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  • virokie
    virokie Member Posts: 63

    momoftwo526:  Now that is a real answer.  Thanks.   


  • Lilah, thanks for your input. I have an appointment tomorrow with my PS and I will see how that goes.  He's a good dr. maybe tomorrow when I see him and have some info behind me I can be more clear and assertive. We've discussed revision, but he and I see my foobs differently.   Smile I'm so glad I posted it's nice to have women see from my view not vamity just a bit of "normal


    Wow semblance of wholeness again! That's what others don't understand. It's "look you're blessed and alive!...ok,, they mean well. When we(PS/me) first met he talked about lat flap, he said tram not an option  due to my weight and never mentioned diep at all. I carry my weight in my mid section thanks to body type and stressUndecided..Had he stressed how the lat flap would be better for my body type ,gave me reasons, examples I think I would have changed my mind and gone that route.  He was so positive and put my expectations way up .!  My fault for not  asking more...I noticed that diep isn't posted on the site as one of the options. I will bring it up. I have thought about saline as well... good thing to think about. Thank you so much for the info. Oh how large is the info by Shestak? I would use my work fax, with permission, but if too large ... may not want to send it there. 

    It's so nice to read about and talk to women who understand. should have done all this a year ago but I'm here now.  Innocent bless all the warriors!

  • ok not sure what vamity is or what I mentSurprised
  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631

    Phyllis -- I think there are women of ALL sizes.  I am not plus size but I'm also not skinny.  I could stand to lose ... well I've lost 17 pounds since the spring but could still lose another 15!  Having lost 17 pounds now I can say that my band size HAS gotten smaller.  I am still wearing 38 band bras right now (but on the tighter hooks) and can also fit into size 36 bands now (I think I've lost an inch, going from 36 1/2 to 35 1/2 inches around, just below the bust).  My bust size remains the same though (D or DD depending on the bra).

  • Denise2730
    Denise2730 Member Posts: 320

    Lago - I have no idea of what I'm getting. My PS hasn't discussed any of this with me but he sure as hell will come Monday!!

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235

    fightslikeagirl - I have not had any type of flap surgery so I am by no means an expert on the subject.  However, my PS is a microvascular surgeon who has performed many DIEP surgeries.  From my initial consult with him I learned that the DIEP is a "free flap" surgery where the flap is totally disconnected from the abdomen and re-implanted in the breast.  Microvascular techniques are required to re-establish circulation to the flap once it is moved. 

    In a lat flap I believe the blood vessels are left connected and the tissue flap is moved from the back to the breast so microvascular reconnection is not involved. 

    So, it is possible that your PS is not a microvascular surgeon and therefore he cannot personally offer DIEP to you.

    Best wishes!!! 

  • Thanks for the info TinaT,  I didn't see diep flap on his website. I figure that is pretty specialized.I guess tomorrow will be a turning point. It's all good :)

  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Member Posts: 1,477
    Whippetmom just got back from my PS and got all the details of my exchange. We are expecting to me to be a 36 large c or small d, I was a DD.
    I am 5'7" with a 32 in rib cage and weigh about 154 now expecting to go back to 140 asap.
    I have 650cc expanders filled to 700cc. 
    I am getting mentor 650cc round gel implants
    high profile 
    with a 14.4cm diameter
    and the projection is 5.7 cm
    this is as big as he could get me with my chest size.
    sound good? 
    also my husband had a freak accident at work and does not have use of his left hand. My exchange is 3 weeks away. He probably wont be much better by then, he needs 4 months of physical therapy. He has been taking very good care of himself on his own with one hand. DO you think a one handed husband will be able to help me after my surgery? He does not want me to put it off.
  • SusansGarden
    SusansGarden Member Posts: 754

    Carrol2 ~ In my case, a "no handed" husband would have been sufficient.  Seriously, I was pretty much self sufficient after I woke up from surgery.  I think a one-handed husband should do just fine. :)

  • Denise2730
    Denise2730 Member Posts: 320
    LaughingSusan - thanks for the chuckle. And love, love, love your signature because it is so true!
  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    Carrol I too think you will be fine with Mr. Righty. You won't be able to lift more than 3lbs or push on things for a few weeks but I'm sure you'll do OK. My husband was working most of the day and I did fine. Actually I cooked all this food and froze it thinking I wouldn't be able to do much. We still have some chili and sweet & sour cabbage soup left.
  • SusansGarden
    SusansGarden Member Posts: 754
    chiluvr1228 ~ Smile
  • pinkbutterfly
    pinkbutterfly Member Posts: 130


    I know this isn't the right thread, but sweet and sour cabbage soup sounds so good! Care to share the recipe?

