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  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748
    edited March 2011

    Hello my dear sisters....

    I have been MIA I know....I have no real excuse to give you...just struggling a bit lately.  

    Finished #27 rads more regular and then 9 boosts.  

    Looks like LE may be rearing it's ugly head at me...I have an appt with an PT next week to check things out...not having any symptoms, but had my arms measured at the RO office and one arm is about 1.5cm larger than the other...never had a baseline measurement taken, so who knows?

    Hubby still deployed and he may be gone longer with everything going on this this crazy world.  Of course, I don't know much and he can't tell me, for obvious I just keep on chugging along...

    So much going on with everyone lately...I have to go back and re read all that I have missed so that I can respond to you lovely ladies....

    For Lent, I've been making it a point to say the rosary each day and not have the radio on when I drive...such a wonderful, peaceful time to spend with God....

    Lifting you all up in prayer along with your petitions....

    God bless you and protect you,


  • Sandy105
    Sandy105 Member Posts: 160
    edited March 2011

    My Sweet Sisters,

    I have two bits of marvelous news to share with you. My daughter, Camille, signed the final paperwork for her new position in DC today! It is a position with a non-profit and is in her area of expertise and she is so excited! Thank you Lord for answered prayers! Praise to you Lord!

    My pathology report came back today and everything is benign! Thanks be to God! The BS said I didn't have the PMX done a moment too soon for there were areas of serious concern but these are now gone!

    I still have no answer to the flatter right breast question but saw the BS this afternoon and he seems to feel things will eventually be all right.

    I can complain not one bit for the Lord has blessed my family and me enough already today!

    I hope to be awake for prayers tonight but may not be able to stay awake that long. If I am not, would one of you please offer an a prayer intention that my daughter, Camille, will love this new job?

    Hugs and May God Bless Each of You


  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited March 2011

    SANDY...SO happy to hear the two cases of good news thats wonderful!

    Tori.. hopinh your feeling better real soon

    Ladies my FIL was diagnosed with prostrate cancer today could we add him to out prayers!

    thank you all so much!

    God Bless


  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited March 2011

    Hi sisters, just stopped working and on my way back to office to drop off paperwork. I've been scrambling with everything to be in order so I can fly to see my mom next Tues. Sorry I haven't been able to read all the posts but want to tell you all that it is my birthday today.

    Sandy, I'm happy about your good news.

    Tink, so sorry to hear about your FILs dx. Will keep him in prayers.

    Tori, just hang in there girl, I know how the rads take a toll. I just finished 3 months ago.

    Janet, God speed.

    All others blessings to you all.

    P.s. Such a great website to be able to type this in the car :)

    I will not be at the prayer meeting tonight as I will be celebrating with family!


  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited March 2011

    Happy birthday Paula!!!!! hope your having a great day :) enjoy your family :)

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited March 2011

    I'm doing well - just sort of slow motion:)  I'm just so amazed w/zero pain but I think no recon has a lot to do with it.  I think I'm working on a low-grade fever - but had that last time too.   My prayers are for thanksgiving tonight!

    Pat, Tori- good to hear from you guys! 

    Theresa - yes on Stations.  I feel like I'm missing a lot of Lent esp being stuck in house another week.

    Paula - happy birthday to our Diamond Girl!

    Maria - is your surgery soon?

    Sandy - good news on your path & daughter job!

    I know we have a new sister, but if I go back to look for your name I'll lose my post :)  WELCOME!  We try to say prayers together at 10pm Eastern time on Friday nights.

    Gonna try to stay up for prayers.

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited March 2011



    What wonderful news about your daughter! I know this will give you great relief, and you are rewarded for being present and following the time line that unfolded for you. This was certainly Divinely Ordained. I don't know much about the allodern and immediate reconstruction, so I'm not one to ask..

    but I can tell you Janet that an elevated temp after surgery is normal, and only becomes concerning at temp higher than 101.5. Just be vigilant :)

    and good pain management for you both!


    will respond more, we are at Prayer time, but you are going through a tough, time intensive treatment. It may not be like chemo, but it's tiring, and you may? have some feelings about treatment ending. I don't want to put words in your post :) but you may have some feelings of melancholy about leaving your team who have been your friends and family for these several weeks. and if I am completely are entitled to all of your feelings. Nice to see you as always, and sorry hubby is so far away. I thank You too, for your sacrifice for our country, in addition to your husband. 

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited March 2011

    Janet...Prayers for thanksgiving

    Paula Happy Birthday!!! Prayers for a safe trip to see your mother, and may this be a very special time for all of you.

