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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819

    Mariasnow - I've  read through all the posts on this thread and I have seen the progression of your experience.  It has been a year and it concerns me that you're having the difficulty you are having at this point.  I'm sorry you're going through this.  Others have posted serious complications and concerns too.  I don't know what to think.  

  • Purplegurll
    Purplegurll Member Posts: 89

    Hi ladies and thank you for the replies. Agreed, I figured by 8 weeks I would be easily able to handle household chores. I'll admit that I did clean for several hours - especially a lot of vacuuming. This same swelling happened a few weeks ago when I cleaned too. I'm pretty thin and the PS said then very little fluid and she could feel the TE's. I see her again on Thursday so will be sure to bring this swelling back up. She has not yet sent me to physical therapy and maybe that could help. I'm going through chemo now so in the grand scheme of things, a swollen breast is not the end of the world... but it does leave me worried about overdoing things physically (when I feel up to it). 

    Maria. I'm not a big runner but I do run occasional 5K's and I had hoped I could get back to that at some point post recovery. I did not realize running would potentially be so difficult.  I hope that your healing continues and you can get back to the sport you love at the high level you desire. All my best.

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    Purplegurl - my PS also gave me the green light @ 6 weeks post-op to resume normal activities after double lat flap.  Aside from some tightness initially, I didn't experience any swelling. 

    Warrior Woman - when I try to swim, I'm having some difficulty bringing my arms around.  I can do the motion just fine outside of the pool/gulf, but the resistance in water makes everything pull & doesn't feel normal to me.  I think I may also be afraid that I might stretch something too much or undo what's been done.  The TE's feel heavy as well, so maybe after my exchange, that will make it a little easier.  That surgery will be scheduled in October.

  • naiviv
    naiviv Member Posts: 308

    Hello all, hope you are all healing well.

    Got PS permission to go to the beach and swim (no Pool) so we went away for three days. I still have a drain.BB issues and am 3 weeks out. I protected all skin well with SPF 70. And I wore a bikini. Scars and all.

    The ocean was a bit rough, but it felt heavenly to be in the water. I do not have full range of motion on left arm to swim freestyle.  I was able to do a lot of stretching in water and a bit of breast stroke. I felt tightness in chest and stomache with some of my motions and a bit of pain so I stopped. I can't wait for bb to heal and drain out so I can go into a pool.  Back area is still tender when leaning against something.

    Anastrazole must have also kicked in because every joint hurt.

    I will be starting therapy soon.


  • ahdjdbcjdjdbkf
    ahdjdbcjdjdbkf Member Posts: 188

    I guess it comes down to this. My muscle that used tbe be on my back is now wrapped around my side and on my chest. I made the decision in haste based on being in utter crisis with repeat infections on the radiated side of my reconstruction. Common sense would say I'm not going to be normal. I'm even fine when walking at a decent clip, just not running. Combined with lymphedema I have really struggled with all of this. I still feel like I lost myself. I saw a picture of me today with compression sleeve, looking old and out of shape and stressed. I still miss the old me. Thanks for a safe place where I can share my feelings without being beat up with positive platitudes. 

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Mariasnow, thank you for your honesty. I want to hear the good, the bad, and the ugly not just all positive stuff. That helps no one.

  • ahdjdbcjdjdbkf
    ahdjdbcjdjdbkf Member Posts: 188

    I am grateful to have survived cancer. With that, there are always options for surgeries and help for things to improve in the future. Today is 2.5 years for me since diagnosis. I am committing myself even more to healthy choices in the next 2.5 years - less sugar, less alcohol, more exercise and fresh food; and a hell of a lot of Carpe Diem! 

  • KSteve
    KSteve Member Posts: 190

    FYI - I was told emphatically by my plastic surgeon, no vacuuming for the first 4 months.  I was not even cleared to do more than 5 lbs of lifting for 60-90 days.  Then gradually added a little weight after that.  But something about the motion of vacuuming made it a big no no in my PS's eyes. 

