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Calling all TNs



  • meadow
    meadow Member Posts: 998
    edited September 2015

    Have a great time SA8!

  • greenae
    greenae Member Posts: 246
    edited September 2015

    Thank you, SA8!

    Have fun at the drive-in...i have fond memories of going to the drive-in movies when I was a kid...and held hands with a boy for the first time when I was a tween, in the back of his parents' station wagon. Lol



  • Luvmydobies
    Luvmydobies Member Posts: 476
    edited September 2015

    Welcome to the newbies. So sorry you have to be here but this is where you want to be if you're going thru this! We are all here for you!

    Huge congrats to those of you making the five year mark. That's awesome!

    Thanks for all the love and prayers from all of you! I can't than you enough! XOXO!! We are looking for a place to rent. We had an offer on a home but it wasn't accepted because the realtor had the price wrong and they thought our offer was too low. So now we are back to looking for a place to rent because my husband wants to have a home built. Ugh! Also as if yesterday my stress went up because I started having pinkish brown vaginal discharge like you get at the beginning or end of a period! My PCP checked my FSH level a little over a month ago and it was high so we though it meant I was in permanent menopause. It's weird though because this stuff mostly coming out when I use the restroom. So sorry for TMI! Some of you may remember that I had this similar issue for a few months last year starting about this time. I see my Onc for my checkup on the 14th and will mention it to him I guess. Not that he will know much about this though. Ugh. They did tell me if my period came back to expect the unexpected and it could be all over the place. But as you all know I still get panicked easily, thinking the worst with every little thing! Sometimes it just sucks being a female!

  • TNBCat37
    TNBCat37 Member Posts: 6
    edited September 2015

    Hi Allydp,

    So you didn't have radiation? I'm similar to your situation. Stage IIA, no lymph node involved. Double mastectomy. But I don't have BRCA mutation. Did your doctor say what is the reason why you don't need radiation? My radiologist is inclined to give me radiation. But by protocol, I probably don't need it. And my surgeon said I don't need it. I'm debating too.


  • Luvmydobies
    Luvmydobies Member Posts: 476
    edited September 2015

    Kristi, I didn't have radiation either. My breast surgeon said she got enough clear margins and didn't recommend it based on that and negative nodes. The Radiation Oncologist agreed with her and he didn't recommend it either.

  • SA8PG
    SA8PG Member Posts: 280
    edited September 2015

    Kristi- I also didn't have radiation. Clear nodes as well & PCR. The advice my Dr's gave me was if I had positive nodes or residual disease to do it because my tumor was almost 5 cm. Honestly, I think we all try to do the best to follow our Dr's recommendations for our individual cases. Everything hits us so fast. Best of luck & prayers for your decision.

    Luv- I just got my period after what you described. Had no period after chemo for 5 months then it came back for 4 months then disappeared for 56 days & then bam here it is again. I think your Dr said it, our cycle is all over the place.

    Arlene & Meadow. Thank you. It was a lot of fun. Beautiful clear night lots of stars were out.

  • Kraycee
    Kraycee Member Posts: 2
    edited September 2015

    Thank you so much for checking in! You have not only given me a bit of hope but you have confirmed that my sight issues are not as temporary as I was lead to believe they would be! Happy graduation!

  • Kraycee
    Kraycee Member Posts: 2
    edited September 2015

    HI everyone ,

    I am 44, was diagnosed august 2014, 3C, mod. Radical bilat, 4 rnds AC, 4 Rnds Taxes and Neulasta for TX 1-7. At the time of my surgery they found that all the cancer was dead! TKO! Genetic testing revealed a gene mutation rendering me at very high risk of developing colon cancer (50-80% chance).

    Laughter really is the best medicine,



  • Luvmydobies
    Luvmydobies Member Posts: 476
    edited September 2015

    Kraycee welcome to the forum! We wish you didn't have to be here but it's a great place to be. I'm sorry to hear about the colon cancer risk. At least you have a good sense of humor, it sounds like! I get so confused about genetic stuff because they told me when I was diagnosed to get the BRCA tests which I did and they were negative but I read some web sites that talk about other genetic tests. So, now I'm like should I ask about different ones to get done??! It's scary to think about! It's all a crapshoot anyway, I guess. Again welcome. XO

  • meadow
    meadow Member Posts: 998
    edited September 2015

    Yes welcome!

