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swollen lymph nodes and puffy armpit

wbts Member Posts: 12
edited December 2017 in Not Diagnosed But Worried

I'm back with more problems on the same side as last time I posted..  For the past month I have been having more issues. Started with a very sore armpit.  Generally achiness in my armpit and sometimes shooting or stabbing pains when I would move my shoulder.  My armpit was swollen to the point where I could still shave but not well and had to be careful.  I have let myself run through a menstral cycle and most of the swelling is gone.  It isn't nearly as painful. But, I still have multiple swollen nodes and it's sore.  Maybe it's sore just from me touching it to check the are.  I just ahve swollen, what I believe to be nodes on the one side.  My breasts are so lumpy that I dont' know if the lumps are all still just fibroademas...  Anyone experience anything like this??  I feel like maybe I should just wait longer but then again I know early diagnosis is key.  I just had a diagnostic mammogram and an ultrasound in I believe November.  Very dense breast but everything looked okay and they just wanted me back in a year.  My mom had breast cancer but she was post menopause when she got it.

What do you thinK??



  • wbts
    wbts Member Posts: 12

    Well, I just made a doctor's appointment. I've been reading in the just diagnosed forum and see this can be indicative of bc.  Anyone experience swollen lymph nodes for a month??

  • carol1949
    carol1949 Member Posts: 48

    wbts,  I am glad you made an appointment.  I also had similar symptoms prior to my diagnosis and kept thinking I was having an alergic reaction to deoderant, etc.  I kept changing deoderants and it wasn't helping.  I also had body odor that the deoderant wasn't keeping in check, and that had never been a problem for me prior to that.

     I also have fibrocystic breasts and my tumor was between 2 cysts.  Therefore, when I felt the cyst, I was missing the tumor hiding between them.

    I urge you to look into Lugol's iodine immediately and read about it.  Then, check Susan Weed's Breast cancer? Breast Health.  You may be able to get it from your local library.

    Listen to your heart and do your research.  Remember, no matter what it is... it is your body, mind and spirit that is at hand.

    I wish you God Speed and a peaceful journey in whatever your needs are.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007

    Swollen underarm nodes was my only symptom.I was shocked when my family GP sent me for ultrasound.Ultra sound dr sent me to an onc.Next week I started chemo.It was like being hit by a Mack truck.

    I hope in your case it is nothing but please make sure you get an ultrasound.Best of luck.(((Hugs)))

  • wbts
    wbts Member Posts: 12

    Thanks for your responses.   So I went to the dr.  Literally less than 5 minutes with doc.  he didnt' even feel my breast...didn't even look.  he left the gown over me, felt my armpit for MAYBE 30-45 seconds and said it's not breast cancer. I was too chicken to ask him to just feel my breasts for me, I just thought he would.  I feel like he was just thinking I was overreacting. No explanation, no nothing.  At first, before he was talking to me I was explaining that my nodes have been swollen for a month and he said 'it's probably an infected sweat duct. I knew it wasn't that. He did say 'well, it's not that'.  He also told me that cancerous lumps dont' hurt.  I said 'well, my mom had breast cancer and hers did.'  He acted shocked.  I'm such a moron! Why didn't I just ask him to feel my breasts.  I didnt' expect those lumps are cancer I just wonder what's making my nodes be swolllen!! He said he's really good and know what lumps are cancer and what aren't. How does he know if he doesn't feel my boobs!!!

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    This SCREAMS second opinion needed to me. It might be nothing, but NOBODY'S good enough to tell 100% if something is cancerous just by palpation. NOBODY.


    P.S. my tumor also hurt.

  • Shannon-GA
    Shannon-GA Member Posts: 3

    wbts - I'm new to all of this, but I agree with Leah.  I have what we think is a swollen node that I recently found that my doctor is taking very seriously.  I would suggest seeing another doctor if you can.  Was this your general family doctor?

