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  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited December 2010

    Hi sisters!  I've been out of touch for a few days --- tree decorating and grandson's "Holiday" play. I've been forcing myself to get to bed earlier to see if it will help with my energy, or lack thereof.  Since we haven't been posting a lot lately, I'm guessing everyone, like me, is super busy this time of year.

    I love the quotes here!

    I'd like to share a few thoughts, though while on my "lunch break".

    Traci's quiet place.  VERY difficult to do, I find, in the secular world.  Which is why so many of the saints withdrew from The World to go into monasteries or cloisters.  But many saints became saints right here in the middle of the insanity.  One of the goals/aims of being an SFO is just that... how to be holy in the middle of life. (I'm still learning!!)  Life is very distracting.  Life is frustrating.  It knots me up in balls.  But we have tools to help us refocus, and you're absolutely right, prayer is the way.

    Ok, I want to tie Traci's thoughts into some thoughts I was having this week too.  I find that there is a definite divide in my life between work and home life.  People refer to wearing different hats, or like Mr. Rogers... different sweaters for home and office.  I think what's causing me the most stress is hating the one and desiring the other.  A friend of mine said stresses often are "illusions" (he's of an eastern philosophy thought, formerly Catholic).  And I thought about that a bit.  My stresses are mostly illusions or brought on by my own need for perfection... Type A, like Janet said.  So at work, I'm striving for perfection, straight As, I can do it, yes, yes, yes, assigning myself to more and more work. I'm also affected by other people's moods or attitudes.  They're not mine, so why am I owning them??  At home, while still a perfectionist to some degree, I'm not so harsh on myself, because no one else is!  At work, if I just open my mind to it, no one else is setting me up for perfection either --- just me!  So how do I find the peace at work that I have at home?  That's what I'm working on... remove the illusion of stress toward work and people. It's life, just like home is life.  Every moment of it should be a conversation with God, mentally and physically with others.  Every person I meet has God within, so it shouldn't be so much of a stretch, however, we know many people don't behave like they have God within.  So if someone cuts me off on the commute, instead of name calling, bless that person's soul.  Then our souls do need the quiet time.  Away from everyone.  Retreat.  The liturgy of the hours, I find, is the best way to refocus, and it, too, is hard to do in the middle of stress-time.  Morning Prayer, Terce (9am), Sext (12pm), None (3pm), Evening (Compline) Prayer (7pm), Night Prayer (bedtime).  Using any or all of these times to pray with the church is really reassuring and comforting.  When at work, Microsoft Outlook reminds me of the daytime hours and I TRY to stop and read that hour's scripture.  I feel better when I do that and more harried when I don't on a consistent basis.

    I better get back to earning a living! :-)  My nemesis is pinging me about a meeting....

    God bless you all in this holy, preparation for Christ's coming season.

  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748
    edited August 2013

    Hello Sisters,

    After reading what Traci and Theresa wrote, I thought I would share...forgive me if it's off the mark... 

    I do have my "quiet times" like morning prayers, daily walks, and evening prayers, but most of the time, for me,  it is finding that quiet moment (or moments) in the everyday things (whether stressful or not) and just praise God somehow...  

    The second I open my eyes each morning, I thank God for bringing me to this day and ask for his blessing... 

    A cross or holy picture may catch my eye as I walk through my house and I praise God, or kiss my hand and touch it.... 

    I bless myself right before I start my car and ask for guidance and safe arrival to my destination and home again... 

    When I see a clock that reads 1:11 (am or pm) I praise the Father, Son and Holy Spirit for that minute or whatever time of minute is left....I do the same for 11:11, (am or pm) but add in our Blessed Mother to make it 4... Don't know remember where I picked that up, but it's an extra 4 times a day that I am praising...

    I keep a rosary on CD that I play while driving instead of listening to the radio...I'm looking to get some bible scriptures on CD as well to listen to as well...

    I may find be walking into a store and have a couple minutes and praise the Father, Son and Holy Spirit while walking in... 

    I may sing a song of praise a bit as I'm browsing a store, or the mall... (He who sings, prays twice!)

    Before I make a meal, I ask God to watch over me as I do so and bless all those that are about to eat it...

    I see something so simple and thank God for it...

    I try to be the best version of myself that I can possibly be each day and pray that others see God through me...

