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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • nurseronda10
    nurseronda10 Member Posts: 109

    robertson8272 - My surgery lasted 3 hours.  I had LD flap on the left and prophylactic mastectomy on the right.  Had 4 drains on LD side and two drains on right.  Was in the hospital for two nights.  He expanded the TE's during surgery and then I went back 5 days after surgery to get expanded.  That 2nd expansion was horrible.  I'm not going to lie, it was pretty painful for a couple of days.  At that point, I was wishing I had never had the surgery.  Of course, a few days later, I was glad I had it done.  I got expanded approximately 4 more times and hardly had any pain with them.  The second expansion, he did put in more saline than the rest, so that is why I felt so much pressure.  Had no complications at all.  My PS wanted me stretching my arms upward at day 5 postop to avoid getting cording which I had after the mastectomy and had to go to physical therapy to get them stretched out.  The drains are a pain in the butt, but all were out by day 10 postoperative.   

    Good luck with your surgery!  Feel free to ask all the questions you want.  That is what we are here for. :0) 

  • robertson8272
    robertson8272 Member Posts: 10

    Has anyone over 200 lbs had this reconstruction and if so did you have any complications? also anyone past smoker have any complications?

  • jen78
    jen78 Member Posts: 74

    Robertson - I was at about 220 when I had the surgery. I didn't have any complications as a result of my weight...other than needing a bilateral lift in addition to my BMX and flaps with TE's. My surgery took around 14-15 hours. I was anemic due to chemo (6 weeks pfc) and ended up having 3 blood transfusions the day after surgery. I stayed for 5 days - just a precaution. I've never been a smoker. I think the surgery was pretty easy, overall. Limited pain - never even used the pump in the hospital. The only tough part was the drains. I had 2 of mine for 7 weeks and they were just uncomfortable. But, I was up and around taking care of myself after that first week and within 4 weeks, I had nearly full range of motion and was back to working full time in the office. I think it would have been even easier had I not still been recovering from chemo. Best of luck to you! I hope you're as happy with your outcome as I am with mine. I still have my TE's (exchange next month), and I think I look pretty darn normal already.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939

    Did anyone have the latissimus flap surgery to fill out defects from a lumpectomy? If so are you satisfied with the results?

  • robertson8272
    robertson8272 Member Posts: 10

    Thanks to all for you answers i'm feeling a little better about it. But still scared as he"". Has anyone had the SNB and was it horrible i've heard both ways? Any suggestions on what to do in advance of the SNB to make it not hurt?

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    I had a SNB and it was a breeze compared to all the following surgeries.  It didn't hurt.  At least I don't remember it hurting.  It was done outpatient and only took a short time.  Very easy compared to the actual MX. 

  • robertson8272
    robertson8272 Member Posts: 10

    Do they put a bra on you after surgery? If not how long before you wear one again?

  • jen78
    jen78 Member Posts: 74

    I had no issues with the SNB. I had mine with my lumpectomy and the incision healed pretty quickly. After my bmx/lat flaps, I went home without a bra or any sort of bandages. After 10 days or so, I found that I wanted some support...I'd never not worn a bra. I went to a specialty bra shop that specialized in mastectomy patients. They fitted me for a sports-type bra that velcroed up the front and had removable pouches that held my drains. Wearing it made me much more comfortable. I don't know that I could've been fitted for it properly prior to surgery, though. Knowing what size you'll be out of the gate is tough.

  • Lynnbea
    Lynnbea Member Posts: 1

    I had an left LD flap and right breast reduction 3 wks ago. Hospital stay was 2 days with 1 of 5 drains removed before I came home. Had last drain removed last wk.

    I've had intense itching around my back incision. PS says it's from the incision healing. Tried Benadryl, lotions, Vit relief. Anyone have any suggestions to relieve itching?

  • lalove55
    lalove55 Member Posts: 21

    I ended up with a rash all along my back incision.  I tried Neosporin, Benadryl, and a few other things.  When I saw my doctor, she gave me a prescription for some sort of steroid cream, and that finally cleared it up!  My MX incision ended up getting a yeast infection all around it the year before.  Monistat cream finally cleared that one up.  Who knows, maybe that's what the rash on my back was too!

  • jen78
    jen78 Member Posts: 74

    Lalove - I had that rash, too! My PS was baffled. It popped up the day after she removed my drains. I ended up using an OTC lotion called Sarna and added some clear calamine to that. The PS also gave me an Rx for a pill that helped with the itchy feeling. We never knew what it was, but eventually it resolved itself.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939

    Getting a little nervous. My surgery is Wednesday at 8 am.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    katehudson - You are going to do just great!  I will be in your pocket so you don't have to go alone.  I just noticed that our diagnosis line is almost identical.  Wow!  go figure.  You will have to keep us updated when you are feeling up to it.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939

    Thank you Jo. I appreciate your support.

