I'm allergic to horses - so probably mules as well - I'll try a camel
soup: noodles or just vegetables
0 -
Just vegetables (noodles make me sick unless there rice noodles)
Water: Ice or no ice0 -
snow cones or popsicles
0 -
Tough one...snow cones
Flavor: cherry or grape0 -
oh boy, tough pick..have to say ummmmmmmm cherry
having somenone style your hair or you do it yourself (be nice i'm a hairdresser ha ha)
0 -
Style it (in fact I'm heading to the hairdresser in half an hour)
read curled up in a hammock or in bed
0 -
Beds nice but hammocks "nicer"
Make a snowman or have hot chocolate0 -
make a snowman
pedicure or manicure
0 -
Grass or sand0 -
sand if it means I'm at the beach, grass if I'm in my yard.
rather have a vacation home in Arizona or Florida
0 -
Good answer Ruth:)
Arizona-closer & family there
Race car driver or horse racer0 -
horse racer
sky dive or hot air balloon
0 - air balloon
Rock climbing or parasailing0 -
rock climbing
white water rapids or mogul skiing
0 -
Zip line or rock repelling0 -
rock repelling. ( since i already climbed it a couple posts ago).ha ha
wearing hats or coats with hoods
0 -
Coats w/hoods
Books: Audio or hand held0 -
paper backs (can't get used to audio)
e-bay shopping or going to stores
0 -
To the store (there something about getting out & trying things on:)
Car: Truck or mini cooper0 -
truck (better traveling)
regular candles or the new electric ones
0 -
Regular smell better
RV or hotel0 -
hotel w/breakfast in bed
rainy days or sunny days
(i cant seem to answer without commentary) lol
0 -
Amazing Race or Americas got talent
(me either...don't know why. It's fun to read the commentary:)0 -
neither, but i will pick ammericas got talent
watching the debates or watching the commentary after
0 -
Lol-both...well trying to pay attention to all.
Work: in a gadget store or cloths store0 -
if a salesperson, would you always tell the customer they looked good/needed the product no matter what or tell them the truth
0 -
The truth, well my opinion:)
Hot dogs or corn dogs
(good ? Ruth:)0 -
Both...but today I'll take hot dogs
craft fair or state fair0 -
I would gently tell the truth
can do a craft well enough to sell it or not (if so, what?)
0 -
Haha not talented enough to sell crafts.
Cotton Candy or Carmel apple0