Join our Webinar: REAL Talk: Healthy Body and Mind After Breast Cancer Treatment - Jan 23, 2025 at 4pm ET Register here.

2010 Sisters



  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Ooooh morphine. Do you think they can hook my husband up too. He might need it too.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858

    hello sistas

    been away for the weekend.tryin to catch up with all of my threads.I must say this thread hurts me soooo many people i missing something?i think so.almost everyday i see new people here.its messing with my head today.

    I think i need a huggggggggggg.

    and we need a i need a cry too.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Hug to you grannydukes.  Big hug.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    grannydukes-  like I said on another thread; you rock.

    Lago- No such luck, mine tried!  He stayed with me every night I was there sleeping in the chair, I like him.  (c:

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858

    i am posting this all over today.i saw this on is world cancer day


  • Teklya
    Teklya Member Posts: 362

    Hi there; doing a bit better. I find myself really needing sleep and still feeling really dizzy.  The aches and pains are back as is the feeling of weakness.  I know this is short lived and can only get better, but it is still so yucky when you go thru it!

    take good care and just breathe. . .


  • redsoxfan
    redsoxfan Member Posts: 63

    I'm worried about keeping it together as the weather cools, and the leaves turn, and the days get shorter.  The autumn always reminded me of mortality and always made me sad.

    Got caught in an unexpected panicky feeling on the porch last night when I realized that I couldn't read the book because the sunset was earlier....

    Maybe my choice of book didn't help.  Bathsheba's Breast: Women, Cancer, and History by James S. Olson.  Fascinating and well-researched about breast cancer.  Not particularly well-written, though.  Got it from the library.  It was another reference to this first paragraph that piqued my attention: 1967 t.c. greco and italian surgeon&f=false

    If you click on the top left hand picture of the front of the book, you can see the peau d'orange dimpling in the breast of Rembrandt's model.

    Bottom line, having read the book, we all are really fortunate to be being treated in these times.

    (Think I'll copy some of this to the Book Lovers Club thread.)

    Good luck tomorrow, Iago.  

    BarbaraA:  Go Rays.  And I'm still waiting to know I'm in the "new normal" too.

    samsue:  Ah, the ice.  And I used arnica gel on my swollen breast (avoid sutures) and arnica tablets (from health food store) to help relieve bruising and swelling.  Worked very well.

    To all on the issue of crying:  What you said.  I still just wish I could climb into the sayback machine and to thos years and times unmarred by the presence--hopefully absence--of this horrible word in my life, my medical record, my prayers, the prayers of those who love me, my daughter's and (someday, please God,) my granddaughters' medical histories, the worries of so many....Even though I have so much that I am truly grateful for, I hate this whole thing.

    Thanks for tuning in.

    God bless us all.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Hi there ladies, 

    It has taken me awhile to catch up on everything.  I had a friend come down from VA just to be sure I was OK and that I had plenty of support here.  He went to church with my husband and me and the whole Life Group class went out to eat at a local cafeteria.  It was so hard to hold it together until we got back to the house and he was getting ready to leave.  Needless to say, I really lost it.  I cried really hard for almost 2 hours.  My poor husband did not know what to do so he just held me and kept giving me tissues.  I think I used about a box and a half.  I did feel better when I finally stopped.  And I slept good for a few hours. Only problem is that my ribs and back hurt so bad still.  I seem to cry at the drop of a hat over anything and everything.  My daughter called earlier today and we were talking about her children and how they are doing in school and she told me her 4 year old daughter had a boyfriend and I lost is again.  Don't know if it was happy or sad tears.  

    Just got a call from my onco and they have scheduled an appointment for me for Sept 1st which is the day before my surgery,  I was not scheduled to see him until Sept 10th,  This is more than a little scary, of course I am assuming one of the last test have discovered something else.  I have to keep reminding myself that my God is bigger than this.  Here I go crying again.  I am so glad you ladies are here.  My poor husband just does not really understand, he tries and is always here, but it is not the same as sharing with you.  I have no idea what I am typing so I'll go.  Thank you all

    Wishing you all joy and blessings.

