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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Keryl, that's an interesting discovery. I've been avoiding heels for lots of reasons, but I didn't know about that one.

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Vivian, cheers to progress and 2 drains removed!!  The other 2 will be out soon.  You will be quite sore/achy for awhile, hang in there and get lots of rest.

    Keryl, oh yeah even if I try to stand too long or sit without a chair back to lean on, ouchie!!

  • andi44
    andi44 Member Posts: 23

    Vivian - yea for the drain removal !!!  :)    I'm sure that feels much better...wonder why it feels itchy?  Healing maybe?  Did you have the Lat Flap on both sides or just the one?  I guess I missed that information...I feel for you if you did have it on both - ugh !  I'm just having the left side done in 2 weeks - butterflies are already starting to flutter - I am so nervous -  I am also going to have a skin graft from my back - my radiated skin has broke down so many times - Anyway, continued healing to you...keep us updated...


  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Andi, I feel your butterflies. Hang in there. I think this surgery makes me more anxious than any other because it's my choice. My decision. For all my prior surgeries, I had no choice. I had to do it. I'm not scheduled until November. Too much time to think! Good luck with yours.

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    Keryl - I wear heels to work, & haven't experienced tightness.  However, the past few days I've been feeling some of that pesky rib pain under my left breast.  I'm 17 weeks out, my last & final fill was almost 4 weeks ago, & been feeling really good.  It comes & goes, mostly first thing in the morning, eases up & I forget about it, & then will feel it again later in the day.  So, I'm thinking the TE or fluid may have shifted a little.  My PS said that I can move the TE's if I feel like they are in the way of something else, but doesn't seem to be doing the trick.  Certainly, not anything that I can't manage, & I'm sleeping ok - more annoying than anything else.  From the outside, everything looks fine.  I'll ask my PS when I see her next Monday.

  • andi44
    andi44 Member Posts: 23


    Having to wait that long (Nov.) is torture - I feel for you...And, don't go searching on the web for videos of this procedure - I did and wish I hadn't !!! I can't erase that from my mind -  ughh!!!   Now I know why doctors tell patients not to search on the web for answers to our questions - too much out there - I do like the fact that this web-board offers advice from women that have gone thru it - and offers support and tips...An example, I was told by someone earlier, that using a recliner helped - easier to get in/out of than a bed - So, I went out and bought one. Wish I would've had one when I had the mastectomy.  

    Andi  :)

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Andi, November does seem far away.  But the upside is that it gives my skin more time to heal from rads.  At least I assume there's still healing going on. I finished at the end of January.  It also gives me some time to work on getting my body back into shape. I think that helps make recovery from surgery easier.  

    Too late on the videos of the surgery. I've already watched one.  I'm weird.  I find it interesting, and the more I know, the less anxious I feel. I hate being in the dark, and I've founded that a lot of docs don't give me the details I want. I understand where they're coming from when they say not to look it up on the Internet, but I just can't work that way. I can be a better advocate for myself if I know the details. 

    I'll be interested in hearing about your experience.  I hope it all goes smoothly! 

  • naiviv
    naiviv Member Posts: 308


    I had lat flap on left breast. I am a prior diep flap to both with a lefty failure.

    I'm at my conference in Orlando. Taking it real easy,but the walking and sitting has me achy. I'm in bed with pillows all-around and feeling much better, also took pain pill. The left side is very tight and having some Rom issues with arm, I know I have always to go. Early to bed today.

    Hope you are all feeling better.


  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Wow, Vivian, I'm glad you were well enough to go to your conference.  Rest as much as you can.  No wild partying in the evenings with your colleagues!  :-)

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    I'm impressed Vivian!  The ROM will come back, take your time and listen to your PS, mine was spot on.  

    2Tabbies, I also had a long waiting period for my lat flap surgery, 5 months!  My mind was a bit anxious to say the least.

  • andi44
    andi44 Member Posts: 23


    You better be taking it easy - you don't want to wind up back in the hospital - you've been thru enough...I am jealous though that you are in Orlando - I used to live in Jacksonville for 15 yrs - I was stupid and moved back to my home state...I miss Florida - But, I plan on moving back when all this is said and done...I don't want to change insurance companies and not be covered -  


    I don't get 'grossed out' on things like that (medical stuff) - the surgeon in the video just treated the patient as if they were an inanimate object...not taking into account that the body on the table was a person and not a dummy - hope that makes sense?  I too would go to the internet and search - I was just saying it isn't a good idea. You are correct in that we need to be our own health care advocates - that we shouldn't just rely on our medical team - if we don't think something doesn't sound right - seek another opinion...

