He does most of it these days, actually. And he's a GREAT cook.
Eat beef or stay away from it?
0 -
minimial beef
chicken or turkey
0 -
tofu or no thank you
0 -
Not too interested in tofu....and I am a vegetarian!
Sushi or No Way!
0 -
No way. I like my seafood, but please cook it.
Wine with dinner? Red or White?
0 -
Usually white, before dinner.
Refrigerate leftover wine or leave it at room temp?0 -
Leftover wine? Never heard of it.
Soft fresh bread or like it toasted?
0 -
soft fresh with melted butter
salsa: mild or hot
0 -
Plain old corn chips or corn chips with flavoring on them?
0 -
Man, do I ever love Doritos, but they are chemical-laden disasters and make me sick every time I eat them. So plain.
Yogurt - plain, sweetened with sugar/jam, or sweetened with aspartame?
0 -
With aspartame usually
Sweet tea like we have in the south or unsweetened with lemon?0 -
like it both ways, but usually unsweetened with lemon and a sprig of mint
iced coffee or iced tea
0 -
Iced tea
Ice in your coke in a glass or in the bottle out of the fridge?0 -
don't drink coke but if when I did I preferred it cold out of the fridge.
unpack your suitcase the moment you get home or leave it in the garage a couple of days?
0 -
Welcome home WellWater!! How was your trip?
Leave it unpacked for a couple of days (or weeks! I'm so bad!)
Check your bags or try to manage carry-on?
0 -
Since BC, check bags. Have not been able to sling a heavy bad into the overhead bin.
Admit you could not get the emergency door open or hope for the best and sit in an exit row?0 -
I definitely like the exit row....and definitely count on the big guy next to me in the event of an actual emergency!
Flying: Make you nervous or not at all?
0 -
Not scared of flying at all. Done tons and tons of flying.
Want to visit Europe or not?
0 -
Want to visit Asia or not?
0 -
Hi Suzanne....trip was blisters on my feet walking DC and all the sights but it was worth we attended was great also.
No desire to visit Asia....Europe, now that's a different story
Like to get to the airport waaaaayyy ahead of time or just arrive in the nick of time?
0 -
I would definitely rather sit and wait than be running for a flght! No fun!
check-in online or wait until you are at the airport?
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Do it online
Brown bag it or buy the expensive junk food on the airplane?0 -
Buy something in the airport.
Aisle or window seat?
0 -
aisle seat
Care to visit the mediterranean or not?
0 -
Would you do the mediterranean by sea or land?
0 -
sea, with shore excursions
big cruise line ship or small yacht
0 -
small yacht for was most fun I ever had!!!
Cruise open water or island hop?
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Island hop...we did a Mediterranian cruise out of Greece - stopped at Santorini, Rhodes, Crete, Jerusalem and Cario. And it was a rehabbed Greek liner with only about 350 passengers - best trip!
Rather stay at a B&B or a hotel?
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Although B&Bs are romantic, I am more comfortable in a nice hotel. I enjoy the anonymity of a hotel.
Go for a hike or make a spa appointment?
0 -
Can I do both? Hard choice... I guess go hiking first!
Deep tissue massage or hot stones?