tough it out bare handed....even though I have gloves under every sink in the house!
have to use an alarm to wake up early or no need for one
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no need for an alarm - I'm waking up super early these days for some reason.
pierced ears, or not?
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studs or hoops
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Wear a watch or use your cell phone to tell time? (This will separate the old timers from the youngsters lol).
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Eh? What did you say? Guess I'm an "old timer" and can't live without my watch--I feel naked if I'm not wearing it!
Meatloaf with ketchup or bar-b-que sauce?
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neither - salt and pepper is just fine but if I must, ketchup it is......
That made me laugh, Joanne. For years, I've said just that.... "I feel naked without my watch". I sleep with it and shower with it (buy waterproof only) and if it breaks, God forbid, I have to go out and get another immediately lol.
Jeans or dressy slacks
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slacks....I have never found jeans to be all that comfortable...
(I am another one who is 'naked' without a watch on)
eat your fruit naked or put whipped cream/topping on it?
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usually eat fruit plain and simple - although yesterday I made strawberry shortcake, with plenty of whipped cream!
like to carry a big purse/bag, or smaller one
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small one - if I carry a big one it just gets full and too heavy. I seem to be unable to control the amount of "stuff" I put into a purse if I don't limit the size!
Put everything in the dish washer or wash some things by hand
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about 50-50 between dishwasher and by hand
Be early for an appt. or tend to run a bit late.
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The license plate on my van reads: "NVR ERLY" Get it? It's a kinder version of "ALWS LATE" (which was taken Yep--I'm usually late for appts. Trying to be better!
Prefer sandals with strap between toes or across toes?
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Across the toes...between reminds me too much of flip-flops
(Joanne....if I'm not 15 mins early to an appt, I consider myself late - I have come in 5 mins early and apologized for being late)
keep the a/c on for pretty much the whole summer or turn it off the minute temps cool off into the lower 80's
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We don't have a/c in our house now, we're in the hills and don't really need it. It generally gets a bit warm in late July though. When I do have a/c, I usually keep it on the entire summer because of allergies.
What about heat in the house? Furnace, fireplace, radiant floor heating ...... funny to think about as summer approaches!
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just on the grid for electric or solar panel/wind mill etc for add on?
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Solar panel on roof quit working 17 yrs. ago--too expensive to repair/replace
Floss before brushing or after?
(Wellwater--I hope to someday live up to your example of being prompt! )
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Floss before brushing....
Charge as many bills to your credit card as possible or write checks for each bill?
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pay most online with my Chase account so I quess the answer is neither...
Joanne, I have never been on time for anything in my life I don't think. My mom used to push me to hurry. She would nag and say "It's better to be 20 minutes early than 2 minutes late" ... I think I am still in some sort of rebellious mode at 62 lol.
for snacks, sweet or salty ??
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the best combo is sweet AND salty but if I have to choose, I'll probably go sweet.
Like to munch in the evening or no food after dinner?
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sadly, munch
ice cream cake or regular cake
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ice cream cake
your idea of an excellent evening: going out to dinner and a show or staying home and snuggling with your SO and maybe a glass of wine
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most of the time - staying in with hubby, enjoying a nice dinner that we prepared together, and a glass of wine. I do like occasional nights out though.
what do you prefer - little car or big car?
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that's a tough one - little one for environmental reasons but big one for comfort. If I had to go buy a car today, it would be a small one. We NEED to conserve...
make up or natural
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(Bev--Glad to have company in the rebellious missing-the-prompt-gene category--ha!
(Gardengumby--I agree-sweet AND salty is the best, especially my favortie fix from Indiana Popcorn brand kettlecorn)
make-up most of the time (I have small, saggy eyes)
grilled chicken or crispy?
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rather visit a national park or a national monument
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take a guided tour or wander around on your own?
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professional manicure or do your own
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do my own
have neat or messy handwriting
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well - it depends.... but mostly neat.
wear a hat in the sun or not?
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not...but should to protect the dye job!
good about using sunscreen or not so good
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not so good
prefer hot and humid or hot and dry