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  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Thanks Whippetmom!  Yep 450cc filled to max and a good size but I'm thinking maybe a bit bigger...?  I had pretty much decided on silicone but am wondering if there is a benefit to saline.  Not much to be heard about saline these days.  Thanks again.  (c:

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    brca1953:  I feel that you would be happy with 550 ccs or 600 ccs in a smooth, round silicone implant.  I personally feel you could swap to that size right now, especially if you have sufficient skin flaps vis a vis the size of your native breasts.  But tell me, are you liking the size you are at your current volume?  I can also state that you need to not focus on cup size, because you might still be a "DD" [due to the width of implants on a reconstructed breast] but you will LOOK like a C cup.  You will never have the same appearance as you did with natural DD breasts.  Your clothes will fit better than they ever did, pre BMX.  So don't worry about bra size right now - let's focus on what would look good on your frame.  I am 5'4", 130 pounds, 30.5 inch ribcage - nearly identical to you in terms of vital statistics, and I have 550 ccs. 


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Adey:  If your PS will consider using 600 ccs - this would be a very good size for you as well.  It all depends, again, on your skin integrity - how your skin is handling expansion.  If you had sufficient breast skin prior to BMX, this would have considerable impact on the final volume.  You could use 650 ccs - which is 200 ccs over and above the volume of the TEs if you have ample flaps.  It can be done and HAS been done, e.g., my implants are 150 ccs over and above the volume of my former TEs.  So this is all hinging on how your PS feels about sizing issues.  The most important factor is skin integrity and gaining good closure over the implant.  You need to get inside your PS' head about all of this. 


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Adey....Saline or silicone - it is all up to you.  You might have more rippling with saline over silicone - this is a known complication of saline implants.  If your PS finds he has more success with saline with breast reconstruction patients, then I might trust his ability to do it right for you.  But most breast recon surgeons use silicone these days.  The majority of us here on have silicone implants.  There are some pros and cons of both - plenty of silicone vs. saline threads on to help guide you.  You can search for them with the search feature upper right hand corner of the webpage.


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    nolo:  You can email me your photos.  I would need to see where your TEs are placed on your chest wall.  I do think that the anatomical implant in the full height or extra full height can possible resolve an otherwise intractable step-off deformity - which really cannot be addressed by silicone rounds. There is a FX and MX and perhaps the MX would be more appropriate.  I just do not know, without seeing how the TEs are placed currently.  However, I beg to differ about fat graft transfer.  Fat graft transfer can most certainly help.  It helped me and countless others on these forums.  Does it eradicate it entirely? - No,, not in every case.  But it can ameliorate and soften the step-off [divot] considerably.  PM me if you want my email address.


  • brca1953
    brca1953 Member Posts: 15

    Thank you whippitmom, I do feel like I would like to be a tad bit bigger

    than I am right now. I think I'll see if th PS can add another 75cc's

    next week and call it good. My TE's seem wide, are the implants

    shaped differently than th TE's? My foobs seem too flat although

    they have started to be less so with the last fill.

    Thanks, Jo

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    THANK YOU!!!

  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Member Posts: 1,477
    whippetmom i guess it depends on how big you want to look. I am a similar size to you and brca1953 except i am 2 inches taller and my rib cage measures 32 in. my weight is 140-145. so I think I can go bigger. I am now at 230cc in a 650cc mentor expander. I still look pretty flat in clothes. My doctor had said to fill until 750cc i think to go with a 650cc implant. I suppose i should jsut tell him as he fills when i am happy with the size. My next fill is May 3rd I think he will add 100cc this time. I think i would rather be too big than too small, i look very boyish without my breasts, i have small hips and a flat butt.
  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    It first depends on your skin integrity Carrol - but if all planets align - and a choice can be made, it indeed does depend on how large or small you want to be.  Hopefully this is all communicated to the PS before the tissue expanders are selected and "installed."  Because thereafter, the TEs do dictate to a great degree how small or large you will be at the end of the rainbow.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    brca:  If you feel you would like to be larger than you are right now, then I would recommend implants with a volume of 650 ccs - high profile implants.  The TEs might be widely spaced right now - as they tend to migrate laterally towards the armpits, unfortunately.  Wish more PS' would use the new suture tab TEs to avoid this TE migration/displacement problem.  So the implants will be more appropriately placed on the chest wall at the time of the exchange.

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966

    HEY KC.......keep the faith sister......AQUAPHOR!!!! HEY DEBORAH......I SUPPOSE THIS IS THE BEST PLACE TO FIND YOU DEAR FRIEND AND SAY........HELLO THERE.....:) and....You have yourself a great spring/ and hugs.....

