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  • slinky
    slinky Member Posts: 166


  • SusansGarden
    SusansGarden Member Posts: 754

    pinkbutterfly ~ regarding "following a thread" on the timtam's pic you mean like how you can do on bco by marking it a "favorite"?  As far as I could tell you can't?  Or at least I haven't figured it out. Undecided ...I've found it makes it kind of hard to "carry a conversation" on that site because it's difficult to ascertain whether or not someone has "replied" to your comment unless you just keep scrolling through and finding threads you've replied on.

    Regardless, I am SO grateful to Timtam for starting the site and that it is available because it made a world of difference in my decision making process, gave me realistic expectations of what was to come, and the giving and receiving of support to others that are facing the same journey was invaluable.   

  • EileenKaye1
    EileenKaye1 Member Posts: 166


    I so agree--I am also grateful to Timtam for allowing me to view the fatgrafting photo's-and thanks

    so much to all of you who have posted.

    I now have tremendous hopes for a better future, with a  painfree  Reconstruction.


  • pinkbutterfly
    pinkbutterfly Member Posts: 130

    Yes, I agree the site is a wonderful resource, made possible by Timtam and all of the wonderful ladies willing to share this very private part of themselves. I am just a bit more challenged than mist when it comes to this sort of stuff, but hopefully I will figure it out with time.

    Whippetmom, thanks. I did get that link, guess I just need to keep trying.

    Lago, thank you for posting your pics! Looks like you got a beautiful result, hope the pain isn't too bad. I'm on the fence about fat grafting (I think your pics may have convinced me to stay on the side that I am on! Looks painful, and I am, well, a wimp). I may require it though, because I had rads.

    Whippetmom, I hear that you also had fatgrafting with your implants. Did that give you back any sensation?

    Thanks, everyone.

  • pinkbutterfly
    pinkbutterfly Member Posts: 130

    Well, I may be more challenged than "mist" but what I meant to say was "most". So much for spell checker.

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235

    pinkbutterfly:  If you want to follow a thread on the picture forum, try this:

    Click the "Search" button at the top of the screen.

    Type in the member's name (exactly) where it says "Filter by User Name"

    Put a check mark in the "Search first message only" box just below the name you just typed in.

    Scroll down and click "Start Search".

    This will bring a list of threads that member has started.  Select the thread you want and you should get the whole thing.

    Hope that helps!

  • pinkbutterfly
    pinkbutterfly Member Posts: 130

    Thanks TinaT!

  • BrettW
    BrettW Member Posts: 12

    Hello again, BC sistas!  Been taking a little break from "reconstruction" so haven't posted in a few days. Thanks to everyone posting about their journey on the picture forum. It's amazing to follow the threads.

    Had my final fill yesterday. I seriously feel like Dolly Parton! (OK, I may not look exactly that big). I'm at 370cc and, seriously, that seems to be the most this skin is willing to take. My skin seems scarily strectched. Very sore in back and in front today. Living on muscle relaxers to get through it. Have appt to talk to PS about exchange on July 12th. Will set surgery date, too. Probably late Aug-Early Sept.

    The nurse told me that they have found that they get better results w/ reconstruction (less rippling) by using a mod+ profile implant. I asked about high profile and she said that the concern is having a "shelf" and increased "rippling".I said that I like the volume and projection on the TE's, and she said that immediatly after exchange they will seem noticeably smaller, but after 6 weeks or so they'll be about the same as the TEs (only slightly smaller, less hard, more "natural-like"). Has this been anyone else's experience?

    With a 370cc fill in TE (350 recommended), she said they'll probably exchange to something in the range of 375-425 implants - mod+ profile. (I did mention that whippetmom suggested a 375 range implant for mod+)

    Well, must go lie down with heating pad now....  :-)


  • Spellgirl
    Spellgirl Member Posts: 28

    Thank you, Whippetmom, for your advice re implant size and style. I'll be checking that out!

    Ladies, I have a question but don't know if it should go on this thread or not- please let me know if there is another place to put it.

    My PS filled me to 6oo cc's at the time of my BMX on 5/26. I am still having enough pain that I am on percocet every 4-5 hours  and the muscles in my chest just seem to keep pulling tight. Is this ok? I know we are all different, I just wondered if anyone else out there was a slowpoke at getting rid of the pain meds. thanks for any feedback!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Nope, no return of sensation with fat grafting.  I have had a return of sensation though - I am two years out from the exchange.

  • pinkbutterfly
    pinkbutterfly Member Posts: 130

    Thanks, Whippetmom,

    How you can you be sure that return of sensation was not due to the fat grafting? I understand that it is rare with implants only? Is this correct?

    Veteran exchangees - please comment.


