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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    westieluv - Sounds like your doing well after your latest surgery.  That's good.  What is IMF?

  • westieluv
    westieluv Member Posts: 245

    jwilco - Inframammary fold: the indentation fold at the bottom of the breast.  If they don't get the line right there, nothing they build above it looks normal.

  • westieluv
    westieluv Member Posts: 245

    How's everyone doing?  I hope you are all just busy with Christmas decorating and shopping.

    Anybody else laid up at home after a surgery, like me?  If not, regale me with your lores of bargain shopping.  How I love a good deal.  I'm in withdrawal and trying not to cyber shop too much.

  • Fearless_One
    Fearless_One Member Posts: 905

    Westieluv, you needed another surgery after Lat Dorsi??    Sheesh, does it ever end?   I sometimes wonder if the PS's aren't trying to drum up more costs or something.   The amount of surgeries needed for a successful recon seem a little crazy.  

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    Westieluv, I hope you are doing well after your latest surgery.  I'm mentally preparing for my revision surgery scheduled for March.  My UMX lat side is slightly larger than my right.  So I'm pondering and thinking about if I want him to try and match the right side to the new left, or vice versa.  So many things to think about.  I think I'll have to schedule a pre appt before the preop just to make sure I've got it all straight in my head exactly what he wants to do.   I've been trying to see examples on the picture site but I'm not good at searching that site yet.  I'm hoping to post my own pics soon. 

    Take care!

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    I wanted to add that I think my reconstruction side is actually starting to be lower than my non recon side.  I'm wondering if any other UMX lat recon folks had that happen.  Another reason I want to wait a little for my revision, to see what happens with a little more time.

  • westieluv
    westieluv Member Posts: 245

    Fearless-One ~  I don't think everyone requires as much surgery. My case was just screwed up from the beginning and it has taken a long time and many surgeries to get me back on track.  Plastic Surgery is like painting.  You put some brush strokes on and have to stand back to see how it comes together.  When they do too much at one time, it rarely comes out looking as natural as you want.  PS must have some body artistic gene or something.  For me, it's the patience part that is so hard.  I wanted instant results and my expectations on NSM procedures were way off.

    Jwilco ~ The reason I had the latest revision surgery was to try to get a better match with the left side.  I think you are wise to let things settle and see what you have going before doing anything more.  I saw alot of changes in 3-4 months since my initial exchange, but the right side kept getting larger and the tight left side never did.  We couldn't revise the left to match the right, so I had to have him reduce the right side.

    It is not an easy decision with reconstruction.  I hope the ladies that get great results with a minimum of surgeries really know how blessed they are.  My envy is showing here, but I can't help it.  It's been a long, painful and expensive road....and I'm still not done.

    I think I need to cybershop or get my nails done.  Anything to get my mind off the foobs.

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    So last night I decided to read through all the posts.  Got to about page 12 and my eyes glazed over.  Smile  I'll get to the rest eventually.  So many many women that have shared their experiences and given support.  I'm so grateful for all of you.  Thank you. 

    The reason I was searching was just for peace of mind.  I have maybe already told my story in an early post, but I had the left side UMX, skin sparring (not nipple though) to immediate implant with the LD Flap.  That was in October.  Well, things are settling and my left side is seeming like it's dropping slightly more than right, plus it is a little larger too.  So I have my revision scheduled for March 6.  He will be swapping out an old implant in the right and most likely make it larger to match the left.  I feel like I notice the difference, even in bra and clothes and it's bothering me.

    I'm wondering, is that too soon for first revision?  I'm wondering how much more things will change.  How long does it take for that lat muscle to atrophy enough to know if it will need to lifted up a little?

    I do plan on scheduling an appt with the PS in Jan/Feb, just to review.  But in the mean time, I thought I would see if there are any answers or suggestions from all the ladies here. 


  • westieluv
    westieluv Member Posts: 245
    jwilco ~ I think it is good to wait until March.  You may see more changes by that time line.  I have been told that the muscle starts to atrophy almost immediately when it is relocated.  I buy that to a point, but you still have to stop doing motions that engage the muscle.  If you can still feel your LD muscle moving with certain activities, then it isn't going to completely atrophy.  It will shrink to a point and then stay there.
  • westieluv
    westieluv Member Posts: 245

    I got an OK at my post op appointment today.  See the PS again in 4 weeks to see how things are going swelling wise and scar wise and then a possible discussion about nipple recon.  PS isn't promising me anything.  He has concerns about the viability of nipple recon with the condition of my skin on the left side.  I may have to be satisfied with a 3D tattoo.  Waiting to see what will happen.  This whole process has been about surviving treatment, surgeries, re-adjusting expectations and re-prioritizing what is important in life. 

