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  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669

    AlarisWarrior - don't worry about obsessing, we've all been there too Smile. See what Whippetmom says, there are many of us who have gone with her exact recommendation and come away very happy with both size and projection. Hang in there.

  • cocok
    cocok Member Posts: 12

    I have 300 cc's in the TE ( Natrelle style 133V 300). My PS said I don't need to fill beyond 300 cc's; he might put in a 325 or 350 cc high-profile silicone implant. Exchange scheduled for Jan 23, 2014. My left breast is real and about a large B or small C cup. The TE is definitely larger than my left breast now. This is the 2nd TE I've had in the right breast; the first one was filled only to 275 and PS put in a 286 silicone, which was shaped like a pancake. So disappointing after 5 months of torture. Now I am enduring another five months with the frankenboob. My concern is PS says he does not need to overfill beyond 300 cc even if he puts in a 350 implant. He explained that the surface area the silicone implant covers is larger than the TE (since the TE is really only for the lower pole stretch); he said if he overfills, it will be too large. But this doesn't explain what happened in the first round with the TE filled to 275 and replaced with a 286cc squishy that looked like a pancake. I'm getting two add'l opinions from other PS. Does anyone have an opinion on the over-fill? I appreciate it.. Hope you are all hanging in there:)

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    AlarisWarrior: I had the same TEs as you. MV-13s, filled to 400 ccs. I have Allergan Style 20, 550 ccs. I believe that only Allergan Style 20, 500 ccs or 550 ccs will give you the appearance you have now with your TEs. Since 550 ccs is really overkill for you, 500 ccs would be ideal. 450 ccs will NOT make you happy so tell your PS "don't bother" to bring that size into the OR. I think you need Allergan Style 20, 500 ccs, and they will look as similar as possible to your TEs.

    Here are the dimensions of your TEs vs. those of Allergan Style 20, 500 ccs

    Allergan MV-13 - 400 ccs: 13.0 cm wide and 5.6 cm projection

    Allergan Style 20 500 ccs: 13.0 cm wide and 5.2 cm projection

    Trust me, this is what you want. You will not be too large and you will not be too small. Your PS might need to perform lateral capsulorrhaphys in order to keep the implants more medial and keep them from migrating towards your armpits. If you have too much space medially - in the cleavage area - this definitely should be discussed. The TEs do TEND to migrate laterally during expansion - a very common factor with TEs - so the width of 13.0 is really not an issue. My ribcage is the same as yours and 13.5 cm in width is fine on my chest wall. So take the dimensions of your TEs and the proposed Style 20 in 500 ccs into your PS. This is my recommendation.


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    cocok: Your PS is correct. He does not need to overfill to get you into a 350 cc implant from a 300 cc TE. Many of us have implants larger than our TEs and were not overfilled at all. With your last reconstruction, he used a moderate plus profile style implant [Allergan Style 15] It would appear, since he mentions wanting to use a 350 cc implant, that this time he will use a high profile style implant - Allergan Style 20. My only concern is that the TE you have currently is creating a 12.0 cm wide pocket and the 350 cc Style 20 is only 11.4 cm in width. Perhaps it will not be an issue, but typically, the implant matches the width of the TE or is greater than the width of the TE. I would just confirm with your PS what he intends to use in terms of STYLE of implant. Achieving exact symmetry with unilaterals is quite difficult - not an easy task. So hopefully he will take a number of implants into the OR, to try out and then use whatever gives you the best symmetry.


  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669

    cocok - if Whippetmom doesn't chime in soon you should PM her for her thoughts. She's our breast implant sizing guru and resident angel in disguise. We should probably call her the 'implant whisperer'.

  • AlarisWarrior
    AlarisWarrior Member Posts: 7

    Thanks SweetandSpecial for the encouragement. It's a journey I never wanted to be on, but everyone here has made it better.

    Whippetmom - thanks so much again for taking the time to hold our hands and give us your best recommendation. I have read your response to my husband and plan to make another appointment with my PS to go over things again. I'll let you know how it all turns out!


  • abeal
    abeal Member Posts: 7

    Hi whippetmom..

