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  • Farmgrl
    Farmgrl Member Posts: 3


    Could i please have some feedback on sizing? My PS acts like he doesn't want to fill the TE larger than 250cc. I feel like it has been a tug of war between us.

    July 25 I had a proflactic double mastectomy due to family history, ADH and LCIS.

    I am 5"4' 116 lbs. 51 yrs old. TE are the Natrelle 133sx-11 250cc.

    Width 11. Height 9. Projection 5.9

    The short height seems low for me, I have 2 creases above the TE.

    I am very thin and bony in my chest area. Typical pear shape, and was hoping for 350cc to 400cc to even myself out, which I told him before surgery. He said 400 was too large.

    After surgery he said because I had such a small pocket he put in the smallest expander they make, a 250, and that we could overfill it.

    Last week I was filled to 200 and he said one more fill and I can fit in a nice implant. I gave him a puzzled look, and he replied in a condescending tone, well, we can go bigger if you wish. From prior conversations I know he is thinking of implant sizes of 225 to 260..if this is a safety issue for medical reasons I'd understand. I will ask him that this week, but I'd like your opinion as well.

    I am in constant pain for 5 days after each fill of 50cc.,maybe 250ccs is all I can take, and he knows it? Thanks for your help.

  • Rhea3rdDiag
    Rhea3rdDiag Member Posts: 2

    Thanks to all for the very helpful responses. I feel like a metronome in my decision process, flipping back and forth with lightening speed. It really helps to hear from others who have gone through this process or are in the midst of it as well. Thank you so much.

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669

    Frmgrl: Your best bet is to PM Whippetmom with your stats, just in case she doesn't visit this thread soon.  She's definitely the one to give you advice on implant size based on your height, weight, TEs etc.

    I'm 5'8" about 170 lbs so am a bit taller and much heavier than you, but I can tell you I had Natrelle 600cc TEs placed last November (15cm wide, not sure about height).  When we got to the 600cc level of expansion I was NOT happy with the size/projection so my PS readily agreed to overfill.  We overfilled to 750cc and I co-existed with those rocks for four months with no real discomfort or pain.  I just exchanged last week to 750cc high profile implants which are just about perfect for my frame. 

    So....PM Whippetmom and see what she says. She'll have some definite recommendations for you.  Best of luck to you. Sometimes it seems there's more worry AFTER the mastectomy than there was before, just trying to get the results we envision Smile

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Farmgrl: I responded to your private message regarding the above.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Oxford Rose: I hope you return to check responses. Sorry for my delay in responding.

    Your TEs need to create the pocket to match the dimensions of the Allergan 410. You cannot stick a square peg into a round hole, to coin an old phrase. So if the TEs are not expanded further, the anatomical your PS proposes will be too large. If you are inclined to stop with expansions, the best option will be smooth silicone round implants. Please PM me privately if you have any further questions.....

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Thank you Lisa!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    goldie4040: It is very typical to have implants larger than the volume of the expanders - especially with silicone rounds. With anatomicals, as I explained in the header to this thread and to Oxford Rose, the TEs must form the pocket specifically for the style of anatomical to be used. Your TE to implant ratio with sizing sounds about right to me.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    cateyz2 - ditto to what Jenn said above. If your PS was with the original FDA clinical trials, he has access to all of the long as they are available. There might be a delay in production or accessibility issues, because Allergan is busy pumping out the styles which WERE approved by the FDA. I have heard of some gals waiting for exchanges while the extra full projection styles were on order....

  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404


    Thanks for your imput.  This is what I know about my expanders.  They are Allergan 400cc.  I measured my ribcage today at 32 inches.  I weight 125 and I am 5 foot 3 inches tall. I use to be a full B cup, and that's all I want again, maybe a little be  Anyway. my doc wants to give me textured anatomical teardrop implants 425cc.  Do you think I will be happy with that size, or should I size up to 475cc and fill expanders to 500?  I really don't want to be too big.  I like to do upper body exercise, and I want to fit into my existing clothing. I want breasts, but don't need big ones to be happy. I don't want big high breast. I would almost prefer they have a bit of a droop right from the beginning for a more natural look.

