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Latissimus Dorsi Breast Reconstruction



  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    Being in the hospital sucks!  You will feel much better when you are home.  My incision on my back is like Jo said, just a thin line. In fact, it didn't bother me at all during the recovery time. 

    I hated being in the hospital. 

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939

    Jo, I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate your support. One day at a time is great advice, especially since I feel so overwhelmed right now. I hope you have a great weekend.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939

    Thank you again for your support Jwilco. Something on my back is bothering me, and I assume it is the incision. I am wondering why it bothers me while it did not bother you or Jo or others. I previously had surgery to remove a disc, and maybe that is why.

  • debbiemm1
    debbiemm1 Member Posts: 10

    katehudson25:  My back incision has caused me discomfort also.  I thought it was the area where the drains were but it's not.  My incision looks good but my back is bothering me there.  It's really sore for some reason.  I thought that the flap would be sore - which it is a little - but it's not nearly as bad as the back. 

    You have been through a lot and I agree with the others - these things will pass.  But then I also understand that until it passes it's a royal pain.  I guess we have to be thankful we have part of it over with.  I hope the rest of it is not as bad. 

    The support that everyone gives on this site is wonderful and the sharing of experiences helps.  I hope you don't have to stay in the hospital much longer.  I thought my swelling would not go down but it has and yours will too.  Give it a little time to see what the end result will be. 

    Thanks to everyone for your support and sharing.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939

    Debbiemm, Thank you so much for telling me about your situation, and for your support. My breast does not hurt at all. The two areas bothering me are the back incision, and the area by the drains. You are right about  being glad to have parts of it over with, and of course I should count my blessings. Of course this too shall pass, but I guess being in the hospital has made me melancholy, and lose my prespective.Thank you again. Your words of encouragment has made me feel better.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    katehudson - Having to lay around in the hospital really does suck.  Like I said before, just being home will make the healing process so much better.  This can be an overwhelming process but again - one day at a time. The worst part for me was the stupid drains.  It felt so darn good to get rid of those things.

    If the back is still hurting today, address this with your PS.  Let him/her know what is going on.  After my second revision, I had a spot on my back close to my armpit that was constantly sore to the touch.   I mentioned this to my PS and he said it was inflammation.  He gave me a cortisone/lidocaine injection the day before I left for my cruise.  I also took Aleve for about a week and now it is not hurting anymore.  (((HUGS)))

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939

    Jo your support is so good for me, and I appreciate it so much. I agree that  the worst part is the drains. As I mentioned in another post I will need a revision because my radiated breast is higher than my left breast, and a little smaller. MY big conern is that one breast is higher. As for being smaller does not concern me that much because I know I can always get a larger implant. I am wondering if anyone on this site had the same problem, with one breast being higher than the other after the surgery. If so, I would like to know if there was a revision, and if you are happy with the results..

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    katehudson - Now that I can not help you with as I did not have an implant.  I had the surgery done to basically correct a significant lumpectomy defect.  I'm sure someone will come along and share their experience.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939

    Hi Jo,

    Just so you know I had two lumpectomies, and have had surgery originally to correct a lumpectomy defect.

  • justagirl
    justagirl Member Posts: 633

    Kate - I don't write much here anymore but have to chime in.  You shouldn't be trying to use a hairdryer so soon after surgery.  Take it easy on yourself!

    I had a double mastectomy with a lat flap on the radiated breast side and found my back incision toward the bottom of it and the 6 stab wounds for the drains to hurt the most.

    STOP worrying about how even or up or down you breasts look right now and at least for the next 6 weeks!  Really, there is a ton of swelling there and the new implant will have to set.  

    I came out of surgery looking like Dolly Parton and I only had 200cc on the just mastectomy side and 190 on the side with the lat flap. Being 5' 3" and 110 pounds I was worried.  Took a good six weeks to really see me. 6 months later my Dr lifted the lat muscle a bit and but in a 200cc implant to make the sides equal. Now, a year later, I look fine in a camisole or bra or clothes but my boobs are not twin images due to the lat flap on one and just silicone in the other......and it's ok.  

    If someone is going to judge us by if our boobs are equal, then I say kick that person out of our lives. Ok, then I stand naked in front of the mirror and judge myself. Then I remember, before this all started, one boob was naturally almost a cup size larger than the other and forever hung lower.

    Kate: lay back, watch tv and read a good book....and take the pain pills and muscle relaxers.  All gets better.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939

    Thank you for your support and advice justagirl. I am so sorry that you had to go through so much, but I am so glad you are okay now. You have a great  attitude, and I hope some of it will run off on me. Great advice too, and I greatly appreciate it.

  • robertson8272
    robertson8272 Member Posts: 10

    Just an update my surgery has been moved to next friday the 28th due to blood pressure and scheduling. I'm very discouraged

     and emotional from crying to angry. The wait is killing me was looking forward to it being over with this week. "I guess now I 

    want miss grey's anatomy" LOL. Thanks for all the support. 

