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  • Merlcat
    Merlcat Member Posts: 122

    I'm not sure where to ask this BUT, here goes anyway: granted, I'm only 5 weeks post umx, but my TE is fully expanded and I'm scheduled for exchange at the end of January. I have allodermand thin skin.will I ever not be able to see and feel the creepy stitch line where the alloderm sling was created? YUK

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Merlcat: I honestly do not recall anyone with this complaint in the past.  This may very well resolve soon - so much is going to change - and certainly I would voice my displeasure about this to the PS.  It is something which your PS could certainly address at the time of exchange, if it is still bothersome.  Let me know what he/she has to say about this.

  • Merlcat
    Merlcat Member Posts: 122

    Thanks!! It is on my list of questions to ask when I go on Thursday for a follow up. I'll definitely post what she says.

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235

    Merlcat - Do you mean that the edge of the Alloderm makes an actual ridge or line that you can see and feel?  I agree with Whippetmom, I haven't read that from anyone before.  So many things are resolved once the expanders come out and the implants are placed.  Hopefully, this will be a non-issue for you.  All the best!

  • Merlcat
    Merlcat Member Posts: 122

    Yes, the ridge is actually visible. It's first I just thought it was ripples in the tissue expander but she confirmed that it is the alloderm sling :( I am thin skinned and rather slender in addition...but yuk...simply unacceptable. She does have me gently rubbing both the outside scar that was a result of the mastectomy and the creepy stitched alloderm line.yuk I'll let you know after I see her on Thursday.

  • MichyLL
    MichyLL Member Posts: 13

    I must agree, Whippetmom is AMAZING! What a huge blessing she is to us! I have only been part of this site for 1 month and she has helped inform me more than my doctors have in 6 months!!! Doctors need to consult with her and maybe they would get it right the first time !! She is very gifted and so generous with her time and knowledge. I pray God bless her abundantly because what she does on this site is nothing short of Angelic!

    Thank You Whippetmom!!!!

  • blackcat2012
    blackcat2012 Member Posts: 116

    Thank you for your response.  I saw the ps and he said he would not be able to match the natural boob with the te/silicone implant so I would be a little lopsided but with wearing a bra no one would notice and that it is a long process, with weekly fills for six weeks and then surgery in four months to place the silicone implant and to reconstruct the other breast.  

    After that I went in for my BSGI and they found a mass on the good breast, so they biopsied it yesterday and I am now waiting for the results and they told me the cancer side was a mess.

  • BuddhaWolf
    BuddhaWolf Member Posts: 62

    Hello to all of you 'studying' for your 'Breast Implant 101'.

    Just want to send thoughts of warm wishes to you all at whatever stage you are on your reconstruction journey. From expereince, this journey is not one to be taken lightly, as outsiders may only see our experience as  a 'Boob Job'. (CLASSIC!) We are reconstructing our self-image and self esteem, our femininity our (add what you feel here), and not just our breast (s).

    I will be continuing my journey with the next part of my second attempt at recon, with a second PS. December 19 2012...

    It felt like a good idea at the time, with my lovely partner closing his business for 2 weeks, so can support me.

    But I am a sentimental girl... I'm sad that I will miss out on the festivities, visiting family & visitors for Christmas...Cry  I'm trying to look for the silver lining - new symmetry for 2013... and dream of the bras dresses & bikinis Ive been unable to wear for the last 2 years.

    Very grateful to have cyber-sisters to share this with; you all make the 'Road less travelled' less lonely. Mwoah.

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235

    BuddhaWolf - Although most of here have been diagnosed or are genetically predisposed I'm always amazed at how different all of our breast cancer stories are.  There are a few threads here on BCO where the term "journey" elicits protests and strong negative reactions, but it has felt like a journey to me.  To me, a journey takes you physically, mentally, and emotionally to places you never imagined and that describes my past few years perfectly!

    I am constantly amazed by the strength of the women who post here and also be forever grateful for the information and support on these threads.

    Best of luck on December 19!

  • blessings2011
    blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    blackcat2012 - praying for good results on your latest biopsy!

