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Calling all TNs



  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited August 2010

    friends...thanks for your is very frustrating I does make you wonder doesn't it??????

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited August 2010

    Friends:  I am so sorry to hear about your daughter and the recurrence of her cancer.  It is the one thing we all fear.  I think we have to look at our food & water sources, our lifestyle choices and even where we live.  We are injesting poisons in so many forms no wonder we have cancer!  Add to the fact that most of us (including myself) are working ourselves into an early grave:  I was working 12 hour days, 6 days a week without sick days, vacation days, nor insurance.  I had an abusive boss but my husband was not working, the economy sucks (also the fault of big corporations) and I didn't feel that I could leave my job or stop working.  It took getting cancer for me to take a hard look at my life and I had to make some hard changes and I may still get cancer back because there aren't any guarantees that what I am doing will stop it, but I have to try, and I have to have hope.  I hope this is the last time your daughter gets cancer and that she pulls through 100%.


  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited August 2010

    BTW:  I live in an 8 unit apartment building with 1 woman per household and 3 of us got breast cancer within 1 year!  I think those odds are too high.

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited February 2011

    This idea that stress leads to bc seems to stem from the notion that there is "blame" and "control."  If I hadn't been under so much stress, maybe I wouldn't have bc; and if I live a more calm, ordered life, maybe I can keep it from coming back.  I don't see either standing on medical/research ground, just pop notions.  Barbara Ehrenreich's Bright-sided deals with all this in her first chapter on her bc dx in a great way. 

    True, something makes American women more prone to bc than women in Asia, but as for stress, don't you think women in war-torn countries who are food-deprived, in danger of rape, trying to care for their children, are under more stress than we with our long hours and tough bosses?

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011

    Interesting article in Oncology Journal regarding receptor status change in primary versus recurrant tumors.

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011


    You make good points, and I concur. I don't spend a lot of time thinking about what may (or may not) have caused my cancer.

    I save my energy for kicking the crap out of it via staying fit, eating right, getting enough rest and living life to the fullest.

    And why shouldn't everyone?  After all, the alternative s*cks. 

    "Get busy living, or get busy dying". I prefer the former...

  • friends
    friends Member Posts: 12
    edited August 2010

    Thanks all for replying......MBJ that sounds a lot like my daughter working long hours,to long, like you say the procesed food we get to buy ,because there is not much else to choose from and if you want organic vegetables they cost double the price ...halve of what we eat is not even real food ,I remember the days when you had 2 types of milk and the milk lasted 3 days now it lasts for weeks so what poisons are we eating and what choices have we got.But like I said the drug companies are making millions of your pain and something needs to be done about it.I wish  all of you the best with your treatment and like MBJ said if you can change your life,work less hours, material things are nothing compared to your health and life.

  • jenn3
    jenn3 Member Posts: 388
    edited August 2010

    Titan - I too feel my scar area, but I just do it because I'm suppose to not thinking they'll ever be a lump.  Then again I had the same attitude when I found the original lump.

    I was reading an article in the newspaper about 2 weeks ago.  It was something about how technology has come so far and that because of the technology they are able to research how women died thousands of years ago - they are doing research on mummies and discovered that women were dying of breast cancer almost as ofter as we get the common cold.  Makes you think - what causes it?

    Sometimes I have these busy, happy wonderful days and completely forget or don't think about cancer.  Then I come home wash my hands and the smell of the soap reminds me that yes, I had cancer.  Or I look down at my pink ring and it reminds me.  Even now looking back to where I was last year, it seems almost dream like. Weird??? 

  • friends
    friends Member Posts: 12
    edited August 2010
    Here in Australia I have heard it called the rich womans disease,its more western countries that get it like you said retrievermom....third world countries don't have breast cancer or any cancer like we do.
  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited August 2010

    That's nice that they can research women that died years ago but I'm sorry ..why waste the time..WE are living with breast cancer NOW...

