hate to admit this but lately watch tv even though there is little to nothing worth watching. I go through phases of not being able to get into a book but I'm sure it'll pass.
cold or hot cereal for breakfast?
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Hot----I am really on an oatmeal kick lately
Grits or no grits when you have a southern breakfast
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instant oatmeal or made from scratch
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instant --- don't have time to make it since I leave the house at 6:40am.
Actually make a good breakfast on a Saturday morning or still pretty much eat the same thing you eat during the rest of the week?
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Eat the same----DH and DS are not breakfast eaters so me and DD just fend for ourselves.
Play the radio in the car or listen to CDs (I bet you see some pretty sunrises on your way to work, Faith!)
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No car, so no CDs. I read on the train as I don't like to have my ears covered if there is an announcement. When I do drive, I like to listen to the radio.
Time for brunch - eggs benedict or the Belgian waffles?
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Belgian waffles to splurge at Brunch!
maple syrup or blueberry syrup----with or without whipped cream
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blueberry syrup with whipping cream
when a kid - climb a tree or dig a hole?
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girly-girl or tomboy
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dug holes until I could climb the tree----then I was up there all the time!
going fishing-----bait your own hook or let the DH do it
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insomnia - wake your partner or suffer through it alone?
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suffer through it alone
shopping: prefer to do it alone or with a friend?
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Go shopping with a definite purpose or like to browse?
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In general, I don't shop unless I have a purpose....however, when you are looking for something in particular, it's pretty hard to find just what you are looking for! Which is why I don't like to shop.....hmmmmm maybe I should do more browsing?
Hi Faith....I have an oatmeal method that cooks itself! 1 1/2 cups of boiling water, pinch of salt and 1 cup rolled oats. Let boil for 1 minute and then take it off the burner cover and let stand 20 minutes. Thats it! Works great in a thermos (takes much less time in the thermos, actually)
Rather shop for housewares or clothing?
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Rather shop for new cookware or new bed linens?
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rather make own pizza or order it
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order it - gluten free crust
For dessert, rather have a piece of fruit or a piece of pie?
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take a nap sitting or in bed
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In bed! I love me a nap!!
An hour of napping or an hour of yoga?
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today - nap - I'm poopered
when commuting - mass transit or drive yourself?
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mass transit - love the freedom of not worrying about the car
roses or daisies?
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buttered popcorn or caramel popcorn
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buttered popcorn....lots of butter please
water or soft drink with that popcorn?
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What kind of movie are you going to watch while eating that popcorn - comedy or mystery/thriller?
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mystery but not too thrilling please
caramel corn or cheddar corn
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cheddar corn
sour cream and onion or vinegar chips?
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sour cream & onion
wear a sparkly red dress or subdued black
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little black dress
high heels or flats
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one or two piece swim suit
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one piece
on a hot day: sundress or shorts