    Amy Jo 

  • inthepink49
    inthepink49 Member Posts: 49

    so I'm pretty ticked off right now.I called Genomic about my Oncotype Dx to see if has been even started yet and found out it has been done and faxed to my docs office last tuesday! I was at my docs office last wed. What the heck! Of course now her office is closed so I will have to wait till tomorrow.

    What is it do these docs like to see us in agonizing stress.I think when they aren't in the situation they don't realize. My doc has had to apologize once already for not putting my feelings first. makes me so  angry,

    I have a rad consult tomorrow  maybe he'll tell me. My med onco appt is thursday. Maybe they are waiting till then but they should know how much strain the waiting has on us.

    Well thanks for letting me spout off. It helps to be able to get it out of my system.


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    AmyJo, I am so sorry.You need to just let the tears flow. I still do it usually in the middle of the night when my DH is asleep. I bury my face in the pillow.

    Inthepink, I also called Genomic and my onc also had the test result for a week but my appt was in two days so I grtitted my teeth and dealt with the rage.

    Dealing with the rage is my new life.

  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695

    ~ LadyinBama,

    You took the words out of my mouth.  That's how I felt totally.  I thought to myself, my teary eye thing might just scare people out.  Like, why is this lady crying???  (LOL, I know I was being silly)

    ~ InthePink,

    I had identical situation last Thursday and didn't get a call until I called Onc's office 9:00am sharp last Friday and told them that no one called me back the day before.  They even tried telling me that the report wasn't faxed to them yet, but fortunately I had verified it with someone and jotted their name down.  Still had to wait till 12:30pm before the doctor called back.  I don't wish this on any healthy person but they really have NO CLUE that we are sooo anxious and stressed that we needed answers right away.  Meanwhile they become insensitive to their job.  That's really sad.

    My onc. appointment is Sept 1st, but I told them on the phone that I wasn't willing to wait till then to get my Oncotype results.  To me, good/bad/ugly I wanted to know right away and I will deal with the pain.

    I will pray for all of us to stay strong and have good results.  

  • samsue
    samsue Member Posts: 599

    My arm is really hurting tonight. Does anyone have any suggestions? It just saps the energy out of me when this happens..

    Blessings to all

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    samsue, what about some ice in a baggie wrapped with a towel?

  • DesignerMom
    DesignerMom Member Posts: 730

    amyjo-Maybe your Onc had a cancellation and just wants to get you in sooner than the 10th?  Try not to think the worst.  Let's just hope your doctors are trying to get you in ASAP because of your changing diagnosis.  I think your DH is my hero already.  He knows he can't fix this, but he is totally supportive and letting you do what you need to, sounds like a strong guy.  Prayers continue to go up for you.

    inthepink-  Absolutely INEXCUSABLE that your Onc has been sitting on your Oncotype score for over a week.  If it were ME, I would call them first thing in the morning and say that if you did not get a call from the doctor within an hour, you were personally coming to the office to find out your results.  Trust me, they do NOT want an angry cancer patient in their waiting room!  I bet you will finally get a call.  When you do, I would blast your Onc asking him if he would let his mother, sister or wife agonize unecessarily for over a week for test results. Will you be having chemo?  You MUST be able to trust your Oncologist, doesn't sound like this one is overly concerned with your well being.  If for some reason, you do not get your test results by the time you meet with your Rad Onc, ask him to call your Medical Onc and get the results for you (he needs to know too).  It is amazing how doctors seem to quickly respond to each other and not to their patients!  Okay, enough ranting, but this just p______sses me off royally!

    By the way, My BS told me my results on the exact day they arrived.

    Ladies, stay strong, you are fighting and beating this monster.  It is scary and miserable at times, but you will win!