  • lulu89
    lulu89 Member Posts: 2

    I had a bilateral  in Jan. of this year with immediate reconstruction.  I have lost both my expanders by March due to infection.  The infection has never completley cleared up on the left side and have even been on IV antibiotics for two weeks.  My PS removed the infected spot about four weeks ago but since I also had radiation on the left side I ended getting a hole that wont close.  He is now telling me I need to do the Latissmus dorsi flap just to replace the damaged tissue and hopefully have the infection removed.  Has anyone else had this happen to them???  At this point I only want the infection gone and whole closed but I am worried that if my surgery a month ago didn't heal will this surgery go well.  I am also worried about all the discomfort too.  If anyone has any input please let me know.

  • westieluv
    westieluv Member Posts: 245
    Lulu89 ~ Radiated skin does have a hard time healing.  Can you PM me with specifics on where you are getting treatment and who your PS is?  I think you need to consider getting another opinion before doing anything else.
  • SheChirple
    SheChirple Member Posts: 95

    westieluv: I am hoem healing as well, but from my original BMX with TE.  I had to go against the TRAM or LAT Flap procedures due to recent significant (125+ lbs) weight loss which made my tissue not viable.  So, I have just straight TE implants.

    I am cybershopping and miss the malls (well, not really).  My best find has been the Cricut Cake Machine bundle that I have been eyeing at almost $475 for a few $49.95!  You read it. DEAL!  I ordered 2 and wish I knew someone to order more! LOL

  • Deborah46
    Deborah46 Member Posts: 3

    Hi ladies - I am writing this message on behalf of my mom.  She had this surgery 2 1/2 weeks ago and everything went really well.  She came home feeling great.  Last Tuesday she was up and about likely doing too much (cleaning her cupboards out, washing floors, etc....going all day).  The next day she noticed she was experiencing back spasms - the best way she can describe it is like it is a snake wiggling from the bottom of her back all the way up.  The next day she was out between shopping and appointments for a good 6hrs (she tells me the Dr told her walking was ok so she says this was fine but I am not convinced).  She rested most of the day yesterday and then woke up this morning experiencing the back spasms again.  Has anyone else experienced this?  any advice/similar situations would be greatly helpful. 


  • westieluv
    westieluv Member Posts: 245

    Deb ~ it is most likely the lat muscle coming from the bottom of the scapula area that is causing her some discomfort.  She is being very, very active this close from her surgery and while the activity may not harm her, the consequence of not letting that area calm down and heal is her pain.

    She may also be feeling the tightness that you get from the muscle tunneling.  Depending on whether her latissimus was excised down to the lower back ligament, this would give her that snaking sensation.  I have experienced it but it was early on in my recovery.

    Urge her to slow down a bit.  She just had a major surgery.  If she gives her body a little more time to recover without stress, she should do just fine.

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    Deborah46 - I agree.  It's great that she's feeling well enough to do all that, but probably is too much too soon.  Sometimes it's hard to just slow down when you are used to doing everything you want when you want.  I found that if I did too much moving around using my lat flap side then later on that night I would notice more puffyness and sometimes weird spasms.  Even just from doing laundry, moving the clothes from washer to dryer. 

    Try and get her to slow down a little bit. 

  • lulu89
    lulu89 Member Posts: 2

    Westieluv, I think I sent you a PM but make sure because I am new to posting on this site so I am wondering if I did something wrong.  This seems to have been a long road and I just want to hear other peoples stories  to help me decied  and maybe someone can think of questions I can ask the doctor about this.

  • westieluv
    westieluv Member Posts: 245
    LuLu89 ~ I sent you a reply by PM.
  • fitzdc
    fitzdc Member Posts: 755

    One week and one day from this surgery.  Not puffy anymore, but feel tight.  Amazed that so many are out and about so soon after surgery.  I tire walking around the block and need to nap.     Down to 2 drains.  PS mentioned next surgery for March (nipple).

  • Deborah46
    Deborah46 Member Posts: 3

    Thank you for the responses ladies.  I will pass along the message to her and completely agree with you.  That is what I suspected the issue likely was.  I'm going to tell her to slow down and accept more help - appreciate your advice!


  • Stanzie
    Stanzie Member Posts: 1,611

    concerning the fat under the arm. I have read many women have said their PS took care of this and was covered under insurance. Mine said nope once the reconstruciton was done anything else is cosmetic and would have to pay out of pocket which I cannot do. I am quite unhappy and miserable at times about it as I can't wear many clothes and a lot of time cannot wear a bra as it is so painful it makes me cry. Also don't know about the iron bra... I had that tightness around my chest to begin with but it has gone. What is have is the pain on my back from the scars. I still cannot sit in chairs without pillow and it is just very painful. I wish I had been warned about all this beforehand. I do not think I could recommend this type of reconstruction. Just my experience.