  • Farmgrl
    Farmgrl Member Posts: 3

    Thanks Whippetmom.

  • Farmgrl
    Farmgrl Member Posts: 3

    Sweetandspecial: Thanks for taking the time to reply, I did as you said, and she was a big help.

    Yes, I think I felt better about this before the surgery, but that said I still would go through with it. I don't want to discourage anyone!

  • DMarie24
    DMarie24 Member Posts: 10

    whippetmom - I sent you a private message and am hoping you can help with implant question/sizing.  I hear you are the woman to go to ;) My BMX surgery is scheduled for Monday with immediate reconstruction.

  • Chinneymae
    Chinneymae Member Posts: 173

    Well, guys, I went to Charleston today for my pre-op appointment. He said that the redness on my right foob did not look like an infection. He thinks it may be a reaction to the allederm. He said that the allederm blends into the skin and becomes a part of the skin. Sometimes when it is doing this you can get a reaction and it should go away. He said to continue the anti-biotic anyway as a precaution. The surgery is still on go for next Wednesday the 28th. He said he didn't think I would have drains, but couldn't promise that. He told me he would go as large as he could and be safe. Making sure the sutures will not try to come open.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Chinneymae: It is called "red breast syndrome" and it is indeed an allergic reaction to the Alloderm. Completely benign and will go away.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    goldie: I sent you a private message.

  • mamainquil
    mamainquil Member Posts: 3


    I've been searching for DAYS for help with my implant revision which is next week & I have about 24 hours in which to make my choice (we live in a remote area and the doctor said the hospital doesn't have various sizes on hand like some larger hospitals do). I feel like finding this forum was an answer to my prayers! I'd so appreciate ANY advice or help on my situation! 

    Long story short~ I was a trailblazer. In 2002 I had a skin/nipple sparing double subcutaneous mastectomy due to cysts/BRAC pos. testing. People thought I was crazy. Some of the oncologists my PS had examine me to back up my insurance claim had not even heard of the procedure yet. 

    I have had two children and breast fed both of them. I had natural breasts that were anywhere from 34B to 36DDD after my milk came in. I measure 31" around directly below my implants I have now. I measure 12.1" across. I am 5'5" and a smaller sized medium pear shaped frame.

    My first implants were 360cc's. I believe the projection was low or moderate profile, because the higher profile options were not as widely used or available at the time. When I woke up from surgery I thought my breasts had been completely removed. They were so flat it was scary! I was "lucky" that my insurance paid for a revision because the tissue was so thin in some areas the implants were poking through. I had to have tissue from my chest wall removed and used to reinforce those area's, and my PS then put in what is now the Natrelle syle 20 450 cc implants, which are (I believe 12.4 D  with a 5.2 proj). 

    I felt much more full, although they felt a bit wide and was quite happy. I wore a 36C bra for 10 years. 

    I then decided (because that was what had been recommended at the time) to switch out the implants at the 10 year mark. So in Oct. 2011 I saw a great PS. I believe techniques had progressed greatly in this area over the 10 years I was busy raising my kids and trying to educate others on BRAC2, because when I selected my new PS he was all about the new Alloderm.

    We had moved from WA to CA. This may be "taboo" or even seem odd to some, but I had interviewed a few PS and everyone of them from CA was okay with me going larger. It almost seemed like that was what was the norm for California...bigger implants. 

    I agreed that I wouldn't mind filling out some of my sagging skin and wanted to go up to 550cc's. 

    At the time I was very self un-educated and knew nothing about widths, diameters or profile projections. Now....I've almost memorized the charts! :) 

    ANYWAY, my PS placed 650 cc style 20 Natrelle implants in me on Oct. 2011. They have been awful. I have a large upper pole roundness that, in my opinion makes me look like my one desire in life is to work in a, " industry." 