    BuddhaWolf - last year, my BMX with TEs was on December 5th, 2011. I had been housebound since November 5th, when I got so sick I had to cancel my November 8th surgery. I missed all the preliminary action leading up to Christmas. I did all my shopping online. We didn't even decorate the house, although DH did buy a little tiny pre-lit tree we put on a side table.

    Because I was in "quarantine", I couldn't have visitors to the house, either. I stayed in quarantine after surgery, because I have severe asthma, and we knew that coughing spells from a cold or flu would not be good immediately after surgery.

    The whole holiday season was a blur last year. But we knew that it was temporary. We gave ourselves a year for recovery and reconstruction. I had my exchange in August. Now this year, we have so much more to celebrate.

    I am keeping you in my prayers for a successful procedure on December 19th, and great healing to follow. And wishing you all the best (especially in sexy lingerie) for 2013!

  • hwhranch
    hwhranch Member Posts: 126

    you gals have it going on for sure!  I just had LD flap surgry on the cancer side and skin saving non nipple sparring mastectomy on my good side.  Have tissue expanders installed in both on November 7th.  I have just had my 2nd fill and with so much going on I have not asked any questions about the TE's or the exchange.  All my fills are done with the nurses so I have lots of good questions to start asking them.  I do know that I am having 60cc's at a time and 7 trips so that is 420cc's.  I am 5'3 and 140lbs, 31 1/2" rib and used to wear a 36B.  I am looking to have a fuller more perkier size B or C cup and I told the surgeon this when we first met.  The PS assured me that he would educate me fully so that I could make a decision on my implant selections.  I trust him to help me figure out what will look good with my body size.

    From what I am understanding here...when you get to the size you think you like, they then have to fill them more so they will come back to the size you liked?

  • blessings2011
    blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Hi, hwhranch - for most women, the TEs will have much more projection than the permanent implants. This is usually due to the construction of the TEs - they are made with hard backs, so that all the saline they inject makes the muscle and skin push outward.

    An implant, though, is squishy all over, and after time, will soften up and conform more to your ribcage. That's why you'll usually see in increase in implant ccs from the TE volume. 

    Choosing an implant based on cup size alone is risky, and really doesn't give the PS enough information to work with. Cup size really has more to do with the width of the permanent implant - in centimeters - and there are very slender women with smaller implants who still end up with a C or even a D or DD cup.

    If you'd like whippetmom to suggest some possible implant brands and sizes for you (and you should! Laughing) please read #3 in the header above. Then take a look at the card you got when your TEs were inserted and give her all the stats, along with your measurements.

    You have plenty of time to start thinking of more good questions to ask those nurses, and to make sure that you communicate your wishes to your PS before your exchange.

    p.s. I told my surgeon I wanted to be SMALLER after surgery (I was huge to begin with), and he said he wouldn't go smaller than a C cup based on my size. Well, I ended up losing weight, and based on which bra I put on, I can wear a 34DDD, 36DD, or 38C, and I look the same in all of them.

  • blackcat2012
    blackcat2012 Member Posts: 116

    Latest biopsy results is LCIS and the surgeon recommended a BMX.  I have a second opinion scheduled next week but ultimately I know I will end up with the BMX. 

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235

    blackcat - Sorry for the bad news with your latest biopsy :( 

  • hwhranch
    hwhranch Member Posts: 126

    Blessings20 thanks for the explanation on the TE's, that makes a lot of sense. I did communicate to my PS that I wanted to be close to the size I was just perky and not saggy, lol. Good grief, my boobs are hard as rocks right now. I have had 120cc on the lat side and 180 on the mx side to try to get it caught up. Will never to 120cc at one time, I was super sore that day. I am scheduled for 5 more fills and we will see where that takes us.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    I am so proud and feel so honored to have each and every one of you visit this thread to share your stories and to seek some answers. You are all WARRIORS and you can DO this! Hang in there, if you are going through a tough time. Persevere.....don't give up....keep going and keep pressing onward. There is a God in heaven who loves you beyond your wildest dreams. I love each and every one you too!


