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Red Patch on side of breast, looks like bruise but not

elzbieta Member Posts: 3


I have a quarter size red blotch on the left side of my breast......looks like a blotch because it's not a perfect circle.  Almost looks like a bruise, but never started out blue, started out dark red, with different tones of red.  It's been a week now, and is a bit lighter in color/tone........more like a darker pink.  Should I wait another week and see if this goes away?  Can IBC spot disappear but still have IBC?  Has anyone experienced this as a first symptom?  I don't want to waste mine or the dr.'s time, if this has nothing to do with IBC.  I've been trying to research early pics, but haven't found anything.  Thanks in adavance!  el


  • hollyann
    hollyann Member Posts: 279
    edited August 2009

    Elzbieta, sounds to me like a hemangioma.....I have several tiny ones on my breast but they can be any size and do eventually go away......I wish you much luck........

  • Caseysmom
    Caseysmom Member Posts: 70
    edited August 2009


    Since there is not a lot of research on IBC I would get it checked out IBC presents its self differently in everyone.  I had none of the symptoms that are listed for IBC. 



  • Faith316
    Faith316 Member Posts: 1,088
    edited August 2009

    I agree with Laura.  Don't wait.  Get it checked out.  Don't worry about wasting a doctor's time.  That is what they are there for, and if it does turn out to be IBC, the sooner you start treating it the better.  It is very aggressive and can spread quickly -- like in weeks.  Let us know what you find out.

  • elzbieta
    elzbieta Member Posts: 3
    edited August 2009

    Thank you for your quick responses! 

    I have another new question:   Has anyone ever been diagnosed with IBC but have their red blotch get lighter, better or disappear? 

     Mine is lighter now, after first noticing it a week and a half ago?

     Thank you! el

  • MrsScandad
    MrsScandad Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2009

    I feel for you, as I am wondering the same thing.  Can IBC seem to get better when it is first developing?  I suddenly got a 3 x 1 inch red patch on my right breast 4 weeks ago, and my nipple changed shape and color slightly.  I went to my OB/GYN after six days, and he said that because there were no lumps, it was definitely not cancer (sigh).  Yet, the redness continued, and it sometimes itched, so I finally got them to order a mammogram last week.  It only showed benign fibroadenoma, and I was told to come back in one year.  But, the redness is still there, only it looks more bruised than red.  Now I'm not sure if I am just being overly worried, or if I need to keep pushing for someone to take my concerns more seriously.

  • Faith316
    Faith316 Member Posts: 1,088
    edited August 2009

    Your OB/GYN is wrong.  IBC does not show up on a mammogram and does not make lumps.  I had a mammogram in April that was normal, yet when a biopsy was done, it was positive for IBC.  Just because there is no lump does NOT mean there definitely is no cancer.  Don't wait.  Get it biopsied ASAP.

  • Caseysmom
    Caseysmom Member Posts: 70
    edited August 2009

    el &  MrsScandad:

    Sometimes IBC does look like it cleared up but this aggressive bc comes back.  Mine looked like dermatitis I had no swollen lymph nodes ect..  I would suggest to get a 2nd opinon from a breast surgeon I would also ask him/her if they ever heard/seen IBC.  


  • activern
    activern Member Posts: 111
    edited August 2009

    Please have a surgeon do a skin biopsy - any swelling, discomfort, rough appearance on the breast?  Do no wait.

  • activern
    activern Member Posts: 111
    edited August 2009

    I think we all have different symptoms.  My blotch stayed - the only symptom I did not have was the nipple discharge, but sure it was IBC.  I am 54 AA female, recurrence.  Now mets to my liver.

  • activern
    activern Member Posts: 111
    edited August 2009

    I am so upset and surprised that so many physicians are not aware of all the signs and symptoms of IBC - after all this time.  I had to push for a correct diagnosis and I had all the classic signs.

  • elzbieta
    elzbieta Member Posts: 3
    edited August 2009

    It can look like it clears up? 

    My red blotch, that first started off REALLY dark red, now after over just 2 1/2 weeks, is light brown color?  It looks like some flakey skin on top of that area. 

    That is the only "symptom" that I have as of now, and feel that paying out of pocket to see a dr. with this light brown color is not enough?  Now that it is so much lighter.  That's why I was curious to know if the color of the blotch could look like it clears up but still have IBC?  And if not many dr.'s know about IBC, would be very helpful from hearing from those that had this type of occurence.

    I have a nodule on the back of my neck (under the skin) that has been there for a few months..........and today it feels just slightly bigger and is sore today?  Don't believe this is related?  thanks! el

  • Dmaxmama
    Dmaxmama Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2009

    I'd see a doctor soon.  I had a strange looking area on one breast, red and flaky, sometimes itchy.  I'm a radiation therapist, and know IBC has to start somewhere.  My doctor gave me a cream to use, but told me if the area looked the same in three weeks, I would need a biopsy.  Luckily for me, the cream took care of it.  Good Luck!

  • VBeegle
    VBeegle Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2009
      • I also have an area on my breast that has come since I has a lumpectomy a year ago.  None of my doctors know what has caused this area.  At times it can be a light red, then brown, fade away, then it's back.  I saw my surgeon a few weeks ago.  She said there was some water in my breast and to massage it, but other than that she has never seen any one with this.  So far massaging has not worked.  She said if it does not go away she will do a skin biopsy.  Any ideas or has anyone else had this come after a lunpectomy.
  • Faith316
    Faith316 Member Posts: 1,088
    edited August 2009

    I had a lumpectomy in May 2008  when dx with IDC.  Now, in June 2009, I have been dx with IBC --- rash, swelling, etc.

     Don't wait.  Go ahead and have the biopsy done.

  • Mellymc22
    Mellymc22 Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2018

    Did you did you ever find out what cause your blotch? I currently have one