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited March 2011


    I pray for your new opportunities to continue to open up, and I really enjoy your teaching and leadership. Don't worry, I always fail when I assume anything :)

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited March 2011

    I pray for all of us, in a circle, each dressed in a flowing white gown, warm sun on our faces and bodies...holding hands while standing in a field of wildflowers..our solidarity as Sisters here on earth, strong and unwavering...

    and may this circle be seen from the heaven's of those Sisters and Brothers who have gone before us. May it give them comfort and joy to see us come together, from all walks of life, even different religions or spiritual beliefs, to join as one in our love and care for each other.

    May Jesus and Mary smile on us as we take our places beside each other.

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2011

    I am here and will post the 2nd station....

    Happy Birthday Paula

    Great News Sandy!

    Happy to "see" you Janet!

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited March 2011

    I thank God for a pretty great week. Lots of Love from my patients, that I am richer than I was before.

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited March 2011

    Wonderful Theresa...I am rambling LOL!

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2011

    Traci - beautiful image there. :-)

    Let us pray:

    Soldiers Put a Heavy Cross on Jesus' Shoulders

    Second Station: Look at Jesus
    When the soldiers put a big, heavy cross on Jesus' shoulders, Jesus doesn't fight with them or say angry words to them. He knows that he has to carry this cross a long way, and he knows that the way will be very hard for him at times. But Jesus knows that God is with him, and he asks God to help him to carry this cross, even though it is heavy.

    Look at Your Heart
    Have you ever had something happen that was very hard for you? Sometimes children are very sick, or someone in their family is very sick. Sometimes adults or older children do not treat younger children nicely. Sometimes we just can't have things the way we want them.

    Take some time to look at what your heart is like when this happens. Then, when you see what your heart is like, show your heart to Jesus. See Jesus loving you when you show him what happens in your heart. When you are ready, you can ask Jesus to help make your heart more like his.

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2011

    Today is the Annunciation

    From the Office of Reading from St. Leo the Great

    ...One and the same person - this must be said over and over again - is truly the Son of God and truly the son of man. He is God in virtue of the fact that in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He is man in virtue of the fact that the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.


    Virgin Mary, receive the word of the Lord brought to you by the angel: You will conceive and bear a son, both God and man. You will be called, Blessed among all women.

    You will indeed bear a son, yet suffer no loss of virginity; you will be with child, yet remain a mother ever undefiled. You will be called, Blessed among all women.

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited March 2011


    very meaningful, I enjoy this type of spiritual exercise

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2011

    Let us pray.
    Shape us in the likeness of the divine nature of our Redeemer,
      whom we believe to be true God and true man,
    since it was your will, Lord God,
      that he, your Word, should take to himself our human nature
      in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
    He lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
      God for ever and ever.

    Keep us safe, Lord, while we are awake, and guard us as we sleep, so that we can keep watch with Christ and rest in peace.


    Let us pray.
    Lord, let us be so united with your only Son that we become worthy to rise with him into new life, who lives and reigns for ever and ever, Amen.


    May the almighty Lord grant us a quiet night and a perfect end.

    Hail, Queen of the heavens,
      hail, Lady of the angels.
    Root of our salvation
      and our gateway to heaven,
      the light of the world was born to you.
    Be joyful, Virgin of glory,
      most beautiful of all in heaven.
    We greet you now, true beauty -
      pray for us to Christ.

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited March 2011


    Please take care of all those who are in treatment and give them rest. We ask that you look our after us and our families and loved ones. Please God, keep a roof over our heads, food on the table, clothes on our backs and provide financial stability. Please give access to insurance for those who need it, and make available resources for those who are struggling to pay their bills, or are making decisions regarding treatment verses paying electricity. We know these are real situations that people face. For those who are working through their treatment because they have to, please give them extra protection and strength. May we never forget each other, and let us use our new found knowledge of our frailty to give us and others strength.

    Thank you for Blessing us with another Day.

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited March 2011


  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2011

    Maria - prayers for your FIL.  I'm so sorry.  You have surgery soon?

    Tori - Paula is right, hang in there, I can imagine how lonely you must feel during this time.  You are carrying a heavy, heavy cross with your husband gone and having to go through radiation and now possible complications!  We're here for you. PM any of us if you need to.  The Rosary is an excellent tool as is the Prayer to St. Michael.

    Prayers for Camille!  So, she's coming to our neck of the woods!  Traci's territory! :-)

    I am thankful this week for forgiving Grandsons, and the call from the recruiter that gave me some hope, but even if it doesn't pan out, I'm grateful for my job and my supervisor who is very supportive.  I surrender it all to the Lord.

