can put my body through and what I'd like to end up with (I'm not unrealistic, just trying to make the best choice). I said I was hoping to end up with a pretty result. She responded with, "well, isn't this being done for medical reasons?" I said the first half of the surgery was medical, the PS's part was to make me pretty again. Then I hung up. Seriously, we don't forfeit the desire for a decent looking result just because of our medical issues. I realize some things aren't possible, but that doesn't mean we should just accept "whatever."

    Thank you for letting me rant.

  • upcreek
    upcreek Member Posts: 157
    edited October 2011

    SAOlsenberg:  Your swelling may be due to over-activity? but my suggestion is to see a physiotherapist to help you get back to normal.  I progressed and got back to normal quickly with physio. 

    Sorry Carole, been busy I guess.  Went to our niece's wedding a 2 hour plane ride away.  Our daughter came as well and it was a big Italian wedding with around 80 relatives in the immediate family alone!

    Ninalscaslpa: There are some wonder ladies who do tattoos very well.  Check them out on the tattoo sites.

    Cresent5:  Do your research and try to get the best surgeon and the best procedure.

    Meg, Okiegal, Fortunate1:  Where are all of you?

  • Unknown
    edited October 2011

    upcreek - seems to be just a consquence of surgery and has gone down on the right side - left is slower b/c it's the side I had cancer in 10 years ago and I had rads on that side. Actually just saw the physio this a.m., so she's going to help me w/some massage and some ROM exercises - but thank you so much for the suggestion!


  • ninaslcpa
    ninaslcpa Member Posts: 8
    edited October 2011

    I am always amazed at the support and compassion I find here, even if it's after a long absence from the site.  God bless you all - we all have to deal with demons in our own way -

  • fortunate1
    fortunate1 Member Posts: 467
    edited October 2011

    Hi upcreek and Carole and all the other long-timers,

    I am fine and hope you all are too. Very busy heading into my big selling season and as always, wondering if I have done enough. I just had my yearly mammogram and ultrasound. I always get a bit scared, and I am once again - just fine!  

    I am getting close to my THREE YEAR cancerversary. I still see the "foob" each day with mixed feelings of loss and gratitude. I am still trying to take better care of myself each day and to feel more feminine and pretty than I ever paid attention to before BC.

    How are you all? Big hugs to old and new. 

  • ninaslcpa
    ninaslcpa Member Posts: 8
    edited October 2011

    Congrats Fortunate1 on your three year cancerversary - I can so relate to your feelings - loss and gratitude pretty much sums it up - you're never the same, but cancer free is worth the price - and yes, it would be wonderful to feel sexy again, but have to accept that when so much has been taken away, there is a price to pay - health - priceless.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,310
    edited October 2011

    Happy to hear about your good results on the mammogram and ultrasound, Fortunate1.  I'm two plus years since my BMX.  Hard to believe so much time has passed.

    Good to hear from you, Upcreek.  The wedding sounds like fun.

    Meg and Okiegal, where are you?

    Hi to everyone, new and not so new.  Crescent, good luck to you.  I hope you find some helpful medical professionals who also are sympathetic.  Kindness and understanding go a long way in helping us through our ordeal..

    Let's all try to check in a little more often. 

  • amsk
    amsk Member Posts: 29
    edited October 2011

    Hello ladies.  I am relatively new to BCO - having been diagnosed earlier this month with Stage 2 mixed ductal and lobular invasive cancer.  Am probably going to have a BMX.  I am told I am a candidate for NSS - but my drs have not mentioned the one step recon with Alloderm.  All I have heard about is TEs to implants.

    My drs are sophisticated and experienced, so I am wondering why they do not mention the one step option. (I only know if it through this board.)   Any thoughts?   Could it be that Alloderm is expensive (or so I have heard), or perhaps that not many women are candidates for the one step procedure?

    I don't want to go up significantly in size - I am a B and want to stay around there, perhaps a bit larger.  Would that fact eliminate me as a candidate for the one step?  (I am thinking going to a generous B or a C at the most.)

    Curious what you all have learned about the one step procedure vs TEs -- who is a candidate for it and what, if any, drawbacks that option poses.  Thanks in advance for any insights.  Best, Amsk. 

  • alliesmom15
    alliesmom15 Member Posts: 66
    edited October 2011

    If I could do it all over again I would see about fat transfers with no implants, it is worth a try to see if it is possible to do it as soon as you have your BMX.  I wish I would have at least looked into it after mine.

