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Calling all TNs



  • Triplegirl
    Triplegirl Member Posts: 27
    edited June 2016

    Bon soir,  I agree it's always hunt and peck for these articles on new research.  Thanks for sharing:) 

    I know that if mine comes back I will try and get on trials as I feel that is the best hope to be lucky with a new drug or chemo.

    Merci beaucoup,  Janice

  • Triplegirl
    Triplegirl Member Posts: 27
    edited June 2016

    Hi Yodez,

    My dr. never did the Ki test so I never knew my numbers.  It's a bit of a whirlwind in the beginning but once you have a plan in place it gets better.  At least you will have a plan. The women and a few men on this site are so encouraging and helpful and we are all at different stages in our treatment or just finished so you are in a good place.

    Take it one day at a time as best you can,  Janice

  • Triplegirl
    Triplegirl Member Posts: 27
    edited June 2016

    Thanks AnotherNYCgal!

    I am sooo relieved about the chest wall. 


  • Triplegirl
    Triplegirl Member Posts: 27
    edited June 2016

    Thanks Milwmama,

    I wish there was an area that all of these new articles on upcoming treatments/trials could be posted.  I am so computer illiterate.  Ugh.... and btw I loved your comment about the shampoo.  I've found myself doing the same thing and then remembering I don't have any hair.  lol  Funny stuff....


  • Triplegirl
    Triplegirl Member Posts: 27
    edited June 2016

    Hi Kelly,

    I hope your surgery went well.  Rest up:)


  • rosselle
    rosselle Member Posts: 4
    edited June 2016

    hi! DX just this april, triple negative stage 2b, I'm 35 years old, found my 4.something lump 2 months after i gave birth to my second child. Thought it was only a clogged milk duct since I was breastfeeding my baby but it seemed to be growing bigger. So I decided to have it checked. Yup, it was IDC from biopsy. My MO suggested neoadjuvant because the aggressive nature of triple negative BC. Will be having my 3rd cycle on Monday (June 13).

    It has been a rollercoaster ride! As everyone here, I was scared to death after being diagnosed with BC, and with triple negative! I always cried then, I was so afraid for my 2 young daughters aged 3 months and 2 years. My first MO also didn't help, he would go on and on about the grim details of being triple negative, ugh! But then one day, I decided I put myself together and start the fight of my life, I told myself would win over this disease for myself and my DH and my children. I sought for a second opinion and that's when I found my current MO who's been so caring, patient and supportive. I love her! I remember when I first saw her, she would go on listening to my whining, telling her how scared I was, she put up with my crying and when I've finally stopped, she said that BC is not a death sentence, that it's not the end of the world, that I was there so we could talk about getting me better, that I WOULD get better and WOULD see my children grow old. I felt better and was more determined than ever to fight this dreadful disease. Sure, we worry about recurrences when we're triple negative but I decided I'll just worry about that later. The NOW is what's important and that's to get better.

    Knowing 2 wonderful women, my aunt and my brother's mother-in-law, who have been on this road has given me hope that this disease can be rid of. Both of them 20 years out and are doing very well. One of them told me that God has put us in this position to remind us that we may have forgotten about HIM, that he's just helping us find our way back to HIM. Nothing is impossible with God beside you.

  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited June 2016

    rosselle...I loved reading your story. AND, I really was touched by what you wrote about GOD reminding us that he's here. I've thought often about God and why he would give us breast cancer. You might have discovered the answer. I am still in treatment, beginning radiation in two weeks. I will remember your words as I continue on the road to a longer life. Thanks for posting

  • labscientistmom
    labscientistmom Member Posts: 63
    edited June 2016

    Rosselle: sorry to you have to be here with us in this fight, but glad you can share. Be strong and courageous! Joshua 1:9. Standing on God's promises is a solid place to be in this broken, crazy world. He is faithful, and he loves us so much!

    Cathytoo: Just want to encourage you to lean on God, rant and rave at HIm, he can take it. He loves you, and I don't believe he given anyone cancer. This world is broken, and cancer is a twisted, malevolent thing from the pit of hell. The Bible says every good and perfect gift comes from the Father. So I don't see cancer as something from God. He wants us to choose to love Him, but that choice is based on free will, so the world is broken and broken stuff happens. I do feel God's closeness through this fight against cancer, and that he carries us through stuff sometimes to teach us to trust Him, and to bring himself glory. He is so good to take something shattered in a million pieces and make it into something beautiful. I have found a solid place to stand on the fact that Jesus loves us, he is faithful, He gives good gifts and sacrificed himself for us. So many folks have been suppporting me, and I have connected more frequently with friends that usually I am too busy to get together with.

    Sorry to get on a soapbox, just want to encourage and support. if we focus on the positive, then we don't listen to those destructive voices that are so dark and scary. You are loved, and I am proud of your fighting spirit! GRRR, see us fight cancer.Devil

    HappyA ps. My husband and I are lifting all of us up in prayer, for minimal SEs, strength and hope to get through this.