  • momoftwo526
    momoftwo526 Member Posts: 105


    Awesome on your weight loss!  Maybe I can get some inspiration from you.  My exchange surgery is Jan 25th and I would like to lose 20 to 25 llbs by then.  I hope I can find something that works for me so I can pull it off. 


    If you can make it with the help of Mr. Righty, then maybe I can do it with my tween and teenage daughters -- if they don't kill me! Wink I am single, so I have to do a lot of this on my own.  I will get some help from neighbors and friends from church too.  Don't be afraid to ask others for help if you need it!


    Good luck with your PS appointment tomorrow. Make sure he understands how you feel.  I drive my PS nuts with my questions, but he doesn't seem to mind and answers everything. 


  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235

    Carrol2 - I think you'll be fine.  Just get as much ready ahead of time (kitchen setup, laundry, etc).  Is he able to drive?  I didn't have to drive for several weeks, but had to be cautious about opening and closing the car door.  But, he should be able to manage that.  I was really amazed at how much easier the post-surgical time was after exchange compared to mastectomy.  I was allowed to shower and wash my hair right away, but you might inquire if your PS is OK with you raising your arms (mine was). 

    If you're going to have drains you might need a backup to help you there.

    Yahoo!  Your time is almost here!!! 

  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Member Posts: 1,477

    Thanks to everyone for the input. I feel much better about doing this with Mr. Righty lol. The only issue may be driving there but he feels that he can drive with one hand. I may ask one of his friends to come with him to drive. I guess we will see. My neighbors are pretty good about helping out too. Actually I will have more help now that he hurt his hand since he wont be able to go to work. So he can do my lifting and reaching with his right hand. I am so excited to be done with this. I can't wait to try on my clothes and get new bras.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Carrol it will be a few months before the new bras. My PS said not to spend to much on bras initially because they will change up to 6 months. It's been over 3 months for me so I did start buying bras. I can't believe they're going to change that much more in the next few months. Husband would be dissapointed if the got smaller Tongue out

    But I'm having a blast getting new  bras. I never had much of a choice with the tiny ones I had before. 

  • emersongrace
    emersongrace Member Posts: 15

    Lilah-  Thanks for the words of support.  I have to say that I am looking forward to my foobs dropping.  I feel like my TE's are soooo high and they look fake right now.  I still have a lot of fluid in my abdomen from the chemo I had and I'm hoping it goes away soon.  Its just a journey I have to go through and I'm glad I have found so many wonderful people that calm the steps I have to take. 

  • Denise2730
    Denise2730 Member Posts: 320

    I'm so jealous of you ladies getting your exchanges. I'll probably have these rock hard foobies another 3 months. It's not just the hardness, they are all lumpy looking in a lightweight top. You can definitely tell something is not right with the girls.

    But my day will come and hopefully my prince will be showing up soon also....

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235

    Hang in there, all you ladies in waiting!!!

  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Member Posts: 1,477
    chilluvr1228 don't feel bad I will have had mine in 7 months, since March 29th and my exchange is oct 25th. 
  • NoMoreHL
    NoMoreHL Member Posts: 92

    whippetmom:     I had my exchange surgery yesterday, and I just wanted to say thank you once more for your help. My PS ended up putting in Mentor Smooth Round Hi-Profile Gel 700cc's ------ just as you had recommended to me in the posts below. You were spot on! Truly amazing!