    Healthy Healing to all of us !!!

    Andi  :)

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Andi, that totally makes sense. It's too bad the surgeon in the video was callous.  I'm sure that happens a lot. They focus on the procedure and forget about the real person lying there unconscious.  Fortunately, I didn't get that impression from the video that I watched. The surgeons seemed kind and respectful.  In fact, part of the video was an interview with a patient about her procedure.  They didn't say it was the same woman whose surgery they were showing, but I kind of got that impression. When they introduced that part of the video, they said we were going to hear from a very special person.  I thought that was nice.  My overall feeling was that they really cared about getting the best possible outcome for her. I hope I never have a surgeon who treats me like a slab of meat when I'm unconscious.  I don't think any of my current docs would be like that, but it wouldn't have surprised me to get that treatment from the GYN who did my hysterectomy years ago. 

    I used to live in Florida too, btw.

    Ditto on the healthy healing to all of us. 


  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    Vivian - kudos to you for going to your conference.  Don't rush the healing, it will come in time, & listen to your body when it tells you it's time to rest.  But, I totally understand - I was anxious to get back to some normal type of routine.  My body was telling me differently, but once I did go back to work, I felt so much better emotionally & mentally. 

    Andi44 - I'm a FL gal as well, I live close to the Tampa Bay area.  I love to travel, but can't imagine living any place else.  Hope all goes well for you! 

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    DPiggy, interesting you were anxious to go back to work. I'm kind of looking forward to surgery as a good excuse to be off work for a few weeks. Isn't that pathetic? I didn't take off much time during my treatment. I did take 3 weeks for the mastectomy, but during chemo, I only took a few days for each cycle when I was feeling the worst effects. I didn't take anything off for rads. I feel like I never really got enough time to rest. I'm not physically tired. More like emotionally and mentally tired from dealing with BC for a year. A month off sounds like heaven.

  • naiviv
    naiviv Member Posts: 308

    Very early good mornings to all.

    No partying for me, I went to bed yesterday after last class. I fell asleep early until a few min ago. Woke up hungry. Having  sand e rich as I read and hope for a few more zzz. Don't have to be up til 7am.

    Will rest during day as needed. I know walking is good for us,  but this place is huge. No heels. Going to wear sandals and if I have to sneakers.

    Have a great day to all


  • Pilates4me
    Pilates4me Member Posts: 38


    The lat spans the entire back,  starting at the lower back. My PT said that lower back pain can result from weakening the lat so keeping the core strong is really important after a lat flap.

  • Keryl
    Keryl Member Posts: 54

    Pilates4me - That makes sense about the core. I feel it after I take stairs also. I need to do more core but it scares me to move certain ways  -- and more stretching the back. I have been mostly stretching my shoulder, rhomboids and pec. also the scar and back massage from PT is helpful. the area where they tunneled is still sensitive but I can finally sleep on my left side again.

    Vivian, you are amazing. no way could I have gone to a conference so be safe and hang in there. room service sounds good. :) 

  • Keryl
    Keryl Member Posts: 54

    Dpiggy, I forgot to mention in my reply to you. I don't have expander this time around, they went straight to small implant. I remember TE previously though, but my pain was from the fill port, not the rib area. Or it feeling scratchy inside. .....BUT I do know that where the pocket is built with the new muscle from lat, my PS said he put several rows of sutures at the base of the breast for strength. I also said something about they secure to sternum, I know when stretching I do feel a pull there and then get some soreness. I am just guessing but wonder if when healing it gets tight there. Does anything help? Maybe talk to PT about it?  You don't want to do anything to disrupt area of course, but I know the right kind of stretching helps loosen and avoid binding scar tissue.   I know what you mean about everything looking good on outside but feeling uncertain on the inside. I look at it everyday that way....I have a little mirror to check out my back too. I think I drive my husband nuts.

    By the way everyone I am using Bio Oil on my back incision and it feels great and healing has gone well. I almost had to have a wound vac there because of difficult closure and I was worried about healing, but it healed like a charm and I think the Bio Oil helped. I started it once officially closed and  PS gave me ok to use products. (he says not scar gel or any of the scar repair; they can be irritants. He advised natural properties)  Have a good weekend 

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    Keryl - I think my TE on the left side is just annoying me more than usual.  I definitely can't wait to have them both out, but it's bothering something inside.  Nothing major - I just think something may have shifted.  I see my PS tomorrow, so I'm sure she'll let me know.  I can't believe it's been a month since the last time I saw her.  Time sure does go by quickly. 