  • allydp
    allydp Member Posts: 361
    edited June 2016

    KS - I am so incredibly sorry to read your update. I hope you find a chemo that kicks this cancer back into remission. Sending you strength and many prayers.

    Meadow - you look absolutely beautiful!!! I love your new profile pic!!!

    Jen - I hope the move to Charleston went well and you're settling in nicely! My in-laws just spent a long weekend there and fell in love. You have many memories and many years of happiness ahead of you there :)

    Cocker - hope you and Old Feller are doing well!

    Kelly - huge congratulations to you on being DONE with chemo!!!

    I've been busy with my new job and living life. I feel bad for not having checked in lately and am so behind! My follow up chest CT showed clear lungs, so the nodule is gone or was never there. Regardless, no more follow ups! This was the first scan I wasn't fretting over. I actually almost forgot about it and didn't even check the portal until a week later. I'm finally feeling like I'm moving past the fears. Staying extremely busy has been key for me, and going back to work outside the home has helped in doing that.

    I did want to share though - last Sunday I was honored at my cancer center's 10 year anniversary event, which was also on Survivor's Day. I had my chemo here, but did saw my doctors at the main hospital in Ann Arbor. The woman who donated over 5 million dollars to help fund the center in my town took a train up from Florida, as she doesn't fly. It was emcee'ed by a local news agent and I was honored as one of 2 survivors who did a little Q & A with the news agent in front of about 300 attendees. A few of my infusion nurses were there, which was so special. And meeting the woman who funded the center was surprisingly emotional for me as well. Her husband left her tens of millions of dollars and after her sister passed of cancer, she realized my county didn't have an infusion center. She couldn't imagine all of the residence having to drive so far for treatment so she basically called who she needed to call and made it happen. She couldn't be more humble and genuine either. My and my husband's family came, and all survivors at the event were able to plant a perennial in the garden out front. We were able to tour the facility and in each infusion bay, there were markers where guests could write messages of hope on the windows for patients to see in the coming weeks! It was one of the most memorable days of my life. Afterwards, the woman who funded the center and her family, and us and our families, ended up at the same restaurant. We'd made our families SWEAR to us they would let us pick up the check as a thank you for coming to support me. Well, the check was picked up by an "anonymous patron of the restaurant!" After grilling everyone at the table to ensure no one broke their vow, I could only conclude it was the donor of the facility, as she and I had talked quite a bit at the event. I simply went over and thanked her for her contribution to the community and wished her safe travels home. She's also donated the cardiac wing at the University of Michigan. She's a true class act.

    I hope you don't mind, but I've shared some pics. The first one has the news agent on my right and the other survivor on my left. The next two are the survivors planting the flowers, followed by my aunt and I in an infusion bay where I had all my chemos and then the message I left. The last one is my husband and me.

    Funny story about that garden area. The donor really wanted to include it, but we were actually never allowed to go out there. Turns out chemo and sunlight don't mix. But the view...the view from indoors was worth the effort in my opinion. That view was never lost on me during. Very serene and calming.






  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited June 2016

    Hi I've come across some information that you may find helpful. I've done a topic box in the science forum. Posting this on a few threads

  • labscientistmom
    labscientistmom Member Posts: 63
    edited June 2016

    Allydp: what an awesome event to be part of!!! Thank you for all the pictures and for sharing here. It is great to hear of folks who are doing ok, doing well, living cancer free.....its so hard to focus on that reality while we are going thru it. I love the garden, it is beautiful. Great pictures, you look wonderful! blessings, A

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821
    edited June 2016

    Ally!! What a wonderful event! The donor must be quite a special person, - much like you! (You are your husband are a beautiful couple! ;)

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821
    edited June 2016

    PS Ally, - knocking wood here for your clear lung scan!

  • meadow
    meadow Member Posts: 998
    edited June 2016

    Labscientist, thank you and hubby for praying for us. That verse, Joshua 1 :9 is my favorite, I have it in a little frame in my kitchen window.

    Ally, thanks for noticing my new avatar pic, and the compliment! I loved your post, and your wonderful say at the infusion center. What a lovely person that donor must be. She had truly touched so many lives. And you and the sweet hubby are DARLING. What a treasure you are to all who know you. I am proud of you for being up in front of people, sharing your story, a story of hope. I had a yucky day so this really brighten me! Just wonderful to hear from you.

  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited June 2016

    labscientistmom...thank you so much for your encouraging words. And, thank you for your prayers. It means a lot to me. Sometimes I go to a dark place, thinking about this cancer. It's hard to realize that even though life can be challenging at times, there are many many blessings. Again, thank you

  • Valstim52
    Valstim52 Member Posts: 833
    edited June 2016

    Labscientis thank you for the loving prayer. Meadow you look fabulous. Hello to all.

  • Luvmydobies
    Luvmydobies Member Posts: 476
    edited June 2016

    Rosselle, welcome to the forum and like everyone else I'm sorry you have to be here. Lean on us and we will be here for you. Lean on God as well because He will always be there. XOXO!!