  • jen78
    jen78 Member Posts: 74

    I hope everyone is feeling good and doing better recovery-wise.  I totally agree with justagirl - the swelling was crazy those first few weeks.  I only had 150cc's in my TE's and even the largest bra my surgeon had was too small for me for at least 3 weeks.  I think the full swelling didn't subside until nearly 3 months had passed.

    I have my pre-op today for my exchange.  I'm looking forward to being done!  However, I'm a bundle of nerves over the final "products."  I go from worrying they'll be too small to worrying they'll be too big.  The PS is going to lift me again on both sides, which I think will help.  She has to remove some fat necrosis, so I'm not sure how big my implants will end up being in the end.  I'm also having scar revision.  I had an open incision around my nipple on one side for a couple of months.  I'm a little anxious about how that is going to look, but I figure it can only get better.  The good thing is that my PS is a perfectionist and I trust her.  I'm leaning toward silicone implants...wondered if anyone here has an opinion on silicone vs saline.

    Again, hope you're all well.  Thanks!

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939

    Robertson8272 I am so sorry that your surgery has been postponed. I am finally leaving the hospital today. I have been here for 6 days. On Sat. my blood pressure sky rocketed to 213. Normally I don't have high blood pressure. They kept me here longer to get my blood pressure under control. I think my blood pressure sky rocketed because I have bad veins. They could not find a vein and stabbed me multiple, multiple times. I am ok but the drains are miserable. They hurt, and it is 80 degrees here today, and I have no way to hide them. So, it looks like I will be stuck at home for days until the drains come out. I hate to advbertise that I have been ill and the drains are like a billboard.

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448

    Kate, have you tried pinning the drains to the inside of a loose-fitting shirt?

    I live in FL & did the drain-concealment thing last summer. I have a few of the Danskin hoodies with pockets on the inside (that hold drains quite nicely). Yep, I wore hoodies in FL in the summer. Out of the house I pinned them inside a tank top or t-shirt.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939

    Hi dl66,

    Unfortunately my clothes are all fitted, and I do not have a loose fitting shirt.

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448

    You could send someone out to get you one or order one to be shipped to your home. :)

    Glad you are getting out of the hospital, though.

  • debbiemm1
    debbiemm1 Member Posts: 10


    How long has it been since you had your TE surgery?  I've only went for my 2nd fill - I now have 100cc's but I'm anxious to know how long it takes before you get the implants in.  The PA is only putting in 50cc's a week so at that rate it may take a little longer huh?  Like everyone else, I'm ready to get this done.


    I'm sorry about your surgery being delayed.  I know how you feel about wanting to get it done. 

    Hello to everyone else Smile

  • jen78
    jen78 Member Posts: 74

    Debbiemm1 - I had my TE's placed with my BMX/Lat Flap on March 26.  I had quite a bit of volume from the muscle and surrounding tissue, so I still only have 250cc's in each side.  I got fitted for a bra and I'm a DDD - but I don't feel that big.  I've always been busty and I have no desire to be anywhere near as big as before all of this, but I was aiming for a full D.  The DDD thing doesn't make sense to me as I feel pretty small.  Part of it is that I need another lift.  She lifted me during the first surgery, but somewhere along the way, I dropped.  She thinks it can be corrected and that makes a huge difference as to how they look. 

    I'm losing weight and I'd hoped to lose more before this surgery, but in my head I finally realized I was pushing for early October because I want to be done.  I was dx'd on October 17 and I want my final surgery to be completed before the 1 year anniversary so that I can wrap up the entire year and move beyond it.  Weird head game, I guess.

    I had hoped to have mine done sooner, but I had wound issues and swelling that lasted a long time.  I think most people tend to do it 4-6 months later...though I'm sure some manage to get it done sooner than that!

    Hope your fills are going well!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Robertson 8272 - So sorry your surgery has been delayed.  We have all been throuh so much and the waiting game does get old after awhile.  Hang in there.  It will all work out.

    Katehudson - So glad you are finally able to go home.  I know that is a relief.  You will be much more comfortable at home and I am sure you will find a way to be able to go outside and hid those darn drains.  Keeping fingers crossed they come out real soon. 

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939

    Hi Jo,

    Thank you so much for your support. I am finally home from the hospital. I found a light weight white jacket with a hood that I am wearing. I am hoping to have one drain out Friday, and the other two drains out next Tuesday. It is a relief to be home from the hospital, and as you know it will be a really big relief to get the drains off.

  • justagirl
    justagirl Member Posts: 633

    saline vs silicone implants?

    saline ones are ok with a supplemental breast implant but not good with total replacement of the breast as the fluid will hang totally downward and not look at all like what you what.

    I know, big scare years ago about silicone implants - but these are new and better.  The silicone inside is a solid gel, so even if the outside capsule were to be punctured, and my PS says she only sees that with mammograms and air bag collisions. She said she would check me every year and every year I will have an U/S of the area around the implants, but it's the best.

