Middle Aged Memories



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,954

    I don't remember the leaving the ciggies in the bar joke. Maybe it was a regional thing?

    Are these the Freakies?

    Image result for Freakies cereal

    Related image

    Don't remember these, either. Beginning to wonder what alternate universe I grew up in!

    Are these the Bay City Rollers?

    Image result for bay city rollers then and now

  • bucsgirl
    bucsgirl Member Posts: 160

    Hi NativeMainer.  You've got both correct. LOL!! I loved that cereal! That was back in the 70's. Really? No one remembers it? Maybe I'm the one who grew up in an alternate universe. Loopy

    OMG, I can't believe I was in love with the Bay City Rollers. They don't look so hot in that picture. Especially in those goucho plaid pants. ROTFL!

  • bucsgirl
    bucsgirl Member Posts: 160

    Okay, I have a few more for you. I hope they haven't already been mentioned. I couldn't get through a 100 pages.

    How about the Jean Nate after shower splash? It was a big thing back then. I actually saw a bottle of it at our local CVS Pharmacy recently.

    Does anyone remember the Hudson Brother's variety show? It was like the Donny & Marie show.

    Did anyone watch the Carol Burnett Show? That Tim Conway was a hoot! It was funny to see him and Harvey Korman trying not to laugh at each other.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,954

    Oh my heavens, The Carol Burnett Show was HILARIOUS!!!! So many memories from that one.

    I do remember Jean Nate:

    Image result for jean nate shower gel

    Don't remember the Hudson Brothers, but looks like they had fun!

    Image result for hudson brothers show

    Image result for hudson brothers show

  • bucsgirl
    bucsgirl Member Posts: 160

    ROTFL! That is so funny!! Smile

    I think the Hudson Brothers were way cuter than the Bay City Rollers. Winking

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    Oh, my! Look at that little Christie Brinkley. Look at that little Kate Hudson's dad. So young!

  • bucsgirl
    bucsgirl Member Posts: 160

    Oh my goodness! I didn't even know that was Christie Brinkley and Bill Hudson. Yes, so very young!

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818

    Source: iconosquare.com … MoreSixty's!!!

  • Michelle_in_cornland
    Michelle_in_cornland Member Posts: 1,233

    I used St. Ives apricot scrub today, I was preparing for a fake tan. How long has that scrub been around? 1960s??

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,954

    Image result for st ives apricot scrub 1960

  • beach2beach
    beach2beach Member Posts: 246

    So cool to see these pics and read the posts. Brings back such memories. Some things still around like licorice whips, swedish fish, the button candy on the paper that you somehow you always wound up eating some paper, bazookas, laffy taffy.... Nothing is a penny anymore but for $1.00 in the 70's I'd go after school and get a whole brown bag full of candy.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    Today I was remembering a game my class had in the first grade. It was called Stadium Checkers. The only place I ever played it was at school. When I looked it up, it was made by Schaper, the makers of Cootie. You all remember Cootie, don't you?

    imageSomehow, more fun than Mr. Potato Head!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,405

    Oh I loved the Cootie game. Funny, Mr. Potato Head came to mind before I even finished reading your post. But I agree. Cooties was more fun. I feel very fortunate that my family played games all the time. I could never interest my DH. Good to see you Eli.

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818

    This was fun too!!!!

    Don't Break the Ice

    Don't Break the Ice Game

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,954

    I remember Don't Break the Ice!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    image Tip It.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    Your posts made me think of Tip It. Originally, I had been thinking about the many, many permutations of Magic Slate. Always seemed to have one of these around the house as a kid.


    The search for a pic of Magic Slate also led me to Magic Window, which came later, cost more, and was quite boring in an unaltered state.


  • beach2beach
    beach2beach Member Posts: 246

    We have a auto repair shop that has an attached old time candy store. Between all the candies in the containers you can buy by the piece and make up your own bag of candy, the old games, soda in the old tyme bottles etc. I get a kick going in there when they find some other goodie from way back when and stock it.