    Do I still stress out?  Of course, I do.  But now, they are few and far between...they don't last forever and I take the time to to "Let Go and Let God".... Do I reach back for them after I give them to God?  Yes, I still do...but I'm learning to really let them go and getting better...that's all I can do, right?




  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited December 2010

    Tori!  Perfect, Perfect!!!  You are living your faith, living the holy life in our secular world!  May God continue to bless you with these daily graces.  DE COLORES!  Indeed!

    You are an inspiration for me. :-)

    From Evening Prayer:

    James 5:7-8,9

    Be patient, brothers [and sisters], until the Lord's coming. Think of a farmer [or gardener]: how patiently he waits for the precious fruit of the ground until it has had the autumn rains and the spring rains! You too have to be patient; do not lose heart, because the Lord's coming will be soon. The Judge is already to be seen waiting at the gates.

    I think I'm getting the cruddy crud that either Skip had or that my daughter is getting over.  Skip got over his pretty quick, but Becky has strep.  I don't want it.  I started Zicam tonight.  I think I need some tea and go to bed early again.

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited December 2010

    Theresa and Tori,

    I really enjoyed reading your thoughts, and I must say I strive to live more closely as you both do. Theresa, my desire for perfection (or just plain old trying to do too much,) landed me lying down on one of our exam tables this afternoon. I "hit the wall" of exhaustion head on at 60 MPH, but was helped my lovely co-workers including a ride home. I shed a few tears, the ones that come with extreme fatigue. I anticipate being home tomorrow and did have a lovely conversation with my co-worker after work. She was upset too for me, worried. Some days it's that simple, and I am so grateful for the grace of others. I found it funny that I was down in OB at the time, so the table had the stirrups up. The Nurse Practitioner and I had a laugh about it.


    How are you doing today? I pray you will not have too many side effects from chemo, and that they will be well past you by Christmas.

    I hope I can prepare for prayers with you tomorrow Paula? I will have my sentiments to share, and look forwards to everyone elses, be it a prayer, or memory of the holidays or the meaning of Christmas and the birth of Christ. There are also a few new Intentions for people who are gravely ill that I wanted to make sure we included in our Prayers.

    Sweet Dreams All, and for those of us who had our first snow, isn't it beautiful? Especially with the Christmas Lights :)

  • lovemyfamilysomuch
    lovemyfamilysomuch Member Posts: 762
    edited August 2013

    Thank you sisters, I am always encouraged when I read through our posts.  I went to confession on Wednesday night--we had a speaker on healing relationships and then about 6 priests for confession.  I feel better, and trying not to sin! LOL


  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748
    edited December 2010


    Just coming online to ask for your prayers tomorrow...having #5 treatment.  Can't believe it's here and 3 weeks from tomorrow will be my last one....thanks be to God.  (then on to rads)

    At any rate, if you can spare a minute, would you please say a quick one for me, please?

    Thank you sisters...what would I do without you all?

    Peace and prayers,



  • thrmine
    thrmine Member Posts: 30
    edited December 2010


    I'd like to ask for prayers.  The edema in my legs is not changing.  They have been solid with fluid from the knee down for two and a half weeks now.  Before that they would at least go down at night.  Not anymore.  They are heavy and sore and discouraging.   I was hoping to feel so good after chemo.   Surgery is in three weeks, hopefully, and I can't imagine recovering from that with this issue too.  

    My oncologist is fairly sure it is related to Lapatinib, my clinical trial drug.  It was pulled a week ago.    This is just getting me down.

    On a side note, we have a stomach bug in our house.  I came down with that too last night, which is part of the reason I am up now.  When I called the doctor to see if I should be worried about the bug, he reminded me that I have anti-nausea meds on hand.   I had not taken one in all my months of chemo, forgot all about them.   For the record, it works like a charm.  So I do have that to smile about.

    Hope everyone is doing alright.

    Thanks in advance.

    Alice in Ohio 

  • lovemyfamilysomuch
    lovemyfamilysomuch Member Posts: 762
    edited December 2010

    Tori and Alice and all,

    Praying for you!! We will be with you!  Love,


  • hood1980
    hood1980 Member Posts: 168
    edited December 2010

    Saying my prayers for all you wonderful ladies especially Alice and Tori!

