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Nipple Sparing Mastectomy with immediate reconstruction



  • jessamine
    jessamine Member Posts: 123
    edited August 2010

    thanks all!

    Ok- here's my report back for those still waiting for exchange. I was in surgery for about 2 hours. Woke up in some pain- not a ton, but a bit....also nauseous. They fed me saltines, but I wished I'd brought some bread or something- I had brought a ittle food but it was too favorful for my delicate stomach at that point. I have bandages covering both boobs completely- I'm told to leave them on until my post op in almost 2 weeks, but that I can shower and move my arms around freely. Sleeping was uncomfortable again- not as bad as when I first got the TEs but reminiscent. I think it'll be better in a day or two though. And although it was a little painful, with many little pillows (and painkillers and ativan) I was able to sleep on my side. 

    I was in recovery for about an hour before they would let my partner in; they said I could have people come in when I got out of bed and into a chair. It was about an hour before I could, but then once I was in the chair they pretty much said I could go whenever. I was wobbly all day yesterday, but functional- I came home and fed the cat and ate lunch and did some other little stuff before I laid back down and fell asleep. I fel headachy and just generally bad all yesterday, but better today; not exactly energetic, but not all fuzzy like after the big surgery. I haven't taken a painkiller since about 6 am (it's 1 pm here) and I'm ok- the jiggling is stil exciting but a bit less comfortable. My surgeon isn't one of the ones who recommends a bra post exchange but I think I want to get something tight-ish for comfort. (What he actuallysaid was "it doesn't matter but you'll probably want something") I didn't get anything ahead because I wasn't really sure what size I would be- I'm kind of still not. They're a bit squished, and still in the shape of the TEs more than they should be- I'm assuming this is where I wait for the so-called drop and fluff and then we'll see. They look normal and good in a t-shirt though! Which is good cause it's SOOO HOT right now! Fellow bay area gals, crazy huh? All our summer heat at once as usual. So I'm taking it easy with my fan.

    That's about all I can think of. I'll post pics on the picture forum (the new one?) in a couple weeks when  I get unwrapped. If there is one! If you are a member and haven't voted on the new forum, get over there! They need 50 votes to keep it open and only have 40!

    I left the size in the hands of my PS- I said I like the size of the TEs, something like this. He said he'd try a couple sizes in the OR and fit the best one. The TEs were filled to 360- in recovery they said he put in 397s which suprised me. Bigger! Any thoughts? I know a lot of you have looked into this stuff a lot more than me- also what's with the 397? Why not 400? Doesn't that seem odd? 

  • sweetie2040
    sweetie2040 Member Posts: 470
    edited August 2010

    Jessamine-congrats and so glad your doing well! Thanks for the details on surgery. It is helpful since mine is coming up in Oct! If you have Allergan implants there is a 397cc style 15 midrange, that might be what you have? Keep resting and can't wait to see your new pics!

  • TNLady
    TNLady Member Posts: 219
    edited August 2010

    GAgirl,  Woohooh you are finished with Chemo, and the cold caps worked!

    Jessamine, I'm so glad you made it through without complications!  Keep the info coming for the new members!

    I found some nice bras at JCPenny's that do not have the underwire and are very comfortable.  They are Ambrielle brand.  I had a friend that had a breast reduction recommend them, they are not very expensive either. 

    I wanted to let you girls know that I just signed up for the 5k Komen Race for a Cure tonight!  I'm so excited!  My family, co-workers, and a few friends are walking with me.  Actually, it is a walk/run, but I will most likely walk more.  Running still feels a little weird to the girls! lol

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,758
    edited August 2010

    Jessamine I'm glad your surgery went well and you are recovering.  I do remember the "movement" after exchange did take some getting used to after the TE experience.

    I want to share with everyone my mamo results came back ok. :)  Thanks for the support everyone.

