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  • ShannonR
    ShannonR Member Posts: 89

    Crescent, the implants are not like the TEs, they are softer and more natural looking.  The TEs have that stripper look for sure.  I was terribly embarassed about mine.

    Whippetmom - is there such a thing as a "lift" after exchange.  I had FG at exchange to help with divots and soften the edges. PS wants to do more which I understand is part of the drill, but I really feel like my implants are low and wide.  I am 9 weeks post exchange. 

    Lago - how many FG procedures did it take you ? 

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    I got 2 because the first time my PS couldn't find enough fat. I told him he wasn't going to find much in my love-handles and tummy. 2nd time I sent him to my thighs. He said he found lots of good fat there. Ya no kidding.  Tongue out
  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    chrissilini: Absolutely REFUSE the moderate style.  They will be pathetically flat!  Moderate plus profile is fine in most instances.  So make sure you are adamant about this.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Shannon:  Well, yes, a lift can be performed to some extent after the exchange, but  the pocket's ability to sustain the lift - especially with heavier implants - is what is somewhat tenuous a prospect.  Are your pictures on the pic forum?  If not, PM me and I will give you my email address so that you can send them to me.


  • ShannonR
    ShannonR Member Posts: 89

    Yes, I am on the pic forum.

  • ShannonR
    ShannonR Member Posts: 89

    I just posted better pictures.  I do need a referral, I cant live with these divots and PS  said he has nothing to offer me

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    If you have had radiation, you need to talk to your PS about fat graft transfer in conjunction with implant-based reconstruction....

  • marial
    marial Member Posts: 98

    Is there any major differences between Allergan and Mentor implants? Although my expanders are Allergan, my plastic surgeon said he uses Mentor implants typically..I think we are shooting for 800cc high profile..thanks

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    No difference marial. Slightly different dimensions, but really a non-issue in the upper volume ranges.

  • B123
    B123 Member Posts: 239

    So.. I am 3 weeks in from having my implants and the good side is looking fine and normal (soft).  The radiated side is flatter and I am wearing a velcro strap to push it down (which is working) but I am told by the PS that maybe a revision in the future with a slightly larger implant to push it out more to even with the left?  This is crazy, I dont want to do anymore surgeries.. has anyone else had this problem? I am not told to massage or anything as I have been reading others doing on here.  Im a bit concerned that it will not even out.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    B123 I had a revision to lefty and I didn't even have rads. It happens. This isn't a perfect science and hour bodies all behave and heal differently. Radiation can complicate things even more so be patient. It all works out in the end.

    I had my revision done at the same time as my nipple recon. I did not massage right away. I don't remember when I started but initially I was not given any  instructions to massage. I think you need to heal first. I too had to wear that band for a while as well to get things to drop. Just follow your PSs instructions and don't start to do anything without his/her consent.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    B123 - Look at my thread entitled "Fat Graft Transfer and the Radiated Breast".  It is in the "Radiation" forum.  This would be far less invasive a procedure. 

  • B123
    B123 Member Posts: 239

    Lago, thank you.. nice to know its not "just you".  Although, sorry you had to have a revision.  I am trying to stick to her instructions, however.. Im getting very tired/impatient with it all.  I will try harder to stick it though.. thanks for the encouragment.

    Whippetmom: I will check it out now... thank you!

  • mammalou
    mammalou Member Posts: 293

    Hi girls. Had the lump under my skin checked out and the BS thins it is a stich in the dura matrix. I have increasing redness on my skin, 7months post rads, and she thinks this is still rads side effects. Do the breasts ever recover from radiation?.? I noted the article on fat grafting and will definitely discuss with PS. Honestly, I'm starting to wonder about this UMX. I'm more lopsided everyday. What is normal with these TEs? Redness? Spider looking red lines? A year with these is feeling like a long time.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Mammalou - When is your exchange surgery? When was your last rads tx?

  • mammalou
    mammalou Member Posts: 293

    My last rads was on July 28th and my exchange is supposed to be late June

  • takeadeepbreath
    takeadeepbreath Member Posts: 68

    B123...I was uneven after exchange had a revision 7 months after. ...PS put in slightly bigger implants both sides, tightened pocket and did a small amount of fat grafting. They look so much better and it was a really fast surgery (an hour or so), was back to work in less than a week. He said at a certain point they weren't going to even out with strap, and massage so there was no reason to wait to do revision if I was unhappy. Really glad I did revision but they will change for a few months, so give it some time. Pics on forum.


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    That seems like a long time mammalou.  I thought six months after rads was typical.  For those of you had rads, what was your end-of-rads-to-exchange time frame?

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    whippetmom I thought it was 6months minimum after rads for exchange.
  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631

    I remember Adnerb had her TE in for a year (post rads).

    Mammalou -- TEs can look weird and you really can't tell yet... but I think you should absolutely bring these questions to your doctor. 

  • B123
    B123 Member Posts: 239

    My exchange after rads was 2 months exactly.. 

    takeadeepbreath, thank you for sharing.  I am thinking I may have to do that as well.  I am just so tired of surgery.  My hair is falling out from all the stress, and I feel like I am going to have huge deep scars if I keep having them cut open.  She said if we do a revision, she would just do the one side and put in a slightly larger one to match.  Im glad you are happy with yours now, it seems like it is a trial and era and the second time seems to work best for people??  Strange how both being the same size implants and the rad side can make it so different (flatter?!). 