  • wbts
    wbts Member Posts: 12

    No, this is the dr my hubby sees.  First time I've seen him. My husband really likes him but I think that's because they talk sports the whole time.  The lady I was scheduled to see had an emergency and so I agreed to see him.  I'm pissed at myself. 

  • Shannon-GA
    Shannon-GA Member Posts: 3

    If it were me, I would go someplace else and get another opinion, especially since your mother had breast cancer.  I would think that would be a huge red flag for a doctor to do further testing.  Good luck to you and keep us posted. 

  • terrij152
    terrij152 Member Posts: 63

    wbts- make an appointment with your gyn and also let them know your family history.  My mom and sister were diagnosed with bc last year and then I found a lump in my breast this January.  It was painful and changed with my cycle, however it was cancer so I urge you to get a second opinion.  I hope things work out for you.  Let us know how you are doing!

    Good luck!

  • jenn3
    jenn3 Member Posts: 388

    I say it's better to be safe than sorry - Since my dx, several of my friends and family members who were putting off exams made appts.  Last, but not least - My breast were very painful with shooting pains which is why I didn't get it checked right away and waited for my annual exam 2 months after finding the lumps.  Cancerous lumps in the breast can HURT! Get another opinion!!!

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007

    Wbts  Please see another doctor.My lymphnodes were painful.

  • mawhinney
    mawhinney Member Posts: 14

    sounds like you saw a general practioner. I recommend that you see a gyn or a doctor with a specialty in breast care. If there is a cancer center in your area call them and ask for referrals. If there is something in your arm pit, it probably would not show up on a mammogram. Was the ultrasound done in the region of concern?

    I recently had a needle biopsy of a lump in my arm pit that turned out to be fatty scar tissue from a sentinel node biopsy. I found the lump. The lump did not show up on an mri but was picked up by the ultrasound.  Having had cancer, every lump, bump, and pimple gets my full attention.

    Make a list of questions before you go to your appt. and don't leave until you have all your questions answered.  It can be helpful to take someone with you to jot down answers.

  • wbts
    wbts Member Posts: 12

    Last night I found a rock hard lump on the lower inside of my breast.  I'm so scared.  Sometimes I think it might just be my rib but I don't think so.  I don't know.  It's definitely not on the other breast.  It's very tender now from me feeling it. 

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Is it the same side as the painful lymph nodes? You should get this checked out.

    I wish you the best.


  • hrf
    hrf Member Posts: 706 must get this checked out properly. The doctor you saw is an idiot. My doc felt a swollen lymph node in my armpit which she said, did not feel like anything to be concerned about BUT she said we must get it checked out and it turned out to be bc. mammogram showed nothing, u/s showed node .. birad 5 and mri showed area of concern in breast....get it checked and see a different doctor.

  • HensonChi
    HensonChi Member Posts: 68

    Please get a second opinion  I had the same thing the surgeon thought it was a cat allergy.  They did surgery to take out the lump and it was cancer.  It doesn't mean that yours is but please get it checked again!

  • wbts
    wbts Member Posts: 12

    I just got an appointment for 1:30 today.  And yes it is on the same side, my left side, as the swollen nodes. They really aren't that swollen any more though.  Maybe they will just let me do my annual mammo and ultrasound early???

  • SandiH
    SandiH Member Posts: 3


    Like you I am new at this, Mammo and Ultrasound last week, scheduled for Biopsy this Wed. I trusted my gut to switch to a new GYN doc for my July GYN appt and he is the one who found my lump - breast exam (I had felt it also). Other symptoms for me is, swollen neck sometimes, didn't think it was anything to worry about, since I told my Intern Doc in February (who also did a breast exam), and he said it's nothing. Now, it could very well be nothing, but just having someone feel and say so, isn't good enough. Glad you're seeing someone else. Always trust your gut. Keeping you in my thoughts.

