swollen lymph nodes and puffy armpit



  • mumito
    mumito Posts: 2,007

    Find another doctor until you have your answers.Don't ignore it.

  • Great new, and be grateful that you listened to your symptoms and had them checked.  What a relief,.  I am very pleased for you. 

  • I've been having pain in breast and left armpit swelling. Had US and mammo both were normal. Diagnosed with dense fybrocystic breast. Pain is persistent for last 10 wks. Im unsure whether my nodes are swollen or not. How big should they be normally? There is definitely swelling in my armpit bit I'm unsure if what I'm feeling is nodes or cysts. Any advice is helpful. I feel like I'm going crazy because my dr has not done an exam and radiologist said it was just fybrosis but everything I've read says that it should fluctuate with my cycle and it does not. Steady and consistent pain, like a mild sunburn feeling in armpit and sharp burning pains in left breast.lots of lumps but I can't tell what's what.