    I'm sorry..I had a sucky day today but I don't know why....bad attitude...its just my job..because of the economy it seems like we all freak every day..and there is always pressure to make $$, save $$...I feel like my company is forgetting about our customers..losing what made the company what it is....ah well...really nothing to do with breast cancer..! 

    I havea  bone density test tomorrow..and dange it..I want to now NOW what the results are...then I have an eye doctor appt...haven't had one since b-4 chemo..since I was pretty much freaking blind then it will be interesting to see if I have changed..if they couldn't make lenses small I would seriously have the coke bottle look..I tried to wear my contacts a week ago and they just HURT...guess I'm stuck with the glasses look.

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited August 2010

    That's nice that they can research women that died years ago but I'm sorry ..why waste the time..WE are living with breast cancer NOW...

    I'm sorry..I had a sucky day today but I don't know why....bad attitude...its just my job..because of the economy it seems like we all freak every day..and there is always pressure to make $$, save $$...I feel like my company is forgetting about our customers..losing what made the company what it is....ah well...really nothing to do with breast cancer..! 

    I have a  bone density test tomorrow..and dang it..I want to know NOW what the results are...then I have an eye doctor appt...haven't had one since b-4 chemo..since I was pretty much freaking blind then it will be interesting to see if I have changed..if they couldn't make lenses small I would seriously have the coke bottle look..I tried to wear my contacts a week ago and they just HURT...guess I'm stuck with the glasses look.

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited August 2010

    That's nice that they can research women that died years ago but I'm sorry ..why waste the time..WE are living with breast cancer NOW...

    I'm sorry..I had a sucky day today but I don't know why....bad attitude...its just my job..because of the economy it seems like we all freak every day..and there is always pressure to make $$, save $$...I feel like my company is forgetting about our customers..losing what made the company what it is....ah well...really nothing to do with breast cancer..! 

    I have a  bone density test tomorrow..and dang it..I want to know NOW what the results are...then I have an eye doctor appt...haven't had one since b-4 chemo..since I was pretty much freaking blind then it will be interesting to see if I have changed..if they couldn't make lenses small I would seriously have the coke bottle look..I tried to wear my contacts a week ago and they just HURT...guess I'm stuck with the glasses look.

  • friends
    friends Member Posts: 12
    edited August 2010
    Titan hope all goes well for you and maybe the coke bottle look isn't that bad if they help you see okay ,what the hell.Smile
  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited August 2010

    Oh "friends"..what the hell..but I'm just not ready for that look...I dunno..maybe the coke bottle look would look good with the chemo gut...what pretty girls we are! 


  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited August 2010

    "a rich womens disease" hmmm....well I'm certainly not rich...

  • friends
    friends Member Posts: 12
    edited August 2010

    Titan not many of us are,I think its just a way of saying its more common in western countries then Asian etc,any way I have a gut also....

  • retrievermom
    retrievermom Member Posts: 321
    edited February 2011

    Titan:  I was looking at new frames today, but gave up.  Told the gal I have not decided what color my hair will be, so don't know what look I want.  I'll go back a few months from now.  I'm ready to experiment with some semi-permanent color.  

    No one likes work-related or economy-related stresses.  I know they are real, and there are gals on these boards who struggle to make ends meet. I may not make much by US standards, but by world standards I am rich.  After all, I can feed 4 companion dogs.

    If they see women in the past also had this disease, they may find the causes.  I think there must be multiple causes, or researchers would have figured all this out by now.

  • Lynne3times
    Lynne3times Member Posts: 13
    edited August 2010


    Sorry you are having a bad day, I can relate, I worked all last week (only 1 week out from end of chemo) and we had a virus outbreak on our mail server and I am the network admin, talk about stress! I slept all afternoon Saturday which is something I never do. Paid for it on Sunday though tried to "do it all". To answer your question from last week, all 3 of my BC were TN.