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2011

    Amen Traci.

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited March 2011

    Great prayers tonight you guys! Smile I am on the west coast and have trouble remembering to pop on here at 7PM!

    This week I am grateful for my oncotype score and my oncologist telling me no chemo, just Tamox. Amen!

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998
    edited March 2011

    So sorry I missed prayers had ab event at the kids school and thought I would be home sooner.. you were all in my thoughts and are in my daily prayers

    Well yesterday I had my appt with my PS and no surgery next month. He said I was not healed enough swelling scars too hard etc... he said that having the 3 surgies in 4 months is alot on the body and now I needed to continue to heal before he did anything else. I have some fat necrosis as well he said he would take care of .So its loooking like end of June beginning of July. I was bummed yesterday as I was in the mind set of being done by summer, but today I realize he is right and that is the right decison to wait. Now with my FIL diagnosis things happen for a reason because now I need to be there for him and will have that chanve wilth surgery being pushed off.

    Janet I am so glad your pain is minimal... prayers for continues healing!

    Love and blessings to all my wonderful sisters..



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited March 2011

    Hello everyone --945pm was going to get off the couch for prayers. Next thing I knew it was 1145pm. Now up at 3

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAULA ------ANOTHER YEAR OLDER.  All cancers puts a different light on adding years. I was wandering on some new sites and saw you on the breast LE site. Some really good info there. It confirmed my worries re:post lifting injury in August. Every month has gotten better as long as I behave and don't do things to aggravate it-----like vacuuming etc LOL. The compression suggestions also confirmed what I had been doing empirically. For me wearing a bra that keeps the foobs from falling toward the armpit really gives relief. Glad I don't have to do it as frequently now. I saw the LE specialist in Dec and she gave me written info that supported same. Just happy there is a reference site here too.

    JV----did you have one mx or bmx? I've lost track. Glad your pain level is so good that's a blessing in itself. Saw you on the Stupid thread. That sites a hoot --lots of laughs. 

    Tori----sorry for the trouble. With the LE besides all the other advice you've gotten. I would suggest no lifting or housework where you have to use the arm.Your PT will be able to give more definitive directions.You may of missed it when I said I hurt myself catching Greg from falling out of bed. He was very heavy. I hurt the muscles of the whole chest wall and arms. I had evidence of LE that has been going on since , but subsiding every month. Left side worst and that had the LND side.  I found sleeping on the right side with the left arm elevated on several pillows and wearing a bra that keep the foobs either compressed-Sports bra- towards midline or alternated with the only Wonder bra I have, made a major difference.There is a LE breast thread I mentioned above . I just found it tonite. They have some great suggestions. I wish I'd seen it before.

    Sandy---again I forget your total procedure, but you mentioned one side flatter than the other and that the PS would be able to fix it. So, I'm guessing you have a fillable TE's. As time goes on he will be able to add more fluid on the flatter side. Have patience. I found going slower on the fills. allowed for greater comfort. In time he will be able to add a little more fluid on that side to even things out if it still needed. Could be something as simple as your pectoral muscle was tighter on that side. Is it on your hand dominant side----meaning are you right or left handed.

    I suggest checking in on the EXCHANGE CITY site and asking Whippetmom aka Deborah. She is the GURU of recon. I missed that thread too when I needed it. After my BMX I looked concave on both sides. Yet the PS added either 100cc or 120cc on each side while I was on the table.  The foobs take a long time to fluff.

    Theresa--am enjoying the Stations  teaching, again thank you. So, hope that job comes through. Does it mean that Skip would be commuting by himself ? You won't know what to do with all the extra hours you will have in a day LOL.

    Tink sorry about your FIL's prostate CA. The advances in this type of CA are numerous. Don't forget to add him to the Catholic Intentions page. ------glad your feeling better about your PS's suggestion of waiting, time will go fast enough .

    LMFSM blessings . Your pain regarding the loss of other young moms is felt by all . It sucks.

    Rennasus-excellent news on the onco score--- what was it?

    Squid--sometimes your so poetic. You should write a book. Seriously!     They have started to advertise a show for next Tues or Wed on the History channel on Angels. Thought of you right away--of course forgot the exact date and time within seconds--pretty sad because i've seen the ad several times.

    Kay Hope all is going well with post first chemo and neulasta. 

    HELLO new sister --I also forgot your name----and can't go back or will lose post. Come and join us often. Your post on the Dali Lama (sic). etc are very interesting. Could tell it got Theresa's mind aworking. 

