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  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    mcgis: Sorry to say there is no way to equate ccs with cup size.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Sciencegal: Please keep us posted on how you are doing with rads. So glad you are happy with your reconstruction results....Take care of your skin!!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Penguin: Find out what style and volume TEs were used. Ask what style and brand (Mentor, Allergan or Sientra round, Allergan anatomicals, Sientra shaped) of implants he would consider using at the time of exchange. Keep everything documented for further use!

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546

    Thanks! It is sure great to wake up "on the squishy side" ths AM. SO much better than the expanders.

  • Nicole4
    Nicole4 Member Posts: 56

    I am having exchange surgery on Thursday, I have been a little stressed about it and decided to leave the implant selection to my surgeon.

    she has suggested and ordered the following:

    Company Mentor: CPG 322 (334-1205)/323 (334-12-2)/312 (334-1207)/313 (334-1206)
    Company Allergan: 410MF295 and 410MX 325

    I think the sizes are good for me, but I was wondering if anyone knows what is the better implant between these?

    thanks for anyone's opinion.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Nicole: One study reflected a significant increase in rippling reported by women who had the Mentor CPG implant, over the Allergan 410 study participants.

    Apart from this clinical study, I think that most plastic surgeons feel that the two anatomical cohesive gel "gummy bear" implants are essentially similar.

  • lorij44
    lorij44 Member Posts: 27

    Hi all, I've MIA since my exchange on 5/21.  I wanted to send well wishes to ThirdGeneration and Sciencegal.  I hope all went well for you.

    My surgery went fine, but I was so disappointed with the results I bawled in the PS office the following morning.  He promised he would go bigger than the TE's (500cc) and place the largest implant possible because I really liked my size with expanders but wanted to go just a little bigger if possible.  I called before my pre-op and requested the sizes Whippetmom suggested in Allergan style 15 and 20 and he said he could even go larger in the 15's but refused to order 20's because he thinks they look like "torpedoes".

    I was dissapointed but trusted him anyway.  However, when I read the card later that evening I saw he ended up using style 15 at 457cc.  He told my husband the size larger left a gap in my incision so he had to go with the one he chose.

    I would like to find out what size it was that was too big!  And I don't believe him anyway.  He got extremely defensive in the office and said I should not be getting my information from "quacks on the internet".  That made me soooooooooo mad I let him have it and said the information I receive is from hundreds of women who have gone through exactly what I have and are better informed about how we feel about our bodies than any one else EVER will.

    He was still defensive and raised his voice but my DH said "Hey, she's been through a lot, let's cool it."  The PS really calmed down after that and finally said if I still am unhappy in a month or so, we'll work something else out. 

    I really don't want to go under the knife again, I just wish he would have been straight forward with me to begin with and not just give me lip service.  I'll post pics in the photo forum soon and I'm sure it won't seem as bad to most of you than it does to me.  But it still matters.

    Thanks for letting me vent.  I'm posting this in the Exchange City forum as well.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Lori: I am sorry you are unhappy, but please hang in there and let's see how everything looks a week from now. You can email me photos....

  • tangles
    tangles Member Posts: 211

    Yikes sorry to hear your story lori! I am getting Allergen 20 in 4 weeks. I hope they wont look like torpedos???

  • Rose63
    Rose63 Member Posts: 91

    Hi all. I've been reading and getting great info and inspiration from your posts for weeks. I'm getting close to my exchange, and having lots of doubts about which implants will be best for me. Think it's time for me to woman-up and do my very first post. So here goes.

    My Allergan 133MV-13T TE's have been in since Apr 19, initial fill 200cc. I've gotten two additional fills of 60cc each, so I'm at 320 now. My PS (who I love) and I were on the Gummy Bear path. But now I'm having doubts. I see so much unhappiness with the firmness of the gummies- especially the Allergan 410's. So now I'm re-evaluating.

    I am 5' 1/2", 116 lbs (on a good day), ribcage 30". My cup size before the BMX was either a large A or small B, and for sure headed for my knees (63 years does that). I would love to come out of this a solid B. But honest, as they will be so much more perky, I'd probably be fine with the full A too.

    A consideration for me also is that I am a runner (slow, but dedicated). So big or heavy or cumbersome foobs are out. And then after reading how uncomfortable some women are even after their exchange, I'm thinking going for a comfortable 'fit' is also important to me. And I'd love them to feel somewhat natural. Is that even possible?

