lol on the computer destruction fantasies!
DH would say buy a new one
Stay in a hotel or sleep in a camper
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will wear green on St. Patrick's Day or not
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sure, it's a fun tradition and I look good in emerald green.
on St. Patrick's Day, rather eat corned beef & cabbage or drink green beer?
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corned beef and cabbage
Decorate around your house for various holidays or only at Christmas?
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only for Christmas....but I do use various table place mats for a little holiday decorating
dye your eyebrows or use pencil?
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use pencil ( I didn't even know you could dye your eyebrows...)
buy designer clothes or make your own designer specials.
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access BCO from a laptop or a desktop computer?
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laptop @ the desktop since other one died, have yet to shoot it.
electric out after thunderstorm - so do you light candle and read or 'whatever' OR do you take flashlight out to hunt nightcrawlers?
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candle inside but it's the perfect time to go outside and see the stars without all the city lights.
telescope or microscope?
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can identify a lot of the constellations or just the major ones
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How about not even the major ones! I can find as many Big Dippers as you want me to!
Rather do a crossword puzzle or Sudoku?
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rather go to a museum featuring a King Tut Exhibit or a Titanic Exhibit
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King Tut - we saw the exhibit when it traveled to Chicago years ago and then were lucky enough to visit the museum in Cairo and see artifacts that never left to travel on tour.
(garden: eyebrow dye kits are sold in beauty supply stores but if you have your hair touched up at the salon, they can put some of the dye on your brows...lasts about 3 weeks)
Sunday evening news hour: 60 Minutes or Dateline?
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Dateline - our TV does not pick up all the chanels 60 Minutes is out.
If you had a free 60 mintues would you rather read or nap?
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Usually hold your tongue or speak your mind?
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Tend to just hold my tongue------I always think of the right thing to say later!
luxuriate in a bubble bath or just take a quick shower
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a few loyal ones
dessert time: apple pie or chocolate cake
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chocolate cake and quick shower
Hear the world news from Diane Sawyer or Brian Williams?
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Brian Williams
It's TV time - news or a movie?
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probably more like a sitcom
couch or recliner?
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rather go on a winter vacation to Florida or Arizona
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Arizona-----love the sunsets out west!
Playing board games....would you rather play Monopoly or Scrabble
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wish you were taller, shorter, or like your height
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A little taller would be nice----I have to use a chair to reach items in my kitchen cabinets----grrr
On a hot dog....mustard or ketchup
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saurkraut or chili on that dog?
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chili.........I also like cole slaw on a hot dog! Getting hungry.
what tastes better...a grilled hot dog or a hot dog at the baseball stadium
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haven't eaten a hot dog in years, so will say grill my own vs. a who-knows-what's-in-that dog.
veggie burger or tuna melt?
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tuna melt
with cheddar or swiss cheese
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it's breakfast: bacon and eggs or yoghurt and granola?
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bacon and eggs
if you had to pick an exercise: run laps or swim laps