Stage II w/Lymph Node Involvement



  • Kathy044
    Kathy044 Member Posts: 94
    edited September 2011
    Etherize I was under the impression that any scans ordered before starting adjuvant chemotherapy were to make sure you are NOT stage IV before starting chemo because if so then the planned adjuvant chemotherapy drugs chosen may not be the most appropriate treatment.
  • proudmom_wife
    proudmom_wife Member Posts: 176
    edited September 2011

    etherize - I do not belong to Kaiser, but know three ladies who were diagnosed with bc this past year who go to Kaiser in Northern Calif.  One was Stage 1 with no lymph nodes and did not have scans.  The other two were Stage 2 w/ one positive lymph node, the other was Stage 3 w/ no positive lymph nodes and they both had scans done, so it might be a standard there based upon staging, but I don't know for sure.  Just wanted to pass this one.  All three are happy with the care and treatment which they have received from Kaiser.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,331
    edited September 2011

    Etherize, I am being treated at Kaiser Santa Clara. Had bmx on 9/7 and know I have 1 positive node (of the 15 that were taken) . Meeting with my onc on Friday but no scans have been ordered as far as I know. So hard to wait but try not to project or presume why certain things are done or not done. Do you have a breast care coordinator? I do and she is the one I usually call when I have questions or concerns. Caryn

  • bikenyc
    bikenyc Member Posts: 57
    edited September 2011


    I had my PET/CT scan before my surgery.  The tumor looked pretty large on the MRI, so I think they wanted to see if it had spread before surgery (think they were pondering chemo first, then surgery and if it had spread that probably would have been the case).  It ended up turning into a major stressful drama as the PET showed a spot on my neck on the opposite side as my breast cancer.  My onc explained that if it was breast cancer that had spread, it would mean I was metastatic (but they would treat to try and cure anyway). Had to wait almost 2 weeks for biospy and results that it was thyroid cancer.  Never thought it would be good news to find out you have 2 kinds of cancer. (Thyroid since removed and a breeze compared to bc treatment). 

    Pattyanne...sorry you're facing another round of surgery. Do you know how many nodes they'll take out?  My doc found cancer in the sentinel and then kind of went ape-shit taking out nodes (she warned me ahead of time that's what she would do to play it safe). So glad it wasn't more positive nodes but kinda wonder if 28 removed was overkill.  But so far, no lymphedema problems (knock wood) and I don't think it made my recovery any harder.  Chemo isn't fun but totally not as bad as you might worry.  Emend is a wonder drug. 

  • Glenna56
    Glenna56 Member Posts: 22
    edited September 2011

    Starbeauty: Thanks I will ask them to call in a script for me.

    Anyone have suggestions on the muscle aches? It's pretty bad and ibuprofen is not helping. I need to go to work. I can't take things like hydrocodone.

  • Pattyanne
    Pattyanne Member Posts: 4
    edited September 2011

    hi bdavis

    tumor was 11mm, idc, grade 2, 3/3 nodes. thanks for the good luck wishes.

     will keep posting. is very theraputic.


  • Pattyanne
    Pattyanne Member Posts: 4
    edited September 2011

    hi bikenyc

    as far as i know she will take as many as she can get.  CT and bone scan on friday. bloody scared at the moment. chemo starts in a month. 3-6mths then rads. tumor is ER+/PR+ 90 something % (what on earth does this % mean?) My head is still all fuggy today after yesterday.

  • cp418
    cp418 Member Posts: 359
    edited September 2011

    Your tumor is hormone receptor positive which means after treatments your oncologist will start you on either Tamoxifen if you are pre-menopause, OR post-menopause options for 3 kinds of AI medications: Femara, Arimidex, or Aromison (spelling may be off.)  Your tumor is fueled by your hormones so these drugs can block or reduce hormones. Take one day at a time. 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2011

    Pattyanne... Highly Er/PR+ is a good thing... they have great drugs that combat a highly estrogen/progesterone fed cancer... so that is good... Sounds to me like since your tumor was small but had 3/3 positive nodes, they may want scans instead of going back for more nodes.... Or at least information gathering tests... If you have clean scans, then they might decide chemo is enough... if your scans show some suspicion, maybe they will want to get more nodes... I am not a doctor of course, but am thinking that may be why they are doing the scans... so take it one day at a time.. also remember that a positive scan does not necessarily mean anything... lots of false positves, it just means they need to pursue it.

    Glenna... try flexerall

    bikenyc... how fortunate they found the other

  • etherize
    etherize Member Posts: 43
    edited September 2011

    Thanks for the feedback, everybody.

    kathy044 wrote: 

    Etherize I was under the impression that any scans ordered before starting adjuvant chemotherapy were to make sure you are NOT stage IV before starting chemo because if so then the planned adjuvant chemotherapy drugs chosen may not be the most appropriate treatment. 

    That makes sense. 

    bikenyc, I'm glad the thyroid cancer treatment was easy but still -- that's pretty scary!  It's great that it's behind you now.