    I have a chemo related question, does anybody else hear their heartbeat in their ears?, especially when you lay down and go to bed. I asked my chemo nurse about it and she said it was anemia. It was funny as I was trying to describe the sound to her which was like someone was marching, however, she knew right away what I was talking about.

    Titan, Here's to a good nights sleep and better day tomorrow, Lynne

  • HeidiToo
    HeidiToo Member Posts: 965
    edited February 2011

    I dunno--- I've heard my heart beating when my head was on the pillow many times--- WAY before cancer entered my life.

    Never thought anything of it--- just switched positions! Though it does add new meaning to the term "wearing your heart on your sleeve"...Laughing

  • Luah
    Luah Member Posts: 626
    edited August 2010

    Yes, yes, Lynne!  I had the same sensation when I was going through chemo treatments.  I mentioned it to onc, who kind of shrugged.  Heart seemed okay, so I tried not to worry.  It went away shortly after treatment, go figure!

  • PauldingMom
    PauldingMom Member Posts: 392
    edited August 2010

    Okay, I think only us TN BC sisters will understand this.

    I've told you about this tumor in my back. Well my Mom told me I should call my Onc. just in case. So I did. Now I'm scared. They are going to do a pathology report on it. She said with my history it's a no brainer. Well Hell! First they tell me it's B9 and not to worry about it and now I'm hearing "well just to be sure". I go tomorrow to see the surgeon and it's driving me nuts. I just want it O U T. I swear if I could reach it I would do it myself. On top of that the pain is increasing daily. I hate taking the pain meds. as they make me goofy.

    One more day, I keep telling myself this. Right now I just hope they can do the surgery very soon so I can put this behind me.  

  • JenC
    JenC Member Posts: 186
    edited August 2010

    Hey everyone.  Seems like we are all having some rought spots lately.  I am so tired I from the steroids I have hardly slept in two nights.  They told me to take the steroids for a day or two longer after may last Taxol to help with the bone pain and it does but I just want to SLEEP.  Thinking tonight I will not take them, take ativan and pain meds and go to lala land.  Working all day sucks to, does not help the fatigue.  Well there is my crap for the day.

    Titan - hope you are having a better day and the same to all the ladies who are having a rough one.  Hope it gets better.  We only have up to go from here right???:)

  • workmother
    workmother Member Posts: 13
    edited August 2010

    Hi all. Am done with my 4th round of AC - Yipee!!! ...and am starting Taxol tomorrow. I'm pretty scared about it. Fear of the unknown again! Anyone have any advice on how to prevent side effects? My Taxol treatments will be dose dense every other week for four treatments. Hearing lots of nasty things about neuropathy problems and bone pain. Has anyone used ice packs during the treatments or taken Glutamine and or Claratin or used Tea Tree oil on nails? I used all the advice I was given when I asked about AC side effects with much success! Hope to get help again! Thanks!! -Donna

  • NannaBaby
    NannaBaby Member Posts: 23
    edited August 2010

    I felt a big lump last Christmas when I was 28.  It took until May to get my concerns taken seriously! I was refused a mammogram because of my young age, and the doctor and radiologist tried to convince me it was a cyst and would go away on it's own.  (I wish that was the case! ). 

    End of May, 2 months before my 29th birthday the breast specialist diagnosed me with IDC 5.9cm triple negative.  I started AC June 11, did 4 cycles 3 weeks apart.  I am halway through chemo today!  The next will be 4 x Taxotere every 3 weeks apart. Then, Mastectomy (I want bitlateral), then 25 rads.

    I just got my progress MRI results yesterday, and the tumour has shrunk from 5.9cm to 4.3 cm!! And is centrally necrotic.  And my lymph nodes have reduced to almost normal with the largest being 1.3 cm.

    I'm hoping the Taxotere will knock this cancer's ARSS!!!

  • smithlme
    smithlme Member Posts: 383
    edited August 2010

    Great news NannaBaby! Shrink that cancer!

    PauldingMom, my thoughts and prayers are with you that your appointment with the surgeon goes well tomorrow. 