  • Bunnybumps
    Bunnybumps Member Posts: 37
    edited September 2015
    Luv, I had a panel of tests that included 49 genes, including BRCAs. Getting results Tuesday. The tests that are recommended depend on your overall health and family medical history. I have a looooooottttt of autoimmune involvement in my family, had precancerous polyps in the colon, have 6 benign meningiomas, etc., etc. so there were loads of tests to perform. For all we know I could have lots of problems ahead, or they call be negative. Like our cancer treatment, genetic testing is so very individual.
  • meadow
    meadow Member Posts: 998
    edited September 2015

    Kraycee, I got your message that you had accidently blocked me, but I cannot respond! The error message said, "not accepting private messages" so you will need to unblock that if you did it by accident. It happens!

  • BanR
    BanR Member Posts: 238
    edited September 2015

    2 issues in hand

    1> cycles had stopped during chemo, it came back after 8 months and after 7 months stopped again...its been 3.5 mths, of no periods for me.

    Oncologist is a little skeptical about hormonal supplements to bring it back. I was wondering what else can be done. What are the risks of such an early menopause ( i am 36). Does it increase the risk of other cancers or diseases?

    2> Brca1 was negative and brca 2 had a mutation of unknown significance. She now wants me to get other genetic tests done mainly the p53. Appointment with genetic counsellor in a few days. Any pointers on what else to discuss about and ask for wen i go and meet her.


  • Luvmydobies
    Luvmydobies Member Posts: 476
    edited September 2015

    BanR, I'd honestly be happy if I never have another period again. I hate them but I also realize that if they came back and were regular the menopausal symptoms would go away. I have an appointment next Monday for my four month checkup and will talk to my Onc again. However before he's just been like there's no way to tell if the periods will come back and if they will be regular. They say to expect the unexpected and he will not let me take any kind of hormones. He's even against me using Estrogen cream too.

  • ALHusband
    ALHusband Member Posts: 342
    edited September 2015

    I understand some genetic tests. SOME. But I'm not sure I understand the ones they do where there really is no intervention that can be done anyway. My wife is BRCA2 positive, which I believe was truly a blessing to know. Because they were able to test for it...she could have a prophylactic mastectomy and a prophylactic oophorectomy since she was at an elevated risk for ovarian cancer as well. But are there others they do where there is no preventive intervention we can do anyway? For instance...if there were a Liver Cancer gene we could test for it...but what good would it be if we knew we had it? We can't intervene and remove our liver...can we? Is there a Bone cancer gene? We can't remove our skeletons...can we? My point is I believe there are some very useful genetic tests...but then are there others that simply cause stress, anxiety and worry. Am I off base?

  • meadow
    meadow Member Posts: 998
    edited September 2015

    No Al, not off base. I am sure there are gene mutations for every cancer, and inherited conditions, don't you? We are just seeing the tip of the iceberg in genetics and how they relate to BC, which is so great as I feel like this brings us steps closer to finding a cure or at least finding more and even better treatment options. But I agree, not necessary for everyone to undergo the testing, at least not yet. Just my thoughts....

  • breastcancerhusband
    breastcancerhusband Member Posts: 69
    edited September 2015

    BanR - did they say what the BRCA2 variant was? My wife had the same BRCA 1 normal and BRCA2 was a variant of unknown significance, but we got it checked out with the UK cancer database and it turns out its just a natural variant. If you are happy to share the genetics I'll try and dig around for you.

    Alhusband - firstly I hope the wife is doing well! As a medical scientist I think the tests are important, it gives us more information. But as a patient (well husband of a patient) they can sometimes cause worry!

    I hope everyone else is doing well or as well as can be expected.

    Lady-miz - sending you tons and hugs and prayers from London UK


  • Jennagwyn
    Jennagwyn Member Posts: 3
    edited September 2015

    I'll be getting the Taxol biweekly, after i'm done with my 4 AC treatments:

  • BanR
    BanR Member Posts: 238
    edited September 2015

    Thanks for replying back Luv, AL, Meadow and breastcancerhusband.....i dont remember the mutation off hand now, will check and let you know its exact name..thanks!

    I might as well have to go sooner to meet my oncologist again. Feel an elongated hardness in the opposite breast. Have been feeling on an off hardness surprisingly in the non radiated breast but mammos were clear.

    i need to investigate this one, although when i met with my onco just a few days back, she didnt seem to notice any.