  • westieluv
    westieluv Member Posts: 245


    For the back pain, I found that I was really experiencing a sensativity in the area where the muscles were lifted (scar area) and it took a time period for that underlying tissue and scar line to get desensitized.  It isn't used to the sensations since the nerves there had never had direct daily stimulation from clothing, and rubbing against stuff.  I went to a local massage therapist and had her really work that scar line.  I had to take a muscle relaxer and really concentrate to make myself relax during the massage, but after a couple of sessions, I noticed that the sensativity that I had felt as pain started to ease.

    Have you tried back massage therapy yet?

  • asr51
    asr51 Member Posts: 28

    Stanzie, have you gotten a second opinion from another doctor?  After my first doctor said he couldn't do anything more for me and I was so unhappy about the underarm bulge, I went to see another doctor.  This doctor ended up replacing my implants and getting rid of the bulge.  Everything was covered by insurance.


  • fitzdc
    fitzdc Member Posts: 755

    Westieluv - how soon after surgery did you begin the massage therapy? 


  • westieluv
    westieluv Member Posts: 245

    fitzdc ~ I just checked my checkbook record and it was exactly 8 weeks after my bilateral lat D surgery.  When those underlying tendons and muscles have not had any friction, it takes awhile for your sensations to lessen.  Massage helps with the scar tissue release also.

  • apriljoy
    apriljoy Member Posts: 6

    Hi all! I am a newbie here but can I just say I already feel so supported just having read the countless threads on this incredible site. 

     I do not have breast cancer, but my mom and aunt (they were twins) were both diagnosed at 29 and 30, my grandmother was also diagnosed at 48 and so was her sister a few years after she was. I have lost all of them to this horrible disease. 

     To make a long story short, due to my family history, genetic mutation, and after a trip to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN earlier this year, I've decided to have a bilateral prophylactic mastectomy and immediate LD reconstruction with an implant. 

     I love my plastic surgeon and my breast doctor, but I am really just needing a first hand account of what recovery is like to ease my worried mind and so I can have a better idea of how long I'll be out of work! 

    How long was everyone's recovery? I know since I am not having radiation or chemo, it'll probably be different, but even a general idea would really help me.  I am just graduating from University (final exam is on Saturday night!) and I have student loans to repay so I am really curious as to how long I need to budget my recovery time and repayment plan!

     Sorry for the long post! I just wanted to try and get in on this fabulous forum! Thanks so much everyone! :)  

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    apriljoy - sorry you had to find your way here.  I'm sure you will find the support you need to ease your mind.  I only had a unilateral, left side, mastectomy.  I had skin sparring and immediate implant.  I was in the hospital for three days.  I would say that it took me at least a week before I felt able to sleep in my bed, but I didn't have a lot of pillows and found the couch easier to get up from using only one side.  So keep that in mind, with both sides I would think you would have to be creative.  Overall once I was home from the hospital I was much more comfortable, slept better and just felt better each day.

    I took off six weeks from work.  If I had to I probably could have gone back sooner but I had a drain that had to stay in longer so I didn't want to deal with it at work.

    Good luck.  I hope all goes well with your surgery. 

  • westieluv
    westieluv Member Posts: 245

    Apriljoy ~  Welcome to the group!

    Sorry you need to be here, but we hope to share with you and help you along on this journey.  What a bummer that your family history is so strong.  I believe we have a lady or 2 that have had their surgeries at Mayo in Rochester.  Hopefully they will see your post and come over to meet and greet you.

    Ask away and we'll try to hook you up with some BC sisters that have been on the same journey as you are planning.

  • Stanzie
    Stanzie Member Posts: 1,611

    westieluv - Thanks, yes I have gone to several different types of massage therapists and it helped while I was there but a few hours later it returned. One massage therapist I went to regularly for a while but still no luck, my back is still totally numb too. My surgery was 1 year and 9 mos ago.

    As for another doctor, I started looking and have had trouble finding other doctors who do the lat surgery. Has anyone else found that? I was really surprised. So no so far I haven't found anyone to give me a second opinion but thanks I'll keep trying...

  • apriljoy
    apriljoy Member Posts: 6

    Thanks westieluv and jwilco! I already feel SO welcome, it's just amazing! 

    It's so nice to know we can all connect so easily over the internet; no one is alone.

    My surgery will actually be in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. I went to Mayo Clinic just to get some fast information basically and to be assessed quickly (the Canadian healthcare system can be rather slow sometimes; especially with preventative medicine it seems).

    I guess some of my more basic questions have to do with any tips anyone could pass on about how they kept comfortable during their recovery? I've picked up a tip from this forum already about body pillows. 

    Also pain long should I expect to need them? And what strength? I suppose everyone is different.

     Well this is just so great, I am slowly making my way through this thread as well, so I am sure as I read I'll pick up on more info! Thanks everyone! :)