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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448

    Thanks, westieluv! I think we are shooting for 600 ccs. The back incision isn't bothering me yet, but every once in a while it feels like a weird muscle cramp in my back; I'm sure it will normalize before too long. You've had an amazing transfornation--can't wait to see your new pics!

  • Fearless_One
    Fearless_One Member Posts: 905

    I keep reading about endoscopic lat flap (no scar), but the only PS I can find who does it is in Nevada.    It must be really new?

  • westieluv
    westieluv Member Posts: 245

    Fearless_One :  I don't think it's that new, but just isn't done that much since most ladies need the skin flap from the back.  There are some PS that specialize in microsurgery of this type.  Please PM Whippetmom.  She may be able to help you locate other surgeons. 

    It would be fantastic if you only need the muscle and no skin on the breast mound.  I have heard of it and thought there was a surgeon in Ohio that I read about.  If I find anything on it, I'll let you know.

    If you don't need the skin, have you considered the Brava fat grafting method that a doctor down in Florida is doing?  Just a thought.

  • Faythnme
    Faythnme Member Posts: 92

    Well I am hoping to go in fir my last surgery in a couple of months. I've dcided to just get the right side revised a little, no nipples and no liposuction. I might get a fake tattoo of a nipple on the right side and I'm going to get a design tattooed on my left side to meet another tattoo on my back left side. The one on my back is a purple iris a red rose and a cross in memory of my parents. I've asked a few friends to come up with a drawing and I would use it if ut fits with the one in the back. Im quite excited and can't wait til its done. My 9th surgery in 2 years almst done. I also just celebrated 2 years FREE if cancer.

    We are all strong women and can do anything we set our minds too.

    Thanks for listening.


  • westieluv
    westieluv Member Posts: 245

    Yeah Cindy!

    An abundance of surgeries does wear us down and not everyone needs the nips.  If you think the revision is what you need to do, then go for it.  Is it a symmetry problem or something else?  Sounds like you have a great plan for the tattoo and it will be meaningful for you.  

    Congratulations on the 2 year mark!  You and the other ladies on this forum give hope and resolution to many other ladies that they can do this reconstruction. 

  • newbe6
    newbe6 Member Posts: 20

    I had BLX in Ap 2011, with immediate reconstruction and TX.  One side had an protracted and undiagnosed infection, and on that side the TX was removed in May. I am planning LD surgery as soon as I have healed (Sept or Oct).  I am concerned about getting a new infection and other complications. Also I have read that it may be better to have an endoscopic surg for the the LD.  I would really appreciate hearing others experiences.  I am new and not sure how this website works.


  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509

    I posted this website over a year ago and thought I would repost it.....warning: this is a live broadcast of a MX and LD flap reconstruction surgery

  • westieluv
    westieluv Member Posts: 245

    Well in the midst of my recovery post implant exchange, my Mother has just been diagnosed with BC.  We don't know much yet, except her biopsy was positive for cancer.  She called me and I cried as she told me.  She is supposed to get a call tomorrow for an appointment with a breast surgeon to review her options.

    I have all the feelings all over again.  My Mom is 71 years young and a widow.  She told me that I've been strong and she can be strong too.  Sorry, but I just have to cry.

  • Adnerb
    Adnerb Member Posts: 727

    Beth, I have not been posting often, but I had to say that it's great you are there for your mother.  You can hold her hand, and walk with her through all the steps of this journey.

    Take care.


  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448

    So sorry to hear about your mom, westieluv.

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509

    Beth, I am so sorry about your mom's diagnosis.  Thanks be to God that she has you for support.  We go through tough things in our lives to prepare us to help others and this is just the case with you and your mom.  You have my prayers.

  • Fearless_One
    Fearless_One Member Posts: 905

    Thanks, Westie - I don't think Khouri is on my insurance (which means I can't go).   I don't even know that I will get CC, but I know my chances are at least 50/50, so I like to do my homework.

    True about the lat flap - I didn't think about that.   With endoscopic method, they would not be able to take any skin, and I would probably need the skin.   I don't have much back there to begin with.     

  • Fearless_One
    Fearless_One Member Posts: 905

    Westie, - I am so sorry about your mom - I didn't see that post at first.   Perhaps it will be very early stage, hopefully......?

  • newbe6
    newbe6 Member Posts: 20

    Thanks, Linda.  I have been having internet problems and have tried to watch the video  3 times, and the video keeps freezing, but I think it is my server.  I think I can read through this whole thread and get info, but just didn't realize there are pages before the one I posted on.  I have to have a good connection though and time.  So I look forward to hearing others experience and what to expect.