    I'm new to the forums and have already learned so much. I was hoping you could help me with some potential implant choices. My PS isnt the most communicative and I was basically given a Mentor and Sientra booklet and told to "look it over and research"..ok :/ we have our Pre-op appt 12/3 and exchange surgery 12/19.

    So this is what I know:

    ribcage: 29.5-30

    old bra size was 32 DD (Nordstroms fitting) 34D in most stores

    new bra size wish: 32 DDD/34DD

    height: 5'4"

    weight: 140-150

    TE: Mentor CPX3, low height with suture tabs,15x10.9 , max fill 550 cc, proj 7.4 cm

    My last fill was 10/22 at 510 cc

    side note: I definitely fill like the expanders seem much too big for my frame, they are practically under my armpits and have caused me a great deal of pain and annoyance. If it helps I can also PM a pic. From what I've heard my PS is a fan of the Sientra implants.

    Please let me know if you need any additional information from me. Thank you in advance for your help. :)

  • cocok
    cocok Member Posts: 12

    Thank you, Deborah. This is very helpful. I am getting a 2nd opinion today and 3rd opinion on December 9. I am lucky to live near a large city with lots of great plastics. Good luck to everyone. We are strong, hear us roar.

  • Redmond
    Redmond Member Posts: 5

    just had implant /mastectomy in left 500 cc.they took out roughly 750 so I'm quite a bit smaller. Got a matching reduction to the right.(they took out roughly 300cc)eventually right will sag with age but its all me. Didn't use alloderm as I had enough skin. I'm in a good deal of pain.anyone have any thoughts how long this may last or how to prevent frozen shoulder? At the moment my husband is doing everything for me but I only had surgery two days ago. They scraped the shinny part off my muscle so that may be the source of the pain. (tumor very close to chest wall)Please let me know your thoughts

  • activern
    activern Member Posts: 111

    I met with my PS today for my second TE fill. 1st time post op, he filled 80 ccs each; however, today, the left breast was resistant to receiving nothing more than 50 ccs; the right was also a little stubborn but was okay with 90cc. He plans to fill to 800 cc for a C cup? Anyhoo, I asked him for a few minutes of his time and I discussed issues such as the need for preop classes and a little more time with his patients before TEs are placed. We discussed medications, pre and post op therapy, and ongoing discussions regarding progress on patient progress. He was so very receptive!! He listened to me regarding my roller coaster emotions in the last few weeks. He listened and actually admitted while he cannot be empathetic, he apologized for what we have to go through while we are on this journey. HE ACTUALLY HAD A HEART. This guy is young, a new PS, and has a bedside manner to 'die' for.

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669

    Oh my goodness, Redmond, at two days out I was just coming home from the hospital and had absolutely no range of motion. Let yourself rest and heal for several days and get your PS's OK to start reaching and stretching. I had quite a lot of pain and ended up switching from hydrocodone to neurontin.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    abeal: Well, the TEs with 15.0 cm in width are indeed pretty wide for your frame. I do not think that there is any Sientra implant you would be happy with, quite frankly. I am not sure why he chose your TE style and width if he wanted to use Sientra implants. Maybe a Textured Oval Base HP - 550 ccs - but it is narrower than your TEs, and I think will no have the volume you need to achieve the results you are seeking. I honestly feel that a high profile smooth round silicone implant - Mentor - with a volume of 650 ccs would be a good option for you. But they would not approach the 15.0 cm width, so your PS is going to need to consider doing some pocket work laterally, in order to narrow those pockets somewhat. I am going to message you privately with my email address so that you can send me a photo or two.


  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750


    I was encouraged to reach and move as much as possible from day one. I couldn't lift a full mug of ice water but could manage half of that. I was told to be walking the halls every two hours beginning post op day 1, pushing my IV pole. The hospitals know that the faster you start moving, the better. Some things I couldn't do without pain - like taking the cap off a Diet Pepsi, so I didn't push it. I wasn't supposed to raise my arms above shoulder level for two weeks but was taught stretching exercises to do. Just sitting in the recliner, I would put my fingers above my ears and move my elbows out to the sides as much as I could. Wasn't much at first, but quickly my range of motion improved. Later when my doc gave the the OK, I would put my hands on the top of my head and do the same thing, reach up to turn on the ceiling fan, lean over to pick something up off the floor, etc. That's the kind of thing you need to do to prevent frozen shoulder...move as much as you can as soon as you can.