    And my implants are small - 200cc and I have cleavage and two perky bumps that I am happy with! No, they don't come to a point (shaped like a snow cone) so bra fitting is interesting, but I look and feel normal as I can will someone fix my mind!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    katehudson - It is a great feeling to get those drains out.  What a sense of relief.  I just wanted to sleep in my own bed but was not able to until I did get them out.  My PS told me to clean around the drains daily, put on Neosporin and keep the drain holes covered all the time.  I got to the point I could do it all myself.  I did not want to take a chance and get an infection so I did everything twice a day - morning and evening.  Sending gentle healing hugs to you my friend.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939

    Jo I can't begin to tell you how much your support means to me. I am separated from my husband so I am going through this all alone. So, going through this alone I feel melancholy since I have come home from the hospital, and your support is special for me. Since my blood pressure was so high I have decided to have a home care nurse to check my blood pressure and clean my drains for a week.

  • jwilco
    jwilco Member Posts: 209

    katehudson2 - I'm happy to hear you are finally home.  Since you are by yourself it's probably good to have someone check on you.  Regarding the drains, everyone is correct.  They are more of a "pain" than the actual surgery!  Keep the insertion point clean and covered with a fresh gauze pad everyday and you should be ok.  I was able to take a shower when the on and the dr recommended iti.  I used an old bathrobe belt to tie around my waist and pinned them to that.  I've heard others used something around their neck.  Either way, take a shower (no baths with the drains in) and you will feel even better. 

    Take it easy and keep track of the drain fluid you empty.  Those numbers need to go down for you to get them out.  I just kept a log in the bathroom and emptied them each morning and night.

    For the question above - silicone vs saline.  I have silicone.  Had it before BC too.  I've heard they feel more real than the saline. 

  • Momluke
    Momluke Member Posts: 91

    Hi everyone!

    I am 12 days post surgery! I had an UMX on the left with an immediate reconstruction using my latissumus dorsi flap with a silicone implant. Even with that, my right breast was reduced and lifted to come close in size with the other.

    I had 3 drains. 2 were removed on yesterday. I was scared to death of it hurting. I barely felt it! The only bandgages I had were at the drain sites and thick, cushioning bandages on my back. My back was having all kinds of sharp pains like there were points of the scar that was opening. Come to find out, it was the adhesive. The dr cleared me to remove the cushions from my back. The adhesive left behind could not be seen, however it was felt. I ended up removing all the bandages, putting on the antibiotic cream at the drain sites and taping the new bandages with a gentler paper tape. I put vaseline on the areas of adhesive that was left behind and within 24 hrs I could gently rub it off. I haven't re-bandaged my back...per dr its ok!

    I take my pain meds only to keep me pain free during the night. I take the muscle relaxers every 6 hrs. I don't have much pain but the spasms are intense. It feels like major labor contractions without the pain...or super sonic Braxton-Hicks.

  • movingon1
    movingon1 Member Posts: 3


    I am new to this board. Diagnosed a few weeks ago and in the process of making decisions. I am going for the lumpectomy and trying to decide on best options for reconstruction. One is to do the lat dors flap at that time of the lumpectomy. I am concerned though about effects on back muscles due to a disc issue (surgery on that last year). Since I am not very big breasted, the only other option is implant but it seems that is best done after healing from radiation. Don't know about chemo yet. Yikes. Does anyone have experiences that might help? Thanks very much for any comments.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939

    I had a scare today. I just came home from the emergency room. When my home health care nurse came to empty my drains today she took my vitals. My blood pressure was 212/122, and I had to go to the emergency room. The emergency room doctor took tests and thank goodness everything was ok. Normally I do not take blood pressure meds but he gave me one and my blood pressure came down, so he released me. I will have to take blood pressure meds till I see my regular doctor. The Dr. thought it might have been high with too much stress regarding surgery and drains etc.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    katehudson - I'll say that was a scare.  Glad to hear you are all right.  You have a home health nurse to empty your drains?  Good thing she was there and took your blood pressure.  I had to empty the drains myself, the nurses showed me how to do it.

    movingon1 -  I had a lumpectomy in Aug 2010 and truly did not think recon was an option for me until the beginning of this year. I had radiation (finished Dec 2010) and no chemo.  When I met with my PS for the first time he said my skin looked great and thought it was a good idea I had waited for so long after radiation regardless of the reason. 

    I had a significant defect left from the lumpectomy.  I was able to keep my nipple but the entire bottom half of my breast was removed.  My tumor was small but he made sure he got clear margins so he would not have to go back in.  I did not need an  implant as they don't make them as small as it would need to be.  I had the surgery on April 18th and will have my last PS appt next week.  My back scar is now a thin line and I have really good range of motion. My breast feels really soft and natural.  I am so glad I had the lat flap done.  I would do it all over again if I had to.

    There are many ladies who do not have to have recon after lumpectomy.  I have a friend who was diagnosis around the same time I was and when she was through with her lumpectomy, there was a very small incision and you could not tell she had it done.  So, in answer to your question, I would wait until after surgery and radiation to make a decision.  Radiation is going to shrink the breast some and you may end up with that side smaller if tyour plastic surgeon does now allow for that.  He/she will not know how much shrinkage you will have.  Best of luck to you.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939

    Hi Jo,

    Thank you again for your support. I am feeling ok this morning except of course being uncomfortable from the drains. But as they say this too shall pass. The nurse will be here in 2 hours, and hopefully my blood pressure went down. I am so glad that you had such success with your surgery.