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    I am feeling a little more at ease now.  My sweet husband called our family doctor because I was so upset about the change in the schedule to see the onco.  A little while ago he rechecked all the test results and called back and told me all the possibilities for the reason to move the appointment up before my surgery, none of which were bad news.  He said he would call the onco first thing in the morning then call me back with the reason.  So I am relative calm again, just completely exhausted from all the crying.

    I guess I am fortunate that I have a primary physician that has been my FGP for years.  I made sure from the start that he was to be included on everything.  All scheduled tests as well as the results were to be sent to him too.  He calls me often just to check up on me and tells me any new results that have come in.  On the BC team my onco is the communicator and I can call him during office hours, but he will not tell me test results over the phone. I have to wait for an appointment.  At least I have someone else I can call, if he has not already called me.  I wish all of you had a family doctor like mine.  He is a very caring and compassionate doc. 

    One of the first things I learned after dx was to find the member of my BC team that was the communicator and call them with everything.  I sure am glad I added my family doctor to the mix.  (He even gives out his cell number so he can be reached 24/7/7.)   I hope all of you can find someone on your team that will talk to you and really listen to things you are concerned about.  It really does make things easier when you know the facts and can prepare for what is to come.  If you don't currently have someone that will talk to you, find one that will and then make a change. Your peace of mind is an important part of the healing.

    I am exhausted tonight so I am off to bed to try and rest. 

    Joy and blessings,

    Amy Jo 

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858

    some of these drs.really piss me off.I finally went to get my medical records from dr#1 who did the 2 screw up surgeries.i had to sign a release and have it sent to my will take 10 days.then i went  to get my films.they told me who knows where they are.not here.maybe the dr.left them in the or.they are my film and i want them but i dont want to ever look at this so pissed off at these big ego maniac drs.who think they are GOD.YES THEY SHOULD TREAT THEIR WIVES,MOTHERS,SISTERS AND GIRLFRIENDS THAT WAY.

    wow i didnt think i was so mad. Ladyinbarma thanks for letting me get this off my chest.I wish you the best.sending you prayers and huggggggs


  • DesignerMom
    DesignerMom Member Posts: 730
    grannydukes-  I am SO sorry they are giving you the gears about your own records.  Just remind them that they are YOUR records and it has been too long!  I have always used "if you can't authorize this, could you please get the person who can?" Stand your ground and tell them you need them NOW, Needless to say, I try to be very polite z874537zn!!!  When I got my abnormal mammo and had to return the next day for ultrasound (because they screwed up the appointment). I asked to get ALL my films (from Mt. Sinai) right then and there.  The receptionist called and told me "the person who takes care of that is not here, it will take 7 days".  I politely said "wrong answer, please call someone who CAN take care of this".  Not only did I get my films, the head Radiologist came and asked if she could talk to me and offered to do my biopsy that day.  I thanked her and explained I had lost confidence and was going elsewhere. I never looked back.  Can you get someone to go with you to back you up?
  • phxsunshine
    phxsunshine Member Posts: 156
    Delayed Oncotype Test results for no good reason ~ I fired my Chemo Dr after my results sat gathering dust for a week, on her desk, before they were related to me, because she "was out of the office".  I said the same thing, would you do this to your mother?, unbelievable, this is our lives we are talking about here.  Not getting stitches out, not indigestion, something is trying to kill us for crying out loud.  I figured if she's going to leave that sit there and not give a crap about me, she will never give a crap about me, I'm just another swinging pair of tatas coming thru her doors and screw that.
  • redsoxfan
    redsoxfan Member Posts: 63

    grannydukes and all:  Even today bc is a woman's issue treated for the most part by men.

    A lot of them just don't get it. The wait, the wait, the wait.

    Add to that the burden on the changing system with the addition of more and more people seeking treatment/attention and no increase in health care md's, rn's, pathologists, etc. 

    When I went to my diagnosis p/biopsy, the results weren't ready.  The md and I, and my wonderful daughter chatted for about 40 minutes.  During  the fill-up-the-time conversation, he left the room 3 times to "goose" pathology.  BX on the 8th.  Half a DX on the 13th.  IDC.  (We'll get back with er/pr/her2neu later.)  

