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  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Thundershowers:  There are so many answers to these questions.  The best next step is to meet with a good plastic surgeon and inquire about your options.  The issue which will impact recon the most will be radiation.  Someone asked me about breast reconstruction and radiated breasts the other day and this is what I told her, and the same holds true for you....

    Well, previously irradiated breasts do pose elevated risks of capsular contracture, seroma development, and also can impact the cosmetic aspects of reconstruction.  However, I know quite a few gals who have had rads and have implants and are doing just fine.  It is just that your risks are higher and if you are willing to accept the risks and you opt for implant based reconstruction, then it is still a viable option.  If you have sufficient body fat for a flap reconstruction, and this can be fat and tissue from your hips, buttocks, belly, upper back, then the success ratio is much improved.  I do have, on my thread, Breast Implant Sizing 101, a section about radiation and implant-based reconstruction, [Check the highlighted information above on the thread header] and the use of fat graft transfer to improve the integrity of the radiated breast and thereby improve the cosmetic outcome and reduce the risks of capsular contracture.  You would need to find a PS who holds fat graft transfer in high esteem. 

    That said, you have the same opportunity for a very successful and rewarding reconstruction result as any of us here have had, and you have every reason to pursue it with vigor! 

    I'll let some others chime in about their surgery perceptions.  Frankly, mine was two years ago and I cannot remember much about my BMX.  Pain requiring Vicodin for five days or so - but I entertained visitors and read books and watched TV and just relaxed.  The pain was well-controlled.  I was 58 years old at the time.  Certainly you can look normal and you might even look better than normal.  You might look fabulous!  I'll PM you some information...


  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671

    Thundershowers:  Kittycat is in Vegas and interviewed several PS's before finding "the one".  You might want to PM her and see who she recommends.  She is now having to have radiation a year after the fact.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Thanks MBJ....I just sent kittycat a PM to get the name of her PS....

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671

    Whippetmom:  Great!!!

  • KellyMaryland
    KellyMaryland Member Posts: 62

    Hi Deborah. I met with my PS today to schedule xchange surgery and talk about implants.  If you'll recall I currently have 400cc TEs.  He's recommending slightly narrower implants, 425 ccs, Allergen Natrelle Style 45 (smooth, full profile).  He chose these in particular because I like the size and projection of my TEs and he felt I'd be happiest with these.  Are you familiar with this style?  Thanks for any thoughts you may have.


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Kelly:  I think you would like the Style 45s.  Very nice projection and since you like the appearance of your TEs, that would be the right choice.  But I think you would need 460 ccs to approximate what you have now. There is not a 425 cc implant in that style, by the way, so verify all of this with your PS. 


  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846

    Hey ladies,

    I am in the midst of chemo, had BMX with TEs in Dec.  Today I had lunch with a new BC friend who underwent her exchange surgery about 3 weeks ago.  She had delayed reconstruction and several infections and hematoma, along the way.  Although her surgery went well she is somewhat disappointed that she needs to wear forms to fill out a bra.  I left lunch very discouraged to say the least.  I almost fully expanded (one more following chemo, need to wait because TE was begining to displace port).  I am very happy with my current size, although I can not stand a bra, TEs  are very uncomfortable, eventually will consider full to high projection implants per PS.  I will get details at next visit.  Please tell me most people are able to wear normal bras post exchange??

  • Estel
    Estel Member Posts: 2,780

    christine47 - I tried wearing some of my old bras with my TE's and they were so uncomfortable!  My TE's were fairly wide on my chest wall (practically under my armpits) and when I wore a bra, they pushed the TE's in medially and ouch!  We all know how moveable and soft those TE's are!  HA! 

    Yes, I am able to wear normal bras post-exchange.  The implants vs. TE's are like comparing apples and oranges.  Yes, to normal bras!  :)

  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631

    Christine -- yes definitely wearing regular bras post-exchange (and very nice ones too).  Your size will very likely change and there may be some styles you won't fill out the same as you used to... but you should NOT need to wear forms to fill out a bra.  I think most with implants find this to be the case.

