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Calling all TNs



  • smithlme
    smithlme Member Posts: 383
    edited May 2010

    I agree. We need to Meece here! How can we kidnap her????

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited May 2010

    Shout out to Meece!  Maybe someone could pm her? 

    Like your post..and your "Pic" Paulding Mom....I bet you have a lot of fun where ever you go...I like your sense of humor....  Funny thing my SIL (and she may read this)..has cancer too..but she has the "good" kind the er and pr + one....Besides that everything else is pretty much the same...I remember that she was told that she was lucky she didn't have that "nasty triple negative cancer"...and now her SIL does (me)....Anyway, we get together on our front porch and talk about it sometimes....She is also Brac 1 or 2..I don't know if I am or not..not sure I want to know....anyway...despite her having the "good" cancer and me having the "bad" cancer we are both hanging together and supporting each other....and yes..drinking some wine while we do it....There has been no correlation between alcohol and TN'S...there has been correlation with estrogen positive cancers and SIL'S onc..when asked about drinking said why would YOU quit now!  I think I like her...anyway..sorry to ramble on.'

    Just picked up my DS from I have both kids home for the summer..YAY!   I hope I remember this summer..last summer I was in a chemo fog!  

  • riley702
    riley702 Member Posts: 575
    edited May 2010

    "There has been no correlation between alcohol and TN'S...there has been correlation with estrogen positive cancers and SIL'S onc..when asked about drinking said why would YOU quit now!  I think I like her..."

    Woo-hoo! I think that's the best thing I've heard all week. Now I can quit feeling guilty about my occasional (once or twice a week) bedtime cocktail - hot chocolate in a big mug with healthy slugs of Bailey's Irish Cream and Kahlua added and topped with as much Cool Whip as I can get on the spoon. Yum!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited May 2010

    Did someone call my name?  Wow 9 pages to catch up on.  I guess I will start at the end and work my way backwards!

    I was 40 at dx, had lx, cnb (0/16), AC x 4, Taxol x 4, 35 rads including 5 boosts.  My onc team dropped the ball with me, and I had no follow-up for two years other than an anual visit to the Onc. Rad.  Got hooked up with UCLA and have had exceptional care and follow-up since then.  I see my onc every six months unless I have "issues"  Have mammos every six months, annual MRI, Never saw my BS after my post surgery follow-up.  My Onc does studies on TNs.

    I have had two recons and could use an third, but undecided as of now.

    I never drank before BC, so there would have been no correlation with alcohol and my BC.  Now I enjoy a nice glass of wine every few days.

  • Summer38
    Summer38 Member Posts: 96
    edited May 2010
    Riley, your bedtime cocktail sounds yummy to me!!! I'll have to give it a try.Tongue out
  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited May 2010

    I certainly don't want to "justify" drinking Meece said she didn't drink before..I know several people who have or had breast cancer..they did not drink..

    During chemo my onc said that a glass or two of wine would help me get through chemo and help relax me and help me sleep...Wine does the same for me now...oh and I take folic acid and vitamins to keep my liver healthy! 

    Nice to meet you Meece! 

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328
    edited May 2010

    I rarely, if ever, drink alcohol.  I also don't like soda so I never drink that either.  I'm pretty boring...I love water and lots of it. I also eat healthy. And, I got breast cancer - go figure! There's no rhyme or reason to this. There's also no family history.

    Glad to see Meece heard her name!


  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited May 2010

    I am happy we have this space now.  Call me crazy, but on several of the other threads I feel really "left out"  when they go off on hormone replacement therapy.  I haven't the slightest clue about any of that, especially first hand.  Now we can talk about things we deal with, and we won't be putting off non-TNS.

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited May 2010

    Welcome "home" Meece...

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited May 2010

    Thank you

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328
    edited May 2010

    This is such a wonderful thread!!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited May 2010

    I still have six pages to review!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited May 2010
    Have you caught up yet??  Cool   I haven't really changed much except watching portion size and adding excercise regularly.  Trying to lose weight is never easy. 
  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited May 2010

    Can anyone do ONE FREAKING push up...I tried again tonight but I just can't do one..I just won a "body ball" so hopefully that will help with my upper body strength...I can jog/walk 3 miles per day without any issues but my upper body is weak.  ..still haven't lost any chemo weight though..oh well....maybe this is my natural body weight...maybe being thin is being "sick" for me...does anyone else feel that way...maybe I'm not supposed to be a size 8...maybe that was cancer weight.

     Keep reading Meece..the last 8 will find so many amazing women with their amazing stories of their breast cancers.  I read through them and laugh and cry at the same time

  • scooter-12
    scooter-12 Member Posts: 26,606
    edited May 2010

    I had a lot of upper body strength until I had a bilateral mast., now I couldn't do a push up to save my life.  I find it very frustrating and wonder if I'll ever get it back.

