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  • Sandy105
    Sandy105 Member Posts: 160
    edited February 2011

    Thanks so much for posting this thread! I was not aware we had a Patron Saint for Cancer! I will play this novena for all the ladies on here who are dealing with so very much and for myself as well. I am scheduled to have a NSM in a few weeks. This will help me get through this ordeal. I will be grateful for any of you who choose to include me in your prayers as well.

    Thanks so much!


  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2011

    Sheila - wonderful advice, as usual, for all of us.  I mentioned lamaze to Skip and he teased me about it ... asked what would happen if he hyperventilated, how would he explain it to the police. :-\  I never learned lamaze.  Back in the day, my childbirth classes were pretty poor.  My first child, Becky, was a challenge... and I'll never let her forget it! LOL  So, I'll do some research and work on Skip.

    As many of you are doing, have done, I worked on taxes this weekend. What a bummer it was!!!  I'm not done (haven't bought the s/w), but re-living 2010 was just awful.  The cancer, the surgery, the radiation, the chemotherapy, the move by the terrorists, the letting go of the NJ house, repairing the VA house, the renter who bailed on us.... it was just sickening to go over that stuff.  I don't know how I walked that walk, except that God was carrying me.  Sometimes it's good to not know your future, the cross you will be bearing.  Talk about anxiety attacks! 

    2011 has to be better.  Time to pay St. Jude some attention! :-)

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2011

    Sandy - welcome!  In addition to St. Peregrine's novena, we are in the middle of the St. Jude novena and you're welcome to join us!  Go back to page 181 toward the top is Michelle's post (mmm5).  She is leading us.  We also have Friday night prayers at 10pm, where we all gather and pray at the same time... usually for a special intention.  It's very grace-filled.

    I can never find the acroymn page ... what is NSM?  You will be in our prayers.

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited February 2011

    Thanks Theresa, I found it and posted it.

    Sandy, welcome to this thread. You will find such love and support here. A very comforting place to be. Sandy we would love to include you in our prayers!

    Love and hugs ladies!


  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited February 2011

    Welcome Sandy from me too!  I've got a mastectomy coming up in March also so we'll have to hold virtual hands.

    Sheila - you always have such great pearls of wisdom in your posts!

    Theresa - that's what I've been working on too - taxes.  You'd think I would be able to deduct the enormous 2010 medical costs but I didn't hit the percentage.  bummer.

    Headed to my Nordic Track & pray to St. Jude :)   God bless all.

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited February 2011

    Hello all,

    I am catching up as I too am in the throes of taxes, and then realized my LTD did not have taxes taken out. My supplemental work did. Needless to say, I almost passed out, but have a good friend coming over to help me itemize. I am over the limit, due to the chemo/rads/cabs/lymphedema/Psychiatry/meds...MD visits, wigs, well, I guess you all get the pic, but at the end of the day, I am going to have to pay Uncle Sam some money. When does it end?

    That aside, I have really enjoyed catching up on everyone's posts, and prayers. I believe we have three new faces? Welcome!! Sheila, as always so eloquent, poignant and funny.

    I remember a few years ago when I found a St. Jude book mark while walking my dog, and have kept it ever since. I really like the St. Jude Prayer, meaningful.

    So Janet, I didn't realize you have surgery coming up! Do you have a date? Do you need a hospital visitor? You will be alright, but it's hard to gear up. Let us know how we can help.

    Paula, any luck with the job?

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited February 2011

    Ladies from Virginia, Can you tell me what the weather is like in May?  I am going to Virgina Beach the 2nd week in May.  I want it HOT.  Thanks

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited February 2011

    MAY IN VA.. I would say can be unpredictable , warm days yes hot??? not summer hot I dont think but thats just me. Can have some summerlike days  though for sure.

    Janet yes please let us know when and if you want which hospital. Anything we can do :) hugs!!!!

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited February 2011

    Traci/Maria - you guys are SO sweet to offer!  But heavens no - I told everyone (even in my family) the first time and for this time too I don't want visitors at hospital.   Between anesthesia, nausea, etc I do much better just focusing on getting through the next hour:)  Can;'t imagine the energytrying to have a coherent conversation:):)   Best thing you can do is say a prayer that morning!!! (March 23 is my date).  AND - we'll need to reschedule a get-together later in the spring when all the upcoming surgeries are over & done.  Would much rather be with you when I can enjoy it!

    Betty, are you driving through DC?

