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  • LoriWNY
    LoriWNY Member Posts: 178

    Mommyathome--I totally concur with Dulcigirl and Blessings.  I understand the road rash analogy.  My feeling was that a monster truck was parked on my chest.  It was only when the monster truck was downgraded to a Ford Escape that I started fills!  I did go to work the next day after fills but, again, I waited 8 weeks post-BMX to start the fills.  I took off 4 weeks from work after BMX and got three fills of 50cc's each (for a total of 150cc's for each breast).  My fills were spaced 2 weeks apart.  My PS told me that there was no rush to get fills and to let him know when I was ready.  The fills take less than 5 minutes and if it causes too much discomfort after a day or two, you can ask the PS to take some of the saline out just as easily as he put it in!

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750


    300 & 500cc when the TE was placed!!! OMG, no wonder you are still on narcotics. That's HUGE...the 500 is most I've ever heard of in the six months I've been on this forum. I also agree that a doctor who tells you to take narcotics before each fill has some explaining to do. What the hell is the damn rush? (I'm getting mad at your doc for putting you through this and taking a chance that you will have a bad outcome.) The PS should never put in a set number of cc's, no matter what. They can have a guess, but can't really tell until they are doing the fill. Your body will tell him/her when to stop. The PS should touch the skin often during a fill to see how long it takes for the skin to go from white to pink. It's called capillary refill response. If too much saline is put in, the blood flow to your skin and muscle is compromised and if that tissue doesn't get all the blood it needs, it dies! So yes, there is a BIG reason why so many of us are concerned.

  • Galsal
    Galsal Member Posts: 754

    Sandra's on the money...and it's precisely WHY my PS only put in 60 (yes, that's 6-0) cc when the TEs were placed.  My internal body shape wouldn't have done well with more. 

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Mommyathome:  I agree with the other gals.  I would only do 50 ccs per session and forego the heavy duty pain meds.  Dilaudid and Valium?  Holy smokes.  You don't want to be dragged into the exam room comatose.  Try taking a half of a Valium perhaps before the procedure, and a Tylenol, but if you do it slowly enough, it should be quite manageable.  

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Galsal: It sounds like your PS might have used a short height TE.  Let us know when you find out!

  • Galsal
    Galsal Member Posts: 754

    Yes, he did say a short height.  Will do, for sure.  Happy

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876

    I feel it necessary to clarify one thing; it was my bs who mentioned the dialaudid and Valium, not the ps. My bs jokes around and makes light. But when I go on Tuesday I plan to talk to the ps about only going 50cc at a time. 

  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631

    I didn't even think you could take Dialudid outside of a hospital!  I hope someone is driving you there, Mommyathome :)

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876


    Ya that's my pain med. I took vicodin at first but couldn't function. I couldn't talk, slept like 18 hours plus a day... It was bad and I'm allergic to Percocet. Yes, my husband takes me to all my appointments. :)

  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Member Posts: 836

    ditto the rest of the ladies. I'd wait a few weeks and then ask for 50 cc at a time... You shouldn't need much, if any, pain meds for a fill.

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669

    mommy - I haven't had time to keep up the last couple of days but thought I'd chime in on this one.  I came out of BMX with 100cc in each.  PS started 100cc fills weekly at 2 weeks post BMX.  I was miserable.  I found the 'Continued Tissue Expander pain' thread at about 1 month post BMX and realized I didn't have to be so miserable - thank God!!  My BS finally realized my continuing pain was nerve pain and switched my pain med from hydrocodone to Neurontin.  That was the beginning of my trip back to sanity and hope.  I asked my PS to switch to only 50cc fills.  Between the med switch and smaller fills I never had any more pain or discomfort with the fills.  Maybe a little tightness, but no pain.  My BMX was 11-5-12 and my final fill was 4-11-13 with a total of 750cc.  Exchange wasn't until 8-7-13 and in the meantime the TEs didn't cause me anything except annoyance because they were rather bulbous and just in the way because they were hard as rocks.

    Slow and steady wins this race girlfriend.  Smaller fills will allow your skin and muscle to stretch more slowly with less discomfort.  It's  hard to go slow when you just want to feel done with everything, I know, but you can do it.  Be firm with your PS and yes, YOU can insist on smaller fills.  YOU'RE the one who has to live with the pain if he/she goes too fast.  Hang in there!  We're all here for you!