    I'm also using a natural lotion my PS recommended - Potion of the Tropics.  All natural ingredients to avoid any irritation, & I agree, it has improved my skin overall. 


  • naiviv
    naiviv Member Posts: 308

    Hello all,

    Home finally. Conference was good but tiring. Getting kids ready for school then sleep. I see PS on Tuesday.


  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Good to year from you, Vivian. Have a good rest. You've earned it!

  • sharsalo
    sharsalo Member Posts: 38

    Hello! I am new to this thread. I am having the LD flapprocedure done in November and I’m quite nervous about it. My right breast mastectomywas performed in 2004 and I went through 7 weeks of radiation after that. Ten years later I’m going to finally havereconstruction done (LD, with expanders). My PS tells me my recovery time willbe only 2-1/2 weeks and then I can be back to work. Is that realistic? Timeaway from work is an issue for me, though they will give me 4 weeks if I needit. I just want to know what to expect. I’m not really sure what other oddnessto expect from the procedure, so any insight would be great.

    I’m also concerned about how much this may affect myability to swim, walk my dogs, kayak, etc., and to write/edit (I am right-handedand an editor, so I am constantly taking a pen and moving down sheets ofpaper). I’m not athletic by any means, but I am active and want to be sure Ican still engage in the activities I love. Thanks!

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Sharsalo, I too was a delayed reconstruction girl (left mastectomy done in 2008).  My PS said recovery for Phase I is 3 to 4 weeks.  I took off 4 1/2 weeks.  I started to feel good week 3 but I think the TE was laying on a nerve on my rib which hurt like heck, but that died down right before returning to work.  If I hadn't had that intermittent nerve pain, I could have come back to work sooner.  But you just won't know until you are healing. I will be 9 weeks out from surgery on Wednesday, and am doing so much more.  Just give yourself time and you should gain that strength back.  One weird thing I noticed was at the beginning of my recovery, I couldn't bend over to apply lotion to my legs, it felt so awful at first, so I would lift my leg up on the counter to apply it.  I now can bend over and apply the lotion, although my left lat flap side still feels odd when I do the upsweep motion to apply the lotion (hey that rhymes!), but I can do it!  I stretch everyday and it really helps.

  • turtle42
    turtle42 Member Posts: 31

    I had my lat flap surgery eight weeks ago today. I had the drain in my back for six and a half weeks. My back still swells by the end of the day. Im not sure if its fluid build up or what but it gets really tight. Just wondering if anyone else has had this happen? Also I have a really hard time putting my left arm {lat flap side) up over my head or just to reach something on a shelf. Have you found anything that helps loosen this up?

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Turtle, I can't believe you had that darn back drain so long, poor girl...My PS said you will know if you have a seroma, it will be a circle of fluid that will stick out.  Hopefully, your body will absorb whatever swelling is happening.  Or you may want your PS to have a look, how often do you see your PS?  Also, are you doing range of motion shoulder exercises?  That will really help.  Walk the wall, like when recovering from a mastectomy and hold it.  I really work on my ROM and I'm pretty much back to normal.

  • turtle42
    turtle42 Member Posts: 31

    Thanks Kfinnigan. I have been doing range of motion and some yoga but nothing so far has loosened it up. My ps said she would send to pt if I wanted to go. I think I'll try a little longer at home before I go that route. As of last week I was seeing my ps every week but now I have month break to see if the swelling in the lat flap side will go down. I should be ready for exchange surgery by the end of September and I can't wait to get these tissue expanders out!

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Turtle, are you done filling?

  • Keryl
    Keryl Member Posts: 54

    Reporting in....I can swim and actually swim!!!  I chopped veggies tonight and didn't have to stop in between. I carried my briefcase and computer to and from...before I was making two trips... I think I am moving ahead in this darn continuum. I know my entire lat and core area is still weak but I am 13 weeks out. I am slower than most because I was behind to begin with but tonight, I finally looked in the mirror and rotated my arms, lifted some things and then and looked at my shape and thought, d word, I might just look good...then I cried... :) 

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Keryl, hooray for swimming, chopping, carrying and looking good!

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Keryl, you just made my day!!!!!!!!