  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    Hi whippetmom!  Thanks for that uplifting post!

    I just had to have a tissue expander removed and then replaced yesterday so I'm a long way from final implants but I've favorited this thread so I can learn more about the process as the months go by! 

  • JamieB86
    JamieB86 Member Posts: 183

    Such a great attitude! Love the video.

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Member Posts: 693

    This is my first post on this thread, but I have a question or two. I am 5 days post exchange, I had the Mentor Memory gel High profile implants placed. I can't seem to seem to find any answers anywhere for my question. So my question is, once the implants are placed do they expand once it's adjusted to your body temperature? And if so, how long does it take? I had read on some implants that happen. I'm curious, because my "New Girls" seem smaller than what my TE's were. If anyone is able to answer this, I would be truly appreciative.



  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631

    Love you Whippetmom!  Wishing there was a "love" button for that wonderful post.

  • Layla2525
    Layla2525 Member Posts: 465

    Buddawolf, how are things in the UK? yep mine look pretty good and I can actually have bumps without a bra now which I never did before,my real ones just did the fried egg thing the minute I took them out the bra. If my cap cont would reverse,I would be at peace.

    My holidays are ruined cause someone ran into my vehicle and their insurance wants to give me less than half what the body shop is charging. Thk god my implants are ok! I am gonna have to sue in small claims court and spent Thanx givg and Xmas filling out stacks of forms for their auto ins and mine! Is it simplier in the UK? What is like to settle auto accidents there? Same as here?

  • janiceg415
    janiceg415 Member Posts: 66


    I have never heard anything about the body temperature making a difference in shape.  It is very early on after your exchange and like most others will say "implants can change down the road" . 

    But thru most of my reading and experience the implants will not look the same as what your expander looked like.  The expander's function was to expand in only one direction as it has a hard back placed against your breast wall. 

    I was dissapointed after exchange surgery, my implant changed very little so it really looked more like a stack of pancakes.  I have revision surgery scheduled for Dec. 21st to exchange for a slightly larger size and higher projection. 

    Just remember to give it some time and go back if you are not happy.  Wishing you the best.


  • chawkins
    chawkins Member Posts: 38 insurance paying for the larger implants?  My PS says insurance will not pay for "cosmetic" revisions.  Thanks so much and good luck with your surgery!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Christy:  It is very likely that your PS used implants smaller than the tissue expanders.  We can easily determine this if you provide me with both your TE info and your implant info.  Please read #3 in the header to this thread.

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Member Posts: 693

    whippetmom: I never received any info on my TE's. My PS said the facility I had my TE's placed was to give me that info. I spoke with the facility and they stated the PS was to give me that. So I'm not sure where to get this info at now. Thank you though.

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Member Posts: 693

    Kayb- ok thanks, I'm going there tomorrow for a follow up I will check and see if it's in my records.

  • carpe_diem
    carpe_diem Member Posts: 599

    I had a unilateral left mastectomy on November 27 and will be having my first fill tomorrow. My TE ia Mentor 650 cc medium height.  I am 5'6" and 175 lbs. (but planning to lose another 20 lbs - I've already lost 85) with a 33" ribcage.  I mentioned to my PS that I would be glad to be a lot smaller than my current 38DD after reconstruction, which is planned for a round silicone implant with reduction of the right breast to match.  The complication is that the tumors were too close to the skin (less than 1 mm margin) so I'll be having radiation.  I'd like to get this done as quickly as possible to get on with the radiation, so I'm looking for advice about whether the TE needs to be filled to the full 650 cc and what are the maximum fills and minimum time between fills that can be scheduled.  I'll speak to the PS tomorrow, but it would be good to go in there with some idea of what others have done in this situation.


  • blessings2011
    blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Chrisrenee77 - do you have a copy of your surgical report? My TE info was included in that, in addition to the card I received.

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Member Posts: 693

    Blessings I have not requested that info yet. I wanted to make sure that I was able to pick up both surgery reports at the same time. That's my next step next week. To go in and pick it up.