  • mnmbeck
    mnmbeck Member Posts: 156

    Mommy.....I know I have said this a lot of times before, but I just want to let YOU PS plan was to do 50cc every week 'or so'.  I was in such pain at the first postop visit, he didn't even consider doing a fill.  At the next visit (approx. 10-14 days postop), I was still terrified of a he did 25cc on one side only.  It was horrible.  Long story short, I have NEVER had a 50cc fill.  The most I ever had was 45cc.  Otherwise, we would do 25-35cc at a time.  In addition, he made sure I got physical therapy (which was the key for me....changed my life).  I told him that I have read that some PS's do 100cc fills.  He just shakes his head like he's heard it before.  He said, "you will NEVER EVER get a fill like that here.  Ridiculous."  He tells me every time that I am in control, and that there is absolutely no hurry with these fills.  He acknowledges that this process is awful and torturous for many women, and if there is something he can do to minimize that, he will.  I am so grateful for his attitude, and I am so sad that you are dealing with something else.  Just remember that you are in control....of fills, of ultimate size, of whether or not you ever see that physician again.  This is such a tough time of feeling out of control.  Hugs and love to you. 

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235

    Mommy - I'll chime in with the others.  I had 350cc in each TE at placement and felt like my chest was duct-taped for several weeks.  No real pain, it just felt difficult to take in a big breath.  The rest of my TE time was really a breeze, however, and I never needed to take anything at all before or after a fill.  My PS will only do 50cc max and the patient gets to call the shots regarding spacing of fill appointments.  And as others have said, the offer was always on the table to pull saline out instead of putting in if I was too uncomfortable.  Slow and steady wins the race!

  • littlecalico
    littlecalico Member Posts: 17

    Hey girls!

    I see most of you talk of TE. Unfortunately I have no experience to help you :-( as I'm waiting for my reconstruction. However I have a question: has anyone been through an implant reconstruction that did not involve TE? The plan for my reconstruction is to have one surgery and then maybe another after, depending on the success of the first one + the size I want. But no TE in between or after. Has anyone experienced a similar procedure? Thanks a lot!

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876

    Sweetand special,

    I was taking hydrocodone (that's Vicodin, right?) and neurontin. I just had to come off Vicodin I would go to sleep w pain and wake up w same pain alls it did was put me to sleep. I just got weaned off the neurontin. I'm in no hurry for the fills to be done, I don't want to be in pain, I was just saying the ps plan was to do the 300 on non cancer side and 500 on cancer side at BMx and then she said at the last appt she wanted to do 100 at my first fill. My pain, it's not zingers, it's not stabbing pain, it's more pressure and tightness but I'd say it ranges from 2-5 or 6. I had a meltdown last night. I was just a mess!!!!i can't believe I have been diagnosed w cancer and then I was mad at myself in the middle of the meltdown because after the BMx I was told by my bs that they got all the cancer and I'm cancer free and then I thought about all of you and how selfish and petty I'm being with what you're all facing!!!

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876

    Mnmbeck and Tina t,

    Thank you ladies sooo much!! I am going to call my ps on Monday. My fill appt is Tuesday. I am going to say that I want to start slow, by doing 50cc in each and see how that goes. I'm still sore and tight and don't want to push it too fast where I'm extremely uncomfortable. I am off neurontin now. Also, my husband goes back to work next week and my mom, who is a breadt cancer survivor herself will be taking care of me during the day. My dad is going through some heart tests still. He did last week and has another one on Monday. He had a 5 valve heart bypass 23 years ago and this whole thing is taking its toll on both my parents. They have been great and have taken at least 2 of my 4 kids since the BMx to help out. They are 11, 9, 7 and 4. Question: what if I say I want to do 50 and she insists on the 100? I have a very passive personality and that will be extremely awkward. She does come highly recommended by my bs. They work as a team on many cases.... I just don't want to be in ins crucifying pain!! Right now I'm uncomfortable but it's been doable with dialaudid, Valium, Motrin etc. eventually I want off all that crap!!!! It makes me nauseous, constipated etc!!!

  • Galsal
    Galsal Member Posts: 754

    YOU are the patient.  No matter how well recommended PS is for their skill, if that doesn't include their patient interaction then it's all for naught.  I chose to NOT go with one of the PS I did consults with because he wanted to do the 300 fill at placement and 75-100 weekly.  No WAY and I chose to not even have to discuss or debate the issue.

    Any PS that will not listen to their patient or even give consideration to what is being told or asked runs the risk of losing that patient. 

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876


    Thank you!!! You ladies are giving me the backbone I need to stand up for myself in this matter. It seemed like a lot but I didn't want to be a wimp....

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876

    The other thing that I'm curious about is at my last appt last week on Monday with the bs... It was my first appt after BMx I needed to have 42cc aspirated from the non cancer side. I had that drain pulled 6 days after the BMx. Curious as to some of the pain/pressure is more fluid that needs to be aspirated.?!?!

  • Galsal
    Galsal Member Posts: 754

    Golly, couldn't address that bit Mommy.  Re-read when ever you need to get that back bone up and running again!  See, here's the thing - you're not asking for it to be smaller volume fills, you're telling him you want to use the go-low, go-slow fill concept.