    My first surgery was nearly 3 months ago. I had a double mastectomy with immediate reconstruction with implants. I had the fascia removed from my pectoral muscle just like you did. I didn't find the BMX very painful. It's pretty uncomfortable at first, that's for sure, but it improves daily. If you are in a lot of pain, take some pain drugs. I took two 500 mg Tylenol every 6 hours at first. Didn't need anything stronger.Nearly everyone says they feel pretty good at 3 weeks post op. I had a second surgery 14 days after the first surgery but bounced back from that one quickly & felt good after two weeks. I wasn't napping anymore and only rarely taking Tylenol. That's normal for me. I heal quickly.The worst part was having to start over with range of motion exercises. LOL.

  • TessaW
    TessaW Member Posts: 148

    Thanks for your replies girls! My ps said he only does the procedure where after mx he inserts TE's and gradually adds whatever to fill.

    He said there was no way to make me the same size by any means ThumbsDown. : ( So, I'm glad you've said you like the new ones better.

    My fear is going in a perky D cup and waking up with nothing but drains and TE's will damage my psyche where it changes who I am. I don't want to turn into a Debbie downer, but I fear what it'll do knowing how I feel now.

  • TessaW
    TessaW Member Posts: 148

    Activern- 800cc is only a C CUP?!?!!! Shocked

    My ps said he was looking to put in 500! I'm currently a D cup !

    Oh, nonononononononono

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750

    If you are talking about saline implants, yes 800 cc's is a D. That's what I have. It fits completely in two hands with three fingers overlapping to the second knuckle, little fingers at the bottom and thumbs not touching when stretched up and across the top. That will give you some idea.

    You are not going to look the same. Please be prepared for it.

  • TessaW
    TessaW Member Posts: 148

    OMG, so what cup size would 500 be ????

    My ps wouldn't give me an answer and said he " couldn't give you a cup size but I can tell you most women get between 400 - 600ccs. I'm thinking 500ccs for you. "


  • LoriWNY
    LoriWNY Member Posts: 178

    Based on Sandra's measurements of two hands with three fingers overlapping to the second knuckle, little fingers at the bottom and thumbs not touching when stretched up and across the top, I must be a D cup, however, I have 500cc Mentor Smooth Round Moderate Plus Profile Silicone implants. I was a 40D pre-BMX and I am definitely smaller now which is perfectly fine with me.

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864

    800 cc's is a DIFFERENT SIZED CUP on everyone! It totally depends on your rib cage measurement!!!

    I had 800cc's in Allergan Style 45 silicone implants. My ribcage is 31.5ish. I was a 34G (that is DDDD!) and probably looked like a full DD. It was too much for me.

    TESSA...what is your rib cage measurement?? Do not dispair! This is a good time for ladies to learn about bra sizing! As the bra band (rib cage) gets smaller the cup size for the same implants will be larger. The cup/band size is a relationship. 800cc's on a small rib cage will look MUCH larger than 800 on a larger rib cage. I am in the picture forum if you want to see, Tessa. Send me a pm and I'll give you the details.

  • TessaW
    TessaW Member Posts: 148


    How many cc's should I insist on???

    If I'm a D cup now doesn't it seem like he should be able to make me a D again?! AARRG!

    Why do you think he said he couldn't make me the same size?

    Why would he only plan on 500 cc's??

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864

    and yes, Tessa, if there is no physical reason to necessitate smaller, you CAN insist! This is YOUR body and you ave to live with it!! Now, there CAN be reasons that make larger impossible for safety and healing reasons, but you SHOULD feel that your PS is listening to you and understanding your needs! You can keep getting fills until you are comfortable with the size. Keep in mind that the implants will look a bit smaller than the expanders because of how they conform to the chest wall, so you may want to go a bit bigger with expander fills to make up for that. If your PS insists that 500 is good ASK HIM WHY! Then you will understand and feel more in control.

