rather live where it is cold but sunny most of the time or mild but rainy most of the time
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can I pick one from Column A and one from Column B? as in sunny and mild? If that's not fair, I'll take cold and sunny
Rather live in a big city or in the country?
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live in a big city, with trips to the country on weekends
bird watcher, or not
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bird watcher and feeder
prefer to vacation in the South Pacific or Europe
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South Pacific - though I've never been to Europe, so who knows....
like to eat spicy food or prefer mild
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pack light or always bring too much
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Always bring too much no matter how "light" I pack. I hate packing by the way..even though you didn't ask...thought I'd throw that in there....
like it when people drop in unexpectedly or prefer advance notice?
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definitely prefer advance notice
Prefer Italian food or Chinese food.
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Love I'll go with Italian, had Chinese over the weekend.
pizza or calzone
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thick crust or thin crust
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thin and crispy...
hotdog or hamburger?
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hamburger but only one made at home
thick plushy towels or thin scratchy ones?
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rather be lost in a desert on adrift on a raft in the ocean (I just read a book about three airmen lost at sea when their plane went down)
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adrift on a raft in the ocean....hate desert sand, love water. (Ruth what was the name of the book?)
rather shop for a bathing suit or an evening gown?
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that is hard because if it were a bathing suit that would mean I'd be going to the beach, if it were an evening gown that would mean I'd be going to a really fancy party with wonderful appetizers and champaigne.....being that I would be more covered in the gown, I will go with that....
so would you rather be at the beach, or the fancy party
WellWater, the book is Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand (who wrote Seabiscuit) It is "A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption". Very, very remarkable.
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at the beach - hands down (warm beach, though - I'm not that found of cold, rainy wind-swept beaches, anymore).
white wine or red at your party?
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serve both - although these days I'm drinking red wine because of its benefits
about that evening gown - classic black or daring red
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Classic black.
Cottage on the beach or a cabin in the mountains?
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rather be in the cottage or a resort
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ooohhhh, that's more difficult. Usually cottage, though, all other things being equal.
swim in the pool or the ocean
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the warm ocean water of Florida or the brisk ocean water of Massachusetts
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warm warm warm
Florida or Hawaii?
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stay on one island or cruise around the islands
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Stay on one island
which island?
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Santorini, Greece. Heaven on earth, when it's not tourist season
Your birthday - make a big affair of it, or no big deal
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big deal between my DH and I, but outside of that, no big deal
anniversary - celebrated just between the two of you, or have a big splash with kids, grandkids, relative, etc.
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If we ever could, we'd celebrate by ourselves....last year my nephew graduated on our anniversary, the year before a niece got married on that date, and something was going on the year before that too!
Rather get a sentimental card or a funny card (in general, not for an anniversary)
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funny card
rather go to a museum or a broadway show?
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argh...that is too hard! I think I will go to the show
a science museum or history museum
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history museum - I love seeing the really ancient stuff - maybe I don't feel quite so old then????
ice tea - sweet or not?