    Worst this week--insomnia that is unforgiving and return of muscle bone and joint pain---same sequence as when I was on Arimidex--sledgehammer hit at 5 months --Have been Aromasin since Nov.

    Best this week---son won his first court case which was his first court presentation. He's psyched.

    To a new week-- may it be better than the last !     Namaste,  sheila

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited March 2011

    I envy you sleepyheads it's already 8 am and none of you are here yet.

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited March 2011

    I'm here, Sheila, checking in on y'all.  Skip is making ham and cheese omelets and I'm preparing to do budget and taxes!  How not exciting!

    Blessings to you all.

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited March 2011

    Good Morning!


    I am the one who usually falls asleep and then wakes up in the wee hours :) Did you do night shifts too? thanks for the props, you are sweet.

    I agree the Stations teaching is lieu of losing my post and peeking back, is there a website?

    and, taxes cleaning today for me...I'm getting ready to roll out, and I already missed the first wave of friends going in on saturday, gonna have to take the bus now. I love how Skip is up making breakfast.

    To all, a Wonderful Blessed Day, see you all later!

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914
    edited March 2011

    It does not seem I'm meant to see 10 pm any more.  I was feeling so good yesterday until dinner, then sick and asleep for the night at 7 again.  sigh.  I am sorry to have missed prayers again.  I am also enjoying the stations.

    Happy Birthday Paula.  Hope you enjoyed immensely.  We are going out to celebrate out 26th anniversary tonight.  Hope we'll enjoy it. 

    It must be hard to go through treatment with your husband so far away.  My thoughts and prayers are with you Tori.  God Bless you.

    Prayers for your fil Tink.   What a beautiful way to look at it that putting your surgery off will let you be there for him.  He is blessed to have you.

     Prayers for your daughter Sandy and your continued recovery.  And also for Skip.  And all the beautiful sisters here.  I remembered you all at mass this morning and in the Miraculous Medal novena. 

    Prayers for my bil who was in the hospital this week.  And prayers for an appointment I have with a plastic surgeon on Monday.  I'm not sure what to expect from it.  I guess just a consultation.  Yet another thing to fear.  Prayers for my two sons. 

    It looks like a beautiful day.  Hope everyone enjoys it.  God Bless.

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited March 2011

    Well, I didn't make prayers either - not often that I miss them.  I'm such an early riser it's hard to stay up on a good day, but last night there was no way.  I started saying prayers in bed and think I only got thru a Glory Be!  But read them all this morning.  It is a BEAUTIFUL day - kinda cold, but very refreshing.  Going to try to take a walk later.

    Theresa - have all my fingers crossed for the job opportunity!  What a blessing if you can reduce your commute.   Tell Skip he'll have to get one of those blow-up dolls to keep him company in the car -- or better yet find something closer too :):)

    Kay - HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!  Hope you're feeling good and have a wonderful evening together.

    Sheila - sorry your back is still giving you trouble.  You must have really wrenched it.  I wonder if the angel program is a repeat of the one Traci told us about some months ago?  I couldn't get that channel but I do get History - so if you hear more about the day/time, post it.  Yes the "stupid" thread can be hysterically funny at times it's so silly & ridiculous.

    Traci - love your posts.  I can really "see" us in a circle.

    Interesting dream this week - 2 nights before surgery I dreamt of my father.  He was writing a letter to me.  I could see the letter but could only read the first few words of each sentence -- the rest of the words faded off the page.  I tried to wake myself up and write down the first parts of the sentences but couldn't.  I like to think he was just trying to reassure me -- but he must have had a bad wireless 'connection' from beyond :) :)

    Maria - I don't know much about prostate CA but have read there is a lot of controversy about treatment v. over treatment - that some men can have it remainder of their natural life and not have problems.  Hope that's the case w/your FIL. 

    Betty, Ellie, Michelle, Laura, Paula, Mary, Sandy and all of you  - you are sweet dear people.  God bless.

  • Sandy105
    Sandy105 Member Posts: 160
    edited March 2011


    You are so on point once again. There are so many women fighting BC who have no insurance, no job, and no way to pay the bills. Many have something worse too - they lack a close connection with the Lord and thus, have no where to turn. I hope we will all remember them in our prayers this week for no matter how difficult our situation may be, we are so blessed to have our faith and each other!

    I am reminded of a line from a country music song from about 25 years ago which certainly applies to me and perhaps to some of you other sweet sisters: "Tell me Lord, what did I ever do to deserve even one of the favors I've known?"

    It makes me think and pray I will recognize, acknowledge, and say Thank you a lot more often.

    Hugs and God Bless