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited December 2010

    I am praying for you (Tori, Traci, Alice and those on our Catholics Intentions page) today.  I am home sick (strep?) today ... yes, the Lord *makes* us rest when we do too much.

    We have a drafty big old house ("old" = 1970) and the electric heat doesn't work in the kitchen or living room.  We're getting a pellet stove installed on the 27th to help warm us up.  Even Miss Lucy is shivering. :-)  So, I have a different take on the snow we just got, Traci! LOL

    Alice, I had some edema in my legs after chemo.  I was worried about it and talked to my doctor... he said it would go away and it did.  I pray yours will go away soon, especially  having to run around with those children!  I also had watery eyes, which was really annoying.

    Ellie - confessions, yes, good for the soul!  I think our communal penance is this coming week.  Otherwise, I better get up there this weekend!

    I hope everyone has a blessed day!!  Traci, I'm looking forward to prayers tonight and had forgotten about the Christmas story/prayer, etc.  Thanks for the reminder.

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited December 2010


    I didn't fully realize about your lack of heat.I'm not sure what the pellet stove is, but I am worried about you all being so cold. Do you have a portable heater? Boo! 


    I am sorry you are suffering so. Since it is a research drug, have the research Nurses and Doctors been attentive to this? I am a huge fan of my Zofran, and there are times I still need it (rarely.) I used it all the time during my chemo. 

    I pray you both feel better very soon, and I am hanging home today as well. so we are all in this together in our ways, so I will take the time in a bit to share my X Mas sentiments :) Do you all feel up to it as well? 

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited December 2010

    oh, and Theresa, since you have been recently exposed to strep, can you get to the Doctors for a rapid strep test today? I pray so, because you will need treatment ASAP, don't want to let this get a hold on you. Please let us know, K?

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited December 2010

    OK ladies - nobody is allowed to get sick or stay sick this close to Christmas!!!  So let everything else go, REST, have some chicken soup, and don't do anything except take care of yourselves.  And, I'll be praying that all these issues clear up & that Tori breezes through #5.  Alice - edema & stomach bug at same time - poor dear.  I don't know what to do for edema - maybe keep your legs up & avoid any salt?  Maybe that will help. Theresa - yes, don't mess around with strep - call your doc.  Traci - what's going on with the fatigue - just overwork?

    My daughter has been out of town this week for work so I've been going to her condo each day to feed her cat.  Well ,what started as just picking up around her condo & taking a load of laundry home to do for her -- ended up cleaning her entire place!!  (That's my type A showing).  So, she'll have an early Christmas present when she gets home today:)

    Looking forward to prayers tonight - trying to think of a special contribution.  God bless all.

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited December 2010

    Yeay Janet!

    Tell it :) I know I was thinking about you all while walking the kiddo. I am also wondering how Paula is doing? I think mine is overwork, and not enough fluid intake. My chest hurts, but not in the conventional sense. I don't have a cough or sore throat. What makes me nervous is not having that yearly MRI check due to the magnets in my tissue expanders. I did leave a message with the Nurse for my PS to please call me back on Monday so we can quietly discuss a second opinion while my PS is out on maternity leave. (The nurse works with the other PS on the service, and then I am also considering Georgetown PS too.) I think I shall give them a yodel now.


    I admit I shut down mentally about the implant and "lat flap" situation, and now I am in a better space to address it and go to the site you so kindly referred me to. I hope you know how grateful I am, I tend to "go away" in my head when it's too much. I'll be following up with you in PM :)

    I too am looking forwards to you Prayers...I can feel the Joy of the Season.

  • lovemyfamilysomuch
    lovemyfamilysomuch Member Posts: 762
    edited December 2010

    Janet, waiting for you to surprise me and come clean my house! xo

  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited December 2010

    Hi everybody!!!  I had been real busy with real estate closings before the end of year.  I went to lymphedema evaluation last Monday and got home sore.  Wednesday was my first manual lymph treatment and they used a Hivamat (electronic stimulation gadget), it didn't hurt much but my other hand (which was supposed to be grounded, was being zapped by static so that didn't feel good).  Wednesday night everything started to flare up, I was wired and wide awake till 3 a.m., had to take a sleeping pill.  Thursday was pain and slight swelling at the underarm and the breast and the nerves around the area is "angry".  Today I have a litle more swelling on the breast and will be running back to rad onc to let him take a look and will probably get antibiotics. Running a low grade fever too.  No redness, just puffy on the breast.

