Hot stones....never actually had one but it sounds pretty good
rather use a steam room or sauna?
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not big on either, but might dip in the sauna before the steam room
if plastic surgery were painless and free...would you rather have a face lift or liposuction
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If it were free either would be good
East coast, or West coast
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West coast, love the rugged coastline, truly God's country out there.
(Ruth....I don't need lipo but could definitely use a good tummy tuck..if you hear of any plastic surgeon passing out free and painless tuck's, let me know!!!!!)
get most of your bills sent to you online or rather get them in the mail?
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Paperless, now!
Dogs or cats
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cats (like dogs too, but cats are easier)
have one pet or multiple pets
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right now, none but we always had at least one cat and one dog at the same time.
have someone who can care for your animals while you're away or have to board them?
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That is exactly why I don't have an animal now! I'm waiting till we are too old to travel anymore.
If you're going away do you have a neighbor pick up your mail or stop it at the post office?0 -
stop it at the PO
If the Postal Service stops Saturday mail delivery, will you miss it or not so much?
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not really
ever served on a jury or not
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angry about all the food recalls, or thinks its just hype
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Not angry but don't think it is hype.
Do you think produce from the grocery store is safer or better to buy at at a farmer's market?0 -
farmers market
rather be too hot or too cold
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too can always bundle up but when it's too can run naked and get no relief
Take OTC drugs for a cold or just try to do natural things like tea, honey and chicken soup?
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try to go natural but sometimes take a cold pill to alleviate symptoms.
I don't have a cold but may make some chicken soup today, that sounds so good.
Like soup with noodles or dumplings?
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chicken or vegetable soup
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vegetable soup.....mmmmm
With crackers or crusty bread?
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crusty bread.
Chili...with beans or without beans?
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Definitely with
With corn chips or corn bread?
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Neither, like oyster crackers like at Steak and Shake
Put catsup in your chili or maybe you like hot sauce?0 -
Hot sauce - unless it's on the spicier side.
Like the pizza's from Sam's or Costco that you can doctor up or rather order in?
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lazy, order in
rather have the meat lovers or vegetarian pizza
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I'm good with cheese only but DH wants MEAT!
Crust, thick or thin?0 -
skim milk or 2%
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I am trying the no dairy milks right now...Hempmilk, Almond milk, Coconut milk.
Soy or no thanks to soy?
0 -
no thanks
corn on the cob or creamed corn
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Corn on the Cob
Spaghetti, or Macaroni
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Spaghetti, wheat or spelt
marinara or meat sauce
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meat sauce
manicotti, or ravioli
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Rather cook Italian at home or go to an Italian restaurant?