    They not only hang off towards my armpit area, they have caused "synapses" of my nerves and I have a scar from my original surgery in the shape of a crescent moon about 2 inches higher than my bottom implant curve. The nerve shocks me throughout the day...not unlike someone scooting across the carpet to build up electricity and then zapping you under your arm area. 

    My new doctor (back in WA!) bascially has said is a matter of the look I want to acheive and that it is my choice and that either one of the implants I am leaning toward would will just have less upper pole fullness and project much less. 

    I just am agonizing over which to select because after 4 surgeries, I am DONE. 

    These are the two we looked at as a decent fit in the office that they have placed on order. I'm guessing if I make a call tomorrow they may be able to order something else. 

    425 Style 20 Natrelle's which are 12.0 D  with a 5.2 proj. They would be just a tad less wide than my other 450's but with the same projection.


    460 cc Style 45 Natrelles which are 11.9 D with a 5.9 proj. 

    I asked about the 500 Natrelles in the 45 style and why they actually went DOWN in Projection (to a 5.7) as listed in the catalog, and my Dr. wondered if it was a mis-print? 

    Thank you SO much for your advice & support. SO many of my friends who have never gone through the trauma of not having breasts keep trying to help but are saying things that make me just dissolve in to tears..."Stop worrying! They are only boobs!" or...."you are lucky to even have breasts! Just be happy with what you get!". 

    Sigh....I hope I have found a place where other women can understand. 

    <3 Sheri~ 

  • Rose63
    Rose63 Member Posts: 91

    Sheri - Hi and glad you found this forum, just in time I think! I'm an Oregon girl, so we are neighbors!

    As you have probably figured out, the person here with the boatload of fantastic info on sizing is Whippetmom. Since you need some help much sooner rather than later, have you sent a PM to her? That way you may get a quicker response from her.  And she is for sure the person whose brain you want to pick!

    Best of luck to you... you sure deserve to be done with this and happy with your body!

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669

    sheridanellis:  First, either ignore the folks who want you to 'just be happy with what you get, you're lucky to be alive' or simply tell them that no one has the right to tell you how should feel, especially someone who hasn't travelled this particular road.  I know most of the time they don't really know what to say so they're trying to be positive, but it usually doesn't work well.

    Second, you've come to the right place. Whippetmom is our resident implant sizing expert.  She's pretty good about checking this thread but you might want to PM her too just to be sure she gets your message.

    Third, your comment about the CA opinion (the bigger the better) cracked me up.  I was just a a funeral two weeks ago for my husband's aunt.  One of his cousins was in from CA and mentioned the very same thing.  She had augmentation years ago, then several years later she had a re-do to get bigger.  She's younger than me so I don't doubt she'll have another go at some point and go even bigger yet.

    Best of luck with your revision - my wish for you is satisfaction with results, safe and speedy recovery and much long-term happiness!

  • mamainquil
    mamainquil Member Posts: 3

    Thank you ladies, SO much. Just by reading through some of the posts here I was able to..."exhale" for the first time in the past few days! There really is a sense of security and feeling of comraderie with women who have gone through the emotional trials of surgery. 

    I guess I should have been a bit more specific in my reference to California....I love it there, and we have an apt. for my husbands work there, so I am quite familiar of the "look" women in L.A. tend to gravitate toward. No getting around it...there is geographical tendancies towards boobs! I noticed this on a long trip we took to New England last summer and then during our trip to Montana last year for a few weeks as well. It is what it is, but I am wanting to be the right size for ME and my shape/body. 

    I am amazed at the amount of knowledge I have already gleened from reading Whippetmom's posts...she is indeed a plethora of know-how and appears to be an angel! I did send her a pm. Thanks. 

    Thank you all again and blessings and best wishes to you as well. <3

  • mamainquil
    mamainquil Member Posts: 3

    Dear Whippetmom, 

    I am in desparate need of advice and help as well, and sent you a pm. 