    Theresa ~ sorry to hear about your strep and the lack of heat :(  

    Traci ~ my dear, are you ok???  First it was Ms. D, and now you :(

    Tori ~ pray that you will have minimal side effects

    Alice ~ sorry about your edema, I know what you are feeling :(

    Janet ~ way to go, it's great to know that you are having good energy, your daughter will be so happy :)

    Ellie ~ thanks for the prayers 

    To the rest of the gang, thank you for your prayers and I know we will need more.

    I will post the Advent #3 quickly, not sure if I will be joining the prayer but I will try.  My left underarm is very sensitive.

    Love and Hugs to you all.

  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited August 2013

    Advent week #3 (READING)

    John's disciples said to Jesus, "Are you 'He who is to come' or do we look for another?"

    In reply, Jesus said: "Tell John what you hear and see: the blind recover their sight, cripples walk, lepers are cured, and the poor have good news preached to them..." LK 3:10

    O, Jesus, I rejoice at the signs that say You are near. Your power is everywhere if I could see it.

    Yet my eyes often see only darkness and what has yet to be done. I believe in You, yet when I look around evil seems so strong and goodness so weak.  If you have come, why is there still so much suffering and why do the poor still despair? Where are Your miracles today?

    Your grace, O Lord, is more fruitful in my world than I imagine. I know Your power is everywhere around me, if I could only see it. Show me today where the blind see and cripples walk.

    Make my vision sharper than it is.



    Let us see the signs of your presence

    O God, our Father, we praise you and thank you.

    You who love every man and guide all peoples, accompany the steps our our nation,

    Which are often difficult but are full of hope.

    Let us see the signs of your presence and feel the force of your love that never fails.

    Lore Jesus, Son of God and Savior of the world,

    made man in the womb of the Virgin Mary, we confess to you our faith.

    May your Gospel be light and strength for our personal choices and those of society.

    May your law of love lead our civil community to justice and solidarity,

    To reconciliation and peace.Holy Spirit, love of the Father and of the Son,

    confidently we invoke you.

    You who are the inner teacher reveal to us the thoughts and ways of God.

    Grant that we may look at human events with pure and penetrating eyes,

    that we may preserve the just inheritance of sanctity and civility of our people,

    that we may turn our hearts and minds to the renewal of our society.

    Glory to you, O Son, who for love became our servant.

    Glory to you, O Holy Spirit, who live and reign to the end of time. Amen!


    Prayer to Saint Peregrine

    O great St. Peregrine, you have been called "The Mighty," "The Wonder-Worker," because of the numerous miracles which you have obtained from God for those who have had recourse to you.

    For so many years you bore in your own flesh this cancerous disease that destroys the very fiber of our being, and who had recourse to the source of all grace when the power of man could do no more. You were favored with the vision of Jesus coming down from His Cross to heal your affliction. Ask of God and Our Lady, the cure of the sick whom we entrust to you.
    (Pause here and silently recall the names of the sick for whom you are praying)
    Aided in this way by your powerful intercession, we shall sing to God, now and for all eternity, a song of gratitude for His great goodness and mercy.


    Prayer for Healing

    Lord Jesus, You are my physician who comes from heaven to heal me.  Help me to resolve to put all my trust in You alone and to patiently undergo my treatment.  Lord, You can uproot and heal my sickness and ease my fears.  I ask You please for my healing. Amen!


    Closing Prayer

    May the Lord bless and keep us. May He make His face to shine upon us and be gracious to us.  May the Lord look kindly upon us, and grant us a lasting peace. Amen

  • binney4
    binney4 Member Posts: 1,466
    edited December 2010

    DiamondGirl, here's a page about how to handle lymphedema emergencies, because the symptoms you're describing could become serious very quickly. If you haven't gotten help yet with this, please do it right away.

    Be well!

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited December 2010


    Thanks so much for posting this for Paula. Paula, how are you doing?