  • wbts
    wbts Member Posts: 12

    I just got back from the dr.  She felt it and felt my armpit. She said my lump feels fibrocystic to her. She said it felt smooth and ropelike which I guess is a good thing.  ??  She did schedule me for a diagnostic mammogram tomorrow (which I'm very thankful for).  Everytime I go there I feel like I'm overreacting.  This is going to be the last time I ever go in except for normal yearly mammograms b/c i feel like a you know what when I'm there. 

  • SandiH
    SandiH Member Posts: 3


    I'm glad you went, and even though when you walk through those doors, you feel like you're overreacting. SO WHAT, even if you are overreacting, that is OK. It is your body, and you should expect nothing but the best treatment.Hold your head high girl!


  • wbts
    wbts Member Posts: 12

    Thank you, Sandi!  That really makes me feel good.  And I agree, if we don't look out for ourselves no one else will!!  It is so sore tonight!  Must be from feeling it.  So tomorrow I'm having a diagnostic mammogram and if the radiologist wants they are going to do an ultrasound. I'm going to push for one from reading all the times ultrasound has picked something up the mammogram didn't.  Plus I'm only 33 and know from last mammo my breasts are dense.  Why do they make you beg for testing??  Health care is really messed up.

  • SandiH
    SandiH Member Posts: 3


    I had the Ultrasound after getting the Mammo (by the Radiologist Tech) and the Radiologist did it again after reviewing those. The whole appt. time was about 2 hours. It was the Radiologist that recommended the Biopsy. So I have it tomorrow. When I asked if it was on the last mammo report, she did say, it was detectable with a mammo. So I think it was the Ultrasound that was the main reason for the Biopsy. I would also say to the Radiologist, Peace of Mind is worth more to you than cost and time of doing the Ultrasound, and if it was their mother, wife or daughter would they do the Ultrasound? Good Luck.

  • wbts
    wbts Member Posts: 12

    Good luck tomorrow.  What time is your appt? 

     If my husband came along do you think he can come in for the mammo or the ultrasound?   I'm not THAT scared, a little nervous, but I would like him there just b/c he gives me confidence and I think with him there I would be less afraid to push for an ultrasound as well.  I just really want that armpit checked as well as my breast.  Does anyone know if someone can be with you? I just went alone last year so I don't know.

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    wbts, have him go with you. When you get there, ask if there is any reason for him NOT to be in with you.

    And after all, if you ask and they say no you haven't lost anything. Worth a try, I'd say.


  • wbts
    wbts Member Posts: 12

    I just asked him and he has 2 meetings this afternoon so he can't anyway.  I'm sure everything will be fine.  I'm sure I'll walk out feeling like an overreactor!!  The lump feels long.  It doesn't feel, to me anyway, like my other lumps in the upper out quandrant or moveable.  Yesterday the pa said it was moveable and smooth and ropelike which she said were all good things.  I'll be glad when this afternoon is over.

  • wbts
    wbts Member Posts: 12

    It's official, I'm a hypochondriac!  lol. And happy to be!  Mammo and ultrasound checked out just fine. Thanks so much for all the comments and support.  I love this board and will be sticking around. Thanks!

  • terrij152
    terrij152 Member Posts: 63

    Great news wbts!!!  It must be a huge weight off your shoulders!!!!  So nice to hear good news for a change!!!

  • Shannon-GA
    Shannon-GA Member Posts: 3

    That's great wbts!!!  I'm happy for you!

  • anas
    anas Member Posts: 2

    Hi Dear

    I too hv same n long story.I m hving discharge from both nipples n pain in both armpits from last 1.5 yrs.1yr back i hv done mammo n ultrasound all fine ,but still hv same problem.I hv done all my tests related to harmones cos,doctors thought may be discharge due to thyroid.that was also normal.hv spent lot of money but still fear is there.can anyone suggest me that again I should go for mammo or not.did u also feel discharge.were ur both armpits pained or only oneside.pls.reply soon I am totally shattered dear.Please smone help me

  • anas
    anas Member Posts: 2

    please .....................smone reply to this