    So any advice on style, brand, size (fill cc and/or final implant)? I'll appreciate any info and ideas to help me make this really tough decision. Whippetmom, would love your advice if you're available. 

  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631

    Lori -- so sorry you're disappointed and that the PS was difficult about it.  I will say that I too was very depressed post-exchange -- I called it post-partum and it was as if all my sadness of the whole experience came into play. I did feel better after a few weeks and my mood changed (and things settled and continued to settle in the coming months)... and I'm very happy now.  So waiting and seeing is really a good idea right now.  With that said, if you're unhappy still after eveything settles, it may be worth getting another opinion (in addition to that of your current PS) about your options for going larger.  Hang in there!

  • GreenCowgirl
    GreenCowgirl Member Posts: 80

    I am getting ready for my last fill on june 5, yippii.  HOwever it has been a rough ride on my righ radiated breast.  I had nipple sparring double mx in feb.  I was previously a 34G and have had radiationon the right breast in 2010.  surgery and healing went very well, Doc always impressed with my skin.  TE'sa are 700cc allergan,I think)  I let my ps know i wanted to be much smaller, only 34D. I had plenty of skin to work with for the most, but extra skin being removed from right first lumpectomy scars/biopsy/margins has left the right side of right breast tight.  The left filled eaily, the right is rippled at top, and much more painful. So pa says left side is done at 650cc and we hope to get a bit more in the right, bringing it to 725- 750, but my chest muscle has really had enough.  Ps has yet to be specific on any implant types, just wondering if any implants are better for post radiated breast.  My PS will do more fat grafting with possible alloderm at final exchange.  He also talked about pulling a bit of skin from under my breast up to give more boob droop, but that sounds counterproductive to me, as under my ribs they feel so tight/streched now.  I said i would prefer to be smaller and enhance size with fat graftinf, rather than messing with another part of my body.  My first fat grafting was a breeze on hips, hope the next goes as well.  Or actually everything else hurt so much i did not notice it unless i touched the area firmly.

  • cmharris59
    cmharris59 Member Posts: 111

    Hello all, I guess I am an anomaly. I have a TE on my left side, that I have had for 5 years. Yes that's right FIVE! Long story... arrogant PS, insurance issues, no support, etc...  I have a new PS. He said last year that there are new implants that are supposed to be designed specifically for recon and not augmentation.  HE said they had been used in Europe but not here in US. I am going to call him this week and see if they have gotten approval in the US. I was just curious if anyone else has heard of this?  I have always liked my breast size and do not want to touch my right side surgically.  Has anyone had good results with uni-mx recon and no changes to the other side?

    I am WAY past ready to have recon finished. The pain has been unbearable with too many overfills - another long story.. PS liked big boobs apparently.  I am so nervous after all these years to go under the knife again and have had my share of lousy docs.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Rose63: I would suggest Allergan Style 15, 371 ccs. This is a moderate plus profile - and what I would consider a more "athletic" profile. It would be a very nice size on your frame. Are you through with fills or are you going to fill to 400 ccs? I recommend filling to 400 ccs if your skin is good and you are handling fills well.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    I love what Lilah has to say about coming through that time of sadness after the exchange. So many of us felt that way....But you will get through this.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    Cmharris: Find out about this implant. It would be news to me! But I hope you can complete this journey soon!!! Five years! Amazing....

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Green cowgirl: The Allergan 410 and Sientra implants might have some benefit over other implants, because of their degree of cohesiveness. But the fat grafting will soften and change the integrity of the radiated breast tissue as well and I think will reduce the risk of capsular contracture.

  • 35_smiling
    35_smiling Member Posts: 21

     I hope everyone is doing well.

    As you may know my mastectomy with immediate flap reconstruction surgery (the surgeon used my belly fat to create my new breast) was last week on Friday May 24, 2013. I was scheduled to be at Beth Israel Hospital by 9:30am. Got there on time and they gave me a buzzer and when it goes off that was time for prep. We (my hubby and I) sat in the waiting area until this thing buzzed...then I started crying and they told my husband they will let him in later.