    whippetmom wrote:So this is why I feel safer recommending Style 20. I think that 700 ccs is the volume I would recommend in that style, as you are getting a little extra width and the projection is still good.
     HeftyLefty wrote:
    Although I have Allergan 133SX-14 TE's overfilled to 550cc's, he will use Mentor implants, bringing in Moderate + Profile, and High Profile, range 500cc - 650ccs.  You had suggested Allergan style 20 - 650ccs (your pref) or style 45 - 700ccs. I know you based your recommendations on the TE's being Allergan, so how will these possible Mentor implants work for me,
    whippetmom wrote:
    HeftyLefty: The Allergan Style 20 is nearly identical to Mentor's high profile style implant.  So that works fine.  
  • momoftwo526
    momoftwo526 Member Posts: 105

    chilluvr1228:  I am a lady in waiting also.  TE's since July 21st, finally got my last drain out (9.5 weeks with that thing in)  Exchange scheduled for January 25th.  I am not in love with these TE's.  Feel like a Barbie doll -- "... made of plastic!"  Mine are hard, uneven and I have dog ears and they are very uncomfortable.  I can't wait for January!

     We all just have to hang in there!


  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437

    Let's hear it for ladies in waiting. I am so overwhelmed by reading these posts. I had my NSBMX on 6/22/11 and have tissue expanders. My exchange surgery is on 10/27/11. All I know is that my implants will be silicone. I don't know anything about the expanders (did not receive a card) except that they are truly uncomfortable.They have been filled to about 450cc and I am having muscle spasm/pain issues. I don't know anything about  implant cc's or projections, etc. This is like a foreign language to me. Don't even know where to begin with a conversation with my PS...

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671

    ginger:  you should be able to call your dr's office to find out what they put in.  They can always take some saline out until you are ready for more.  This isn't a race.  Yes, we want the expanders out but we must also allow them to do their job.  Once you know what they used, post your weight, height andunder the breast measurement.

  • dgee
    dgee Member Posts: 10

    momoftwo:  what are dog ears?  just curious what that refers to! 

  • Urban_Mom
    Urban_Mom Member Posts: 31

    It has been several weeks since I have posted anywhere - but had to laugh at the animated massage video and the Foobie costume.  Mostly, I've been trying to learn from everyone's experiences. 

    I had my BMX in July and now my 300 TEs are overfilled to 420.  I will be going to PS for (final?) fill in the end of Oct and, presumably, to discuss my exchange.  Whippetmom's recommendation for me based on the measurements I had given were for Allergan style 20 in 425 ccs/ 450 ccs if possible. 

    I had Nipple-sparing, which worked out ok on my left but which did not heal well on my right.  My right breast and NAC resemble a skinned knee at this point - which is waaay better than it looked just a few weeks ago.

    I suppose I am bothered by something that one of the nurses said during my last fill.  I commented on the coconutness of the TE's and said that I understood that my implants would not have the same projection. And she said, "yeah, lots of women complain that after going through all of "this" (meaning the whole TE process)  they were disappointed with the end result." YIKES! 

    My PS is one of those silent but skilled types, so I know that if I do not specifically ask the right direct question - I won't get much information. With the TEs filled to 420, I have a little bit of a shape to my upper body (yeah!).  I would love to have just a tad more.  All of the before/after pics that I looked at pre BMX showed women that were restored as well as possible to the shape that nature had given them. And while that is wonderful, it isn't what I am hoping for.

    I never had much in the way of breasts, but now that I've been obsessing over them for awhile, I don't want to join the ranks of the disappointed. I will bring up the size and style suggestions for sure - but what questions should I ask him to make absolutely sure that we both have the same end goal here?

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    Urban Mom the nurse told me that most women are happy but do wish they went a little bigger. I listened to her and went a little bigger than I was before. I'm much fuller than before. My projection is a little bigger than when I work a padded bra before. I'm happy with my shape.
  • Denise2730
    Denise2730 Member Posts: 320

    momoftwo526 - 9 1/2 weeks with the drain?  OMG I was complaining because mine was in like 2 or 3 weeks.

  • SusansGarden
    SusansGarden Member Posts: 754

    Urbanmom ~ I am really happy with my size/shape.. and I owe a lot of it to listening to Deborah's advice and having very specific conversations with my PS and what my expectations were.

    It sounds like you may have to work a little harder conversing with your PS, but I hope you pursue it because it's kind of "now or never" (well... unless you have a revision) and you've got to live with the results, not him. :)