- my age I'm afraid I'd break an ankle. Actually I don't think my ankles are strong enough to ice or roller skate but I sure did plenty of that as a kid.
rather go to a health club to exercise or have equipment at home to use?
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both, as long as I can count a DVD player and exercise DVDs as equipment.
walking: on the treadmill in the comfort of your own home or the sidewalk out in the elements?
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Outside in the elements-------but it would sure be nice to have a treadmill for the cold days! Reminds me, I need to get out there this morning----will have to bundle up today!
crossword puzzle or sudoku
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buy dessert or make it
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dessert: something baked or something frozen?
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apple pie or blueberry
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blueberry...which I will be making this weekend for my book club!
rather be a good singer or able to play an instrument really well
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where are you more likely to sing: in the shower or in the car?
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watch hockey or basketball
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Rather have eggs or danishes for breakfast?
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Eggs....I'm not a sweet eater at breakfast but I did hear an interesting "according to research" blurb the other day: Eating something sweet at breakfast is good for you...kicks your metabolsim into high gear, gives you energy (more than a granola bar) and you have the entire day to work it off". Take it for what it's worth
Rather watch a movie with someone or watch it alone
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With ssomeone, but don't mind watching alone..
popcorn: with or without butter
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butter and lots of it
drive with windows up or down
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if it's nice out, windows down.
apricots or figs?
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orange or grapefruit
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apples: tart or sweet?
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Have a routine with laundry and always start with the same load or just randomly select a load to throw in first? (Me ---- for some reason, I always start with a load of towels. Don't know why. Just do.)
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usually darks
dryer or hang out
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hang out if the weather permits love the smell
powder ot liquid laundry detergent
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iron lots of things at one time or just as needed. (Or not at all!)
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husband usually irons
hand wash or dry clean
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neither --- I 'handwash' in my delicate cycle of my washer.
Closets neat or messy?
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like a man with facial hair or clean shaven
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clean shaven
Ready to use pie crust or make your own from scratch
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ready to use
likes bright colors or neutral shades
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bright colors
when it comes to being "green" , are you Ed Begley Jr. in a dress or more of a slug?
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lol, slug
slippers or socks
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slippers with socks
choose your clothes more for style or more for comfort?
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to a wedding would you rather wear pants or a dress
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a dress
At a cookout, would you rather have a hot dog or a hamburger?