  • Kate33
    Kate33 Member Posts: 1,936
    edited August 2010

    sweetie- Just wanted to tell you I tried the nip covers at Target.  I think they are designed for a larger breasted woman because the stickers just wouldn't lie flat which kind of defeated the purpose.  They weren't very comfortable for me, either.  Nordstroms said they have some kind of thin pad you can put between your skin and the bra that is supposed to cover but I left and forgot to buy some!  

    bcincolorado- It's funny how none of our surgeons seem to agree on anything.  My PS said to wear underwires, as long as you are properly fitted, because the wires actually hold the implants in the right place as you're healing.  (There is a thread on here called Bras 101 where they talk about this.)  The fitter at Nordstroms said she does fittings on post-augmentation women and they are told the same thing.  I wish these BS's and PS's would get together and agree on something!

    jessamine- So happy everything went so well for you and you're back home.   Enjoy your squishees!

    TNLady- That's awesome that your family and friends are doing the race with you!  

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,758
    edited August 2010

    Kate, yes I agree, it sure would be nice if there was a "norm" for recommendations on things.  There doesn't even seem to be agreement on if you can shower or not post mx with drains in.  Some want bras right after exchange and some don't.  Makes you wonder how much of it is a big deal if we just did what we wanted anyway?

  • Kate33
    Kate33 Member Posts: 1,936
    edited August 2010

    GAgirl01- Forgot to say CONGRATULATIONS on completing chemo!!!  WOO HOO!!!  So glad you made it through and got to keep your beautiful hair!  The 2nd will be here before you know it and you'll have something to circle on your calendar to look forward to!  Just think about all those sexy dresses you can buy for the holidays! :)

  • hurleygirly
    hurleygirly Member Posts: 135
    edited August 2010

    Wow I have missed out a lot..trying to catch up with everyone!

     Jessamine...congrats on your exchange! I am right behind you..well avtually 6 weeks behind you! It is crazy hot here..I am down in San Jose and it is boiling hot. Guess I can't complain because it has been such an oddly cold summer!

    GAgirl..that is awesome news that you are now done and you have all of your hair! That's great to hear. When is your exchange?

    I have been sooooooo busy at work and have been basically taking my work home at night and haven't been on much lately. Hope everyone is doing well! (=

  • vmudrow
    vmudrow Member Posts: 415
    edited August 2010

    jessamine - so glad everything went well!!  My PS says they need to put in bigger implants than the TEs to get the same size/look.  Are you able to lift your arms? 

    hurleygirly - glad to hear from you.  So when is your exchange date exactly?  Mine is Oct. 8th!!

  • jessamine
    jessamine Member Posts: 123
    edited August 2010

    V- I can totally lift my arms!They said no motion restrictions- just not to exert my pecs for a few weeks (lifting, etc).

    Things went downhill a little last night- I had a migraine like headache all evening and night and couldn't do anything but moan and sleep. But I feel better again today so hopefully that's it. I was taking painkillers last night for my head, but my boobs don't really hurt at all anymore- even with jiggling/jarring they feel ok.

  • jan508
    jan508 Member Posts: 724
    edited August 2010

    If you do SNB and skin sparing mastectomy do you always have to go for radiation or chemo to be sure they got all the cancer?



  • jessamine
    jessamine Member Posts: 123
    edited August 2010

    It depends on your dx, what you would need. But unless your cancer is close to the nipple or in the skin (which would disqualify you for the procedure) it would be the same protocol as you would receive with any mx, as the idea is that it's not any less safe in the hands of a qualified surgeon. I was able to get the NSM despite needing more than just the SNB and didn't have rads.

  • TNLady
    TNLady Member Posts: 219
    edited August 2010

    Hurleygirly, nice to hear from you!  You sound like me, back to work busy, busy, busy!

    Jan,  Like Jessamine said, depends on your dx.  In my case (DCIS),  if I had chosen lumpectomy, I would have had to have 7 weeks worth of radiation.  With the BMX I did not have to have any treatment, but nothing was found in my nodes after surgery.  I had auxillary node removal.

