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Recovery time-line after bilateral mastectomy and NO recon?



  • quaydvt
    quaydvt Posts: 8
    edited May 2017

    Just got some of the biomarker results - ER & PR+ve, HER2 -ve. Sending off for Oncotype DX and should get the results in about 2 weeks. Fingers crossed that it comes back in the low or intermediate risk - MO figures likely Tamoxifen only unless something we don't expect on the oncotyping.

    Still have to do the follow-up with my BS in another 2 weeks but so far everything is healing up nicely - tight and still have a ways to go with RoM but doing well under the circumstances - increasing a bit every day. Looking forward to getting in to a PT to start moving forward.

    Off to Washington to pick up the motorhome in 10 days and then my students' grad on the 7th :)

    I'm officially back to work, but holidays start in a week so..... lots of recovery time before the fall semester starts up. Hopefully the Tamoxifen doesn't mess me up.

  • suburbs
    suburbs Posts: 398
    edited May 2017

    quaydvt, it sounds like your recovery is going well. Congratulations and good luck with your oncotype scoring. Enjoy your summer vacation

  • jinmo
    jinmo Posts: 55
    edited May 2017

    Hi quay and suburbs, hope you are doing well on this Sunday! quay, good luck with your oncotype scoring, sounds like you are keeping busy!

  • quaydvt
    quaydvt Posts: 8
    edited June 2017

    So I am now 8 weeks post. Doing great so far. Been busy with work and trying to get the new (to me) GMC motorhome properly trip ready. Got the Oncotype results back 2 weeks ago. Right dead centre - 24 RS. So MO determined that with the size of the tumour (< 2cm) and fact that there is no LN involvement (contrast MRI & SN negative) and I did a BMX, hormone tx is the way to go - no chemo required! I am on Wellbutrin, which is a very strong blocker of Tamoxifen. so I am taking letrozole instead. Just went for a bone density scan to get a baseline - haven't got the results back yet but I expect i should be in pretty good shape.

    Surgery site is doing very well - range of motion is almost back to 100% - still some tightness but I can work through what is there and still doing my stretches. Little twinges of "pain"(?) occasionally as the nerves are regenerating, some of the numbness is beginning to dissipate as well.

    Now just continue on doing what I'm doing, a recheck with the MO end of July and the BS end of August. Might even get myself motivated to get the Burgman back on the road too!

  • jinmo
    jinmo Posts: 55
    edited June 2017

    Hi Quay, glad you're doing well and that you won't have to have any chemo. That's great news!

    My recovery is going along fine too. I even skip an exercise day now and then. Very proud of my new shoulders and posture, though, so I don't skip too many.

    Still the occasional random pain, and I do have some numbness under arms yet. Still don't like sleeping on my side, but oh well! I know more odd side effects can continue down the road but for now I will just keep hoping I will stay on the steady progress side.

    So mostly, I am just trucking along in reasonable happiness with an occasional "Ouch!". Six month post surgical appointment coming up next month, expecting to be discharged, I hope.

    So glad to hear you are taking a trip, have fun & be safe wherever you go!

  • Nuala57
    Nuala57 Posts: 1
    edited October 2017

    Every thought you have had, I am having! I am not receiving much support from family. They think my decision is drastic! I had problems with reconstruction with insurance and decided to take care of the critical issue. Recon can be later after a break. I am afraid. How will I take care of myself alone. When can I drive? I wish we could have preceptors with us!

  • wallisrose
    wallisrose Posts: 1
    edited October 2017

    Nuala57, I Just had a bilateral without reconstruction last week, Oct. 4. Really not that painful at all. I have been taking a hydrocodon in the evening just to relax a bit, not every day. Maybe an ibuprofen during the day. They took the binder off the first night at the hospital, I couldn't breath! I still have drains (2) and they will probably come out next week. They are the worst part for sure, annoying not painful. Itching drives me crazy and most of it is the tape over the drain ports. Nerve regeneration is itchy too. I could take a shower after 48 hours and I stayed 1 night in the hospital. Everything really looks great. I have been sleeping in a recliner just for convenience, easier with the drains. I can wash my hair, but I did get it cut in a short bob prior to surgery. I am looking forward to driving once the drains are out. I don't trust my reflexes right now and I do feel run down. The surgeon assured me that was normal. I take care of myself pretty much. My husband has been going to the store for me and driving me to appointments. The drains are easy to care for and the incisions pretty much take care of themselves. I had 1 tumor removed with clear margins and 2 nodes which were clear. I am hoping to receive only hormone therapy since I am post menopausal and it is ILC. I may consider reconstruction, but I doubt it. The fewer surgeries the better IMHO. It is normal to be anxious, I sure was. The decisions are yours to make, you do what is right for you. Make sure your life is a stress free as possible. No need to worry that you were too aggressive. My surgeon wanted to do a lumpectomy and after surgery he said I did the right thing, tumor was too large for a lumpectomy.

  • Lisadgraham
    Lisadgraham Posts: 1
    edited January 2018

    Hi Ladies,

    I had my bi lat two weeks ago this coming Wednesday. I'm going stir crazy not being to lift anything over three pounds. Have done a lot of walking but what else can I to burn the energy. I'm driving my husband nuts lol. Thank


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