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864

    tessa, What size/implant did Whippetmom suggest? She really knows her stuff!

    What size is your rib cage?

  • TessaW
    TessaW Member Posts: 148

    Dulci I will so do that! I can't remember what my measurement was. Once he said he couldn't make me as large all went blank!

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750

    Also keep in mind that salines and silcones are not measured the same.

  • TessaW
    TessaW Member Posts: 148

    I just measured. I think I'm a 36 measuring just under the breasts.

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864

    Tessa, I just scrolled back and saw that you had a bit of interaction with Whippetmom, but did not see where you gave her the details (read the header at the top). Give her all of those details in your next message and give her some time. She makes awesome, spot-on recommendations for style and size...then you can take that info with you to your next appointment and gave that discussion with your doctor. It's just more info to arm yourself with. Your PS will know how/why he does certain things, but may not share unless you ask.

    So if you have not yet done so, please re-read the header and give Whippetmom your info. And try to breathe!! There is nothing more important than your HEALTH, so keep focused on that as you learn about this whacky reconstruction process!

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750

    Tessa, do I understand it right that you had a mastectomy last January but have had no tissue expanders? The surgery you are going to have is to put in a tissue expanders, right? What kind of implants (saline or silicone) did your doctor say he was planning to use in a few months when you are ready for them?

  • TessaW
    TessaW Member Posts: 148

    I will dulci ! I so need her wisdom right now!

    Sandra, no I haven't had the BMX yet. It's scheduled for January 7th 2014. I think he said silicone.

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864

    good job, Tessa! You can do this!!

    I think Sandra's question was because your info in your signature says you had your mastectomy in 2013.

  • blessings2011
    blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Hi, Tessa - Implant sizing is a combination of science and art, and there are no concrete answers. As you can see from the information whippetmom has graciously posted in the blue box at the top of each page, there is much to consider. It's not just a matter of how many ccs...

    So much depends on individual statistics - not only the chest and bra size you were pre-BMX, but also the amount of tissue they take out at BMX, the amount of pectoral muscle they use to create the pocket, the curvature of your ribcage (which you've had all your life), the size of the TEs they inserted after your surgery, and the size of the pockets the PS created for you.

    Now add in the variables of each different type of implant - saline or silicone, round or anatomical, make and manufacturer.... the results can be dramatically different even if you get the exact same implants as another person.

    What, exactly, do you like about your natural breasts? Is it the fullness? The projection? Are they perky? Heavy? Wide? Narrow? These are subjective things that you can try to communicate to your PS.

    Has whippetmom already given you any suggestions as to which implants would be the best for you? (Sorry, I haven't been keeping up on all the posts.) Trust me - she has recommended a gazillion implants for women here... and the absolute majority end up getting exactly what she recommends.

    I had in 16 inch wide tissue expanders, with a fill volume of 700 ccs. The PS only filled me to 650 ccs. I had to have a special procedure to narrow my pockets when I got my 700 cc saline implants. Prior to BMX, I was a 38/40 DDD. (My boobs were huge and droopy.)

    Now I have cute, perky new breasts, and my bras range from 34DDD, 36DD, to 38D, depending on the make and manufacturer. In fact, most of the time, I wear my old bras - but they fit perfectly now!

    Yes, you need to communicate your needs and your wishes to your PS. If he is not listening to you, or ignoring your requests, then maybe it's time to find another PS. But there comes a time when we have to trust that perhaps the doctor really does know best - that maybe there is a skin issue that precludes expanding you more than 500ccs... you REALLY do not want to compromise your healing, or risk tissue necrosis (death) by being expanded too much.

    Sometimes INSISTING on something really isn't in your best interest. It's better to have a conversation, and ask for specific reasons why your doctor is making the statements he is. Make sure to write down the answers if it gets confusing.

    We've all been where you are. Keep asking questions... this is a place where everyone understands.

    Wishing you the best!!!