  • twirlandcurl
    twirlandcurl Member Posts: 76
    edited August 2010

    hey all..I also have been lurking. Glad to hear everyones well.

    I have one more fill on the new TE and then exchange first week of Oct. I am growing very tired of looking at the mentor implant catalog and having one up high and one down low..

    we have the 5K here on Sept 11th. My girls are "walking" with me. My husband's fire department just ordered pink shirts to wear to work for the month of Oct. Can you imagine seeing a bunch of firefighters wearing pink Tshirts and their bunker pants. makes me wanna sweet


  • Kate33
    Kate33 Member Posts: 1,936
    edited August 2010

    jessamine- Sorry about the migraine.  I can definitely empathize.  Glad the rest of you is doing good, though, after your exchange.

    jan508- During NSM the surgeon will scrape the inside of the nipple and test it for cancer cells right then and there.  If any are detected they would remove the nipple at that time. (Something they should warn you about.)  Almost all breast cancers detected in the nipple originate in the cells that line the ducts.  (Some say Paget's disease is cancer of the nipple but in 9 out of 10 women who have it also have an underlying breast cancer else where.)  During MX all the ducts are removed so there's nothing left to feed to the nipple so most BS do not order chemo or radiation after MX or NSM.   Some do like to put their patients on Tamoxifen for 5 years, though, and there are mixed feelings about that.

    hurleygirly- Hey!  Missed you on here!  Sorry you've been so crazy busy but I guess it's good job security, huh?

    twirlandcurl- Missed you, too.  Glad you have an exchange date.  That's exciting!  So sweet what your husband and his guys are going to do.  Would definitely like to see a picture of that! :) 

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,758
    edited August 2010

    The surgery and exchange dates are exciting!

    Yes, I would have needed rads if my lumpectomy had been successful but since it wasn't and had to get a mx, I didn't need rads.  No chemo with my particular cancer either.  I am on Tamox for 5 years though.

  • jan508
    jan508 Member Posts: 724
    edited August 2010


    i was just in a chat room that scared the bejeezus out of me. I don't need someone to tell me stuff like that. :(


  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,758
    edited August 2010
    I'm not a "chat room" kind of person.  It took me a long time to even do the discussion boards. Smile  We have enough to deal with recovering and getting on with our lives and don't need to be negative.  We can get through this!
  • twirlandcurl
    twirlandcurl Member Posts: 76
    edited August 2010

    me and my double Ds

    This is me and my two favorite bald firemen..I love this pic. Taken by my husband. 

    Elyria Fire Department C shift. They sold these shirts and raised $1000 for Komen. I think They are all hotties!!!!Kiss

  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Member Posts: 916
    edited August 2010

    Hi ladies, everyone sounds good today!

    Just thought I'd chime in with what worked for me, since I'm a uni who lost her nip and have a DD and a high beam on the original gal.

    Google "Dimrs", these are lightweight silicone pads that are reuseable.  they work really work for high beams.  You can't wear them more than 6 hours tho at a time. 

    I got a walcoal bra also, padded, good support, wirefree that with a little cami pad w polyfil to even me up, work wonderfully.  I can wear tight T shirts, and honestly, look fine.

    Another bra that now they don't make anymore (waaahhhh) was the VS secret Angels wirefree.  That one was amazing, but i think that the Ipex wirefree would do the job as well.  You want molded foam cups, with good support, and wide straps and I took the little insert from a Softee camisole, took most of the poly fill out, molded it to the shape it wanted and I just tuck it in.

    I do think most bras are most helpful when tried on, not bought online.  It's upsetting at times, but keep your goal in mind. 

    Good luck!

  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Member Posts: 916
    edited August 2010

    oops, forgot to ask: when they do a NSM, my PS says he does a flap pre procedure.  Anyone know what that is?