    If you want to get cheered up, go to the thread Bras 101 thread... where Val61 has posted a slew of info about fitting bras post-exchange.  Maybe your friend needs to get a good bra fitting to find bras that are the right size.  Was she larger pre-MX?  Is she wearing her old bras instead of getting new ones? 

  • sheilajoe
    sheilajoe Member Posts: 1

    where's the picture forum

  • KellyMaryland
    KellyMaryland Member Posts: 62

    Thanks Deborah. I'll double check on the fill amount.  I so appreciate your input!


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    christine47:  Have your new BC friend come here and talk to me.  I would like to understand why her reconstruction results require her to use a form to fill out her bra.  She has every right to go back in for a revision - to see someone else - and obtain better results.  I fill out a bra just fine.  So do many of the gals who post on these threads. For your friend, it might be something as simple as finding the right bra....

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    sheilajoe:  I have sent you a private message.

  • fire-dancer
    fire-dancer Member Posts: 444

    I just came from my 1st post-op visit with the PS.  The nurse who saw me 1st said I looked like a augmentation.... all must be healing ok :-)

    The PS came and took pics, etc. and felt that everything was looking great.  I just need to remember my restrictions re: lifting and arm movements for another 6 weeks, I do not go back to see him for 3 months! (unless there is a problem, of course) I asked all of my questions and he was open and honest...these implants could last 4 years or 40 ;-) ...for now everything is good, healing well...he sees no need for grafting, etc. 

    The only thing I notice that I guess kinda "bothers" me is that there is not alot of "uppper pole" (is that what we call the top of the implant?!? :-) Will this fill in as I drop & fluff?  My PS explained that going with HP's can attribute to this.  I do not have a shelf or divots, it's just not round and full up there...It's only been 9 days, so I do know I have to give it time.

    It's amazing to think that this part is pretty much done as far as Dr's go, now it is just up to me to heal well and take my time getting back into "real life".  Next week is my 1st post-op visit to the BS and then I probably won't see her for 6 months, wow - things seem to be winding down, it's pretty surreal-feeling...

  • sweetie2040
    sweetie2040 Member Posts: 470

    Firedancer-it's great to hear your doing well. You have 450's correct? I have the same and they are HP. I don't have a lot of upper pole either. I find that a push up or demi bra helps a lot. They do look natural though. You definately need to give it a lot more time though because they will fluff out and change. I think overall you will find they look great. They are new and different from the TE so you and your body just need to get used them and you will. Wish you the best.

  • supersally
    supersally Member Posts: 158

    Hey Whippetmom,

    I have been eagerly awaiting the chance to ask you about exchange and what option you think I should go for.  I had a NS BMX with TEs on 1/31.  My exchange won't be till probably the first of August due to chemo, but I think I'm gettting close on the fills.

    After today, I'm at 480 cc's in Allergan Natrelle TE, model number 133mv12.  He overfills before exchange.

    I am 5'6, 135 lbs, rib cage under my bra is 30".  Before BC I was a small B/large A.  I'd like to be a small C.  I'd like to do the gummies or silicone vs. saline.

    My PS also does fat grafting at the time of exchange to help with the upper pole so that there's not a shelf from the implants.

    What are your thoughts?

  • fire-dancer
    fire-dancer Member Posts: 444

    Hi Sweetie, thanks  for the support!  I do have 450's and I am sure things will change and "fluff", but I think for now I am grateful that I am happy so far, it's so nervwracking leading up to exchange that I was afraid of getting my hopes up, but so far, so good!  ...and I do agree, once I put on a bra, the cleavage looks good by me :-)  I hope all is going well with you!!!

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846


    Thanks for all your positive comments about wearing bras post exchange. My friend had multiple surgeries and complications prior to exchange. I am not sure that her PS is doing that many breast reconstruction procedures, he told her he did the best with what he had. I think she is just going to move on. She went to a good shop for bras ( they fitted me for my camisoles and some bras to use during the fill process), so I am not sure that is an issue. I did not know her well prior to BC, but think she may have been larger. Her PS is in a small town, and I am not sure about his skill set in the reconstructive surgery procedures. My PS is at a large teaching hospital and I feel quite confident with his skills. Just so disheartening to hear someone go thru recon. process and still need to wear prosthesis. When I get closer to exchange I will post my stats for review, can not wait to get rid of these TEs!!