  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260

    Does anyone remember playing the card games "Old Maid" (so politically incorrect today) or "Authors? I remember all of the other games, etc. that others have posted.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,405

    Oh yes, we played both of those card games. Thanks for the memories of time spent with my long departed parents Celia.

    Eli - I thought Magic Slate was always more fun then Etch-A-Sketch too.

    Just got my fall Vermont Country Store catalog. I love looking through their old time candies & games & toys. Even some clothes. I treasured a Lanz night gown that was passed down from a cousin when I was in junior high. (disclaimer - I have no ties to the company). I do buy their original TANGEE lipstick that is a different color on each person.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,954

    Magic slates are still around, I see them in the stores occasionally.I remember the Magic Window, didn't remember what it was called. I could spend hours playing with that, and another item like it only instead of crystals it had a liquid and changed color from the heat of your finger on the back side. Can't remember the name of that, either.

    Beach--WOW, what a store!I could spend a lot of time looking around in there!

    Celia--I remember Old Maid, certainly couldn't play that one today!

    Minus--I love looking through the Vermont Country Store catalog, too. I've even been in once or twice.Hmm, that might make a nice day trip this fall, see the foliage and rummage through the store.

    AHA! I found a pic of the toy that I used to love:


    Still no idea what it was called, though. Anyone remember?

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    Beach, I could not make out everything in the jars, but that is quite the selection! I got a Turkish Taffy at Cracker Barrel last time.

    Celia, I had forgotten about Authors, but I did have that game. (Edgar Allen Poe, Washington Irving, James Fenimore Cooper...)

    Native, The name of your toy escapes me too, but I remember it. It was from the "mood ring era." Maybe it will come to me.

    MInusTwo, Magic Window was like sand art without the work or the mess (until the inevitable breakage!)

  • beach2beach
    beach2beach Member Posts: 246

    I don't remember that toy but googled swirly toy from the 70's and came up with this... Does that sound familiar?


    image The 'Space Fidgit' was also known as a Fidget, Figit and even "Touch me" — they were mostly green when you looked at them straight on, and more reddish/orange at an angle. It had a creamy gel-like material inside, and you could change the colors of the inside gel with pressure and angle changes.

    Here's a description from original product packaging:

    This unique plastic disc is filled with fascinating liquid crystals. Just a touch on the back causes liquid to flow into a spectacular show of changing hues and patterns.

    These fun toys are made of plastic and filled with thermotropic liquid crystal; the same material found in mood rings. The crystals respond to changes in temperature. The image created would simulate the iridescent colors seen in a puddle of oil:


    This 1970's toy was a thin, octagonal hand-held kinetic toy with a clear plastic window over color-changing goo. It looked a little like a drink coaster, and measured about 3-inches across.

    The octagon plastic disc filled was with liquid crystals that you would touch for different patterns. Just a touch on the back caused the encased liquid to flow into a spectacular show of changing hues and patterns.


    This 'Magic Color Disc' was a 3" Acrylic discs with a pressure and heat sensitive combination of materials that would respond to the touch of your finger with psychedelic colors of red, blue, green, and yellow.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,954

    YES!! That's the toy! I think we did call it a Space Figit. I loved that thing. And it was from the mood ring era. Wish I could find one now.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,405

    What a great article Eli. Thanks for posting. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

  • bucsgirl
    bucsgirl Member Posts: 160

    Does anyone remember watching "Creature Features" on TV? They'd have a "Creature Double Feature" every Saturday. The old horror movies like Dracula, Frankenstein, Creature from the Black Lagoon...

    I watched it on WCIX in Miami. I think it aired nationally, but I'm not sure. My dad and I used to watch them every Saturday. Good memories!


  • bucsgirl
    bucsgirl Member Posts: 160

    Oh, and what about these 2 guys?


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,954

    I vaguely remember Creature Features, wasn't allowed to watch very much daytime TV on the weekends, but it seems like I got to see it sometimes, like on rainy or very cold weekends.

  • bucsgirl
    bucsgirl Member Posts: 160

    I'm just happy to know that someone else remembers it. I believe it was on during lunch time between 11:00 and 1:00. Dad and I used to watch a lot of old movies together. I miss those moments with him.