  • hurleygirly
    hurleygirly Member Posts: 135
    edited August 2010

    Hey guys..back again! Well, looks like a lot of us will be getting our exchanges around the same time. I am scheduled for Thursday Sept 30th and will be taking a week and a few days off of work which means that I will be back on here a bit more! LOL

    Kate, Yes, I gotta say that all this work piled on me currently does give me job security but recently have been wondering if I even want it! Ugh... I am looking forward to surgery...not only for my final implants BUT to actually have a week off of work!

  • sweetie2040
    sweetie2040 Member Posts: 470
    edited August 2010

    Hey Hurleygirly! I'm having my surgery right after you. What did you choose for your final tenative size? I'm at 400cc's TE and thinking 450-475 implants.

  • hurleygirly
    hurleygirly Member Posts: 135
    edited August 2010

    Hey sweetie! I Am leaving it all up to my ps. It is probably going to be either the 375 or the 400 cc high profile Allergen silicone implants, style 20. I am at 345 ccs right now and visually this is as big as I would like to go! We will have to post our picts when it is all done! I am fitting into a tight 32C right now and actually am probably more like a 32D!

  • PB22
    PB22 Member Posts: 176
    edited August 2010

    Kate, I saw my PS today and inquired regarding rippling.  I had some with my smaller implants and none since my revision to a larger implant.  He said that its loose skin that causes it.  He said either you fill in with a larger implant or remove some extra skin.   I aske him if exercising the chest muscle will cause rippling from the muscle getting tighter, he said no that it would be good for that condition because exercising the chest muscle will cause a thicker muscle and hide the implant more???

  • Kate33
    Kate33 Member Posts: 1,936
    edited August 2010

    PB- Thanks for the info about the rippling.  Someone else on another thread said their PS does fat grafting for rippling but my PS said fat grafting doesn't work for that.   I really don't want to go any bigger and my PS only expanded me to 365, and got a 375 implant, so don't know why I would have extra skin.  It is so confusing as to how to resolve this.

    I had a horrible experience at my last appointment with my PS.  I showed her the rippling which I thought she would have some solution to fix it.  Her attitude was it is what it is.  She said the rippling is the actual implant showing through the skin.  She picked up an implant and held it by the edge and you could see the ripples run down the side of the implant.  She said implants were designed for augmentation where the implant is under the breast tissue so this rippling doesn't show.  She said they were never designed for reconstruction and if you have thin skin this can happen.  She said more than likely it is permanent.  She was just so matter of fact about the whole thing and couldn't understand why I was upset at the thought that this might never go away.  She actually said, "I should show you some pictures of other women who have been really disfigured from their MX and then you would feel so much better about your results."  What I don't understand is women who have voluntarily had augmentation are allowed to have concerns about aesthetics but because we had had BC we aren't?  (That was the impression I got, anyway.)   I will get a second opinion if the rippling continues but am so disappointed in my PS's attitude.

  • jessamine
    jessamine Member Posts: 123
    edited August 2010

    That's awful! And I have to say, it doesn't sound right to me. I mean, you know as well as me that these boards are chock full of ladies who are getting rippling worked on, and, I beieve, corrected! Also I'm nervous about my own so I'm over identifying, but I think you should find someone to work on it for you. I don't think that's a very good attitude on her part- probably ike the BSs who say NSM aren't safe just cause they don't do them!

  • gunner
    gunner Member Posts: 31
    edited August 2010

    I am in the middle of expansion and I had 3 nodes taken out is it normal to have lumps

    around expanders im freaking out i feel there is one in the corner of my armpit. 

  • gunner
    gunner Member Posts: 31
    edited August 2010

    Could this be scar tissue from my 6 21 surgery

  • TNLady
    TNLady Member Posts: 219
    edited August 2010

    gunner, It could be scar tissue, but it could also be clumps of stitches that have not dissolved yet.  I had lumps that would pop up and it scared me too, the PS told me it was undissolved stitches.  I can't remember how long I had them after surgery, but I know it was quite a long time.  I would defiantly check with you PS though.  Please let us know what you find out.