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    I love you Laura!  You have a wonderful spring and summer also!  I will see you in September!
  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    Carrol I had 10 expansions. My PS fills 60cc at a time. I'm looking for a B… I always purchased a 34A or B bra but I just measured myself and it appears I'm about a 31+ . I too am 5'6" and 137lbs. We must be twins.
  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Member Posts: 1,477
    So Lago that would put you at 600cc and you are smaller now? Guess it depends on how big your frame is to how big the cup ends up actually being. My surgeon had guessed that I would need 5 expansions but he said not to quote him. I had 80 last time. I think he will do 100 next time. Right now at 230cc I look like a B cup to me. But it looks way smaller in clothes.
  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    I don't know how much he put in at surgery though so I'm probably larger than 600cc. I'm not smaller now. I have never changed size in the upper torso except when I was all swollen after BMX. I'm all skin and bones up there. Seems like those 34A/B bras were the the wrong size. I should have been wearing a 36.
  • SusansGarden
    SusansGarden Member Posts: 754

    Lago~ wow, you are expanded to over 600cc's ?!? And you are going for a B? Me thinky you may have to change that letter! Lol!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    SusansG I just read on my PS's website that they expand 60cc per expansion and I had 10 expansions. The nurse said they were putting a little more about a shot glass in eah time. A shot glass is about 60cc. I told my PS I thought I looked pretty good after the 4th expansion. He just smiled and said I think we need to do a little more. He said he likes to have some to "work with." I know he will be creating my nipple by using the tissue that's already there.

    The last time I spoke with him we confirmed I wanted a full B. Then took pictures of me in my fully expanded foobs. (He's at a teaching hospital). As I have mentioned before I do feel like a stripper. Many of my shirts I can't wear because they are too small across the foobs. I never thought I would have that problem.Tongue out

    But I do trust him. He spends time and listens. The nurse said to me that in her experience, if anything, the patient wished they had gone a little larger not smaller.

  • SusansGarden
    SusansGarden Member Posts: 754

    Lago~ do you know what size implants he will be putting in? You are getting the anatomical gummies, right? I wonder if those don't have the problem of measuring so much different than what they "look" like?

    Either way, it sounds like you are confident and happy with your PS so sounds like you will love your results! :)

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    I'm not getting the anatomical gummies… I'm getting cohesive gel (mentor). If I end up too big It won't be a total loss. My husband will be happy. 

    I don't know the size. He told me he'll be bringing in a few different sizes.

  • SusansGarden
    SusansGarden Member Posts: 754

    Well, at least you are relaxed about it! Most of us obsess about every detail! Good to be "zen" about the whole thing, I suppose. :)

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Its funny Susan but I wasn't obsessed about the hair thing either. I'm just really happy to be alive, cancer free and soon to be pain free once these damn shingles go away. I'm happy to still be me.

  • This has been so helpful to me.  I am undergoing BMX with recon. on June 21'st and the more I read here, the more confused I become.  I have had great conversations (thank you Sandy!) with others who have recently been through this and will be sure to look at the exchange site.

      Here's my basic question:  I have a "wide back"  36".  I have always been a small cup A-B depending on my weight.  Try finding a 36 A bra-even at Victoria's secret, so I've pretty much always worn a 36B, but I swear, a  38 may be more comfortable for me.. But I don't want to go to a C cup.  I'm fairly small framed and now at 5'5" and 130 lbs weigh 15 more lbs than I did a year ago-for a variety of reasons.  This is the most I've weighed since I was pregnant and I don't think I'll stay at this weight-who know's Maybe I will -menopause?  But I can't decide what size I should go for and I would like it to be my decision.  I'm planning, at this point, on silicone, tear drop shape...any thoughts?  THANKS.  Pat

  • SusansGarden
    SusansGarden Member Posts: 754

    Amen, lago! :)

  • SuebeeBC
    SuebeeBC Member Posts: 545

    Lago I love, love LOVE your attitude.  I wish there was a 'like' button on this site so I could 'like' people's posts.

  • EmbarassedI'm having trouble finding the "exchange site" mentioned in this thread.  Can anyone help me?  Again, I would like as much info as possible before my final appt. with my Bs and PS before the surgery.  Thank you.  Pat
  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631

    Rehm - it's called Exchange City -- but really THIS is the thread where you'll get the most help.  Whippetmom knows an astounding amount about implants... post your stats (see the header for what info is needed) and Whippetmom will help you.

  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631

    Ladies for the Picture Forum PMs go to Whippetmom, me, MBJ, Firni or Estepp... we are helping Timtam so that she is not swamped with requests.  Thanks!

  • thank you.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    rehm:  I am confused.  Do you have tissue expanders at this point?  If so, I need the style and volume and need to know if you are a unilateral or bilateral.  Does your PS have access to anatomical gummy bear implants - Allergan 410s?  When you say "teardrop" shaped implants - where did you get this information?  The standard silicone implants are round in shape.  So clear up these questions for me and I can help you further.  Also, your ribcage circumference - measure UNDER the bra line, around the ribcage. 


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    Lilah:  Is that you with your puppy dog?  I agree...we need a "LIKE" button...Wink