    I tend to believe if doctors look for something, they'll always find it.  It's superstitious, but ...

    exbrnxgrl, I wonder why scans weren't ordered for you.  What grade was your tumor?  Maybe if it was a low grade, that's why.  Or maybe because they took so many nodes and only one was positive (although I was told that if even one of mine were positive, scans would be ordered).

    I do have a breast care coordinator and all she said was that if the scans show cancer elsewhere, I'd be a Stage IV (which I already knew).   

  • Glenna56
    Glenna56 Member Posts: 22
    edited September 2011

    Thanks Bdavis. I will try to get the Flexaryl.

  • missy_111
    missy_111 Member Posts: 97
    edited September 2011
    bikenyc-   My Surgeon went crazy on my lymph nodes as well.  I have mild lymphedema now. 
  • Chrys23
    Chrys23 Member Posts: 43
    edited September 2011

    Hey all -- haven't been here in awhile while doing treatment, but I thought I'd give an update on my situation (which is also posted in the 8/11 chemo topics forum).

    I was to have chemo #3 today and was at the treatment center in Philly.  Saw my  Onc and my nurse practioner. I am NOT receiving anymore Taxotere. I've been having severe itching/burning/rashisng all over my body since day #16 of my 2nd treatment (started last week) and today is Day 21. The Onc feels it s an allergic reaction and having another treatment could be "problematic". I guess he's saying it won't be good to have another Taxotere treatment! LOL

    He also felt I possibly could be having a reaction to Neulasta but doesn't think that's it.

    So here is the skinny - I could either stop chemo altogether or try another regimine which would be Adrimycin. I opted to try the "Red Devil". I'd rather try another chemo than none at all since I'm node positive - call me crazy. I have to have an Echocardiogram first, he's not doing a MUGA. I had a heart stress test in May and Radioactive MRI test back in April for another issue.  I did stay in Philly ALL DAY today and they were so good to squeeze me in for the Echo.  I tentatively scheduled chemo for the new drug this Friday, barring any issues with the Echo. I'll call tomorrow to check that everything is a go.Good thing is once start, I can do my final chemo in two weeks, not 3. Yay!

    Ok -- anyone on Adryimycin and can you tell me what to expect?? The Onc said the biggest issue is nausea, but I can deal with that over the itching/burning. I hope I don't develop worse see effects!!  I'm HIGHLY ALLERGIC to lots of med and my allergy list is like a laundry list. I pray all will be well with this new regimine. Thanks for listening!!   Kiss


  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited September 2011

    chrys23 - Sorry about the allergy deal.  I had some problems with Taxotere also but they just loaded me up with extra steroids.  Sounds like you had a worse reaction and they think it could be dangerous for you.  There are several women at my center that receive Adriamycin and they have done fine on it.  I also have echocardiograms for Herceptin, every 3 months.  I would imagine they may do another one on you when you finish the A.  How many tx do you have to have?

  • Chrys23
    Chrys23 Member Posts: 43
    edited September 2011
    Hi Special K -- My chemo regimine was to be only 4 Taxotere and I had finished two (last one was 8/31). So, I only have to finish the last two treatments with Adrimycin. I'm going in for #3 treatment this Friday (Adrimycin) and will finish my 4th dose two weeks after (approx. Oct. 7th). I pray I will be ok! It sux having such bad allergies to meds.
  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited September 2011

    chrys23 - I agree - I have a lot of allergies to antibiotics and it has been a challenge to deal with 6 surgeries and 2 UTI's since last Nov.  I am glad you only have to do 2 Adriamycin - that way you may be able to avoid cumulative SE's and the cardiac problems are less likely to occur.  Before you know it, you are going to be done!  I hope everything goes well for you.

  • bikenyc
    bikenyc Member Posts: 57
    edited September 2011


    I did 4 rounds of adriamycin (with a chaser of cytoxan).  I found it easier and harder than the taxol (which I also had 4 of).  The taxol made me hurt, but didn't feel as "icky."   generalized "icky" is probably the best way to describe adriamycin.  No pain for me, just a bad taste in my mouth for a couple days. Oh and bright red pee!  Just ask for Emend and I bet you avoid any really serious bouts of nausea. It's totally doable...and from what I can tell, fairly standard treatment for stage ll at NYU (everyone seemed to be getting it at chemo).   I have heard it is the one that is fairly ovary-damaging.  Don't know what your age is/if you've had you kids/still want to have kids, but trying to preserve your ovaries is something to inquire about if there's possibly kids in your future.  I think there's a shot they can give you to put your ovaries "to sleep" for a while.   

  • Chrys23
    Chrys23 Member Posts: 43
    edited September 2011

    Bikenyc: Many thanks for sharing your experience and for the info on the ovaries. I had a Hysterectomy in 09' but they kept my ovaries! Little did I know that I would end up w/a tumor that was ER/PR+ because it feeds off of Estrogen! If the chemo destroys them, c'est la vie! LOL 

    I'm 46 and my only son will be 21 next week. No more kids on the horizon for me (thank God!) Tongue out

    My only concern is that I am VERY sensitive to meds and have a laundry-list of allergies. I am curious if I'll have another reaction on the Adriamyacin. I guess I'll be finding out very soon.