  • LNFletch
    LNFletch Member Posts: 12
    edited May 2010


    I agree about feeling left out when it comes to some of the other threads when they talk about hormone replacement therapy. Even with some of the foods that the "positive" girls can or can't have. I'm glad that some of you posted the vitamins you're taking so I can compare.


    before I got my diagnosis, I was building my endurance to where I could run 2 miles a day. I never was a runner, but was proud of my accomplishment. Then after chemo, I couldn't even walk around the block without getting winded. I'm back in the gym now, but it is taking me longer than I expected to get back to where I was in September. I'm finally at my pre-cancer weight and I'd like to lose a little more, which was my goal before I was diagnosed.


    I drank occasionally, once every few months, and eat really well. We never eat red meat, eat fish 5 nights a week and poultry or vegetarian the other nights. I exercised 5 days a week, drink soda as much as I drink wine. I breast fed both of my children, my two year old I weaned two months before I was diagnosed. Not sure how I got so lucky either.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited May 2010

    I found a list of risk factors and compared them to myself at dx.

    No history of Breast Cancer - lower risk

    I was only 40 years old - lower risk

    No  direct family history - lower risk

    Unknown about my genetics

    No previous breast lesions - lower risk

    No distant family history - lower risk

    No previous abnormal breast biopsy - lower risk

    I was age 21 1/2 at my first childbirth - lower risk

    I did not start menstruation until 16 - Lower risk Your risk increases if you got your period before age 12.

    Haven't hit menopause. If you begin menopause after age 55, your risk increases.

    Breast fed three infants.

    Until recently I have always been under weight. Being overweight (especially in the waist), with excess caloric and fat intake, increases your risk, especially after menopause.

    Very few x-rays throughout my life. lower risk

    My grandmother dies of cancer, but in the 50s, they didn't pinpoint where her cancer began.  They did exploratory surgery, closed her up and she was gone in two weeks.  Risk

    No Heritage risk. Female descendents of Eastern and Central European Jews (Ashkenazi) are at increased risk.

    Did not drink alcohol at all. Use of alcohol is linked to increased risk of developing breast cancer. Compared with nondrinkers, women who consume one alcoholic drink a day have a very small increase in risk, and those who have 2 to 5 drinks daily, have about 1.5 times the risk of women who drink no alcohol. Alcohol is also known to increase the risk of developing cancers of the mouth, throat, and esophagus.

    Caucasian - risk.  Caucasian women are at a slightly higher risk of developing breast cancer than are African-American, Asian, Hispanic, and Native American women. The exception to this is African-American women are more likely to have breast cancer than causasians under the age of 40.

    No Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). Long-term use of combined estrogen and progesterone increases the risk of breast cancer. This risk seems to return to that of the general population after discontinuing them for five years or more.

  • smithlme
    smithlme Member Posts: 383
    edited May 2010

    Meece! You made it over to "our" house. Welcome!

    Upper body strength? What's that? On top of two mastectomies I also have LE. Even when I walk I have to wear a compression sleeve and glove. At the gym I can only lift light weights and have to sloooooowly increase and not do many reps of anything. 

    I have many risk factors. My paternal grandmother died of BC, by sister is a 20+ year BC survivor and my dad has had colon, kidney and skin cancer, but is still alive at 84! After cancer #2 I found out I am BRCA 2+. Who knows what causes my gene to express itself?


  • yowyow
    yowyow Member Posts: 36
    edited May 2010

    Hi everyone

    dx on my 36th Birthday 2006 - yep!

    so, just passed the 4 years - YAY!!! and reached the first major goal I set... made it to 40!!!

    Lumpectomy - margins not clear

    partial mx- margins not clear

    bilateral mx - immediate skin and nipple sparing silicon gel

    2/14+ nodes

    6 x FEC

  • PauldingMom
    PauldingMom Member Posts: 392
    edited May 2010

    According to most studies I should not have B.C. either. Go figure. I have been a person who enjoys a good drink, but not a heavy drinker. 2 drinks and I fall asleep.

    Didn't get "Flow" till 15 1/2, breast fed three kids, whitie, first babies at 24, 26 and 28. No history till time of DX. I had many head x-rays as a kid. They never found anything.Sealed just bad teeth. BUT I did eat the cole slaw in the school cafeteria. Everyone said to avoid it at all cost, but I was a rebel and enjoyed it gusto. 

    You all trying to loss weight should check out Meece's (that made me giggle....Meeces) post E-LAB. It's all very technical but what it comes down to is eating better and exercising. Meece will have to explain the technical name.

    Okay, don't ya all just kinda hate all those women with the "good" cancer. And if one more complains about the SE from hormone therapy I'm might slap um upside the head with a slab of raw fish. Thank you for the vent.

    Pink hugs.  Gotta run, My baby boy (22) is getting ready to DRIVE from Atlanta to LA. He's a writer and has a connection with a big time director/producer he's hoping to get a summer intern with. He needs his mommy right now and a goody bag. 


  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited May 2010

    Pauldingmom - All those head x-rays and they found nothing (made me chuckle!)!!!!  You are such a rebel too with the cafeteria food!!  LOOOOOVE your humour!!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited May 2010

    Hey, sister (Paulding).  One more similarity...two drinks and I am out.  I remember having a strawberry daiquiri once ...before a dinner at a nice restaurant.  You know the kind, service is slow so you can take hours to eat?  Well I kept nodding off during the meal.  I can't blame it all on the drink.  I was taking a 48 hour break from being a fairly new mommy, so lack of sleeping through the night may have had something to do with it.