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited February 2011

    JANET..Understandable... we will be praying praying and praying for you. Look forward to our spring get together :)

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited February 2011

    Janet, No we are flying in, and of course I will be praying for a successful surgery.

  • NJvictoria
    NJvictoria Member Posts: 45
    edited February 2011

    Hey Tink and Janet,

    I'm in MD, about 40 minutes from DC, so if you guys want to try to get together, please let me know! :)


  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited February 2011

    Vikki..would love to do that! we will have to look at a date in the spring and plan something. I believe my next surgery is in April, I will know when I go bak to the PS next month, but that would be wonderful!!! :)


  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2011

    Vikki, we've been trying to get the DC/MD/VA & NJ ladies together for awhile!! LOL  Our schedules are just in the way.  But we're determined.  I'm 1.5 hours from DC, do the commute every day.

    Betty - yes, VA Beach in the beginning of May can be unpredictable as Maria said.  It's been cold winter, so I'm hoping for a warm spring!  My guess is that it will be warm in the day and cooler in the evening - sweater weather.  But VA Beach is about 2 or 3 weeks ahead of Northern VA for the season.

    Speaking of.... buds are poking their heads out of the dirt finally!  We have daffodils, tulips, iris and hyacinth.

    I received some more prayer requests from our Fraternity for folks who either died from cancer or are battling cancer --- not in our Fraternity but in our Region.  It's a reminder to me how God gave me a wake up call to take Him seriously.  We are all going to die some time or other.  If not now from our cancer, later from a heart attack, terrorist attack, car accident, cancer recurrence, you name it, but we know not the day nor hour.  Cancer was like God's calling card -- am I ready?  Heck no!!!  He gave me a second chance to get it right or get it better.  Appreciate today's gifts and try not to worry about tomorrow's gifts or be depressed about yesterday's gifts.  I tuned into Mother Angelica last night and she nailed it -- she said what would we do if everything was perfect for us... the weather, our family, no illnesses, no arguments, no financial problems, food was always good and not fattening, etc.  If life was like that, would we desire heaven?  Probably not. We would probably take it for granted, take God for granted.  Our trials and misery give us the desire for God and heaven.  Of course, I didn't say it as well as she did.

    Janet - I'm in the same tax boat as you... after all the medical bills, including gas to and from, prescriptions and premium payments, I still didn't hit the percentage.  And I know what you mean about wanting alone time after surgery.  I'll never forget throwing up on Skip and he probably won't either!! :-)

    Traci - I hope your friend can help with your taxes and that you don't owe.

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited February 2011

    MMM/aka Michelle

    How is your business endeavor going? The Lord put this in front of me today... while my Internet has been down for a few day.... left my mind open... :)

  • Glisteningpearl
    Glisteningpearl Member Posts: 7
    edited February 2011

    Hi all.  I "joined" your group a few months ago, and then kinda dropped out of things.  I've been having a hard time and tonight when I posted some prayer intentions I thought I'd like to "re-connect", as you are all so positive and supportive of one another.

    On Friday I will have my 14th chemo infusion, with 11 to go.  I'm on CMF and take the C pills daily and get the infusion of M and F every week.  I've been feeling sick to my stomach and keeping the manufacturers of Immodium in bsiness, and I am very fatigued.  Although the CMF is a "milder" chemo than many of you have gone through, it's really starting to get to me--and just the whole, "gee, I have cancer" thing is a real challenge. I am feeling overwhelmed and having a hard time keeping up at work (I'm the office manager for our church) and I'm slipping into the doldrums.  So if you can, I'd really appreciate your prayers as I need Jesus to grant me strength and help me get a better perspective on things.  Thanks to you all--I feel a bit better just writing this out and knowing that understanding people will be reading it.  BJ 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited February 2011

    Tink---there are two pages- with two different intents.once you find them put them on your spaecials list.    Spiritual>catholic> Intentions-------i"ll come back with the prayer thread---sheila

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited February 2011

    Tink one is -forum pryaers and spriritual inspiraration> topic > catholic intentions

    then ditto -------topic>catholic prayers

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited February 2011

    Theresa-Ahh-- The first phase of lamaze is slow deep breaths. Thats where it would benifit Skip the most. The second phase is a panting and the third phase is blowing as needed to stop precipatace delivery.