  • fitzdc
    fitzdc Member Posts: 755

    Robertson - I had a hook-in-front bra on after surgery.  It was put on in the OR and I wore it for one week, then washed it and wore for another week (and another, and another as I had drains for a long time)  I also had the SNB and it was not easy for me.  The injections hurt and after the removal (done with the UMX) I could not lift my arm at all.   BUT the pain of the injections was quick and lifting my ars is a breeze now.  I started to wear a normal bra after all drains were out.  I went to a bra shop for proper sizing and fit and it made a huge difference!  My bras fit great now!  My advice is go, get sized and fitted. *

    Lynnbea - My PS said the same ab out the itching - that is was the healing process.  I used vitamin E lotion and it eased the itching (plus it supposed to be good for scar recudtion)

  • debbiemm1
    debbiemm1 Member Posts: 10

    I had my first "fill-up" on Monday, September 10.  The PA only put in 50 cc.  She said she would probably put 100 cc's in next Monday.  The only pain I had was the needle stick but it was just a little pinch.  I felt a fullness in the middle of my chest but that was it. 

    I've gone back to work.  Since I had a desk job I figured 2 1/2 weeks would be plenty of time to recover.  I may have been wrong.  I now find myself so tired that it's an effort to even breathe.  Has anyone else felt this type of exhaustion? 

    My back is still sore and it feels like the areas where the drains were are sore deep inside.  I'm not sure it it's the drain sores or the surgical area on the back but right now that is what is giving me the most grief. 

    I hope everyone is doing well this morning.  I think of all of you often and I'm praying for all of you.  Smile

  • jen78
    jen78 Member Posts: 74

    Hi Debbie - The spots on my back where I had the drains were the most sore for me, too.  It was infinitely better almost immediately when she removed the drains, though.  I have to admit though, 4 months later it's still tender if I push on those areas.  I'm not sure why that is.  I have "dog ears" there - they look like love handles and are just imperfections at the bottom of the scars.  I'm told it's pretty common.  I'm having my exchange done in October and my PS is going to remove the excess skin there and help flatten it out better.  I'm hoping that when she does that the sensitivity will get better, as well.  

    I'm glad that your first fill went well.  Hopefully, it was easier than you'd expected.  And, I'm super impressed that you're back in the office already.  I worked from home until my drains were all out - which was 6-7 weeks.  You're going to feel so much better when yours come out.  My back kept filling up once they were removed, so the PS manually drained me once a week for another few weeks.  I also did MLD (physical therapy specializing in lymph drainage) which helped tremendously.

    Try to take it easy when you can.  Your body has been through a lot!

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939

    My surgery was yesterday and I am still feeling miserable today. Had leg crunchers, IV's, catheter, and drains so I was bedridden yesterday. Today mostly everything was removed. All I am stuck with now is 3drains and an IV antibiotic every 8 hours for 30 minutes. I am depressed because my right double lumpectomy radiated breast still looks an inch and a half higher than my left breast, and it also looks smaller than my left breast. My doctors don't agree that my breast looks smaller. They are going to do another surgery to lift my left breast so it will be the same height as my right breast. So right now I have pain, and I still have breasts that do not match. I feel bad physically and psychologicaly.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939

    My surgery was yesterday and I am still feeling miserable today. Had leg crunchers, IV's, catheter, and drains so I was bedridden yesterday. Today mostly everything was removed. All I am stuck with now is 3drains and an IV antibiotic every 8 hours for 30 minutes. I am depressed because my right double lumpectomy radiated breast still looks an inch and a half higher than my left breast, and it also looks smaller than my left breast. My doctors don't agree that my breast looks smaller. They are going to do another surgery to lift my left breast so it will be the same height as my right breast. So right now I have pain, and I still have breasts that do not match. I feel bad physically and psychologicaly.

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    katehudson2 - I'm glad you are recovering from your surgery.  Please try to hang in there.  Things right now are swollen and weird.  I'm not saying you are wrong, but just give it a few weeks,  Let the swelling go down and your spirits to hopefully come up.  Surgery is hard on us and I know for me it was hard on me emotionally as well as physically.  Hang in there. 

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939

    Thank you so much for your support jwilco. Your advice is good. MY doctors also told me that I have to wait till things are settled,but they think I will absolutely have to wait 4-6 months to get my left breast lifted. I don;t know if I told you that this is my 6th breast surgery in14 months. I had 2 lumpectomies, and then I had implants put in. Then I thought the implants made me look too big so I had another surgery to put in smaller implants and breast lifts. At that time after the lifts my radiated breast looked two inches higher than my left breast. Three weeks after those implants were put in I got a serious breast implant infection and my radiated breast implant had to come out so I had surgery to remove it. So prior to this surgery for the last 7 months I had to walk around with one implant in one breast and nothing in the other. I had to use a prothesis to look ok in clothes. Now tonight in order to even look ok in pj's I have to stuff the bad breast with wash cloths in order to look ok. My doctor won't let me use a prosthesis for another 10 days. This is a nightmare because I don't know if I will have to use a prosthesis all the rest of my life after 6 corrective surgeries. 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    katehudson - I have to agree with jwilco.  You know what your breasts look like and you very well may be lopsided right now but do give it time for the swelling to go down and then re evalute what needs to be done.  After my surgery, my "new" breast was bigger and I did not think it would ever go down but it did.  I did have to have a nipple lift as the radiated breast still pointed down.  Emotionally it was a rollercoaster for me too.  I was not sure I wanted to have the surgery in the first place and once I did, I often wondered if I had made a mistake.  Now that I am reached the end, I have no regrets and really glad I went through with it.  Hang in there sweetie!  It is going to get better.  Please know that you can PM me anytime you just want someone to talk to.  It doesn't even have to be about BC - I would love to talk to you about anything that is on your mind.
  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939

