bubbles and loads of them!
muffins - bran or blueberry
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pancakes or french toast?
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French toast....which DH made for us this morning! mmmmmmm
With powdered sugar, strawberry jam or maple syrup?
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maple syrup
think there is life on other planets or not
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I think there must be
chocolate covered pretzels or chocolate covered cherries?
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mmmmm...chocolate covered cherries
chocolate: white, milk or dark
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pot roast or beef stew
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pot roast - like my mom makes!
another food question - onions -- fried or raw on burgers.
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Raw onions but I don't eat those too often.....fried onions become so sweet
(made a pot roast yesterday in the crock pot....yum)
feed a cold/starve a fever or feed a fever/starve a cold
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Feed a cold, including some fresh air and sunshine, if possible. But truly, I listen to my body and do what "feels" right.
And I sure hope you are feeling better today, WellWater!
Hoard postage stamps before the rates go up -or- just pay the price as you go?
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Hoard postage stamps. I don't use many since I bank online and they send out all my payments so the 100 forever stamps I bought should last a while.
(thanks, I do feel a little better, taking all the OTC stuff trying not to overdose)
Have an electric can opener or use an old-fashion hand held one?
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I use an old fashioned one....I think tomatoes are the only things I buy in cans anymore, and those are for emergency use only!
Prefer tomatoes raw or cooked?
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like red violet or orange red better
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orange red.... I like the brighness of it.
on pie - ice cream or whipped cream
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whipped for me please
cream pie or fruit pie
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fruit pie
berries or bananas in your cereal?
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both, will pick berries
blueberries or strawberries
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Strawberries! (but blueberries are nice, too.)
Would you rather own a boat or an RV?
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sailboat or speedboat
0 - can cruise or fly across the water
rather shop for a bathing suit or an evening gown?
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evening gown
ballroom dancing or dirty dancing
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Ballroom,it is so graceful (I however can't dance).
beautiful Spring day - Would you rather go to a flea market or a on a picnic
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a picnic
tulips or lilacs?
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love lilacs
if you could have (or had to have) one child; have a daughter or a son
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name your child(ren) after ancestors or not?
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Yes I would if I had childen. Had names picked out, too. I am named after my grandmother and my aunt . But my brothers weren't named after anyone - my mom just liked the sound of rhe names.
most important in kitchen - toaster or blender
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toaster - DH likes his sandwiches on toasted bread
more important in kitchen: coffee pot or juicer?
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teapot for for DH
kitchen stove and oven: gas or electric
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heat in your house: gas or electric?
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it's all electric in my house...gas for the stove would be so great, but I live on an "island" where I can't get gas piped in :-(
Like to cook or consider it a chore?