    They got me all ready for surgery and my husband was allowed to come in. We said some prayers and I made him do a before photo with all the marker markings made from the plastic surgeon and a after photo was taken to. I was still very scared and nervous. The doctor came in again and spoke to my husband and answered all his last minute questions. I was glad for that. We kissed and I was wheeled into surgery which six hours later it turned out good:happydance:. I woke up and my husband was the first I saw. I was super happy and very scared to look under the covers now.

    I felt a lot of emotions. Once they pulled me in my hospital room I was super excited it was private and my husband slept with me while I was admitted there and only went back to the hotel once. My mother came along with her ace-girl to see me and I was very happy for that too.

    Then on Sunday May 27 I felt this pain in my right new breast that omg words could't express it the doc was called in and he said it was a blood clot building up and everyone in the room had to step out and he and his team did their work right there. I started out being awake but by time he was done I was knocked out cold. I was so happy he was around at the right time. 

    The next few days went okay. The doctor wanted me to start walking on the Tuesday and gosh that was sooo very painful but I managed to do it and was discharged to return to the hotel the next day. Today Wednesday the hospital sent a nurse to see me and to help change my dressings and the drainage's I have. There are three of them and they have to be emptied three times a day.

    I have a follow up appointment with the plastic surgeon tomorrow so, I hope me and hubby are doing things okay. The drainage's are a bit discomfort to do but we get it done. I am still very sore but once things heal it would look better....I hope anyway. I find it hard to look at myself right now. its really not a pretty sight to see...I thought looking at other women will help me but seeing it first hand on my own body was just a shock for me.

    Other then the look I am doing good and coming along well.

    I want to thank everyone for all your prayers and kind words for a speedy recovery. 

    For those who will be getting done soon good luck ladies and wish you well.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Thanks Lilah for putting into words the way I felt. For me, it was the range of emotions from extremely happy and grateful to be looking better and finished with those TE's to as you said, the sadness probably the whole "cancer journey" sinking in. I would have thought it wouldn't have gotten me this time as I've been here before and didn't have to go thru chemo this time, but this process has been equally as long. Again, thanks Lilah for realizing I wasn't crazy or alone in this aspect.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    35 Smiling, what a great attitude you have! Sorry to hear about the blood clot but what a blessing that it was taken care of so quickly and there were no further complications. Your husband sounds like wonderful support! Hoping the drains all come out tomorrow for greater relief. Now, it'll just take time and rest. The story about the buzzer made me think of the ones they're in restaurants, how funny! Sending you healing thoughts, prayers and hugs! Please keep posted about your progress. What an inspiration you are.

  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631

    CMHarris -- that description sounds like the Allergan 410 (aka the gummy bear implant) that until recently was only approved in Europe and Canada.  But a month or so ago the US approved these for use here.  Especially since he said it last year... I think he meant these (though I don't know that they are designed for recon over augmentation, the fact that they are firmer and hold their shape might make some doctors see them as better for that use).

    Re: recon without doing anything to the native remaining breast - you will probably be looking at symmetry mainly when you are wearing a bra; though in fact that can also be the case even if you DO something to that native breast.  It's difficult to match natural tissue with an implant... though not impossible and I've seen a lot of very good results... though almost all of the good results I've seen involved either (a) reduction and lift to match or (b) a small implant on the native side to match.  There is one woman I know of who had a very good match by using a type of permanent saline implant that allows the PS to add/remove saline in the implant until you are satisfied with the match.  Whippetmom -- do you remember what I'm talking about / what sort of implant that is?  Your best chance of matching without touching your native breast is if that native breast is small and perky, honestly.  Because implants -- they are perky.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    It is the Mentor Spectrum implant Lilah....

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    I have just not heard of an implant specifically designed for reconstruction. I cannot imagine any company reducing their profit margins with such a selectively specific device.

  • lorij44
    lorij44 Member Posts: 27

    Good morning ladies.  Thank you Whippetmom, tangles, Lilah, and everyone else for the kind words and support.  Tangles, I have looked at several photos of the style 20's and think the women look absolutely beautiful!  I think that might have been part of my problem, the surgeon wouldn't even consider it for me because HE doesn't like them.  He really is a good surgeon and I'm sure he had my best interest in mind. Oh well, I am getting used to my new look but still hoping for some of that drop and fluff stuff.  I sent my photos to Whippetmom and she settled me with some very good advice.  Also, Lilah - what wonderful words of wisdom!  I do believe I was just coming to the end of a very long journey and wanted the best of everything, done my way, with results I wanted.  The more I look in the mirror, the more I'm finding it's not all that bad.  It just isn't what I was hoping for.  I finally posted pics in the photo forum this morning, and there is a difference, but not as bad as I felt there was.