    Jo thank you so much for your words of encouragment. I am so glad that you are feeling well. I am resilient so I will hang in there. I have not been able to sleep well. The only way I can sleep, with drains and all , is flat on my back. As I always sleep on my side this is a problem for me. Today my hairdresser(a friend) is coming to the hospital to style my hair, and that will make me feel better. Thank you again for your support.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    katehudson - I also sleep on my side and of all things the side I had the drains in so I know exactly what you are going through.  I hated having to sleep in a recliner for almost 6 weeks.  I had to 2 drains and that last one did not want to cooperate.  Of course you are resilient - yes, hang in there.  Like I always say - This too shall pass.  (((HUGS)))

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939

    Hi Jo, Thank you again for your support. Yes my drains are on the side I always sleep, my right side. I am hoping I can sleep on my left side when I come home home from the hospital. Right now I have IV stuff on my left hand, and that is why I can't sleep on that side, but that stuff will be removed when I leave the hospital. OMG 6 weeks sleeping in a recliner sucks.

    I am working with 2 surgeons. I saw my secondary surgeon today, and he said the surgery met his expectations. He said he always knew there would have to be one more surgery to get everything right. So, I will require one more surgery to lift my left breast, and possibly getting a larger implant in my radiated breast.

    I love your philosophy regarding this too shall pass. Of course it will, but as you very well know it sucks while it is going on. For how long after the surgery did you still have back pain?

    I hope you have a fantastic weekend.

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    I too am a side sleeper and the drains or any other follow up surgery required me to sleep on my back.  And snore!  Much to my husband's shagrin.  OH well.

    Katehudson-I didn't realize you had already had so many surgeries.  I feel for you, really I do.  I actually have had plastic surgery following massive weight loss prior to BC, so I knew that with each surgery I would look better but would also most likely have to have some sort of revision.  I totally understand about how tired you can get emotionally from all the surgeries.  You should see my list when I do the hospital preop

    Try and see how things "settle" after this last surgery...and...if you arent' happy, you might want to consider getting some other opinions.  You never know.  All I know is that yes, BC has changed our lives and our bodies.  But that doesn't mean you should have to settle.  You deserve to feel happy, or as close to happy as you can get, with your reconstruction. 

    Take this time to heal and stay strong.  You deserve to feel OK with it in the end.  It's taken me awhile, but I think I'm finally "ok" with my UMX recon side.  Is it a perfect match?  No.  But only if you are looking at me naked and maybe have a ruler can you tell.  

    I hope you can get to that place too. 

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939

    Jwilco thank you so much for your support. You and Jo make me feel so much better. It is good to know that you are happy with your reconstruction. I will stay strong, but unfortunately with little sleep I got weak. I will hang in there, and try to get to the place you are at. Have a great weekend 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    katehudson - If you are referring to the back incision, it did not bother me much at all.  It healed quickly and now looks like a thin line.  Like jwilco said, don't settle for anything.  If you are not happy in the end with the way you look get another opinion.  Fortunately for me, my PS is really picky and wanted perfection.  That is what you strive for - perfection.  You certainly deserve it after all you have been through.  I also did not realize how many surgeries you have had to endure.  You will really start healing when you go home - to me that made a huge difference.  

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939

    Hi Jo, I guess I am referring to my back incision. I am experiencing a great deal of discomfort. Unfortunately I wanted to style my hair today, and of course I am a righty where the surgery was at, and lifting my blowdryer did not do me any good. I will hang in there until I get what I want, but sometimes you get weak when you are in the middle of stuff. I am resilient so in the long term I will be ok. This short term stuff sucks. I will still be in the hospital over the weekend, and I am hoping to feel better when I leave. Have a fantastic weekend, and again thanks for your support.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    katehudson - I know what you mean when you said we tend to get weak when we are in the middle of things.  That is when I would focus on the 24 hour rule - in other words - take it one day at a time.  You will feel so much better when you can get out of that hospital.  For me, what was supposed to be an overnight stay turned out to be 4 days in the hospital.  I was pissed about it because I did want to be there on my birthday.  I did get out that day and was able to spend part of it at home.  At the end of the day, I still have no regrets and am very happy with the outcome.  Hang in there sweetie.