    Thank you so much for your help! <3


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Sheri:  My only concern is downsizing from 14.2 cm to 12.0 cm.  This means a great deal of pocket narrowing, and it is not a simple procedure.  I personally feel that you need at least 13.0 cm in width.  If your implants are near your armpits with a 31 inch ribcage, the implants are placed or are displaced laterally and so medial revisions need to be made to bring them closer to the sternum.  I would recommend nothing smaller than Allergan Style 20, 500 ccs.  I think that would be a very nice size and style for your frame.  I would not decrease more than 150 ccs, quite honestly.  I am 5'4" inches tall, 125 pounds, 29.5 inch ribcage, and I have Allergan Style 20, 550 ccs. My implants look very natural on my frame.  So I have a slightly smaller ribcage than you and I have 13.5 inches in width with my implants.  But if you want to send me photos, especially with all you have gone through, I think that might be our best next step.


  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404

    Well, I went from every two week fill to every week fill starting yesterday, and reducing the amount put in hoping for less discomfort, and I think it worked.  Somebody, on here recommended it, and I don't remember who, but thank you so much.  I think it is helping.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Thank you....whoever helped goldie out with the decreased fill amount suggestion!

  • KarolineH
    KarolineH Member Posts: 24

    Hi all,

    I have my exchange surgery on September 3rd and have decided on silicone implants. I originally wanted to go with the teardrops but my PS advised me against it. My TE' s are filled to 550 and my PS said he would use either 500 or 520 implants. I am hoping to be a full 'c' but I am so confused. I trust him completely but am overwhelmed.

    What is the recovery time for the exchange surgery? Will I be in as much pain as the BMX surgery?

    Best wishes to you all.


  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404


    Did you PS say why he didn't want to use teardrop implants? BTW..good luck on your exchange.

  • KarolineH
    KarolineH Member Posts: 24

    Hi Goldie,

    He said that they would feel like my TE's and that the round silicone implants would be more comfortable and if rippling occurs we can do fat injections. He also mentioned that more women are choosing to have their teardrop implants switched out. I haven't read any posts regarding issues with the teardrop implants. At the end of our conversation he said if you do not like them we can always try the teardrops. I am so confused; most women seem to be very happy with them.

    I hope you are feeling better and the fills aren't as painful.


  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404

    Karoline, that is funny, because my PS said the opposite.  I don't know who to believe anymore.  He did say that there is more rippling with the round, and he thinks the teardrop look better, but women seem happier with the round.  Who knows?

  • KarolineH
    KarolineH Member Posts: 24

    Goldie, I couldn't agree more. My PS did mention the rippling but he also said far injections would correct it. Do you have your surgery date yet?

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669

    Karoline: my PS required 2 weeks of no driving (didn't obey this one completely Innocent) and no going to work (desk job) as well as weight restrictions. Primary reason for the recovery time frame is the cutting of the pec muscles. No targeted upper body and no running for another four weeks after that. My mom took care of light housework for several days.  My recovery was virtually pain-free, which was a super-gazillion times better than BMX/TE placement surgery.  I could tell PS did some minor pocket work to get lefty to settle more evenly with righty (just a tiny little ache inside), but I didn't need any pain meds at all after I got home or since Smile.  I hope yours goes as smoothly as possible!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    If you are interested in discussing implant sizes,  make sure you compile and provide us with the following information:   Height, weight, ribcage measurement [measuring the circumference of your ribcage under your tissue expander(s) or under your bra line].  Also, if you have TEs [tissue expanders] - we need to know about them.  The style - Mentor or Allergan most likely - and whether they are short height, moderate height, full height if Mentor and style number if Allergan.  We also need the recommended fill volume of the TEs - the number of cc's.  (NOTE:  If you have PMT Corporation tissue expanders or any other unlisted manufacturer, please see if your PS will provide you with the dimensions of such devices.]