    I guess I am one of the lucky ones.  I'm the first to say that it was a huge surgery to recover from, but I'm very happy with my results.  I'm in better shape physically now then I was before.  And I'm definitely not a marter.  I'm being completely honest.  Everyone is different in their recovery and there are definitely some that have long-term, even permanent issues, related to this surgery.  I'm not one of them and for that, I'm very grateful.  Just as there is with any surgery, there are risks that should be seriously considered prior to undergoing this procedure.  It's a very personal decision and nobody should try to talk you into (or out of) the LD Flap reconstruction.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    KSteve, we all hope we'll be lucky like you.  Who knows why one person comes through virtually unscathed while someone else has complications.  All we can do is weigh the known and potential pluses and minuses, and take our best shot at a good decision. I'm going into this with fingers crossed and hoping for the best. BTW, it's fine with me if I can't vacuum for a few months. I count that as one of the pluses. :-)

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    Mariasnow, I am also grateful. 

    I have battled breast cancer for the past 16 years, and my hopes that it is behind me w/ the bmx & lat surgeries, make this journey all worth while.  I am fortunate that I have not had any complications w/ the LD flap, & I am definitely pleased w/ the results.  I can't wait to get rid of these TE's, but I've gotten used to them.  I have come to the conclusion & realization that this is my "new normal", & I make adjustments on a daily basis. 

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    So tried sleeping on my left side (lat flap side) and since doing so, that horrid rib pain came back.  Not constant but kept rearing its ugly head.  This stupid TE is not happy with being messed with!  I didn't sleep on left side last night and haven't been bothered by the pain today!

    I can't jump around or run yet, it feels odd/bothersome to the lat flap.  Oh...and when I get cold (or stretch) the newly moved lat flap feels so weird!!!!!!!  like plastic wrap around a limb being pressed...hard to describe!

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    kfinnigan - my PS showed me how to move the TE's if I feel like they are pressing on something.  She also recommended massaging to help w/ any tightness.  Not sure if your PS would suggest the same.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Mariasnow, I know what you mean about feeling as though you've lost yourself. I feel the same way and also feel like I've aged 10 years in the last one and look it. I'm struggling too. You won't hear any platitudes from me! I made my decision to delay recon because I had too many things to think about with stage III cancer and had been told I could have any recon procedure I wanted at any time by the PS I consulted. No mention of the effects of radiation. I'd do it differently knowing what I know now, but we don't get a do-over. Damn it.

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    Good morning ladies: I will be cancer free five years this October. however, yes great to that, but numerous problems.

    Had mast on right side in oct. 09, with immediate reconstruction with TE and exchange in March 10 with implant and mastopexy on left side. Severe scarring occured on left side but that is ok. On implant side two capsular contractors, implants were changed to smaller onces,had to go to Pain Management for severe scarring in implant area with phenol injections, kenelog,lymphadema pt. To make a long story short, after contant complainting, I am 5.2 120 lbs, 65 and not a good candidate for tram flat, free tram or diep. My doctor and 2nd opinion dr. suggested the lat. which I heard about and only met one person who had it. It is scheduled for next Wed Sept 10, 3-4 hours he said, I am scared to death, my boob hates me, dr. explained I will be getting a smaller boob and my own tissue should make me feel lighter on that side. Medicare will only allow me 3 days in hospital,  stupidest of questions, I have a husband who is not well, a companion will be cming in for him, how long before I can drive and walk the dog 25 lbs. Dr. said a 6 week recovery. Will this be worse than the original mast and tissue expander. Again, I will be keeping my implant. I was scared about the mast. but this is totally making me nuts. Any thoughts??? Just scared don't want anymore pain or discomfort.  I was always very active, zumba, gym rat, love walking.

     What happens when you go home with drains, visiting nurses????? Just scared.  Thank you.

    PS Never chemo or rads, finishing Femara in December due to having stopped Arimidex bc of side effects. Again thank you.

  • shorfi
    shorfi Member Posts: 437

    I guess I am no help with this, but I just need to vent. I had the lat flap done on 8/1/13 and had final reconstruction on 4/9/14. I am still so very uncomfortable. My chest is still tight, but I have experienced the drop and fluff that the ladies mention. When will I feel "normal" again. I can't stand the extra bood feeling under my armpits. I can have revision work done where my left breast was radiated 10 years ago and now have some divots there, but I am so sick and tired of procedures. I have to say it's not pain, but just so darn uncomfortable. Is it me, or is anyone experiencing something like this too?

    Also want to mention that I can sleep in any position I want, never had any problem in that area. But sometimes when I move I am afraid that something is going to pop!!!

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    Shorfi: Vent all you want.  I am the Queen of Venting. Hope this gave you a little smile. Hugs.