  • westieluv
    westieluv Member Posts: 245

    I changed my avatar picture because I grew my hair out.  I felt the need to have it long again. I'm fickle, so I may chop it off again depending on the day.  My stylist never knows what I'm going to do.  So far, I have been on the grow out train.

    Feeling pretty good 1 week out from exchange.  Hope everyone else is doing well.  Anyone need help on anything?  No question is off limits, so ask away if you are lurking here and considering the Lat Flap procedure.

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509


    Love your new are very pretty.  I am so glad you are doing well. Have you posted pics yet?....guess I could hop over to the pic forum to check  LOL.....Have a great weekend

  • westieluv
    westieluv Member Posts: 245

    The pics I posted were next day after procedure.  I am going to post some more pictures after my post-op appointment on Monday.  They are changing just a little bit every day.  Very weird shaped in the first pictures.  Hoping they round out when the swelling goes down.

    I am still swelling everyday.  Start out fine in the morning and swell more and more during the day.  Is this normal?

  • Faythnme
    Faythnme Member Posts: 92

    Hey Linda - Good to see you back.  I haven't been on much battling depression along with everything else going on. 

    Hey Beth ~ First I am sorry to hear about your mother.  You are both strong women and conquer anything you put your mind to.  As far as my next surgery I am getting just the right side revised as it has drooped quite a bit.  I am always wearing an enhancer in the bra to round it out.  It will be nice to not have to wear it any more.  I also think it's the cause of the fat necrosis I have in the middle of the mound.  I also have fat necrosis on the inside near the sternum {those hurt sometimes}.  When I get the revisiion the PS will take them all out.

     Have a great weekend ladies!! Live your truth and be happy!!!!


  • westieluv
    westieluv Member Posts: 245

    I got back from the post-op appointment.  I need to take it easy for another week to be sure the incisions don't open.  I'm going to wait until tomorrow to post more photos on the pic forum.  I am tired from all the travel and my right side is sore.

    PS removed the steri strips and I feel a little insecure without them.  Not that they do that much, but I wasn't seeing the incision line and it made me feel a little more confident.

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448

    Saw your pics, Beth--you are looking great!

    I am going back to work today. Still have 1 JP drain in my back, yay. Getting used to the TE's--I am not constantly aware that they are there.

  • Faythnme
    Faythnme Member Posts: 92

    I was going to post pictures some time but just got to busy.  Can some one point in the direction to the picture site?



  • jan12355
    jan12355 Member Posts: 1

    Just had delayed reconstruction two weeks ago.  TE on nonradiated side; lat flap & TE on radiated side.  Radiated tissue below lat flap tissue is red & purple--not hot or sore, no change in several days, and I am not running a fever.  On antibiotics earlier and started again 2 days ago but seeing no improvement.  Has this happened to anyone? 

  • westieluv
    westieluv Member Posts: 245

    Faythnme ~

    PM Whippetmom, or MBJ.  They can help get you in.

    Jan12355 ~

    One of the ladies that had rads then lat flap, will be along to help you with your question.  Sorry I can't answer it.

  • justagirl
    justagirl Member Posts: 633

    I was quite red and purpleish a week later at the bottom of the LD flap breast.  My PS said red and/or purple was fine - just bruising due to broken blood vessels.  I said I was concerned and she said not to be.  I should be concerned if the tissue was white or grey which would be an indicator of a lack of blood supply which could lead to necrosis.

    Like you said, not sore or hot, no major changes in last few days and no fever.

    If you are still concerned call your PS and if you can't get in to see him/her then you could email them a picture.

    Radiated tissue has impaired circulation - that's why we need the LD flap because the tissue and pec muscle that got radiation isn't strong enough to safely support the implant.

    Good luck.

  • westieluv
    westieluv Member Posts: 245

    I've noticed a big decline in the swelling I was having.  Now waiting for the drop and fluff.  I get to move into a soft sports bra type tomorrow. I need to buy one that encapsulates and lifts. Going to the bras 101 to look.  I just don't know for sure what size to order.   I'm going to use the HerRoom sizing guide as a start.

    I'm exhausted after helping my Mom for the weekend. She has pretty much decided BMX with no recon.  She is just worried about getting the cancer eradicated and surviving the chemo.  I wish I could take her anxiety and hurt away, but we all know what that feels like.  Waiting to hear what her 2nd opinion doc says on Thursday.  She meets with local oncologist the next week.  My recovery is definitely not on my radar right now.