  • Unknown
    edited October 2011

    Hi Amsk - you should ask your surgeons about it. Going up in size is likely not possible - you are constrained by the amount of skin you have, so if you're a small B, you may have to stay there. I was a larger B on one side and smaller on the other (previous BC in the left breast), so mine are now more matched to the smaller one. You'll have to talk to them, but I know that some surgeons are just not experienced in placing implants immediately, so their comfort level w/the procedure is low (as it should be!) and they don't offer it for that reason.

    I have no experience w/TE's, but generally, that's the more traditional route, would allow you to go up in size. But you would need to get those filled over time and then have an exchange surgery to place implants later. Lots of women find the TE's uncomfortable, too. Hopefully someone will weigh in here on that.


  • Sandy105
    Sandy105 Member Posts: 160
    edited October 2011


    One of the main goals of the direct to implant is to lessen the total number of surgeries you will require and to have everything over and done sooner! With TE's, you must have at least two surgeries - the initial MX and then the exchange surgery. It is certainly possible you could need revision surgery after this as well.

    With the direct to implant, you may need only one surgery. It is certainly possible you could need revision surgery. I needed minor revision but the revision surgery tends to be far less complicated than the original surgery - less recovery time and far less pain.

    With direct to implant, you must stay near the same size you are before surgery for the surgeon must fill the skin envelope that remains after all tissue has been removed. I am slightly larger after my direct to implant surgery but the difference is minimal.

    I have never had TE's so like Sarah, I cannot speak to the differences between the two proceedures. I agree with Sarah in that many people seem to find the TE's to be a bit uncomfortable at certain stages.

  • amsk
    amsk Member Posts: 29
    edited October 2011

    Thanks Sandy for the info re:  one step recon.

    Why was revision surgery needed and what exactly did that entail, if you don't mind me asking.

     Regards,  Amsk 

  • Sandy105
    Sandy105 Member Posts: 160
    edited October 2011

    Hi Amsk,

    Due to a previous breast surgery where a great deal of tissue was removed, one breast was smaller than the other breast. This was particularly noticable at the upper part of the breast. At the time of initial direct to implant surgery, the PS inserted implants the same size in each breast - as should have been done. I had been informed prior to this surgery that I would most likely need a bit of fat transfer to make both breasts the same size at a later surgery if I felt this necessary.

    I have additional medical problems so making the initial surgery as short as it could be was medically necessary. Also, fat transfer is generally not done at an initlal surgery for it is impossible to know exactly how much fat will be needed to transfer for a lot of work has been done during the initial surgery. 

    The revision surgery took about 1.5 hours  - I think - could have been slightly less, and was done on an out-patient basis. The fat was removed by lipo from my stomach and was inserted into the area above both breasts with more going into the breast that had been smaller. My PS wanted to achieve a natural looking sloop and this was indeed accomplished. The lipo left no scars and was no big deal at all.

    Also, on the other breast I had an area of the initial incision scar that had failed to heal completely flat and smoth. The PS also wanted to correct this for he is more of a perfectionist than I. He also felt the implant had not softened as it should and felt it had migrated a bit from where it should be so he also decided to replace the implant and do additional pocket work to keep this from happening again. This can and often does happen in direct to implant as well as when TE's are used.This migration of implants in just one of the things that can and does happen sometimes but is easily repaired.

    I think one thing that is very important to know is that it is not at all unusual to require revision surgery! I think this is true with TE's as well as direct to implant. Sometimes. it is just not possible to know exactly how things are going to turn out and achieving the cosmetic results you want may take more than the initial surgery after implants have been inserted.

    All in all, the revision surgery was very, very easy. I was in the hospital for less than four hours total. My husband and I went out to dinner later that evening. I saw the PS for a follow-up early the next morning and we went from his office directly to the airport for our flight home.

    Everyone is different and there is no one "best surgery" for all. I believe the most important thing to do is to research types of reconstruction, investigate your BS and PS as to their experience doing the type surgery you are going to have, and to make a decision that is the right one for you.

    For some ladies, traveling to another location is right for them and for some, it is not the right thing for too many reasons to count! For me, traveling to NY was the correct decision for me but traveling to another area may not be right for you. We all need to be comfortable with the decision we make for ourselves! We are all different!

    Whatever you decide is right for you, you can be certain that the ladies on this forum will be available to answer questions, offer support, and to help you in any way they possibly can!

    If you need me to answer more questions, know I am happy to do so for I want you to be happy with your final decision. I remember being where you are - trying to find a surgeon and trying to decide what type reconstruction I wanted - and I found so many wonderful ladies here who were of tremendous help to me! Let us all know how we may help.


  • Unknown
    edited October 2011

    Sandy - how long was it before you decided you needed the revision? I feel like my left implant has migrated out toward my armpit a little - but there is still swelling on that side (only going into my 6th week post-op), so may let down a bit once swelling is resolved. Great to hear it was so easy!