    Ally, what wonderful news that your lung scan is clear!! I'm so happy to hear that. What an awesome event you attended and thanks so much for sharing it all with us! The pics are great!

    Meadow, I'm sorry to hear you aren't having a good day. Prayers for you friend! (((((HUGS))))

  • labscientistmom
    labscientistmom Member Posts: 63
    edited June 2016

    Cathytoo: the deep dark hole is waiting in the corner of my mind, and if I go there, it sucks me in like a really tall building making me dizzy. I know of what you speak, and I feel like any day that I am not collapsed quivering in the corner, or running screaming down the hallways is a GOOD day. Just watched "Race" about Jesse Owens, would recommend it, very inspiring what he accomplished. I know that we aren't excercising a talent by fighting against cancer, but it is encouraging to see someone else be brave.

    You are all amazingly brave to me, fight on dear ladies! (and go do something relaxing or fun or purely useless tomorrow, just because!) blessings, A

  • labscientistmom
    labscientistmom Member Posts: 63
    edited June 2016

    AND.....when my doomed hair finally falls out, and I am crying like a baby, I will be sure to come back here, and you can encourage me in return, cause I have a really bad feeling that I will need it. :) A

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592
    edited June 2016

    Ally that is fantastic, what a great lady that donor is, it' a great story. And you look fantastic, thanks so much for sharing the day and lovely pictures with us. X

    Sassy thanks for the info about beta blockers, it's really interesting, I will definitely talk to my care team about it. X

  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Member Posts: 1,188
    edited June 2016

    Ally gotta come back to this tomorrow as it's late but you and your post was awesome. Got more to say tomorrow though.

  • jenjenl
    jenjenl Member Posts: 409
    edited June 2016

    Ally, you are so damn it!! Thanks for asking the move. We are feeling more settled and i love venturing around during my lunch break.

    Stay strong ladies. One foot in front of the other will get you to the other side.

  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited June 2016

    labscientistmom...HAIR‼️ We all dread the moment when we start to lose it. Look on the bright need to buy styling products for the next six months. LOL Whenever I go into a CVS I still go first to the hair products isle and then I remember that I have no hair! I never shaved my head, but I did buzz cut my hair BEFORE I began chemo. I found a really natural looking and comfortable wig. Started wearing it right after I got the buzz cut. I never wore scarfs or those cute chemo caps. People who I never told about the cancer don't even know it's a wig. I believe the THOUGHT of losing our hair is actually worse than the reality. Now that I'm done with chemo, my newest fear is that my hair won't grow back. If it's not one's another! I have to say, though, without my hair to fuss over, I can get dressed and out the door very quickly.

  • Valstim52
    Valstim52 Member Posts: 833
    edited June 2016

    Cathytoo, so well said. I buzzed mine before chemo, and then wore little caps at home (always cold). Had wigs that matched my style before One was so good that a receptionist asked if I'd lost my hair, I was like yes, she then asked me where I had gotten my wigs because she who was a BC survivor could not tell.

    The thought of losing my hair at first did not bother me, but now the eyelashes and eyebrows really bother me. Like Cathytoo says, always something to worry about. Will my hair come back? Will the bc rear it's head again, so I've really resolved (with the help of therapy) to take it a day at a time.

    Don't borrow tomorrows anxieties today, for you may miss a good day worrying about tomorrow.

    Just my thought for the day.

  • labscientistmom
    labscientistmom Member Posts: 63
    edited June 2016

    Thanks Cathytoo and Valstim! I woke up in the early morning with terrible cramps in my stomach and aweful diarrhea. kindof out of nowhere. Still feel singularly aweful. Stayed home from church to sleep more. yargh! I do not like it, Sam I am.


  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited June 2016


    Will I like BC on a train? Will I like it in the rain? Not on a train, not in the rain. No good in Spring. Even worse in Fall. I DO NOT LIKE BC AT ALL‼️(my apologies to Dr Seuss!)

  • Cathytoo
    Cathytoo Member Posts: 394
    edited June 2016

    Valstim52...there are two brow pencils that work wonders and create perfectly natural eyebrows. IT Brow Power Super Skinny (at Ulta). Anastasia Brow Pencil (at Sephora, Nordstrom). Neither need sharpening. They create such natural brows, even you will think they are your own. And, use a soft brown eye liner. I don't have one hair on my head, but I think my eyebrows might be coming back

  • Valstim52
    Valstim52 Member Posts: 833
    edited June 2016

    Cathytoo thanks for the tip. My lack of eyebrows with wild hairs are driving me nuts.

  • Milwmama
    Milwmama Member Posts: 84
    edited June 2016

    Missed my eyelashes the most. Happy to say even with 3 treatments left my hair and eyelashesbare visibly back :)

    Ally-very nice post and pictures.

    Hope everyone is well. Getting my vitamin D in Florida between chemos :)

  • queenkong
    queenkong Member Posts: 48
    edited June 2016

    I'm a 3+ survivor checking in to say hello and looking through all the posts of all of you. The support I found here was amazing and I am grateful for this community. Thank you.