    Workmother, Taxol came with it's own crazy SE's.The shooting pains in my legs were the worst for me. I took my pain meds to get through 2 or 3 days each cycle. I was also giving myself Neupogin shots, so between the bone pain and the leg pains, I would stand in a hot shower to try and ease the aches and pains. 

    Next Monday is my 6 month appointment with my oncologist. I truly hate those appointments...

  • Lynne3times
    Lynne3times Member Posts: 13
    edited August 2010

    Nanna Baby, keep the good news coming

    Workmother, I just finished Taxol and Carboplatin two weeks ago, Like smithlme, I too had leg pain during it. The first time I took percocet which helped tons, but after that I really didn't want to do perc anymore as it made me feel sick probably because I wasn't really eating because everything tasted awful, then I starting taking aleve, which helped only marginally, after that I just got used to is and took nothing. However, I did stay home from work for 2 1/2 days each cycle because of it, I have a stick shift car and on those days legs hurt too much to drive. With me it started exactly 48 hours after chemo. Have neuropathy in my fingers and feet, worst in my right foot. The finger numbness is mostly gone, but the right foot is reminding me all the time. Can't wear sneakers all day long, glad it is summer right now. Been taking vitamin B6 for it which really seemed to help after the 3rd cycle, then that too seemed to return diminished results but still taking it, it can't hurt. Hoping that it turn out to be temporary and not chronic, too soon after 2 weeks being done to tell. Good Luck, we are all different and hopefully you won't experience too many side effects.

  • laurajane
    laurajane Member Posts: 305
    edited August 2010

    Hi all! Cried for no reason really at the grocery store today. I usually hold it in. Everyone thinks I am this super strong positive woman, Oh man I don't want anyone else to say that to me. It's an assumption. I havent learned how to cry at appropriate times I'm to embarassed to go back to the yoga class I started because I couldn't stop crying. Wish I could learn to cry in the privacy of my bathroom, maybe in the shower or something. LOL

    MBJ  -Thanks for the Alph Lipoic Acid updte. I am taking your list tomorrow to the hosp. to ask the onc. pharmacist when I start my Taxol 12 weekly. Beyod scared. I actually have had 3 good days since my final AC.

    Lynn3times - Love your cat. So sorry to hear about the 4th time. I pray your body kicks it. Yes I hear heartbeat in my ears. Told it was high bloodpressure. Anemia? Who knows. Stopped in the last week or so.

    Workmother- I start mine tomorrow. My Onc recommended 12 XWeekly Taxol  instead of dense dose and claims I probably won't have any SE. After reading this site it shows how much she knows. Several women have said it may not be as bad as AC. 

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited August 2010 the links you posted..I really like that one about tn's and chemo has been what we have been hearing on here is nice to have it confirmed.

    Pauldingmom...thinking of you and your appt. with your surgeon..hopefully your onc will put your mind at ease as soon as he/she sees it...

    Nanna...congrats on 1/2 done with chemo!  Whee! 

    Donna..good luck with your wasn't too bad for me..but it does take alot longer than AC...plan on being there most of the day!  I took the claritin for the neulasta shots and it seemed to work for me.

    I did have the body and leg aches too...I would have to roll around the floor to stand up...if I sat in a chair I had to stand for awhile to loosen up before I could walk...but it got better....I don't have pains like that any more..except for maybe sore feet in the morning..which is weird. 

  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490
    edited August 2010

    My feet are sore in the mornings also. My shoulders are beginning to hurt also.

    I'm 14 weeks post chemo.

    Some other side effects that I'm left with are that my sense of smell and taste haven't returned fully. And I have a hard time sleeping more than 4 or 5 hours at night.

    My sight has returned to normal and I seem to be able concentrate again. I don't walk into the grocery store and walk out again cuz I forgot why I went there, so I think my memory is improving.

    All in all, I probably would do it the same again, especially if it means this awful TN never returns :)