  • Faythnme
    Faythnme Member Posts: 92

    Good Morning Ladies!

    Beth - I understand you want to be there for your mother but don't forget your recovery is still very important and you need to stay on top of it.  While you stay strong with your recovery you will be of greater assistance to your mother.  I hope this makes sense.

  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436

    Hello ladies - I am new here.  I had a UMX with immediate TE placement on 6/8/2011 with a skin and nipple sparring surgery.  Due to infection, the TE was removed on 7/12/2011.  In my last PS visit on last Wednesday, my PS explained that due to scar tissue adhering to my chest wall, that the simple TE to implant option was no longer viable; the available skin had been compromised (the nipple is viable still).  So I now need a flap surgery of some type for my reconstruction in order to have sufficient skin for the breast.

    Between the TRAM type flap and its muscle sparring variations, and the LD, the LD looks better to me since I am thin already and mostly because it is a less complex surgery given that microscopic surgery is not needed with it.

    So I am looking to you ladies help me on a few things - first - are my thoughts on target with what I've listed about. And second, has anyone else had the LD surgery with skin and nipple saving surgery where the incision for the mastectomy was in the fold under the breast?

    Thanks you all!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004

    Hi Ladies,

    I just had the lat flap done on my right side on July 20th. I complained that the breast is in my armpit and my ps told me that is from edema. I am now nearly four weeks out and it has not gone down any and I am thinking this is what I am stuck with. I am losing patience as this was my 9th surgery and I am one year + post bmx.  I am looking for hope here that someone has had this issue and that the "breast" will either shift or that there is still a chance that it is swollen. I have not seen my PS as I am on a wait and see, waiting for my final problem drain to be ready for removal. 

    I just read a few pages here and must say that it is nice to have found this thread.  

    Beth, thinking of you and sending you and your dear Mother hugs and prayers. I will try to follow her journey here. I am glad she made the decision for the bmx with no recon. It just makes sense to me especially considering how common it is to have issues (I am the poster child for reconstruction issues).

    Nancy, wow, thanks for posting the video of the procedure.  I found it awesome to find Dr. Steve Copit doing the procedure, he is part of my group of PS's, Jefferson Plastic Surgery. I also had my latest surgeries at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital.  I get a kick out of all the residents that work with the doctors - many seem soooo young and all I can do is think of Dr. Doogie Houser lol. 

    Well thanks for allowing me to express myself. I have been watching this thread for over a month but never stopped in to say hello. 

    Wishing all the gals here peace, love and longevity!


  • Stanzie
    Stanzie Member Posts: 1,611

    Westieluv - I'm so sorry about your Mom! At least you can help her through it all but gosh how very difficult.

    Fearless_One - PM Kate 33 if you are interested in the fat grafting, she just had it done and has been so happy with the results.

    I've not been so happy with the lat surgery - it has been over a year + now still have pain in my back from the deep scars and the horrible painful pillows under my arms. My surgery was exactly like the link posted above ..... wish I had had the time for more research. My BS and PS were so positive about this type of surgery but now there are so many other options that are more and more common. I had asked about the fat grafting but the only Dr. who did it at the time - well, it was still new and he didn't want to do it so.... 

  • newbe6
    newbe6 Member Posts: 20

    I have just finished reading this entire thread and THANK YOU ALL for so much help and information.  It is exactly what I was looking for.  I am now equipped with a long list of ?'s to take to the PS today.  He made it seem like this surgery was very risk free, but I can now see that there are many complications, and many women who post initially think all is great, but with time  have complications, cosmetic disappointments and revisions, often fairly serious and sometimes very serious.  Westieluv, did your shoulder pain resolve?  I was told by both the first PS who did the BMX and TE and the second PS, who I plan to go to for the LD in Sept or Oct, that I could work out as soon as the drains are out (ie kyaking and lifting weights), but after reading this thread, I am thinking this may result in complications such as shoulder pain and "iron bra."  I have been doing cardio and upper body weight and kyaking since the drains were removed after the TE was taken out (due to infection) in May.  But it sounds like I should try to be patient about working out after the LD,  There are probably many other discussions topics on this website that will be helpful too, but it is hard to balance time spent on bc and recon with other parts of my life.  Thanks again---and I wish you all well.  I have PM'd to try to find out newer types of LD such as endoscopic, so if anyone has info on that, please let me know.  But I don't think I am a candidate for endoscopic or any other type of recon.