    As for me, I'm about to have the first shower since TEs were put in this past Thursday.  Took pain med to be ready for things.  Nerdy

  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Member Posts: 836

    note that if you have to much pain from current size ask them to remove some cc now.

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Member Posts: 864


    Just picture us all in there with you. Nerdy

    We want you to be more comfortable and this is one easy, drug-free way to attempt it! EVERYONE is different! Maybe some women can handle huge fills, but this is not about them!!! This is about YOU!!! And you are uncomfortable!! In fact, if you are STILL uncomfortable when you go into that appointment I would not even get a fill!! Wait one more week. Regardless of how great your skin looks or how much room it has remind your doctor that your pec muscles are being forced to do something new and they need more time to adjust! Is there anyone who could go into the appointment with you? My DH went into a few with me and if I didn't speak up he would tell my doctor I had an important question. Lol. My PS was great, but I'm shy and don't like to bother people. DUH!!! This is their JOB!! I definitely learned a lot through this process. I'm getting better at saying what I need and asking for explanations when I need them. 

    Please don't be in pain/discomfort just because it feels awkward to speak up for yourself!!!! Been there, done that!! Hugs to you!

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876


    I had my BMx jan 29 and still haven't showered!! They want my incision dry. Now today I noticed drainage and an odor out of incision!!! I called the ps and she called in more antibiotic and as I said I was supposed to see her 430 on Tuesday for fill but now I need to go in at 800am for her to check me out!!!! Ugh!!! I emailed her pictures of how it looks...

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876


    The crazy thing is I know I just had a huge surgery. For me to think I'm not going to have pain after 2 weeks is not realistic. I've had 4 c sections... Just about 2 years apart from each other. I know pain and I know with a surgery there will be some. My confusion if I can call it that is what is normal discomfort at this point? At the point of doing fills? I'm definitely going to stress the go slow idea. In 8 weeks I have to be back in my class upright for 8 hours teaching I can't be in pain!! Not excruciating pain, uncomfortable, a limitless pain yes but I need to get the hell out of here pain no!!! Lol I don't care how long it takes to get me to my proper fill. She mentioned probably 6 months and I thought great it'd be over the summer won't effect me teaching... But if she's thinking 100cc at a clip why 6 months?? I'm going in there at 800 Tuesday to make sure my right breast is ok and then I'm going to express why I would rather 50cc. I'm tight now, don't want to push things too fast. If 50 is easy then maybe go higher next time, but let's start slow.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,415

    Mommy - key word in everyone's posts -  Don't ask - TELL.  You are the patient.  You are in control.  Just say you will not have more than 50ccs.  And think about several people who said to consider your option to put off fills another week or two or three.

    Good luck with the doc appointment.  Are you seeing your BS (breast surgeon) or the PS?  Hope everything is OK.

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876


    Yes, TELL not ask!!! I'm going to be thinking of each of you and your concern and support for me! I'm seeing the ps. I will see her weekly if all goes well or I'll tell her, I said tell , yes!!! I want to do bi weekly! I will see my bs in 3 months. And then at 6 months. I am going to set up an appt with a genetic counselor as well seeing I have a big family history of breast and ovarian cancer. I was tested for braca and Bart last week but my mom, maternal aunt and maternal cousin all came up negative so my bs isn't sure insurance will cover. There's gotta be something genetic we just haven't found it yet!!! There's a new panel coming out in the summer that I'm going to take part in too

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467

    Mommyathome - We'll all be in your pocket tomorrow.  We've got your back, AND your front!  Winking

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    mommy-you are not being selfish or petty just because you might be having an easier time than some. (I know, right now it doesn't feel that way). We don't get to choose this BC crap path we are in. Some are lucky not to have to have chemo and/or rads. I didn't, so sometimes I don't feel like a BC survivor.  This is what this forum is for. To ask and get answers, to get a pat on the back when needed, to help someone else who has a similar experience. I hope you don't have any complications, I had to have needle aspiration for 4 weeks after my bmx. No one told me I should taken it easy! It didn't hurt so why not. It does get better, so hang in there and talk here until you're blue in the face!

  • artemis
    artemis Member Posts: 105

    Hello, All!  

    Did I dream it, or did someone mention a "tight t-shirt test"?  If the post was really here, I can't find it now, and I'm wondering about it.  I'm meeting with my PS tomorrow to decide if we're going to do anymore fills, and while I *think* I'm satisfied with my size, anything that can help with my decision would be wonderful.  



  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Member Posts: 836

    Mine said when Im happy with how I look in clothes, then were done...or then he does the over fill. Good point if youre happy in a tight tshirt, or sweathshirt, guess what kind of top you wear most?