  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631

    Pink -- I haven't had fat grafting but at a little over a year out since last surgery (exchange and lift/reduction) I find that there is more feeling at the edges of where I was numb (i.e., the numb area is growing smaller).  BTW: lol at "mist" vs "most"

    Re: the Picture Forum -- it is a source of endless aggravation for me that so many assume it has something to do with BCO and it is, of course, no one's fault that such a confusion exists!  I think for anyone who is posting personal photos it is a godsend that it is, indeed, private and separate and that we screen members.  BCO is NOT private.  Anyone on earch can see anything posted here.  So it is not about being a clique at all but about protecting privacy.

    Spellgirl -- wow 600ccs when you woke up after your BMX?!  That is a LOT.  I had, I think, around 120 ccs to start with.  If you are still in pain, ask your PS to remove 50 ccs on each side (to start with) to see if that eases things up for you... then you can put them back once your body adjusts.  The TE is inserted under the pectoral muscle and is meant to stretch it ... gradually!  I was eventually filled to 850 ccs and it was painful for the 8 weeks between final fill and exchange... I suppose I could have taken it slower but just wanted to be done.  IF you are having exchange soon, of course, then my best advice is leave things as is and tough it out: massage, massage, massage (especially of the shoulder blades) and advil.  Some women also have reported relief from a drug called Flexeril, but I never did try it.  Perhaps others will post about that here.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Because I only have good sensation in one area which was FG'd - but sensation was returning there before I underwent the first FGT surgery.  In all other areas FG'd....deader than a doornail.

  • Estel
    Estel Member Posts: 2,780

    Re sensation almost a year out I have very little.  I had some tingles above my MX line on my breasts but after my nip reconstruction I don't even have that.  I have regained sensation under my armpits.

    Spellgirl - 600cc's IS alot!  I only had 50cc's put it at the time of my BMX.  I totally agree with Lilah they can take some out.  Does your PS know you're in this much pain?  You shouldn't have to be that miserable.  I was one that took Flexeril and it helped me immensely.  Even after my DMX it was the flexeril that helped me more than the Percoset.  My last 2 or 3 fills I started taking it and it took the edge off ... really helped!

    Brett - My last fill almost killed me it hurt so badly!  The heating pad was my friend too for about a week.  I hear you on feeling huge ... I think all of us on our last fills felt that way. 

  • pinkbutterfly
    pinkbutterfly Member Posts: 130

    Thank you ladies. I feel like I have a little around the sides, I am hoping I don't lose it after exchange or fat grafting or whatever it is I'll end up with.

    Re: flexeril, I had read that on here somewhere, and asked the nurse who did my first fill, who said it really wouldn't help. But, I think you ladies probably know more, having first hand experience, than she does. Is this OTC or Rx?

  • Estel
    Estel Member Posts: 2,780

    pinkbutterfly - It is prescription.  Others have used Valium ... anything that will help relax the muscles. 

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    The fat grafting looks more painful that it really is. I had my surgery last Friday. Was on taking public transportation yesterday, been out walking (1 hour this morning) drove to a friends house etc. I just bruise really easy.

    Brett I have moderate profile. They do not project like the TEs (thank goodness) but there is plenty projection. If I wore a bra with any padding I think I might have to purchase all new shirts Tongue out

    Gee I hope mine don't get bigger! Surprised Do these things really "fluff" out!

  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631

    LOL Lago -- everyone is different.  I think the drop and fluff just gives them a more breast like (as opposed to hamburger bun) shape.  Also I've seen where lumps in the wrong places go away.  I think it is just about getting a little more shapely as your body relaxes into them (or they relax into your body)?  I have a gummy so there is very little of that (though there IS some)... I'm just basing this on the photos I've seen over time on the forum.  You should browse a few "journeys" to see if you are really worried.

  • PitPat
    PitPat Member Posts: 32

    Whippetmom: can i ask you to help me again with my future sizing.

    I'm 5'6", 145 pounds, 33 inch chest. I have a 450cc Mentor TE in place on the right side (lost the implant on the left to infection). I have no idea why the PS place one TE and one implant. Especially since the implant was a full 100 cc less than we had pre-operatively discussed. I was a C cup.

    My pics are on the forum.

    Any help is greatly appreciated (again)

    Thank you.


  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Lilah I don't think mine look like hamburger buns at all. A little squarish where he put the  fat but I know that will shrink up. He says typically only 30-40% stays so he overcompensates.

    How do you like the gummies. I think I would have been a perfect candidate for gummies. Too bad my PS isn't in the study. I'm finding my boobie prizes (cohesive gels) are so much squishier than my old boobs. I hear the gummies are firmer.