  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631

    So sorry for your friend... too many women get stuck with plastic surgeons who really ought not to be doing reconstruction (who are really augmentation surgeons, which is an entirely different thing).  That she had complications and difficulties on top of everything else is just a shame because, no doubt, that discourages her from getting another opinion at this point. 

  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Member Posts: 1,477
    Home from my TE surgery yesterday. I have pain but it's manageable. I had some trouble peeing in the hospital and my blood pressure went too low. But everything turned around today and I was able to come home. 
  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631

    Carrol welcome home and glad you've rallied:)

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Yes Carrol....and glad to hear this stage of the journey is over for you.  Now on to fills!!

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671

    Firedancer:  So happy to hear that you had great results!  Wonderful news!

    Carrol:  Congratulations!  Your fills should go quickly and you will be able to exchange them out in now time.  Rest up!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    supersally:  So sorry!  I missed your post somehow.  But I am so glad you sent me a private message also!!!  Let me know if you need anything further!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    firedancer...Ditto to what sweetie said.....

  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Member Posts: 1,477
    Third night home since the TE surgery. Sleeping ok but do still have pain. When I wake up during the night I take more pain meds. Trying to stay on top of it as they say. Took a shower yesterday. I hate having those drains hanging there while showering. But it does feel better to be clean. I also got an xtra compression bra that the doctor gave me to use when I wash the first one that they put on me. This one is different and more comfy not as tight around my stomach area. This may be TMI but where else could i even think of discussing this but i had my first bowel movement after 5 days and ouch! Guess i should have taken the stool softener. You can bet I took it now. just took all my meds no food feeling queezy so better go rest. Just stuffed a banana and a hot choclate down.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    OK I've been a lurker since, well this fall on this thread. I had 3 weekly expansions prior to chemo and 6 more weekly after chemo with one more to go (total 10 expansions). Sounds like I'm trying to replace D cups but actually I was a small (large A/small B cup). I told my PS that I didn't want to be any bigger than a B. He does like to overfill so he has "room to work with" as well as expand slowly… but right now I feel like I have stripper foobs!

    I didn't ask for the exact amount of CCs but my nurse said I was getting a little over a shot glass with each expansion. Anyone else get this inebriated? I think I've had too many tequilas.

    Still have to talk implants but I know for sure he's using mentor smooth round cohesives and does fat grafting. I asked about that at my first meeting.

  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631

    Hi Iago!  Welcome :)  I've seen you posting on other threads that I post on... my PS also overexpanded to have room.  And don't worry.  Even if they put implants in exactly the size of the TEs (cc-wise) they would still be smaller.  You should find out how many CCs you have and how many he plans to put in... knowledge is power!

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671

    Hi Lago:  Welcome to the thread.  The expanders do look like "stripper" boobs,lol.  I was given the same size as my expanders and they are no where neer the projection as the TE's.  Also, implants are wider then a natural breast, so you might end up a C cup but look like a B cup in clothes.  I was an small B and I am now a C./D depending on the bra and they look very natural like they were made this way (thanks to Whippetmom).  Most of my clothes still fit and the ones that don't, fit borderline anyway.  Find out what size expander you have, give Whippetmom your height, weight and measurements and then she can get you to where you want to be.  Many PS's overexpand to get a natural "droop" or ptsosis to the breast.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Yes he told me that at my first meeting that he over expands for ptsosis. I really do feel very good about my PS's expertise.

    Another question. TE's of course don't move at all. My old breast were always sticking out a little on the sides even though I was small (no cleavage even with a bra). My old natural breast would "move out of the way" when needed. Will the implants be "stuck in place" like the TE's? Is it just because the TE's are so  hard that they don't move?