show grey
walk or swim
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Never thought I'd let my hair go grey but here I am. After my hair grew back in, I rec'd so many compliments because it is pure white around the face then gets darker the farther back it goes. So I'm saving time and money by not coloring it anymore.
Tea: prefer it hot or cold?
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Don't care for tea and prefer to swim.
Thin Mints or Trefoils?
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(Ah, somebody got their Girl Scout cookies, I see)
I think Trefoils. I placed my order so long ago and still haven't rec'd my delivery (not actually a bad thing but still.....)
rather watch a movie at home on a DVD or catch it at the show?
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watch at home
sleep on right or left side of bed
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I sleep on the left (when laying there), but it's the right side when standing looking at the bed...
wheat or rye?
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scrambled eggs or fried
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rather go out for breakfast or cook it at home
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I don't like breakfast food, so I'd rather cook it at home and make something I like better...
Chinese or Thai (food)
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I don't think I've ever had Thai food so I'll say Chinese.
Back to girl scout cookies -------- all gone within a week or two or put some in the freezer and save them?
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I cannot eat them (allergic to wheat) but if I could, they'd all be gone within a week!!!
some of my best friends are....
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former Girl Scouts, like me.
I will not even mention what we sold a box of GS cookies for back then!
Rather take a group of girls camping or shopping?
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walk by a lake or river?
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go fishing or read?
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Read. It is one of my favorite activities.
It is a lovely Spring day... you will work in your garden or go on a walk in the park.
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walk in the park....or better yet in the forest preserve on a trail
take a walk or ride a bike?
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Take a walk. It's nice to go slow, stop and gaze.
Fly or take the train?0 -
fly if I am in a hurry but the train is a more romantic way to travel
on a plane; the aisle or window seat
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aisle, I get claustrophobic
Where would you rather take a trip to: England or Greece?
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Greece......we were there twice in the 80''s always been a dream to go back. OOPAH
Do you (not would you rather) take a walk after dinner or plop in front of the tv?
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walk, except for Antiques Roadshow on Monday nights, TV is a vast wasteland.
rather spend Saturday morning hitting the garage sales or sleeping in?
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neither...but I'd rather sleep in than go to garage sale!
If you have a project to do: get up early and do it or work late into the night
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work late
you won the lottery - keep working or quit?
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quit - in fact get on a cruise ship or airplane or something and call and tell them I quit.
Go scuba diving or parachuting?
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Yikes - scuba I think
buy new shoes or a dress
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shoes, I think as long as they're comfortable.
Receive a bouquet from a florist or a plant from a nursery?
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Bouquet --- unless the plant from a nursery is something to be planted in the yard. If that is the case, I prefer that. Just don't want any house plants to take care of.
Rather have mashed potatoes or baked potato?
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Mashed with butter and garlic
lots of friends or a few loyal ones
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a few loyal
your computer is not your friend today --- push it into a snowdrift or shoot it0 -
LOL how about a complete defenestration? That means to throw it out the window!
fix it or buy a new one?