    As a young nursing student I was required to teach a woman in the public health unit. I went through the whole schmeil. Then she says to me "So whats so hard about this --First you breathe like a dirty old man---then you pant like a dog---then you blow like a fish---so whats the big deal?".....I pondered this for a few moments and said "you got it"....  I didn't get to go through the childbrith experience with her---I often wondered what her post translation would have been.   But her simplistic description was on mark if you have had experience with the breathing techniques. --------------------------------------the slow breathing ---allows control, the panting allows control, the breathing plus blowing allows control..............ergo----control. Her descriptoin based on her lack of education , but translated into terms she understood was priceless/amazing. Obviously have never forgotten it..............she taught me

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited February 2011

    Glistengpearl---Welcome------ cancer sucks--But your name reminds me of a beautiful pearl---why did you chose this name?

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited February 2011


    I understand all too well. I was hounded by a few people who wanted to visit. I appreciate it is a cultural expectation, but I had no desire to try and talk to others. Good for you for having your boundries and knowing what works for you. We will pray for you.


    Please join us in prayer. Sometimes it is the only things that sets me right...and I am a prayer novice. You are going through a very difficult time and trying to work. May God Bless you and hold you.

    and I can say I will have some down time mid April and up unti the 25th....time off for the new girls. Is there anyone who can meet then (as well as May?)

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2011

    BJ - welcome back, please join us in prayer and don't forget Friday Night prayers at 10:00! :-)  All those things you're feeling are "normal".. heck, I've been out of chemo since last May (even though I'm on tamoxifen which is still chemo in my book!) and I still get bone tired and down in the dumps.  But my onc says it's probably more from menopause than chemo.  Sometimes I wonder!

    It sounds like we'll need to have quarterly get togethers so that everyone can eventually meet!  We just need to come up with the next date and do it and if only two people show up, then happy for them!  I certainly enjoyed meeting Ellie! :-)

    Sheila - I'm going to research lamaze this weekend and try it myself before asking Skip again.  I can see him enjoying breathing like a dirty old man, but not the panting dog and blowing fish! LOL  But those are good visuals for me to remember!!  I could have used those techniques tonight after the STRESSFUL day at work, then the long drive home.

    Ok, this week's office of readings has been heavy on Ecclesiastes -- vanity, all is vanity.  Today's reading was really a slam dunk!  It's very long, so I don't want to post all of it (Ecclesiastes 6:11-7:28) but will post what grabbed me and made me chuckle at myself - my own vanity!

    Do not be hasty with your resentment, for resentment is found in the heart of fools. Do not ask why earlier days were better than these, for that is not a question prompted by wisdom. Wisdom is a precious legacy, a boon for those on whom the sun shines. For as money gives protection, so does wisdom; and the good that knowledge imparts is this: its possessor finds that wisdom keeps him safe.   

    Consider the work of God; who can set straight what he has made crooked? When times are prosperous, enjoy your happiness; when times are bad, consider this: the one is God's doing, as is the other, in order that man may know nothing of his destiny. In this fleeting life of mine I have seen so much: the virtuous man perishing for all his virtue, for all his godlessness the godless living on.

    I highly recommend reading the whole passage for today if you can. 

    Peace and good night!

  • Sandy105
    Sandy105 Member Posts: 160
    edited February 2011

    Thank all of you kind kindred spirits for welcoming me to the thread! You are all so kind and generous! A NSM is a nipple and skin sparing MX. Mine was recommended to me for I have such a high risk of developing BC if I don't already have it. (My last mammy indicates I have "benign apearing areas" whatever this may happen to be... My BS tells me it is mostly likely not cancer but could turn out to be...

    My personal breast history is long and scary, and my family history is worse so the BS says it is not a matter of if but when I will indeed develop BC. I am unable to find the inner peace I need so much right now... so all prayers would be greatly appreciated.

    I find it interesting that I am so very able to pray for others but have a very hard time asking our Blessed Mother or the Lord for something for myself. I have been so blessed during my life already it seems quite selfish to ask for yet another miracle when others need so much more than I need. 

    Please also remember my children in your prayers. My daughter is having a tremendous problem with this whole thing. Just the idea of having preventive surgery seems crazy to her and she is unable to come to terms with this. My son fears I will die and cannot be convinced I shall survive this. They are both intelligent, well educated, and generally sane but seem to have gone off the grid right now...

    Of course, I have no problem praying for them but your prayers would also be greatly appreciated!

    Hugs to all of you!


  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited February 2011

    Sandy - you sound like me:)  Most of the time it's much easier to pray for others than pray for myself.

    For the DC sisters - maybe mid-May???  I'm certainly open to get together somewhere convenient on a weekday for lunch - feel so bad that Theresa would have to make that drive on a weekend!