    Sometimes i get tired..since 2013 the drill began....diagnosis of cancer, surgery, chemo, rads, neuropathy, gynaec issues post chemo, cardiac issues post chemo, followed by menopause but the biggest being the sword of mets, recurrence or another cancer hanging on your head all the time..... becomes tough to think ahead at times but then pull myself up again, somehow got to live till my daughter grows up at least.

    Thanks everyone for being around!

  • Luvmydobies
    Luvmydobies Member Posts: 476
    edited September 2015

    BanR, I sure hope the hardness you're feeling is just some kind of hormonal changes or something. Clear mammo is a good sign I would think! Please keep us posted. You're in my prayers! XOXO!! Post treatment is so hard because of the fear of the unknown and all the post treatment effects that you mentioned.I was 36 at diagnosis and it sucks because they always say you don't need a mammo before 40! I had regular gyno visits and did self exams but that wasn't enough obviously. By the time I felt it, it was already over 3 centimeters. Aargh!!! My four month checkup is Monday and my thoughts are all over the place. They always are when its close to time for a checkup though. I still think I'm too young to have to see an Oncologist but the fact is cancer does not discriminate and I think that no matter what age we are we all felt cheated when we were diagnosed. I love this board though. I'm so thankful for all of you fine ladies and gents!

  • Curlyq1974
    Curlyq1974 Member Posts: 87
    edited September 2015

    I feel the strong urge to pipe up about the genetic testing.  Yes, currently there is nothing that can be done about liver cancer or bone cancer mutations.   But, there is currently research on going to develop vaccinations for those with mutations.  I know this only because I have the mutation, and my brother has the mutation.  My dear niece is only 10.  She has a 50% chance of carring the mutation as well.  At the Cleveland Clinic, they are researching a vaccination for TN.  I pray that all she has to worry about is getting her annual BC vaccination with a Flu shot!  Wouldn't that be wonderful!!!!  They have 10 years to figure it out for her....

  • allydp
    allydp Member Posts: 361
    edited September 2015

    Kristi - I had a few opinions regarding rads and every one, except one, said no because of the negative nodes. The one hold out who wanted to do it changed his opinion once I had a complete response to chemo. It's hard to leave a treatment option on the table I know, but the current recommendation is no post BMX rads for those who are node negative with tumors <5cm.

    BanR - so so sorry you're feeling the new thickening and having to go through the testing, fear and wait. I'm in the same boat right now.

    Regarding gene mutations, I'm really with Curlyq on this one, but can definitely see your point too, AL. I tend to think it's best to get to the very bottom of exactly which variant you have regardless of current treatment options. They're constantly coming up with new targeted therapies and like Curly said, vaccines as well. And heaven forbid you have a recurrence, there's so many different studies out there. It could open up your options and options are never a bad thing.

    Welcome to the new ladies here. :)

  • Cocker_Spaniel
    Cocker_Spaniel Member Posts: 1,188
    edited September 2015

    Well so much for the NZ spring. One day of brilliant blue sky and a warm day and its been raining and cold since. On top of that I caught the flu from my beloved feller and have felt awful and don't seem to be able to shake it off. I badly need some sun. Can anyone send me some?

    Welcome to all of the new ladies. This is a great site with plenty of support.

    Michelle hope your pain is better and you have managed to get some reassurance from your doctor to put your mind at rest. Hugs.

    Greenae hope that's all you did in the back of that station wagon (hold hands). Glad to hear you are back at work. The neuropathy may stay around for a while but it does seem to get a little better as time goes on. I still have it in two of my fingers and its sometimes hard to type.

    Ally I don't know how you all cope with those insurance hassles. They all seem determined to make your lives harder even though you have paid in for it and don't need all the bull shit on top of everything else you are going through. In relation to your pain would it be similar to mine. I have had a pain in my left side (cancer side) that comes if I twist even just a little. It is extremely painful and lasts for about 30-50 seconds. It sure takes my breath away but I don't think its anything because I have had it for about a year now. It's just a pain in the butt when it comes and is so painful. Hope you can get some reassurance that yours is just part of the surgery and nothing else.

    Bunnybumps (love the name) praying that all your tests are negative and keeping my fingers crossed for you.

    BanR great to see you posting again. If you still have your ovaries you shouldn't be in menopause especially at your young age. If you ever have to have your ovaries removed you will go into instant menopause whatever your age but keep in mind that hormone replacement therapy is not a good idea as believe it or not it can cause breast cancer. Ironic really isn't it.