  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited August 2013

    I came home from rad onc's office.  He didn't write me any rx ! He looked at it and said it's all the side effects from rads and surgery.  Although I have a low grade fever and pleaded, he said I didn't need it.  I do have swelling on the breast, underarm and clavical (not severe) and some shooting pain now and then, it just makes me feel crummy like I'm coming down with something that's all :(

    Binney, thanks for the post.  And Traci, thanks for asking :)

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited December 2010

    Dear Paula, you have had such a time with this beast!  My prayers go up for you this evening for a speedy recovery.  Thank you so much for thinking of us, though, and posting the Advent reflection.  It is a good one.  One that I need.. my eyes sharpened to see God's glory in everything around me.  Everything.

    Binney... ditto, thanks for posting and sharing your concern and resources.

    I didn't mean to sound so grave about the heat in our house.  It's just two rooms and Skip can fix the thermostat, probably, in the living room.  We have radiant ceiling heat... yeah not too bright, but I guess electricity was a cheap heat source back in the 70s.  The pellet stove will help to reduce our electric bill.  The good points about this type of heat, though, is you can control the temperature in each room, so the rooms we don't use, we turn down.  And it's supposed to be the best heat for allergy sufferers.  So I'm in a cozy room now typing. :-)   My doc called me in Amoxicillan 500mg for my ailments.  I'll need to do the yogurt thing with it.

    I couldn't think of a Christmas Story to share.  My mind is a bit mushy today. But I am here for prayer time if we're having it.

  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited December 2010

    Hi Theresa, I'm here too :)

    Thanks for your prayers, and I will be praying for you and others who are suffering at the moment.  We need God's intervention, quickly.

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited December 2010

    Paula, thanks for the prayes again, I here anytime your ready.

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited December 2010

    A Christmas reflection...Christmas is a time of faith and I think we can learn a lot from children at this time of year.  Afterall, Jesus came to us as a defenseless infant - not a conquering king.  A radio station was taking calls from children today about what they do on Christmas morning.  One little boy cracked me up.  He said they had to wait until everybody was up and his father took the dog out before they could get things going.  It reminded me of my brother & I -- getting up about 4am with flashlights and sneaking downstairs to take a peek into the family room while our parents were still asleep.  We didn't touch anything - just wanted to see the magic. We of course raced back to bed and it seemed FOREVER before our parents got up.  Young children relate to the baby Jesus - because at this time of year he is one of them.  They take Santa Clause with unquestioning belief and faith.  They have a lot to teach us in unquestioning belief and faith.   Merry Christmas! 

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited December 2010


    Woke up in time. Not sure if Paula can be with us, but she shared week three of Advent, so that's wonderful. Praying you are alright Paula.

    There are two sentiments of Christmas that are dear to my heart. The first is the feelings of shared joy "in the air." The spirit of kinship and goodwill are for the taking and need no gift wrapping. To me, the excitement brings me back to childhood, and as an adult, I seek to recreate those memories again. There was a time when I was not engaged in the season, and the past ten years or so, I became infused again with the spirit of family and the joy of giving. This collective spirit of family and togetherness brings people together, and at the heart of if? We celebrate the birth of Christ. I see those who haughtily submit, that the "dates are wrong! it's commercialism, I refuse to be part of the Hallmark conspiracy...." Well, it doesn't have to be a time of gluttony, or competition. I truly don't feel like Jesus would debate the actual day of his Birth, he is so much greater than human derived superiority.

    It is simply a time where love reigns over all, that humanity shines towards others, and if I was watching people come together in my name (or not,) that I would be most pleased. Because after all, LOVE, is the most powerful emotion that we humans can possess, and it is free.

    God Bless Us All on our journeys, and may we remember those who are struggling tonight, and those who are preparing to go home. The Catholic Intentions thread has some new requests that I wish us to honor and pray over. For our Stage IV Warrior Sisters, whose grace and gratitude shown in some posts today that I was reading, for our Dear Jeannine and Sister Sheila, prayers for you both.

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited December 2010

    Shall we read and enjoy each other's offerings?

  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited December 2010

    Traci, you just need to say "when" :)

    I'm here :)  :)

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited December 2010

    When :)

    I say let us be together, knowing we are here, and loving each other. Let us pray for any and all and listen for the word of God.

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited December 2010

    Yes Traci.  I have always felt an overwhelming feeling of peace on Christmas Day - and I really do think it settles down like a blanket all over the world. Peace on earth, goodwill toward men.

  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited December 2010

    Amen !