    For tonight, I think we should include a special prayer for all our newest sisters & their intentions -- Maria (Tink), Sandy, Vikki, Geewhiz, Valgirl, Glistening pearl, and Rennasus.  Did I forget anyone???

  • NJvictoria
    NJvictoria Member Posts: 45
    edited February 2011

    Hi Janet,

    Hi ladies! If you stand on your tippy toes you can see the weekend! :)

    Thanks for the welcome!  Lunch in May sounds like a plan! Looking forward to meeting my DC sisters :)

    Started my tamoxifen yesterday and so far so the results of my vitamin D levels.....really my oncologist wants me to start on 1000 IU once a day. So off to the Vitamin Shoppe I go :)


  • Valgirl
    Valgirl Member Posts: 28
    edited February 2011

    Thank you all for the prayers.  I too found it amazing to have so many people praying for me during this journey.   It is easier to pray for others.   I just got my "Little Black Book" on Six minute mediatations on the Sunday Gospels of Lent (Cycle A).  The daily prayers start March 6th.  Ash Wednesday is March 9 (easy to remember in New Orleans as Fat Tuesday (Mardi Gras) is Tuesday.  

    Sandy105 - My Mother had many surgeries for lumps during her lifetime from her 30's on.  Not any of the lumps  were ever cancer.  She did die at age 67 of leukemia.  Who knows how she got that.  She did consider at one time having a MX with skin saving but never did.  Her Mom (my grandmother) had BC.   My mothers's sisters all have had lumps but no BC.   Hard to figure it all out.

    Have a good weekend all!   I'll be praying for all!

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited February 2011

    Lunch in May would be great! see you at prayers tonight!

    love and blessings to you all!

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2011

    Thanks for the explanation Sandy.  I know it's a very hard decision to make and very personal to each of our journeys.  My doctors gave me choices and it's just painful to try to make the best choice, never really knowing what that is.  The family history in my family for breast cancer is VERY high.  They found my tumor very early.  They did the BRCA test on me and it was negative.  They did the BRCA test on my next oldest sister, who has had cysts but nothing malignant, and she was negative.  So what gives?  My Mom had what you are having after they found cancer in her breast.. they removed both breasts and found pre-cancer in the second one.  Nipple sparing was the cutting edge back then (no pun intended!).  I decided to take my chances and have the lumpectomy, internal radiation and hoped they wouldn't do chemo, but my NJ oncologist strongly recommended it, so I did it.  I know that if it comes back, I will go for the bilateral MX.  At least now they will be diligent about mammos and ultrasounds and MRIs.  My sister said that if she got breast cancer, she wouldn't hesitate to have a bilateral MX.  It just what you feel most comfortable with.

    Yes, while we have to suffer the disease, our family suffers the mental anguish, which I think is worse at times.  But we will definitely keep your family in our prayers.

    Janet - good idea again for prayers tonight!!  I hope I can stay awake!  And good idea for lunch.  May is such a pretty time of year in our area.

    Valgirl - I need to dig out my lenten books too.  I know it's the saddest time in our liturgical calendar, but to me, it's the most meaningful.  It reaches deep down into my soul.  Especially the Easter Triduum.

    Vikki - good luck on tamoxifen.  I'm on it too.  I'm also low on Vit D, as are most breast cancer patients.  It's good you're bumping up your D.  I'm on 5000IUs.  My doc also put me on B12, 1000mcg and multivitamins... and calcium b/c my bone density test showed early signs of bone loss.  I can't tolerate multivitamin pills, so she suggested adult gummies that work great for me.

    Hope to see you all later!

  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited February 2011

    Hi All,

    An update about my onc appointment on Wednesday.  Cancer marker is good.  My other reading is fluctuating a bit.  Not sure what they are but will Google it.  Have a little cough for over 10 days now and onc wrote me a script for chest x-ray after listening to my chest.  I also have intermittent headache, not sure if it's scalp pain or ? He was ready to write me the MRI script but said "let's wait and see". 

    I will post a prayer next.  It is for "Blessing before a Prayer meeting".

  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited February 2011

    When the participants have gathered, all make the sign of the cross.

    The leader introduces the blessing in these words:

    We have gathered today to pray together, that we may grow in our understanding of the mystery of faith and follow God's path more closely.

    after a time of silence, then pray...


    pour out on us the spirit of understanding, truth and peace.

    Help us to strive with all our hearts to know what is pleasing to you,

    and when we know your will make us determined to do it.

    We ask this through Christ our Lord.