  • proudmom_wife
    proudmom_wife Member Posts: 176
    edited September 2011
    Chrys23 - I too broke out with a ichy rash on my torso, arms and legs when I was on DD AC.  It would start around day 6 or 7 and then I would take benedryl and it subsided just as I was to get my next infusion.  My onc. didn't think I was allergic to the Adrimycin.  But it kept happening, even with the DD Taxol.  Finally figured out I was allergic to the Neulasta shot.  However my onc. and I discussed it and I decided to continue with the shot so I could finish with DD Taxol.  So I took Claritin every day (benadryl made me too drowsy), it did not prevent the reaction, but helped contol it so I could finish.  With Adrimycin, take your meds on schedule to help with nausea even if you feel fine.   Good luck.
  • Chrys23
    Chrys23 Member Posts: 43
    edited September 2011

    ProudMom -- Many thanks! Just called the Onc's office and my Echo was good, so I will definately start the Adriamyacin tomorrow. I go to Philly at 9.  Fingers crossed! I hear it's strong stuff, so I pray I have no reactions.



  • cp418
    cp418 Member Posts: 359
    edited September 2011

    Good Luck tomorrow!  I had Adrimyacin but as DD AC and it was rough on my stomach regarding heartburn isues.  Antacids help keep it under control. Sounds like you are almost done!!

  • HeatherLS
    HeatherLS Member Posts: 3
    edited September 2011

    etherize/exbrnxgrl - I never had scans either, even baselines. Drives me nuts! :) Everytime I see my onc I ask for scans and everytime he says "not yet. You will probably be able to talk me into them by your 2 yr post appt." Ugh. Strange since I only had 1 node taken and it was positive, we chose not to take more nodes and go straight into chemo. We know that chemo didnt work (1 small tumor I had pre chemo grew bigger during chemo). Its a little unsettling!

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,331
    edited September 2011


    What I take away from all of this, as well as almost everything else having to do with every aspect of bc, is that it is as much a matter of opinion, by each medical practitioner, as it is a science. Also, what we post on these boards is not the same as the detailed clinical info our docs are seeing. So although it may sound like we are similar there are probably myriad variations that our docs take in to account. Short of gross negligence,most docs are doing what they think will work best for the patient. As long as we stay informed, question things and try to fit all the pieces of the puzzle together , we are doing all we can. Caryn

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2011

    Heather... Caryn is right... every doctor is looking at YOU specifically... but if it makes you feel better, perhaps you should get a second opinion... and if the second doctor concurs, the you should take their word for it!!!

  • sundermom
    sundermom Member Posts: 98
    edited September 2011

    Today is a good day ladies! I had surgery to correct a capsular contracture of one of my implants on Tuesday and I can already see the results. Radiation was the gift that just kept on giving and was causing my right implant to migrate out of the pocket and sit very high on my chest. Now...thanks to my wonderfully talented PS...I have nice level breasts! He also did the nip reconstruction while I was out and I am amazed at how real they look. I'll go back for tattoos in a few weeks. Finally, I'm getting back on the road to normal.

  • mutt1963
    mutt1963 Member Posts: 91
    edited September 2011

    Chrs23, I haven't posted here but I am stage IIb and was told by my onc that I wasn't going to get my 4th round of toxatere today because the hives I got after the third round handn't subsided. He is switching me to andrimycin for 4 rounds if tollerated. I was due to get 6 rounds TC originally. I thankyou for posting this as Ive only been able to find a few others that have had bad reactions while on the same chemo. I also saw my primary care physician after my second round for a possible UTI but broke out in hives before I was able to get the cipro filled so I know that was not the cause or contribute to the reaction. Unlike you Ive never had an allergic reaction to any medications but did have allergies to environmental things as a child. I hope your chemo goes well and your symptoms subside.

  • Pattyanne
    Pattyanne Member Posts: 4
    edited September 2011

    Hi all you lovely ladies. CT scan and bone scan was so much less scary than i expected . Now the wait for results. Thank you all for your support. will keep you informed. love this site and having you all to share this with. its pretty great! xxxx

  • proudmom_wife
    proudmom_wife Member Posts: 176
    edited September 2011
    sundermom - you give me hope.  Thank you.  I am lopsided, but it is my non-cancer side which is higher, for some reason it was badly bruised and swollen after both the mastectomy and exchange, so my PS believes I have scar tissue built up.  I am suppose to decide at the end of October whether or not to do a revision, which I am leaning towards doing.  Were you told of any possible negative effects of a revision, such as could it drop too much with a revision?
  • Glenna56
    Glenna56 Member Posts: 22
    edited September 2011

    My onc. cancelled my Taxol for today because of all the side effects I'm having. I meet with him next week. I have hives, bad muscle aches, and still nauseous even with meds. Next week they will give me Emend with the Taxol. Hopefully I'll have better week.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited September 2011

    glenna - are they giving you Benadryl in your IV pre-meds when you get Taxol?  Maybe with pain meds and the Emend you will not suffer as much with the next tx.  Sorry you are having a hard time with this, I know it is a bummer :(