    The wait is the worst.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858

    i really dont need the film because i had all new mammos done.its just the point im making.they dont give 2 shits about us.the bigger the dr.the less he has time to now going to a women BS who just became the head of the breast center im going to now.I heard from people i know there she really had to fight her way to the top against the male happy with er and the fact she doesnt need anything from the dr#1 shithead who is #10 in America...she looked down when i mentioned his name..

    wow im would never know i was on vacation this

    hugggggggggs sistas.God bless


  • Anne068
    Anne068 Member Posts: 93

    Adey.. what do you mean by "messed up periods?"... I just had my first period since my BMX and it was bizarre!  It was EXTREMELY heavy, (huge clots, sorry for the graphics) I was changing my tampon like every 2 hours, no joke. Then it just STOPPED. Just like that. From extremely heavy .. "oh my god am I hemorraging?" to NOTHING.

    Is this normal???

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    One of the reasons why I'm being treated at this particular hospital is my brother-in-law is a physician there. Instead of waiting around for doctors to call I can just call him and he can look up the results. He's not a BS or OC but I can get the info I need sooner rather than later. So glad it's a good hospital with good doctors or I'd be waiting on pins and needles like the rest of you.

    OK well I'll be gone for a week or two. Boobs removal tomorrow.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    Anne - I had two normal-ish periods and then started my third period and it was very light, one to two tampons a day for two weeks!  Then bam a gusher like you described.  I had to change tampons a few times withing 5 or 10 minutes, crazy.  My new friend is an adult diaper if I don't know about where the toilets will be when I go out!  Useful at night too.  It's easing up now just moderately heavy.  What an additional pain in the ass huh?  I guess it's the new normal be it bxm or perimenopause, I'm 48.  Cheers, A  Tongue out
  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    lago, big warm (((HUGS))) to you and we'll hold you in our thoughts. Let us know how you are doing after your surgery.

    GD - having a place to vent will help keep you from going off on someone near and dear to you. Vent away!

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Iago: (((HUGS))) My BMX went off without a hitch; here's hoping yours does also.

    I'm off to my first chemo!!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858

    good morning sistas

    boobs removal,chemo it all pisses me off today.i guess im still in a pissy mood.

    I wish you girls the best of luck today.God bless.

    We will be prayin for you.



  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262


    Have your drs not heard of Patient's Rights.  They are required by law to give you your records when you request them PERIOD, the end, no discussion.  As for the films, those too are yours when you requests them.  I have found it is best to request them before the tests.  It is a good idea to keep your own copy of all your records.  This would be useful in the event of a natural disaster like Katrina, and you have to go far away from your current location and drs.  Or if something happens when you travel on vacation.  (And for us BC patients if we change drs.)

    You can take all the paperwork and scan them onto a flash drive that can be read by any computer.  I make it a point to ask every dr for a copy of each visit when I go in and if they will be making notes to either mail or email me a copy of those.  So far everyone has been good about giving me what I request and some even give me things I did not know to ask for that were in my records.  Do not be afraid or shy about standing your ground, federal law is on your side.  Some stubborn drs staff may need to be reminded of that. 

    Lago: You will be in my thoughts and prayers today. hope the easily get clear margins and there are no complications. 

    Joy and blessings,

    Amy Jo 

  • jag82569
    jag82569 Member Posts: 84

    lago- Special prayers for you today. 

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858

    thank you amyjo---this dr probably left the films in the didnt even take one picture.i brought them to him.he is the #1 shithead.i dont care about them anymore. my new dr.has everything she needs.and the new film was taken by a girl i know so from here on in im he can take those film and shove them you know

    lago.sending you hugggggggggs and a prayer.God bless my sistas


  • tryn2staycalm
    tryn2staycalm Member Posts: 470

    lago - Best of Luck to you tomorrow. 

    Granny - Hugggggggggggs back