  • Marianne52
    Marianne52 Member Posts: 29

    I need some help deciding what to do. I have had two opinions from two different Doctors at two different hospitals. The fisrt one wants to do a DIEP and the second one said I would have to lose 20-30 lbs before he would do that and wants to do a Latissimus Dorsi flap. 

    I have been up all night researching both and can't make up my mind. It also makes me a little nervous wondering why one Doctor thinks it is ok to do the DIEP and one doesn't. Any help would be appreciated.. Thank you..

  • Kthielen
    Kthielen Member Posts: 176


    I live in Phoenix and my plastic surgeon is Dr. Ali Mosharrafa.  I am having delayed reconstruction due to radiation.  He wants to do the lat. flap 3 months after radiation.  I have 5 days left of radiation so am hoping to have my surgery in December.  He has come highly recommended and I liked him when I had a consultation with him.  

    Good luck!

  • 2bluestars
    2bluestars Member Posts: 10

    So I had my first step in my recon process on Friday the 29th.  I'm doing pretty good I guess, sore as hell but the meds help with that.  I have 3 drains, which is better then the 4 to 5 I was expecting.  However, I did have a "wtf" reaction to the way the area looks.  My right side, cancer side, had the ld flap done.  The left, just the te.  Why is my right "boob" bigger then the left?  But even more concerning is this strange roll of fat from the "boob to the under arm area that wasn't there before.  It looks like, well it looks just ridiculous.    I see the ps tomorrow, hopefully to have drains removed and my 1st fill....but he has some serious splain'n to do.  I wish I knew how to post a pic to this thread so you gals could see what I'm talking's like a 3rd boob under my arm.   Anyone have this?  Do they fix it?  I'm worried it's not going to fall under "medically necessary" for insurance purposes. 

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Dpiggy, thanks for that info about being able to move the TE.  I don't see my PS til 9/22 but I've tried moving the bottom of the TE off that sore rib spot, but I don't think its moving at all, but I'm doing ok!

    2Tabbies, I can honestly say i know EXACTLY how you feel.  Same thing in 2008 for me at 46 yrs old, Stage IIIb, all 16 nodes cancerous, chemo, rads, Tamoxifen and Arimidex - was always told reconstruction no problem.  Over the 6 years since diagnosis, I am focusing on the positives and its pretty darn exciting looking down after all these years and seeing a mound on my chest.  I didn't think it would affect me like it has, but I'm very grateful.  I wish you the best with your decision.  Keep us posted.

    Ronqt1 - You will not be pain free from this procedure, but you will heal.  We all heal in our own time, so can't tell you how long.  If I didn't have that darn sore spot on my ribs from  radiation damage, and the TE laying on that spot, I would have been doing really well after a couple of weeks.  Took me 4 and 1/2 weeks to really feel better.

    Marianne, I didn't have enough fat/tissue for a DIEP procedure, and had radiation damage so the lat flap was my only option.

    2bluestars, I've heard that that 'lumpy' part under your arm will settle down.  Mine has!

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Dpiggy, I guess it's good to know I wasn't the only one led down the garden path regarding options for recon. This is why I'm so anal about researching things for myself. The docs never tell me everything I want to know. 

    When you said "you will not be pain free from this procedure," you're talking about during the recovery period, right? You didn't mean we should expect to be in pain permanently, I hope. If so, I'm

  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    2Tabbies - I think your response was meant for 'kfinnigan'.

    I did my research as well, & my doctors answered all my questions, & then some.  Both my surgeons were very thorough, especially my PS, & were very clear about my options.  I can honestly say that the first 4-6 weeks post op (bmx & double lat one day later) were tough.  And although my PS covered everything, my perception was that I was going to fly right through this.  I have a very high tolerance for pain, & I push myself to my limits, but this surgery & my body told me differently.  I am certain that I made the right decision(s), & I am very pleased with the results.  My PS has been spot on from day one, & I have learned to listen when she talks.  Smile  I have my twinges & tightness, but I am in a really good place right now.  I'm just hoping I'm saying the same thing when I have the exhange procedure in October.

  • 2Tabbies
    2Tabbies Member Posts: 927

    Dpiggy, yes, I meant kfinnigan. Sorry. 