  • Psal70
    Psal70 Member Posts: 22

    Hi lago - I hope you are healing well. I haven't heard of fat grafting until I joined this forum Embarassed.....I mean on the breasts.........Who would be a candidate or who would need fat grafting? I noticed now that i see more rippling especially on the side and only when I bend and I actually think my implant is blue because I can see through my skin. Also what are the gummies..........i think i am just getting educated about the implants on this forum. Everything went so fast for me that i did not research anything before my exchange and besides I fully trust my doctor and i let him make the decisions for me.


  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    True gummies are tear drop shaped. They are used in Canada and Europe a lot but are not yet FDA approved in the US. They are in trials (phase III) here so I'm sure they will be approved in the future.

    My understanding of fat grafting is it softens the edges of implant giving a more natural look. It call also be used to fill divits and maybe rippling. My PS seems to do a lot of fat grafting not only in breast reconstruction but also in the face. I agree that the journey went pretty fast when it came to making a decision regarding reconstruction. I didn't know about some of the most invasive proceedures involving mirco surgery… but I wouldn't  have done that. 

    This is not my plastic surgeon but her site has a good list of all the procuderes for reconstruction except she doesn't talk much about fat grafting: linky  

  • CorinneM1
    CorinneM1 Member Posts: 317

    Morning all.  I am new to these boards, and finding my way around, posting to what's appropriate for my case and stats.  I had a BMX on June 23, with TE reconstruction.  I just looked over my PS report and I have the following information:  Allergan 400 cc moderate profile tissue expander filled to 200 cc.

    Seeing that I had moderate, and most here have high, can my exchange surgery (I am leaning towards silicone) be "high"?  Or am I now married to "moderate" bc that is what my TE's are?

    I am 5'3", hourglass shaped--small waist, larger hips), 120 lbs. I was a medium 34B before surgery and I was hoping to be back to this, on justslightly larger.  I don't to go beyond a small C.  What other status should I be asking for at my next appointment (which is next week and my first fill).

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Patti:  Is your PS going to try another implant?  I honestly would recommend that you find the best PS in your area who can do microvascular surgery and have a flap procedure performed.  You have a very high risk of acquiring another infection, if another implant procedure is attempted.  If all things were equal, I would recommend a 550 cc HP smooth, round silicone implant, but this will all depend on what your PS has planned for the deconstructed side.  If your PS uses anatomicals, it would need to match the dimensions of the Mentor TE. 

    Do you want me to help you find someone who can perform a flap procedure?

    EDITED TO ADD:  If your PS is going to place a TE, I think this would be the only other option feasible.  In that case, I would want you to talk to him about the use of fat graft transfer - concommittant with the TE placement.  The link and information regarding this procedure is in the thread header above.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Corinne:  I had the moderate height style TE and my implants are high profile smooth silicone rounds.  The moderate height TE is the most common style used.  I think you will be happy with 450 ccs or 475 ccs - high profile, smooth silicone round implants.  In Allergan, this would be Style 20.  If you talk "cup" size with your PS, you will end up with very small breasts - as cup size does not equate with ccs in breast reconstruction.  I would go no smaller than 450 ccs.


  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631

    Lago -- well my point was not to worry too much about the drop and fluff... by and large the changes are subtle and I've never seen anything but improvements in the overall look (unless there was something amiss in the surgery itself).  Of course there are changes over time that are NOT to do with drop and fluff... like migrating implants (which must be revised) but that is NOT to do with drop and fluffl.

    Yes I have a gummy -- I'm a uni so I only have one -- and it is slightly firmer than my real remaining breast.  I think how soft an implant feels is dependent on other things, though, besides the implant itself.  This is just a guess but I've seen women posting that they have varying degrees of softness with all types of implants.  The bottom line is they are not breasts... but they are decent facsimiles and a good PS will give you cosmetic results that are pleasing. 

  • Meekone
    Meekone Member Posts: 30

    Whippetmom I just PM'd you.


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Meek....I responded!

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671

    Fat Grafting softened the look of my breasts especially where there was a step off.  I have been gradually getting some feeling back, but not everywhere:  not under my arm nor where the scar line is.  Micro Fatgrafting is done on the entire breast and there have been reports of feeling returning with this procedure.

    Edited to add:  Alloderm area hasn't any feeling.

  • Spellgirl
    Spellgirl Member Posts: 28

    I wonder if our perception of how firm the implants are is related to how firm our 'real' breasts were. I know my friend, who is going through this whole BMX thing just 3 weeks behind me, tells me her breasts are more dense, and my own after nursing my boys were more like Jello! :-) I'm still in the 'hard as rocks' TE stage, but I am wondering how the new foobs will feel! Will be interesting to see.