Having lived in both, I must admit I prefer my new(er) one, with walk-in closets and an ensuite.
Light or dark hardwood floors?
0 -
rather sit on a porch swing or lay in a chaise lounge?
0 -
Porch swing, which I no longer have an miss dreadfully.
if you had to make a choice -pet snake or pet hamster?
0 -
a bird or a guinea pig
0 -
a guinea pig
hearty breakfast or barely breakfast?
0 -
barely...I have been trying to stick to the "serving size" on the cereal box! Are you KIDDING?
healthy cereals or the yummy sugary kind?
0 -
healthy cereals....don't like sugar in my cereal
jeans: wear them or avoid wearing them
0 -
wear them
if you need to wear a dress/skirt; below the knee or above the knee
0 -
When it is hot, short sleeves or sleeveless?0 -
peanuts in the shell or shelled?
0 -
in the shell is more fun
chicken; white or dark meat
0 -
white meat
(Plus -- with shelled peanuts, you eat fewer!)
Order from the buffet or off the menu?
0 -
should NOT do the buffet, but usually do....
would have liked to live in the days of the wagon trains/old west or no way
0 -
No way! I watched the PBS series about settlers in Montana and altough I have respect for those -- the life looked so hard and dirty and cold! And wagon trains --- how brave to set off for parts unknown, but I don't think I could live out of wagon,
live without TV or live without oven
0 -
I already live without a TV....but I could not live without my beloved oven!
Live without your cell phone or your computer?
0 -
give up the cell phone first
like sports in general or don't really care at all
0 -
don't really care, although I am oddly riveted by the NBA!
Interested in politics in general....or just insofar as it applies to you?
0 -
like sports
rather watch sports or be a participant
0 -
Suzanne....I'm a political animal.....I read, watch and listen. watching sports
rather have Chinese take-out or Mexican take-out?
0 -
maybe chinese tonight
sweet and sour soup or won ton soup (I adore sweet and sour soup!)
0 -
hot and sour soup. (not familiar with sweet and sour soup)
prefer to make a pot roast in the oven or in a crock pot?
0 - my cast iron skillet
man, I may need to make some.....that sounds good on a cold day!
never, ever fry anything or do every once and awhile (DH makes the most delicious fried fish)
0 -
every once in a while is OK (my DH makes crab cakes in the cast iron skillet mmm)
on a cold day, rather have a big mug of hot chocolate or hot spiced cider?
0 -
hot chocolate
Rather wear socks or slippers around the house?
0 -
like an electric blanket on those chilly nights, or no thanks?
0 -
no thanks
comforter or quilt
0 -
is your alarm clock set to music or a buzzer?
0 -
some kind of sound -- not sure if I would call it a buzzer though.
Shower at night or in the morning?
0 -
Always in the's a waker-upper and when I do shower at night (perhaps after rigorous activity) I'm a little at odds.
Take baths or showers?
0 -
both....I love a bath, but not daily.
Bath salts, bubbles or just hot water?