  • Rose63
    Rose63 Member Posts: 91

    Whippetmom- Thank you so much for your recommendation. I have my next appt with my PS 6/3, and I wasn't sure if I needed more fills or not at this point. So with your input I will discuss this option with him then. The fills have not been a problem for me yet, so don't foresee an issue if I go that way. 

    I had been looking at the Style 20 (high profile) Natrelle round, thinking maybe the 375cc in that series, which is only an 11.7 diameter, but projection of 4.9 (or is that too big for me?). Help me understand: my expenders are 13cm wide but only 12cm high. Does that mean I have to go with a 13cm round (like the width), or could I go with a 12cm (like the depth) also?

    Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us all.

  • Rose63
    Rose63 Member Posts: 91

    Whippetmom- Thank you so much for your recommendation. I have my next appt with my PS 6/3, and I wasn't sure if I needed more fills or not at this point. So with your input I will discuss this option with him then. The fills have not been a problem for me yet, so don't foresee an issue if I go that way. 

    I had been looking at the Style 20 (high profile) Natrelle round, thinking maybe the 375cc in that series, which is only an 11.7 diameter, but projection of 4.9 (or is that too big for me?). Help me understand: my expenders are 13cm wide but only 12cm high. Does that mean I have to go with a 13cm round (like the width), or could I go with a 12cm (like the depth) also?

    Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us all.

  • cmharris59
    cmharris59 Member Posts: 111

    HI all,

    I just talked to the PS receptionist. I am nto sure if she knows exactly what he was talkign about, but I have an appt on Jun 12 to consult with the PS. She said the impalnt is made by Sientra. THey ahve several profiles and make various Tes as well. After looking at the catalog I wish I had one of hteir TEs. The TEs look like they can actually take the form of a natural breast as ooposed to this huge round lump on my chest.. Anyway.. You might want to check out the catalog. I just googled Sientra teardrop implants.

    Any thoughts on these. I haven't really looked at any of the other styles so not sure if these look different or not.

  • mnsusan
    mnsusan Member Posts: 139

    Cmharris, I had the Sientra TEs and although they were dual port they were gigantic hard round lumps on my chest. I called them my cereal bowls. lol. My PS used Allergan style 45s for my implants. So far, so good.

  • cmharris59
    cmharris59 Member Posts: 111

    MN Susan,

    Glad to hear that you are doing great! Mine is definitely a hard cereal bowl and is so round and high that I have to wear push up bras and pad my natural breast with a breast enhancer to lift it up to the right height.  It was even worse with my first PS (he liked big breasts), my TE was filled so much that instead of my normal small C cup I was looking at one DD and one small C cup. He kept insisting that I needed to augment my right. My new PS removed some of the fill so that I wouldn't have to pad so much. He has also said that he doesn't see major augmentation if any of my right side as necessary.  I hope he is right. Removing some of the fill also made it much more pliable, not soft per se.. just not concrete. From day one, my TE was a rock hard bowl on my chest, no pliability at all. My old PS kept telling me to massage it. Massage was impossible and painful, my skin was so tight. I have a friend that had TEs and although harder than breasts her TEs were still somewhat pliable. Mine didn't move a fraction of a millimeter. Now even with retightening of my skin around the TE, I can at least squeeze it and feel some give. Those dual chamber TEs look like they might have alleviated some of the height issues that I have. Maybe I am just dreaming. lol

  • Gertrude
    Gertrude Member Posts: 22


    I found out yesterday that I'm through with fill ups. I had 440 cc put in through fillups and they are telling me there was 300ccs done when tissue expander was put in. I'm a unimx left side. Also during mastectomy/reconstruction the PS put in a Mentor smooth round moderate classic profileon right side. She was hoping this would give me a little bit of size and lift. Size seems good. I think maybe it would be 36/38 (small d or full c). Unfortunately it didn't lift breast so I'll have a breast lift in two weeks when they exchange TE for implant. The TE is natrelle style 133 or on back it say Allergan 133MV-13-T. I'm 5'8" and weigh 178. My rib size is 35".

    Can you give me any ideas on left size. My PS is saying she's going to order anatomicals as well as round.