    Shari glad to hear you are taking baby steps with the exercise and are beginning to feel better. Big hugs.

    Jan I saw some mountains on fire on the TV but can't remember the place. It was in the USA though and really frightening. Would be hard to breath through that. Glad our NZ fire fighters are there to watch over you and keep you safe.

    LUV I hope you have solved your housing problems at last and they are how you would like.

    Hallo to all of our other ladies and hoping you are all keeping well. I'm off to take some more honey and lemon to shift this darn cold.

  • greenae
    greenae Member Posts: 246
    edited September 2015

    Hi Cocker

    I wish I could send you our 90+ temps and September's Tooo Hot here!

    I hope you're feeling better soon. When I was a kid, My Dad would drop some whiskey in with the tea, lemon and honey, to quiet the coughs. I thought it tasted awful, but it sure did put me to sleep.

    Feel Better soon!

    Arlene- yes, only hand-holding! Lol

  • meadow
    meadow Member Posts: 998
    edited September 2015


    Arlene we have been watching the US Open Tennis matches, and they are talking about the heat there!

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821
    edited September 2015

    Cocker, - I hope you feel better soon! Maybe you should try Arlene's dad's recipe! Winking

    Arlene, - hope you are able to get back into your work routine easily! This heat can't be helping. I would love light snow fall about now!

  • allydp
    allydp Member Posts: 361
    edited September 2015

    My MRI was approved today!!! It's scheduled for the 15th, but I'm going to keep calling daily to try and get in sooner with a cancellation. My onc has never agreed to do a peer to peer...she always orders something else. So on one hand I'm glad she took the time to call, but it also makes me wonder if she's that overly concerned this time. I haven't been wearing a bra to relieve some of the pressure, which is helping both physically and mentally. I'm able to at least get my mind off of it without the constant reminder.

  • Luvmydobies
    Luvmydobies Member Posts: 476
    edited September 2015

    Cocker, hope you feel better soon!!

    Ally, glad you got the MRI scheduled! I'm praying for you!

    House stuff is still ongoing. I think we found a place to rent. We found a lot to buy on 3+ acres and will have a house built there. Not my ideal location but I'm ready to get everything settled. My nerves are so shot from everything lately and my Onc checkup looming on Monday! Every ache has me worried this week! I've been moving a stuff around here and at the Doberman rescue, and lifting some but I still worry the soreness is something worse. My cancer side is always the side that hurts! The underneath side of my right arm hurts and under my arm going down the side of my rib cage and I worry it's cancer or some sort of infection because of my fear of antibiotics from having the C Diff. Ugh! Will it ever end?!! Hah

  • greenae
    greenae Member Posts: 246
    edited September 2015

    Hi All

    Back in the work routine. Wow, like I never left. Just wish my feetdidn't hurt so much, I have to walk a lot, and run up and down stairs. Anothernycgirl, I'm with you! I would love some cool weather and snow! I have left the house twice this week forgetting the wig. Ugh. Had to go back and get When can I dye this white crewcut? It's making me feel old.

    Ally, I am glAd you got your approval, and soon, some peace of mind. My first follow up is in mid-october, and I am trying hard to not think about it.

    I am struggling in my head the past few days because an acquaintance with TN passed away this past weekend. She was first diagnosed 3 years ago. I don't know the details, but know she had brain cancer as well, first diagnosed one year ago. DH is good friends with her husband and he is saying the family told him it was not BC in her brain. Ugh. So sad. I am sorry to be down with this post. But it frightens me.

    I am trying to get back to normal with work and life, but I feel this past 9 months has changed me so much.

    Thank you all for being here.

    Luv, I hope the move works out, and your pain and worries lessen.

    Remembering 9/11, and all the heroes we lost that day. My DH was there as a First Responder, he has many health issues as a result...another event that changed our lives so drastically.

    Hugs to All

  • PeggySull
    PeggySull Member Posts: 368
    edited September 2015

    TNBCat 37. I have same profile as you and I didn't need radiation. In fact, it was suggested that a plus to not having radiation with my profile was that if the ca returns (e.g., to the chest wall), not having radiation now would hold it in reserve (some lifetime limit of radiation).

    My suggestion is to get two second opinions outside of your group, one radiologist and one oncologist. Or, If you can get your case presented to a BC board, that should be ideal. One of your docs needs to get you on the roster.

    Until you get closure on this, I'm sorry you have to live in a state of uncertainty!