    The perception I get from my PS is similar to what yours was - that this surgery isn't that bad to recover from or at least easier than some of the other flap procedures.  Of course, I already had the BMX so I'm "just" having the the LD flap and expander on one side and just an expander on the other.  I'm not sure how much that would change the recovery.  It's interesting that you found it more difficult than you expected. I usually tolerate surgery and recovery well.  We shall see if that holds true for this procedure. 

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490

    Yes 2Tabbies, what DPiggy said!  My PS said recovery was 3 to 4 weeks for lat flap and 1 to 2 weeks for exchange and then 1 week for nipple/areola construction.  I was more in the 4 to 5 week recovery.  

  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    Hi gals, just came from general dr. for clearance. He said they were going to take the muscle from the back and move it to where all my problems are with my implant, more firmness.  Unforunately, my journey from day 1 could not be explained with scarring and thanks to all my new friends on this site and all pms I know nothing is perfect but praying for more comfort. I am not a fast healer, a big problem, but his undoubtealby will be the last surgery. Just can't do anymore.  A small implant will be in to replace current one, so no TE, never had radiation or chemo, just boob aggrevation on the mast side. Never had problems with mastopexy except huge keloids which have disappeared.  I have had patience since October 09, am optimistic. Was so disappointed that tram flat, free tram or diep could not be done due to little fat on belly, but thank you gals on this site to give me the hope and less pain and discomfort for all of your honesty with the boards. Plus too many emergency room runs due to pain of axia and boob. Total insanity. Dr. insisted I remove it and I said no way.

    Thank you KSteve for answering my "silly" questions and thank you all. I am sure I will be asking more before next Wed.

    I was out all day and just learned that Joan Rivers passed away and this is now preoccuping my mind. She was not everyone's cup of tea but I loved her and because of her passion to help the homeless and God's Love, We Deliver, you could not find a more admirable woman. So my mind is preoccupied for a moment. Sorry to take away from the subject of the Lat Flap. which I never knew anything about except for one gal I met a few years ago.

    Hugs, Ronna

  • 2bluestars
    2bluestars Member Posts: 10

    Saw my ps today.  I asked about the weird fat roll under my arm, it's part of the back muscle they moved to the front.  He said it will go down a lot on it's own and then we he does the finishing touches at the exchange he'll lipo suction the rest.   He took two of three drains out today.   Hoping to get the last one taken out next week, along with my first fill.

  • naiviv
    naiviv Member Posts: 308

    Hello all,

    Last drain finally out yesterday and have date of 10/20  for phase 2 of lat flap. It will be tightened and lifted.  Fat grafting to fill may occur or not till all skin heals closed ( depends of how he sees skin). Some revisions to diep incisions are pending, but I may wait to see if time make them better and I can avoid reopening.


  • DPiggy
    DPiggy Member Posts: 132

    2bluestars - I had what I called a "loaf" under my arms, more so right than left.  My PS told me the same thing - it would eventually go down on it's own.  I'm 20 weeks out, & it is almost back to normal.  I'm guessing when I have the TE's removed & implants in that will bring it down to normal. 

    naiviv - congrats on getting your last drain removed.  Good luck w/ phase 2.

    2tabbies - my biggest discomfort was my back.  The bulk of my recovery was from the flap.  Then when the pain eased up, I couldn't sit normal in a chair, lay back in a recliner or bed w/out support from pillows.  I started to believe that I was never going to be able to lean or lay back again.  With double lat, I didn't have a "good" side. But that has passed, w/ the exception of tightness & a little discomfort if I lean back too quickly or hard.  I am still overly cautious around crowds & people bumping into me.   


  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    Hi gals its me again,  I assume I will have a drain in my back. Am I correct???? Initial mast. I had one. Mind is going crazy again.  Is 3-4 days in hospital normal.  I meet with PS on Tues day before surg for final instructions and to get my prescriptions for meds.

    Hugs, Ronna  PS I guess since I went through the TEs initally mine will be concentrated on rebuilding the implant with the muscle.Again, my left side will be left alone. I want to make my boob stop throbbing which it does, and hopefully this procedure will stop it. God willing.

    Thank you.

  • naiviv
    naiviv Member Posts: 308

    Ronna, can do this.

    I had 2 drains in my side/back and one in each breast.  I spent 2 days in the hospital and was fine to go home. I had lat flap to lefty and phase 2a to DIEP righty.

    I am 4 weeks post LD flap and feeling better every day. I start PT for range of motion next week and strenghtening my core post DIEP.

    Take care,