    E-LAB.  We are all experimental subjects in a study to Eat Like A Bird!  The ladies over there are doing so well.  The encouragement is superior!  We admit to our set backs and share ways to deal with them.  

    Good luck to your son.  LA is a big city!

    I gave birth to my babies at 21, 22, 24, and 26.

  • smithlme
    smithlme Member Posts: 383
    edited May 2010

    This is why getting into studies is so important. I am in The Two Sister Study, Northern California Family Breast Cancer Registry and one through Kaiser. I will answer all questions I am sent, and provide blood and saliva samples, if it helps even one person. All the information is put into data bases and compared for similarities. It's not like I have anything to hide about my health. The flat chest and LE glove and sleeve are hard to hide!

    Paulding, have a great time with your son!

    I had my kids at 16, I know...waaaaay too young, 24, 27 and 31...


  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited May 2010

    Ok..doing the kid thing..I was 28 and 30...which is not too young but before the dreaded "30"...I did NOT breast feed...not sure why..had to go back to work in 6 DH wasn't too thrilled about it..I don't know...would it have made a difference..don't know now...started my period around 11 or paternal grandmother died of BC but her two daughters (my aunts) are doing died at 88..the other one is around 86 and doing fine...I have one girl cousin on that side and she doesn't have whatever...

    OMG Paulding crack me up..Cole slaw?  In grade school...I can't remember cole slaw in grade school..all I can remember is the smell of green beans as the smell wafted through the school..turned my stomach...never much of an eater in grade school..I think because of that awful smell.  

    Meece..give us a brief lecture on eating like a bird...they do eat worms..right?  And seeds and DH feeds the birds around our house...soo..we should eat what they do?  

    And Yowyow..4 years out with that dang nodal involvement...Hooray!  Can I ask you when or if you ever stop freaking out about every little thing..I was working around my house today ..felt an itch on my neck, scratched it..and there was a bump there!  Freaked out about an is gone now..probably an insect bite..since I was cleaning and it is spring time in Ohio..which brings spiders and all that good stuff...but man..I I go again..I did stop myself from googling..bump under jaw...I would just like to hear..that at some point.....please for all of us..we are just sitting around...probably drinking and think..hey..I think I will go on to BCO and check in because they need to hear that someone is surviving this junk...

    Oh and Paulding least your son has a connection in LA..A friend of mine's son wants to go to LA sooo bad...He just graduated from high school...He has this dream to make anyway..his Dad is driving him and friend there, dropping them off..with a car and said..I'm giving you two weeks...I don't know...guess we will see what happens...let me know if your son needs a camera man! 

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328
    edited May 2010

    I have one 10-year-old daughter and I was close to 36 when she was born.  I breast fed for about four or five months.  I was 13 when I got my period. There are no women on either side of my family who have had breast cancer.  However, my dad was an only child and so was his father so there aren't any aunts from his side. Also, his mother (my paternal grandmother) died young of a congenital heart condition. 

    Pauldingmom...welll the coleslaw would have likely been made with cabbage, which was good for you!


  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited May 2010

    Honestly..I think these "factors" .are junk.. I just can't  comprehend how just because you started your period a little late..or had children late or not had them at all...or breastfed or didn't...or ate cole slaw or didn't...sometimes I really think "they" don't have a why not forget about what caused it and find a cure for it....?as someone said on here..just "living" is a risk...And definitely being a women is a risk...!  Women are on here from all over the world with all differently lifestyles and race and eating habits and whatever but we still got cancer...I'm just not sure there is a common thread among all of us to pinpoint a cause..

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited May 2010

    For nearly twenty years I live on property which at the entrance to the road to our house, there was a sign posted "The State of California has identified chemicals on this property whicha re known to cause cancer" (or something to that effect.)  Maybe it did, however of the women who had lived there before me for 12-14 years, none of the three of them have had any form of cancer.

  • smithlme
    smithlme Member Posts: 383
    edited May 2010

    I was at my parents' a few months ago and we were talking about neighbors that have had cancer. In 14 houses there was a total of 18 people that had cancer. A cluster? The electric poles that ran through the neighborhood? The 3 gas stations on the corners? The canal water that everyone watered their lawns with and we ran through the sprinklers? Yep, all the pesticides that went into the canal, we played in and when we were too lazy to go into the house, we drank it. Maybe the green Kool-Aid or purple?

    I agree, no one seems to really know what causes cancer. We diet, exercise, limit our alcohol intake, read books, and we still get diagnosed.

    I want a cure...NOW!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited May 2010

    My uncle was married twice, both woman passed from BC.  Perhaps they could have concluded that he caused BC. 

    Remember the years that M&Ms took away red ones?  Red dye #2 or something like that was being blamed for cancer.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045
    edited May 2010

    And I used to use the red ones to "paint" my lips red!!!   My Onc said that there really wasn't anything that I did to cause my BC.  (Unless I worked with solvents/chemicals/pesticides all the time)