watch a movie
movie: prefer comedy or drama
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mani/pedi or just mani?
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ashamed to say, never had either. But mani/pedi, when I do finally get it done:)
lipstick or lipgloss?
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yeah, my airplane flights ask....
cookies or pretzels
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take your own food on a flight or buy the sandwiches they peddle
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take my own.
continuing the theme, airport scanner or manual patdown?
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patdown....I don't care how long I have to wait!
Bring a book or buy a magazine at the airport?
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I always bring a book. Reading magazines on the plane irks me, not sure why, but it must have something to do with not needing to concentrate.
window or aisle seat?0 -
Aisle seat.
Snack chips -- doritos or cheetos
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with tortilla chips: guacamole or salsa?
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rather live alone or have a room mate
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Room mate. I have never lived alone and don't think I'd like it.
Balance your checkbook every month or just glance at it before filing?
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balance it. I used to be able to do the math in my head but not anymore thanks to chemo.
Use the duplicate checks (with 'carbon' copies) or the check ledger?
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When buying things, write a check or use a debit/credit card?
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I still like to use checks and my husband laughs at me for this - he is electronic all the way!
Cleaning - all at one time or a little bit every day?
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All at once....I wish I was better at doing a bit every day. It's like I just wake up one day and everything is filthy! PMS (Pre Menstrual Scrubbing)
Muffins or Croissants?
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As a Montrealer I am almost ashamed to say muffins though it would depend on which part of the city I was in there are some amazing places to get croissant. By the way, here and in all French nations, the S on the plural form is silent.
Dark chocolate or milk chocolate?
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The darker the better!
With almonds or coconut? ...or maybe just plain?
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I like chocolate pretty much any way it comes so will say just plain & go from there.
fondue: chocolate or cheese?
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cheese. Love it! Made some on New Year's Eve.
Rather have nuts or popcorn to munch on?
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like both; will be healthier and say nuts
cashews or almonds
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Almonds...I eat handfuls every day and spread almond butter on my apple. (A friend uses a suggestion by Dr. Oz, who advocates eating 8 almonds every morning....put them in the microwave for 15 seconds, makes them softer and less liable to break your teeth eating them)
(Denis...thanks for the French language tip but how does one know if you mean 1 or more?)
Doing taxes: Use a software program or go to an accountant?
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For now, I am in denial....but will probably use a software program sometime in mid-April
taxes: usually owe or get a refund ?
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owe for federal, refund for district.
curry --- red or yellow?
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Neither. Curry is one spice I don't care for
TV Award shows: watch mainly to see dresses/haridos and play fashion police or bypass them
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Neither. Curry is one spice I don't care for
TV Award shows: watch mainly to see dresses/haridos and play fashion police or bypass them (and on the topic, does anyone think the new "mussy" hairdo - paired with a $5K dress looks good?)
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Watch the award shows - primarily the Oscars and Tony Awards.
BTW - Curry is not a spice it is a blend of spices that is why there are different colours, flavours and heats of curry.
The leader of your country is addressing the nation do you: Watch attentively or find something more interesting to do?
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I do watch attentively, always the eternal optimist hoping that something "brilliant" will be uttered.
(Then I stand corrected on Curry - it's a "flavor" I am not fond of)
Past lives: think there might be something to it or think it's utter nonsense?
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No, to the past lives.
Reading on the beach on a nice summer day - non-fiction or trashy fiction
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I am such a non-fiction geek!
rather have an old house with 'character' or a new one with big closets