  • mammalou
    mammalou Member Posts: 293

    Whippet mom: my PS is making me wait 6 months from rads or last fill, which ever was last. I had some fills before rads and had to finish after rads. I started up again 2 months post rads (October) and didn't finish filling until late December. Before rads i put in 150cc one time, but couldn't go over 50cc after and every 2 weeks, instead of 1. The skin just didn't stretch as easy. I was so happy to be able to do TEs with rads, but sometimes wonder if it was the best thing. I had one PS say delayed reconstruction only, but found another that agreed to do the TEs. I guess we will see how it goes.

  • lele3737
    lele3737 Member Posts: 7

    Hey ladies, Had BMX with yes January 18th and I was supposed to start rads this past week. I am having some problems, but that's not why I am posting. My ps is comfortable with 9 to 12 weeks for exchange (12 for me) after exchange or last fill. I specifically asked him at my last appt.....

  • kiwi_girl
    kiwi_girl Member Posts: 2

    Hello everyone, first post here, unfortunately I didn't find these forums until after I had my uniliateral skin sparing mastectomy with immediate reconstruction in August 2011. However I have found them very helpful to read afterwards.

    I was hoping Whippetmom or others might like to comment on my implant sizing as the numbers I read here seem so very different from mine. I am 5 foot 8, approx 137 pounds with a 30 3/4" ribcage. My implant is an Allergan 410MF 165g (yep that's right), the card says Ref:27-MF100-165. I had an immediate reconstruction without a tissue expander stage as the surgeon said the required implant was small and I had a great deal of stretched skin ('extensive ptosis' he referred to it as). I suppose this is because I had breastfeed three babies for long periods and my breasts enlarged a great deal in early lactation. I was 39 years old at the time of surgery, and still breastfeeding a 18 month old.

    The funny thing is that my volume of the implant seems to be quite similar to the native breast, before my surgery I usually wore a 34C bra as fitted by a proper bra fitter, I now wear a 32D (the bra fitter likes it nice and firm over a reconstruction).

    I don't like the reconstruction at all, naked it doesn't look or feel like a breast at all. There is of course a significant difference in 'hang" of the reconstruction and the real breast - I go to see the plastic surgeon later this week for a followup and I'm sure he will suggest a mastoplexy of the native breast but I don't want it to be 'mutilated to match'. However of course I do look quite normal in a bra and the surgeon has achieved a nice contour on the top and middle bit (the bit you can see when the shirt gaps open a bit), and I'm not ungrateful.

    But I am curious - what would Whippetmom have recommended for me?

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Well, kiwi_girl - unilaterals are more precise than bilaterals - because the chief focus is symmetry.  The key is to match as closely as possible, the ptosis and volume of the native breast.  If you had been a bilateral, I probably would have taken your height, weight and ribcage and suggested an Allergan 410 in a moderate height full or extra full projection style and with a volume ranging from at least 250 grams up to 400 grams.  But in the case at hand, the PS used a smaller implant so that he could match the droop of the native breast.  Many unilaterals in the US undergo a mastopexy and/or mastopexy plus augmentation of the native breast, along with reconstruction.  So I think that in order for you to have the optimum results, a mastopexy indeed might be in order.  I usually have unilaterals send me photos privately or post photos on the pictures forum, so that we can map out how to get the best results.  Unless I know the volume and appearance of that native breast, knowing what to do with the MX side - to gain symmetry - is nearly impossible.  You can PM me if you would like my email address.


  • kiwi_girl
    kiwi_girl Member Posts: 2

    Dear Whippetmom, thank you very much for your reply. I have sent you a PM. I should have said also that because of my family history mastectomy of the other side is possibly an option, but I am not ready for that.

  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Member Posts: 1,477
    posted on the pic forum of my progress at 6,10 and now 18 weeks since surgery. I am 5'6" 160 lbs 32 in rib cage. I had 750cc expanders filled to 700cc and got 600cc round silicone implants. I hated them at 6 weeks but 4 weeks later they looked way better and keep getting better although there is some more work to be done. I also need to lose 20 pounds that should help a lot too. 
  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Carrol: I will take a look at your pictures tomorrow.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Crescent/Chrissilini... missed your posts somehow. I will respond tomorrow when I get back to my computer.

  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Member Posts: 1,477

    Thanks whippetmom I saw my PS yesterday after I posted those pics and he is happy with the progress. he said he will fix my left side which was the non cancer side cause there is still more tissue on that side than the one where they removed the cancer. So he will do a capsuloraphy (tighten pocket) on that side and some fat grafting to round things out, which will come from my belly, and lipo on my sides, when he does the nipples. I wont look playboy bunny but it will do. I was going to try to get them higher but my doctor thought they looked good as they are, and my husband agreed that at my age, 47, they look in the right place. If I wanted them higher then that would be another surgery before the nipples. I wear a 36D bra with contour cups which looks great, but really I can go without a bra. So I am looking forward to some strapless and backless outfits this summer, which I was never able to wear before when I had DDs unless I wore a really tight strapless bra.